path: root/clang/utils
diff options
authorJustin Bogner <mail@justinbogner.com>2023-08-02 16:04:28 -0700
committerJustin Bogner <mail@justinbogner.com>2023-08-15 14:26:40 -0700
commit9478f661c26fbc22491218477917df5d8d73c51c (patch)
treef84c6bb1039c8359d6d4c86f3e5fa033a1c68480 /clang/utils
parent3c5b4dabdc06dd380391ac965b16961610c0db77 (diff)
[Driver] Refactor to use llvm Option's new Visibility flags
This is a big refactor of the clang driver's option handling to use the Visibility flags introduced in https://reviews.llvm.org/D157149. There are a few distinct parts, but they can't really be split into separate commits and still be made to compile. 1. We split out some of the flags in ClangFlags to ClangVisibility. Note that this does not include any subtractive flags. 2. We update the Flag definitions and OptIn/OptOut constructs in Options.td by hand. 3. We introduce and use a script, update_options_td_flags, to ease migration of flag definitions in Options.td, and we run that on Options.td. I intend to remove this later, but I'm committing it so that downstream forks can use the script to simplify merging. 4. We update calls to OptTable in the clang driver, cc1as, flang, and clangd to use the visibility APIs instead of Include/Exclude flags. 5. We deprecate the Include/Exclude APIs and add a release note. *if you are running into conflicts with this change:* Note that https://reviews.llvm.org/D157150 may also be the culprit and if so it should be handled first. The script in `clang/utils/update_options_td_flags.py` can help. Take the downstream side of all conflicts and then run the following: ``` % cd clang/include/clang/Driver % ../../../utils/update_options_td_flags.py Options.td > Options.td.new % mv Options.td.new Options.td ``` This will hopefully be sufficient, please take a look at the diff. Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D157151
Diffstat (limited to 'clang/utils')
2 files changed, 190 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/clang/utils/TableGen/ClangOptionDocEmitter.cpp b/clang/utils/TableGen/ClangOptionDocEmitter.cpp
index 3e56c02..242f032 100644
--- a/clang/utils/TableGen/ClangOptionDocEmitter.cpp
+++ b/clang/utils/TableGen/ClangOptionDocEmitter.cpp
@@ -40,25 +40,24 @@ struct DocumentedGroup : Documentation {
Record *Group;
-static bool hasFlag(const Record *Option, StringRef OptionFlag) {
- for (const Record *Flag : Option->getValueAsListOfDefs("Flags"))
+static bool hasFlag(const Record *Option, StringRef OptionFlag,
+ StringRef FlagsField) {
+ for (const Record *Flag : Option->getValueAsListOfDefs(FlagsField))
if (Flag->getName() == OptionFlag)
return true;
if (const DefInit *DI = dyn_cast<DefInit>(Option->getValueInit("Group")))
- for (const Record *Flag : DI->getDef()->getValueAsListOfDefs("Flags"))
+ for (const Record *Flag : DI->getDef()->getValueAsListOfDefs(FlagsField))
if (Flag->getName() == OptionFlag)
return true;
return false;
static bool isOptionVisible(const Record *Option, const Record *DocInfo) {
- for (StringRef Exclusion : DocInfo->getValueAsListOfStrings("ExcludedFlags"))
- if (hasFlag(Option, Exclusion))
+ for (StringRef IgnoredFlag : DocInfo->getValueAsListOfStrings("IgnoreFlags"))
+ if (hasFlag(Option, IgnoredFlag, "Flags"))
return false;
- if (!DocInfo->getValue("IncludedFlags"))
- return true;
- for (StringRef Inclusion : DocInfo->getValueAsListOfStrings("IncludedFlags"))
- if (hasFlag(Option, Inclusion))
+ for (StringRef Mask : DocInfo->getValueAsListOfStrings("VisibilityMask"))
+ if (hasFlag(Option, Mask, "Visibility"))
return true;
return false;
diff --git a/clang/utils/update_options_td_flags.py b/clang/utils/update_options_td_flags.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9271b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/utils/update_options_td_flags.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Update Options.td for the flags changes in https://reviews.llvm.org/Dxyz
+This script translates Options.td from using Flags to control option visibility
+to using Vis instead. It is meant to be idempotent and usable to help update
+downstream forks if they have their own changes to Options.td.
+% update_options_td_flags.py path/to/Options.td > Options.td.new
+% mv Options.td.new path/to/Options.td
+This script will be removed after the next LLVM release.
+import argparse
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+def rewrite_option_flags(input_file, output_file):
+ for src_line in input_file:
+ for dst_line in process_line(src_line):
+ output_file.write(dst_line)
+def process_line(line):
+ # We only deal with one thing per line. If multiple things can be
+ # on the same line (like NegFlag and PosFlag), please preprocess
+ # that first.
+ m = re.search(r'((NegFlag|PosFlag)<[A-Za-z]+, |BothFlags<)'
+ r'\[([A-Za-z0-9, ]+)\](, \[ClangOption\]|(?=>))', line)
+ if m:
+ return process_boolflags(m.group(3), line[:m.end(1)], line[m.end():])
+ m = re.search(r'\bFlags<\[([A-Za-z0-9, ]*)\]>', line)
+ if m:
+ return process_flags(m.group(1), line[:m.start()], line[m.end():])
+ m = re.search(r'let Flags = \[([A-Za-z0-9, ]*)\]', line)
+ if m:
+ return process_letflags(m.group(1), line[:m.start(1)], line[m.end():])
+ return [line]
+def process_boolflags(flag_group, prefix, suffix):
+ flags = [f.strip() for f in flag_group.split(',')] if flag_group else []
+ if not flags:
+ return f'{prefix}[], [ClangOption]{suffix}'
+ flags_to_keep, vis_mods = translate_flags(flags)
+ flag_text = f'[{", ".join(flags_to_keep)}]'
+ vis_text = f'[{", ".join(vis_mods)}]'
+ new_text = ', '.join([flag_text, vis_text])
+ if prefix.startswith('Both'):
+ indent = ' ' * len(prefix)
+ else:
+ indent = ' ' * (len(prefix) - len(prefix.lstrip()) + len('XyzFlag<'))
+ return get_edited_lines(prefix, new_text, suffix, indent=indent)
+def process_flags(flag_group, prefix, suffix):
+ flags = [f.strip() for f in flag_group.split(',')]
+ flags_to_keep, vis_mods = translate_flags(flags)
+ flag_text = ''
+ vis_text = ''
+ if flags_to_keep:
+ flag_text = f'Flags<[{", ".join(flags_to_keep)}]>'
+ if vis_mods:
+ flag_text += ', '
+ if vis_mods:
+ vis_text = f'Visibility<[{", ".join(vis_mods)}]>'
+ return get_edited_lines(prefix, flag_text, vis_text, suffix)
+def process_letflags(flag_group, prefix, suffix):
+ is_end_comment = prefix.startswith('} //')
+ if not is_end_comment and not prefix.startswith('let'):
+ raise AssertionError(f'Unusual let block: {prefix}')
+ flags = [f.strip() for f in flag_group.split(',')]
+ flags_to_keep, vis_mods = translate_flags(flags)
+ lines = []
+ if flags_to_keep:
+ lines += [f'let Flags = [{", ".join(flags_to_keep)}]']
+ if vis_mods:
+ lines += [f'let Visibility = [{", ".join(vis_mods)}]']
+ if is_end_comment:
+ lines = list(reversed([f'}} // {l}\n' for l in lines]))
+ else:
+ lines = [f'{l} in {{\n' for l in lines]
+ return lines
+def get_edited_lines(prefix, *fragments, indent=' '):
+ out_lines = []
+ current = prefix
+ for fragment in fragments:
+ if fragment and len(current) + len(fragment) > 80:
+ # Make a minimal attempt at reasonable line lengths
+ if fragment.startswith(',') or fragment.startswith(';'):
+ # Avoid wrapping the , or ; to the new line
+ current += fragment[0]
+ fragment = fragment[1:].lstrip()
+ out_lines += [current.rstrip() + '\n']
+ current = max(' ' * (len(current) - len(current.lstrip())), indent)
+ current += fragment
+ if current.strip():
+ out_lines += [current]
+ return out_lines
+def translate_flags(flags):
+ driver_flags = [
+ 'HelpHidden',
+ 'RenderAsInput',
+ 'RenderJoined',
+ 'RenderSeparate',
+ ]
+ custom_flags = [
+ 'NoXarchOption',
+ 'LinkerInput',
+ 'NoArgumentUnused',
+ 'Unsupported',
+ 'LinkOption',
+ 'Ignored',
+ 'TargetSpecific',
+ ]
+ flag_to_vis = {
+ 'CoreOption': ['ClangOption', 'CLOption', 'DXCOption'],
+ 'CLOption': ['CLOption'],
+ 'CC1Option': ['ClangOption', 'CC1Option'],
+ 'CC1AsOption': ['ClangOption', 'CC1AsOption'],
+ 'FlangOption': ['ClangOption', 'FlangOption'],
+ 'FC1Option': ['ClangOption', 'FC1Option'],
+ 'DXCOption': ['DXCOption'],
+ 'CLDXCOption': ['CLOption', 'DXCOption'],
+ }
+ new_flags = []
+ vis_mods = []
+ has_no_driver = False
+ has_flang_only = False
+ for flag in flags:
+ if flag in driver_flags or flag in custom_flags:
+ new_flags += [flag]
+ elif flag in flag_to_vis:
+ vis_mods += flag_to_vis[flag]
+ elif flag == 'NoDriverOption':
+ has_no_driver = True
+ elif flag == 'FlangOnlyOption':
+ has_flang_only = True
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError(f'Unknown flag: {flag}')
+ new_vis_mods = []
+ for vis in vis_mods:
+ if vis in new_vis_mods:
+ continue
+ if has_no_driver and vis == 'ClangOption':
+ continue
+ if has_flang_only and vis == 'ClangOption':
+ continue
+ new_vis_mods += [vis]
+ return new_flags, new_vis_mods
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('src', nargs='?', default='-',
+ type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='UTF-8'))
+ parser.add_argument('-o', dest='dst', default='-',
+ type=argparse.FileType('w', encoding='UTF-8'))
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ rewrite_option_flags(args.src, args.dst)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()