path: root/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib')
26 files changed, 9822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/BlueGnu_target.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/BlueGnu_target.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1a9363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/BlueGnu_target.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# This script create a BlueGnu Target object
+verbose "BlueGnu Target Information ****" 3
+proc BlueGnu {args} {
+ global nspTestSuite auto_path env
+ global testCases
+ verbose "@@@@@@@@@@@ BlueGnu Target Initialization Procedure @@@@@@@@@@@"
+ verbose " auto_path:\n >$auto_path<" 5
+ #
+ # Create the BlueGnu Target Object, which need to be returned.
+ #
+ namespace eval $nspTestSuite {
+ set args [uplevel 1 set args]
+ verbose "Arguments: $args (are not used)" 3
+ verbose "======= BlueGnu Procedure creates Target Object" 3
+ # Check argument and remove the local argument from the list
+ # All argument that do not contain a equal sign are also removed
+ set i 0
+ catch {unset rmList}
+ foreach arg $args {
+ if {!$i} {
+ if {[llength [split $arg "="]] == 1} {
+ uplevel set eInterface $arg
+ lappend rmList $i
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string compare [lindex [split $arg "="] 0] \
+ "testCases"] == 0} {
+ uplevel set testCases [lindex [split $arg "="] 1]
+ lappend rmList $i
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ if {[info exists rmList]} {
+ #puts "rmList >$rmList<"
+ for {set i [expr [llength $rmList] - 1]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
+ set args [lreplace $args $i $i]
+ }
+ }
+ verbose "Arguments (passed): $args" 5
+ verbose "Arguments (used): $args" 3
+ set target [eval [concat createTarget $args]]
+ if {! [string match ::* $target]} {
+ set target [namespace current]::$target
+ }
+ debug {Target name >$target<} 3
+ # Save all Environment Variables so they may be cleared!
+ #
+ [$target environment] saveEnv
+ }
+ # Return the name of the Target Object that has been created
+ # This should be the last statement
+ return [namespace eval $nspTestSuite {set target}]
+proc BlueGnu_start {} {
+ verbose "@@@@@@@@@@@ Starting BlueGnu Environment @@@@@@@@@@@"
+proc BlueGnu_load {} {
+ verbose "@@@@@@@@@@@ Load BlueGnu Environment @@@@@@@@@@@"
+proc BlueGnu_exit {} {
+ verbose "@@@@@@@@@@@ Exit BlueGnu Environment @@@@@@@@@@@"
+proc BlueGnu_version {} {
+ verbose "@@@@@@@@@@@ Version BlueGnu Environment @@@@@@@@@@@"
+proc BlueGnu_overwrite {szNamespace} {
+ # Modify output procedures to return instead of doing output
+ #
+ uplevel #0 {
+ rename send_user send_user_saved
+ rename send_error send_error_saved
+ rename send_log send_log_saved
+ }
+ proc ::send_user args "set ${szNamespace}::sending(USER) 1"
+ proc ::send_error args "set ${szNamespace}::sending(ERROR) 1"
+ proc ::send_log args "set ${szNamespace}::sending(LOG) 1"
+proc BlueGnu_restore {} {
+ # Restore original procedures
+ #
+ uplevel #0 {
+ rename send_user ""
+ rename send_error ""
+ rename send_log ""
+ rename send_user_saved send_user
+ rename send_error_saved send_error
+ rename send_log_saved send_log
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/Default_target.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/Default_target.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66b20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/Default_target.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# This script create a Default Target object
+verbose "Default Target Information ****" 3
+proc Default {args} {
+ global nspTestSuite auto_path env
+ global testCases
+ verbose "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
+ verbose "@@@@@@@ Default Target Initialization Procedure"
+ verbose {@@@@@@@ auto_path:\n [join [split $auto_path] \
+ "\n "]} 4
+ #
+ # Create the Default Target Object, which need to be returned.
+ #
+ namespace eval $nspTestSuite {
+ set args [uplevel 1 set args]
+ verbose "Arguments: $args (are not used)" 3
+ verbose "======= Default Procedure creates Target Object" 3
+ # Check argument and remove the local argument from the list
+ # All argument that do not contain a equal sign are also removed
+ set i 0
+ catch {unset rmList}
+ foreach arg $args {
+ if {!$i} {
+ if {[llength [split $arg "="]] == 1} {
+ uplevel set eInterface $arg
+ lappend rmList $i
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string compare [lindex [split $arg "="] 0] \
+ "testCases"] == 0} {
+ uplevel set testCases [lindex [split $arg "="] 1]
+ lappend rmList $i
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ if {[info exists rmList]} {
+ #puts "rmList >$rmList<"
+ for {set i [expr [llength $rmList] - 1]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
+ set args [lreplace $args $i $i]
+ }
+ }
+ verbose "Arguments (passed): $args" 5
+ verbose "Arguments (used): $args" 3
+ set target [eval [concat createTarget $args]]
+ if {! [string match ::* $target]} {
+ set target [namespace current]::$target
+ }
+ debug {Target name >$target<} 3
+ # Save all Environment Variables so they may be cleared!
+ #
+ [$target environment] saveEnv
+ }
+ # Return the name of the Target Object that has been created
+ # This should be the last statement
+ return [namespace eval $nspTestSuite {set target}]
+proc Default_start {} {
+ verbose "@@@@@@@ Starting Default Environment"
+proc Default_load {} {
+ verbose "@@@@@@@ Load Default Environment"
+proc Default_exit {} {
+ verbose "@@@@@@@ Exit Default Environment"
+ verbose "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
+proc Default_version {} {
+ verbose "@@@@@@@ Version Default Environment"
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/Types.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/Types.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2ef2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/Types.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# -*-Tcl-*-
+# This [incr Tcl] library script contains type definitions
+# Type super class
+if {[string length [info commands debug]] == 0} {
+ proc debug {args} {}
+class Type {
+ variable _value
+ variable _valueSaved
+ variable _voidPtr
+ variable _bVoid
+ protected variable _currentNamespace
+ protected variable _lProc
+ protected variable _upLevel
+ constructor args {
+ debug {======= Constructor: [info class] $this $args} 3
+ # Go up in the inheritance tree
+ debug { Go up inheritance tree} 4
+ set level 1
+ if {[string compare [info class] ::Type] != 0} {
+ debug { level set to >1<} 5
+ while {[string compare [info class] \
+ [uplevel $level {namespace current}]] != 0} {
+ debug {>[info class]< != >[uplevel $level\
+ {namespace current}]<} 5
+ incr level
+ debug { level incrmented to >$level<} 5
+ }
+ debug {>[info class]< == >[uplevel $level\
+ {namespace current}]<} 5
+ incr level
+ regsub {^::} [uplevel $level {namespace current}] "" currentNamespace
+ } else {
+ regsub {^::} [uplevel {namespace current}] "" currentNamespace
+ }
+ set upLevel [expr [info level] - $level]
+ set lProc [info level $upLevel]
+ debug { Called from level: >$upLevel<} 4
+ debug { Called from : >$lProc<} 4
+ debug { Current namespace: >$currentNamespace<} 4
+ #catch {puts " [uplevel "info body [lindex $lProc 0]"]"}
+ set _bVoid 0
+ set _voidPtr 0
+ if {[llength $args] > 0} {
+ set _value [lindex $args 0]
+ } else {
+ set _value ""
+ }
+ if {$upLevel == 0} {
+ debug {Called from global} 4
+ set $this $_value
+ debug {this variable: [set $this]} 4
+ trace variable $this rwu traceType
+ } elseif {[string length $currentNamespace] && \
+ [string length $lProc]} {
+ debug {Called from procedure in namespace} 4
+ debug { this: >$this<} 4
+ debug {set $this >$_value<}
+ catch {
+ uplevel #$upLevel set [namespace tail $this] \"$_value\"
+ uplevel #$upLevel trace variable [namespace tail $this] \
+ rwu traceType
+ } szErrMsg; debug { szErrMsg: >$szErrMsg<} 4
+ } elseif {[string length $currentNamespace]} {
+ debug {Called from namespace} 4
+ debug {set $this >$_value<}
+ catch {
+ namespace eval ${currentNamespace} "set $this \"$_value\"\n\
+ trace variable $this rwu traceType"
+ } szErrMsg
+ debug { TRACE set} 4
+ debug { szErrMsg: >$szErrMsg<} 4
+ } else {
+ debug {Called from procedure} 4
+ set var [namespace tail $this]
+ uplevel "set $var $_value"
+ debug {this variable: [uplevel "set $var"]} 4
+ uplevel "trace variable $var rwu traceType"
+ }
+ }
+ destructor {
+ debug {======= destructor $this} 3
+ set calledFrom [lindex [split [info level [expr [info level] - 1]]] 0]
+ debug { calledFrom: >$calledFrom<} 4
+ debug { >[info level [expr [info level] - 1]]<} 4
+ # just return when called from traceType
+ if {[string compare $calledFrom "traceType"] != 0} {
+ set var [namespace tail $this]
+ debug { var: >$var<} 4
+ debug { >[join [trace vinfo $var]]<} 4
+ debug { >[uplevel [join [trace vinfo $var]]]<} 4
+ debug { >[join [uplevel "trace vinfo $var"]]<} 4
+ catch {
+ debug {eval uplevel \"trace vdelete $var [join [uplevel "trace vinfo $var"]]\"} 4
+ eval uplevel "trace vdelete $var [join [uplevel "trace vinfo $var"]]"
+ uplevel unset $var
+ } szErrMsg; debug { #### szErrMsg: >$szErrMsg<} 4
+ }
+ }
+ public method value {args} {
+ if {[llength $args] > 0} {
+ set _value [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ return $_value
+ }
+ public method setNull {{ptr 0}} {
+ set _voidPtr $ptr
+ set _bVoid 1
+ }
+ public method unsetNull {} {
+ set _bVoid 0
+ }
+ public method isNull {} {
+ return $_bVoid
+ }
+ public method getNull {} {
+ return $_voidPtr
+ }
+proc traceType {name1 name2 ops} {
+ debug {======= traceType >$name1< >$name2< >$ops<} 3
+ upvar $name1 var
+ set upLevel [expr [info level] - 1]
+ set lProc [info level $upLevel]
+ regsub {^::} [uplevel {namespace current}] "" currentNamespace
+ debug { Called from level: >$upLevel<} 4
+ debug { level namespace : >[uplevel #$upLevel namespace current]<} 4
+ debug { Called from : >$lProc<} 4
+ debug { Current namespace: >$currentNamespace<} 4
+ if {$upLevel == 0} {
+ debug {Called from global} 4
+ switch $ops {
+ r {
+ set var [uplevel $name1 value]
+ }
+ w {
+ if [catch {$name1 value [set var]}] {
+ uplevel "$name1 value [set var]"
+ }
+ }
+ u {
+ uplevel delete object $name1
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {[string length $currentNamespace] && \
+ [string length $lProc]} {
+ debug {Called from procedure in namespace} 4
+ set var [uplevel ::itcl::find objects $name1]
+ debug { $name1 ->$var< = ><} 4
+ switch $ops {
+ r {
+ uplevel set $name1 [uplevel $var value]
+ }
+ w {
+ if [catch {uplevel $var value [uplevel set $name1]} szErrMsg] {
+ debug {####### Error: $szErrMsg} 4
+ }
+ }
+ u {
+ uplevel delete object $name1
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {[string length $currentNamespace]} {
+ debug {Called from namespace} 4
+ set var [uplevel "namespace which -variable $name1"]
+ debug { $name1 ->$var< = ><} 4
+ switch $ops {
+ r {
+ set $var [$var value]
+ }
+ w {
+ if [catch {$var value [set $var]} szErrMsg] {
+ debug {####### Error: $szErrMsg} 4
+ }
+ }
+ u {
+ debug {Deleting >$name1<} 4
+ debug { [namespace current]} 4
+ catch {delete object $name1}
+ debug { DONE!} 4
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug {Called from procedure} 4
+ switch $ops {
+ r {
+ set $name1 [$name1 value]
+ }
+ w {
+ if [catch {$name1 value [uplevel set $name1]}] {
+ uplevel "$name1 value [set $name1]"
+ }
+ }
+ u {
+ delete object $name1
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/bluegnu.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/bluegnu.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da02c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/bluegnu.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#! iexpect
+# This program is an Object Oriented version of the
+# DejaGnu's runtest program and DejaGnu is a subset.
+# BlueGnu implements a super set of a DejaGnu compatible test Framework
+# Copyright (C) 1998 jotOmega dsc, Inc.
+#This file is part of the BlueGnu Test Framework.
+# Load Application Framework Class and associated data
+source $env(BLUEGNULIB)/testSessionApplication.itcl
+append auto_path " [pwd]/lib"
+set objApplication [::BlueGnu::Application #auto szName=BlueGnu]
+$objApplication processArguments argv
+$objApplication execute
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/bug.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/bug.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d52182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/bug.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+#load_lib remote.exp
+# set target variables only if needed.
+global targetname
+global connectmode
+global env
+if ![info exists targetname] {
+ if [info exists env(TARGETNAME)] {
+ set targetname $env(TARGETNAME)
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Need a target name for the board."
+ puts stderr " Use the --name option\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+# the default connect program to use
+if ![info exists connectmode] {
+ set connectmode "tip"
+ warning "Using default of $connectmode for target communication."
+# Load a file into the bug monitor
+proc bug_load { shell_id file } {
+ global OBJCOPY
+ global shell_prompt
+ if { $shell_id < 0 } {
+ warning "$file not executed because there is no target."
+ return -1
+ }
+ # NOTE: this requires OBJCOPY to be tested first
+ catch "exec $OBJCOPY -O srec $file $file.srec" result
+ if ![string match "" $result] {
+ perror "Couldn't convert to srecord for downloading"
+ return -1
+ }
+ send -i $shell_id "lo 0\r"
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id "lo 0*" {
+ verbose "Got load command echo" 0
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ perror "Load command didn't echo back"
+ return -1
+ }
+ }
+ if { [download $file.srec $shell_id] < 0 } {
+ return -1
+ }
+ send -i $shell_id "\r\r"
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id -re "$shell_prompt.*$" {
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ perror "Load command didn't echo back"
+ return -1
+ }
+ }
+ catch "exec rm -f $file.srec"
+ return 0
+# Execute a program
+proc bug_execute { shell_id addr } {
+ global shell_prompt
+ global exec_output
+ set exec_output ""
+ if { $shell_id < 0 } {
+ warning "$arg not executed because there is no target."
+ return -1
+ }
+ send -i $shell_id "go $addr\r"
+ verbose "Sent execute command"
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id "*Effective address: $addr" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "$shell_prompt.*$" {
+ set exec_output $expect_out(buffer)
+ return 0
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ perror "Couldn't execute program (timed out)."
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/debugger.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/debugger.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dd0701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/debugger.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# Dump the values of a shell expression representing variable
+# names.
+proc dumpvars { args } {
+ uplevel 1 [list foreach i [uplevel 1 "info vars $args"] {
+ if { [catch "array names $i" names ] } {
+ eval "puts \"${i} = \$${i}\""
+ } else {
+ foreach k $names {
+ eval "puts \"$i\($k\) = \$$i\($k\)\""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+# dump the values of a shell expression representing variable
+# names.
+proc dumplocals { args } {
+ uplevel 1 [list foreach i [uplevel 1 "info locals $args"] {
+ if { [catch "array names $i" names ] } {
+ eval "puts \"${i} = \$${i}\""
+ } else {
+ foreach k $names {
+ eval "puts \"$i\($k\) = \$$i\($k\)\""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+# Dump the body of procedures specified by a regexp.
+proc dumprocs { args } {
+ foreach i [info procs $args] {
+ puts "\nproc $i \{ [info args $i] \} \{ [info body $i]\}"
+ }
+# Dump all the current watchpoints
+proc dumpwatch { args } {
+ foreach i [uplevel 1 "info vars $args"] {
+ set tmp ""
+ if { [catch "uplevel 1 array name $i" names] } {
+ set tmp [uplevel 1 trace vinfo $i]
+ if ![string match "" $tmp] {
+ puts "$i $tmp"
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach k $names {
+ set tmp [uplevel 1 trace vinfo [set i]($k)]
+ if ![string match "" $tmp] {
+ puts "[set i]($k) = $tmp"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Trap a watchpoint for an array
+proc watcharray { element type} {
+ upvar [set array]($element) avar
+ case $type {
+ "w" { puts "New value of [set array]($element) is $avar" }
+ "r" { puts "[set array]($element) (= $avar) was just read" }
+ "u" { puts "[set array]($element) (= $avar) was just unset" }
+ }
+proc watchvar { v type } {
+ upvar $v var
+ case $type {
+ "w" { puts "New value of $v is $var" }
+ "r" { puts "$v (=$var) was just read" }
+ "u" { puts "$v (=$var) was just unset" }
+ }
+# Watch when a variable is written
+proc watchunset { arg } {
+ if { [catch "uplevel 1 array name $arg" names ] } {
+ if ![uplevel 1 info exists $arg] {
+ puts stderr "$arg does not exist"
+ return
+ }
+ uplevel 1 trace variable $arg u watchvar
+ } else {
+ foreach k $names {
+ if ![uplevel 1 info exists $arg] {
+ puts stderr "$arg does not exist"
+ return
+ }
+ uplevel 1 trace variable [set arg]($k) u watcharray
+ }
+ }
+# Watch when a variable is written
+proc watchwrite { arg } {
+ if { [catch "uplevel 1 array name $arg" names ] } {
+ if ![uplevel 1 info exists $arg] {
+ puts stderr "$arg does not exist"
+ return
+ }
+ uplevel 1 trace variable $arg w watchvar
+ } else {
+ foreach k $names {
+ if ![uplevel 1 info exists $arg] {
+ puts stderr "$arg does not exist"
+ return
+ }
+ uplevel 1 trace variable [set arg]($k) w watcharray
+ }
+ }
+# Watch when a variable is read
+proc watchread { arg } {
+ if { [catch "uplevel 1 array name $arg" names ] } {
+ if ![uplevel 1 info exists $arg] {
+ puts stderr "$arg does not exist"
+ return
+ }
+ uplevel 1 trace variable $arg r watchvar
+ } else {
+ foreach k $names {
+ if ![uplevel 1 info exists $arg] {
+ puts stderr "$arg does not exist"
+ return
+ }
+ uplevel 1 trace variable [set arg]($k) r watcharray
+ }
+ }
+# Delete a watch point
+proc watchdel { args } {
+ foreach i [uplevel 1 "info vars $args"] {
+ set tmp ""
+ if { [catch "uplevel 1 array name $i" names] } {
+ catch "uplevel 1 trace vdelete $i w watchvar"
+ catch "uplevel 1 trace vdelete $i r watchvar"
+ catch "uplevel 1 trace vdelete $i u watchvar"
+ } else {
+ foreach k $names {
+ catch "uplevel 1 trace vdelete [set i]($k) w watcharray"
+ catch "uplevel 1 trace vdelete [set i]($k) r watcharray"
+ catch "uplevel 1 trace vdelete [set i]($k) u watcharray"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# This file creates GDB style commands for the Tcl debugger
+proc print { var } {
+ puts "$var"
+proc quit { } {
+ log_summary
+ exit
+proc bt { } {
+ puts "[w]"
+# create some stub procedures since we can't alias the command names
+proc dp { args } {
+ uplevel 1 dumprocs $args
+proc dv { args } {
+ uplevel 1 dumpvars $args
+proc dl { args } {
+ uplevel 1 dumplocals $args
+proc dw { args } {
+ uplevel 1 dumpwatch $args
+proc q { } {
+ quit
+proc p { args } {
+ uplevel 1 print $args
+proc wu { args } {
+ uplevel 1 watchunset $args
+proc ww { args } {
+ uplevel 1 watchwrite $args
+proc wr { args } {
+ uplevel 1 watchread $args
+proc wd { args } {
+ uplevel 1 watchdel $args
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/dejagnu.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/dejagnu.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35957cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/dejagnu.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#! iexpect
+# This program is a full compatible Object Oriented version of
+# DejaGnu's runtest program
+# Copyright (C) 1998 jotOmega dsc, Inc.
+#This file is part of BlueGnu.
+# Preemble
+# Check Environment variables:
+if [info exists env(BLUEGNULIBS)] {
+ set szToolsLib $env(BLUEGNULIBS)
+} else {
+ set szToolsLib [file dirname $argv0]
+ set PWD [pwd]
+ cd $szToolsLib
+ set szToolsLib [pwd]
+ cd $PWD
+ regsub {/bin$} $szToolsLib {/lib/bluegnu} szToolsLib
+ set env(BLUEGNULIBS) $szToolsLib
+if [info exists env(TESTSUITEROOT)] {
+ set szRootDir $env(TESTSUITEROOT)
+} else {
+ set szRootDir [pwd]
+ set env(TESTSUITEROOT) $szRootDir
+if [info exists env(DEBUG)] {
+ set bDebug 1
+} else {
+ set bDebug 0
+# Make sure that the testsuite root directory is our working directory
+# all tests name are relative to this directory
+cd $szRootDir
+# set the default tool. All test are relative to this directory.
+set szTool $szRootDir
+catch {unset lTool}
+lappend lTool $szTool
+# source basic utilities
+source $szToolsLib/testSessionClasses.itcl
+source $szToolsLib/testSessionFramework.itcl
+#source $szToolsLib/testSessionUtils.itcl
+verbose "Library : >$szToolsLib<"
+verbose "TestSuite: >$szRootDir<"
+verbose "$argv0 $argv" 5
+# from here we should use only defined utilities
+set szRootName [file rootname $argv0]
+puts "RootName : >$szRootName<"
+::TestSession::Queue Q0
+::TestSession::DejaGnu E0; # will load dejagnu.tcl
+while {! [catch {Q0 pop} T]} {
+ clone_output "Q0 element: $T"
+ runtest E0 $T
+delete object Q0
+delete object E0
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/dejagnu.tcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/dejagnu.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b48bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/dejagnu.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
+# Procedures that are used within DejaGnu
+puts "DejaGnu=======1.3"
+set frame_version 1.3
+if ![info exists argv0] {
+ send_error "Must use a version of Expect greater than 5.0\n"
+ exit 1
+# trap some signals so we know whats happening. These definitions are only
+# temporary until we read in the library stuff
+trap { send_user "\nterminated\n"; exit 1 } SIGTERM
+trap { send_user "\ninterrupted by user\n"; exit 1 } SIGINT
+trap { send_user "\nsegmentation violation\n"; exit 1 } SIGSEGV
+trap { send_user "\nsigquit\n"; exit 1 } SIGQUIT
+# Initialize a few global variables used by all tests.
+# `reset_vars' resets several of these, we define them here to document their
+# existence. In fact, it would be nice if all globals used by some interface
+# of dejagnu proper were documented here.
+# Keep these all lowercase. Interface variables used by the various
+# testsuites (eg: the gcc testsuite) should be in all capitals
+set mail_logs 0 ;# flag for mailing of summary and diff logs
+set psum_file "latest" ;# file name of previous summary to diff against
+set testcnt 0 ;# number of testcases that ran
+set passcnt 0 ;# number of testcases that passed
+set failcnt 0 ;# number of testcases that failed
+set xfailcnt 0 ;# number of testcases expected to fail which did
+set xpasscnt 0 ;# number of testcases that passed unexpectedly
+set warncnt 0 ;# number of warnings
+set errcnt 0 ;# number of errors
+set unsupportedcnt 0 ;# number of testcases that can't run
+set unresolvedcnt 0 ;# number of testcases whose result is unknown
+set untestedcnt 0 ;# number of untested testcases
+set exit_status 0 ;# exit code returned by this program
+set xfail_flag 0
+set xfail_prms 0
+set sum_file "" ;# name of the file that contains the summary log
+set base_dir "" ;# the current working directory
+set logname "" ;# the users login name
+set passwd ""
+set prms_id 0 ;# GNATS prms id number
+set bug_id 0 ;# optional bug id number
+set dir "" ;# temp variable for directory names
+set srcdir "." ;# source directory containing the test suite
+set ignoretests "" ;# list of tests to not execute
+set objdir "." ;# directory where test case binaries live
+set makevars "" ;# FIXME: Is this used anywhere?
+set reboot 0
+set configfile site.exp ;# (local to this file)
+set multipass "" ;# list of passes and var settings
+set target_abbrev "unix" ;# environment (unix, sim, vx, etc.).
+set errno ""; ;#
+# set communication parameters here
+set netport ""
+set targetname ""
+set connectmode ""
+set serialport ""
+set baud ""
+# These describe the host and target environments.
+set build_triplet "" ;# type of architecture to run tests on
+set build_os "" ;# type of os the tests are running on
+set build_vendor "" ;# vendor name of the OS or workstation the test are running on
+set build_cpu "" ;# type of the cpu tests are running on
+set host_triplet "" ;# type of architecture to run tests on, sometimes remotely
+set host_os "" ;# type of os the tests are running on
+set host_vendor "" ;# vendor name of the OS or workstation the test are running on
+set host_cpu "" ;# type of the cpu tests are running on
+set target_triplet "" ;# type of architecture to run tests on, final remote
+set target_os "" ;# type of os the tests are running on
+set target_vendor "" ;# vendor name of the OS or workstation the test are running on
+set target_cpu "" ;# type of the cpu tests are running on
+set target_alias "" ;# standard abbreviation of target
+# some convenience abbreviations
+if ![info exists hex] {
+ set hex "0x\[0-9A-Fa-f\]+"
+if ![info exists decimal] {
+ set decimal "\[0-9\]+"
+# set the base dir (current working directory)
+set base_dir [pwd]
+# These are tested in case they are not initialized in $configfile. They are
+# tested here instead of the init module so they can be overridden by command
+# line options.
+if ![info exists all_flag] {
+ set all_flag 0
+if ![info exists binpath] {
+ set binpath ""
+if ![info exists debug] {
+ set debug 0
+if 0 {
+ if ![info exists options] {
+ set options ""
+ }
+if ![info exists outdir] {
+ set outdir "."
+if ![info exists reboot] {
+ set reboot 1
+if ![info exists all_runtests] {
+ # FIXME: Can we create an empty array?
+ # we don't have to (JWN 20 March 1998)
+ #set all_runtests(empty) ""
+if ![info exists tracelevel] {
+ set tracelevel 0
+if ![info exists verbose] {
+ set verbose 0
+# verbose [-n] [-log] [--] message [level]
+# Print MESSAGE if the verbose level is >= LEVEL.
+# The default value of LEVEL is 1.
+# "-n" says to not print a trailing newline.
+# "-log" says to add the text to the log file even if it won't be printed.
+# Note that the apparent behaviour of `send_user' dictates that if the message
+# is printed it is also added to the log file.
+# Use "--" if MESSAGE begins with "-".
+# This is defined here rather than in framework.exp so we can use it
+# while still loading in the support files.
+proc verbose { args } {
+ global verbose
+ set newline 1
+ set logfile 0
+ set i 0
+ if { [string index [lindex $args 0] 0] == "-" } {
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $args] } { incr i } {
+ if { [lindex $args $i] == "--" } {
+ incr i
+ break
+ } elseif { [lindex $args $i] == "-n" } {
+ set newline 0
+ } elseif { [lindex $args $i] == "-log" } {
+ set logfile 1
+ } elseif { [string index [lindex $args $i] 0] == "-" } {
+ clone_output "ERROR: verbose: illegal argument: [lindex $args $i]"
+ return
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] == $i } {
+ clone_output "ERROR: verbose: nothing to print"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set level 1
+ if { [llength $args] > $i + 1 } {
+ set level [lindex $args [expr $i+1]]
+ }
+ set message [lindex $args $i]
+ if { $verbose >= $level } {
+ # There is no need for the "--" argument here, but play it safe.
+ # We assume send_user also sends the text to the log file (which
+ # appears to be the case though the docs aren't clear on this).
+ if { $newline } {
+ send_user -- "$message\n"
+ } else {
+ send_user -- "$message"
+ }
+ } elseif { $logfile } {
+ if { $newline } {
+ send_log "$message\n"
+ } else {
+ send_log "$message"
+ }
+ }
+# Transform a tool name to get the installed name.
+# target_triplet is the canonical target name. target_alias is the
+# target name used when configure was run.
+proc transform { name } {
+ global target_triplet
+ global target_alias
+ global host_triplet
+ if [string match $target_triplet $host_triplet] {
+ return $name
+ }
+ if [string match "native" $target_triplet] {
+ return $name
+ }
+ if [string match "" $target_triplet] {
+ return $name
+ } else {
+ set tmp ${target_alias}-${name}
+ verbose "Transforming $name to $tmp"
+ return $tmp
+ }
+# findfile arg0 [arg1] [arg2]
+# Find a file and see if it exists. If you only care about the false
+# condition, then you'll need to pass a null "" for arg1.
+# arg0 is the filename to look for. If the only arg,
+# then that's what gets returned. If this is the
+# only arg, then if it exists, arg0 gets returned.
+# if it doesn't exist, return only the prog name.
+# arg1 is optional, and it's what gets returned if
+# the file exists.
+# arg2 is optional, and it's what gets returned if
+# the file doesn't exist.
+proc findfile { args } {
+ # look for the file
+ verbose "Seeing if [lindex $args 0] exists." 2
+ if [file exists [lindex $args 0]] {
+ if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
+ verbose "Found file, returning [lindex $args 1]"
+ return [lindex $args 1]
+ } else {
+ verbose "Found file, returning [lindex $args 0]"
+ return [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if { [llength $args] > 2 } {
+ verbose "Didn't find file, returning [lindex $args 2]"
+ return [lindex $args 2]
+ } else {
+ verbose "Didn't find file, returning [file tail [lindex $args 0]]"
+ return [transform [file tail [lindex $args 0]]]
+ }
+ }
+# load_file [-1] [--] file1 [ file2 ... ]
+# Utility to source a file. All are sourced in order unless the flag "-1"
+# is given in which case we stop after finding the first one.
+# The result is 1 if a file was found, 0 if not.
+# If a tcl error occurs while sourcing a file, we print an error message
+# and exit.
+# ??? Perhaps add an optional argument of some descriptive text to add to
+# verbose and error messages (eg: -t "library file" ?).
+proc load_file { args } {
+ set i 0
+ set only_one 0
+ if { [lindex $args $i] == "-1" } {
+ set only_one 1
+ incr i
+ }
+ if { [lindex $args $i] == "--" } {
+ incr i
+ }
+ set found 0
+ foreach file [lrange $args $i end] {
+ verbose "Looking for $file" 2
+ if [file exists $file] {
+ set found 1
+ verbose "Found $file"
+ if { [catch "uplevel #0 source $file"] == 1 } {
+ send_error "ERROR: tcl error sourcing $file.\n"
+ global errorInfo
+ if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ send_error "$errorInfo\n"
+ }
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if $only_one {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $found
+# Parse the arguments the first time looking for these. We will ultimately
+# parse them twice. Things are complicated because:
+# - we want to parse --verbose early on
+# - we don't want config files to override command line arguments
+# (eg: $base_dir/$configfile vs --host/--target; $DEJAGNU vs --baud,
+# --connectmode, and --name)
+# - we need some command line arguments before we can process some config files
+# (eg: --objdir before $objdir/$configfile, --host/--target before $DEJAGNU)
+# The use of `arg_host_triplet' and `arg_target_triplet' lets us avoid parsing
+# the arguments three times.
+set arg_host_triplet ""
+set arg_target_triplet ""
+set arg_build_triplet ""
+set argc [ llength $argv ]
+for { set i 0 } { $i < $argc } { incr i } {
+ set option [lindex $argv $i]
+ # make all options have two hyphens
+ switch -glob -- $option {
+ "--*" {
+ }
+ "-*" {
+ set option "-$option"
+ }
+ }
+ # split out the argument for options that take them
+ switch -glob -- $option {
+ "--*=*" {
+ set optarg [lindex [split $option =] 1]
+ }
+ "--ba*" -
+ "--bu*" -
+ "--co*" -
+ "--ho*" -
+ "--i*" -
+ "--m*" -
+ "--n*" -
+ "--ob*" -
+ "--ou*" -
+ "--sr*" -
+ "--st*" -
+ "--ta*" -
+ "--to*" {
+ incr i
+ set optarg [lindex $argv $i]
+ }
+ }
+ switch -glob -- $option {
+ "--bu*" { # (--build) the build host configuration
+ set arg_build_triplet $optarg
+ continue
+ }
+ "--ho*" { # (--host) the host configuration
+ set arg_host_triplet $optarg
+ continue
+ }
+ "--ob*" { # (--objdir) where the test case object code lives
+ set objdir $optarg
+ continue
+ }
+ "--sr*" { # (--srcdir) where the testsuite source code lives
+ set srcdir $optarg
+ continue
+ }
+ "--ta*" { # (--target) the target configuration
+ set arg_target_triplet $optarg
+ continue
+ }
+ "--to*" { # (--tool) specify tool name
+ set tool $optarg
+ continue
+ }
+ "--v" -
+ "--verb*" { # (--verbose) verbose output
+ incr verbose
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+verbose "Verbose level is $verbose"
+# get the users login name
+if [string match "" $logname] {
+ if [info exists env(USER)] {
+ set logname $env(USER)
+ } else {
+ if [info exists env(LOGNAME)] {
+ set logname $env(LOGNAME)
+ } else {
+ # try getting it with whoami
+ catch "set logname [exec whoami]" tmp
+ if [string match "*couldn't find*to execute*" $tmp] {
+ # try getting it with who am i
+ unset tmp
+ catch "set logname [exec who am i]" tmp
+ if [string match "*Command not found*" $tmp] {
+ send_user "ERROR: couldn't get the users login name\n"
+ set logname "Unknown"
+ } else {
+ set logname [lindex [split $logname " !"] 1]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+verbose "Login name is $logname"
+# Begin sourcing the config files.
+# All are sourced in order.
+# Search order:
+# $HOME/.dejagnurc -> $base_dir/$configfile -> $objdir/$configfile
+# -> installed -> $DEJAGNU
+# ??? It might be nice to do $HOME last as it would allow it to be the
+# ultimate override. Though at present there is still $DEJAGNU.
+# For the normal case, we rely on $base_dir/$configfile to set
+# host_triplet and target_triplet.
+load_file ~/.dejagnurc $base_dir/$configfile
+# If objdir didn't get set in $base_dir/$configfile, set it to $base_dir.
+# Make sure we source $objdir/$configfile in case $base_dir/$configfile doesn't
+# exist and objdir was given on the command line.
+if [expr [string match "." $objdir] || [string match $srcdir $objdir]] {
+ set objdir $base_dir
+} else {
+ load_file $objdir/$configfile
+verbose "Using test sources in $srcdir"
+verbose "Using test binaries in $objdir"
+set execpath [file dirname $argv0]
+set libdir [file dirname $execpath]/bluegnu
+if [info exists env(BLUEGNULIBS)] {
+ set libdir $env(BLUEGNULIBS)
+verbose "Using $libdir to find libraries"
+# If the host or target was given on the command line, override the above
+# config files. We allow $DEJAGNU to massage them though in case it would
+# ever want to do such a thing.
+if { $arg_host_triplet != "" } {
+ set host_triplet $arg_host_triplet
+if { $arg_build_triplet != "" } {
+ set build_triplet $arg_build_triplet
+# if we only specify --host, then that must be the build machne too, and we're
+# stuck using the old functionality of a simple cross test
+if [expr { $build_triplet == "" && $host_triplet != "" } ] {
+ set build_triplet $host_triplet
+# if we only specify --build, then we'll use that as the host too
+if [expr { $build_triplet != "" && $host_triplet == "" } ] {
+ set host_triplet $build_triplet
+unset arg_host_triplet arg_build_triplet
+# If the build machine type hasn't been specified by now, use config.guess.
+if [expr { $build_triplet == "" && $host_triplet == ""} ] {
+ # find config.guess
+ foreach dir "$libdir $libdir/.. $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../.." {
+ verbose "Looking for $dir" 2
+ if [file exists $dir/config.guess] {
+ set config_guess $dir/config.guess
+ verbose "Found $dir/config.guess"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # get the canonical config name
+ if ![info exists config_guess] {
+ send_error "ERROR: Couldn't guess configuration.\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ catch "exec $config_guess" build_triplet
+ case $build_triplet in {
+ { "No uname command or uname output not recognized" "Unable to guess system type" } {
+ verbose "WARNING: Uname output not recognized"
+ set build_triplet unknown
+ }
+ }
+ verbose "Assuming build host is $build_triplet"
+ if { $host_triplet == "" } {
+ set host_triplet $build_triplet
+ }
+# Figure out the target. If the target hasn't been specified, then we have to assume
+# we are native.
+if { $arg_target_triplet != "" } {
+ set target_triplet $arg_target_triplet
+} elseif { $target_triplet == "" } {
+ set target_triplet $build_triplet
+ verbose "Assuming native target is $target_triplet" 2
+unset arg_target_triplet
+# Default target_alias to target_triplet.
+if ![info exists target_alias] {
+ set target_alias $target_triplet
+# Find and load the global config file if it exists.
+# The global config file is used to set the connect mode and other
+# parameters specific to each particular target.
+# These files assume the host and target have been set.
+if { [load_file -- $libdir/$configfile] == 0 } {
+ # If $DEJAGNU isn't set either then there isn't any global config file.
+ # Warn the user as there really should be one.
+ if { ! [info exists env(DEJAGNU)] } {
+ send_error "WARNING: Couldn't find the global config file.\n"
+ }
+if [info exists env(DEJAGNU)] {
+ if { [load_file -- $env(DEJAGNU)] == 0 } {
+ # It may seem odd to only issue a warning if there isn't a global
+ # config file, but issue an error if $DEJAGNU is erroneously defined.
+ # Since $DEJAGNU is set there is *supposed* to be a global config file,
+ # so the current behaviour seems reasonable.
+ send_error "ERROR: global config file $env(DEJAGNU) not found.\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+# parse out the config parts of the triplet name
+# build values
+if { $build_cpu == "" } {
+ regsub -- "-.*-.*" ${build_triplet} "" build_cpu
+if { $build_vendor == "" } {
+ regsub -- "^\[a-z0-9\]*-" ${build_triplet} "" build_vendor
+ regsub -- "-.*" ${build_vendor} "" build_vendor
+if { $build_os == "" } {
+ regsub -- ".*-.*-" ${build_triplet} "" build_os
+# host values
+if { $host_cpu == "" } {
+ regsub -- "-.*-.*" ${host_triplet} "" host_cpu
+if { $host_vendor == "" } {
+ regsub -- "^\[a-z0-9\]*-" ${host_triplet} "" host_vendor
+ regsub -- "-.*" ${host_vendor} "" host_vendor
+if { $host_os == "" } {
+ regsub -- ".*-.*-" ${host_triplet} "" host_os
+# target values
+if { $target_cpu == "" } {
+ regsub -- "-.*-.*" ${target_triplet} "" target_cpu
+if { $target_vendor == "" } {
+ regsub -- "^\[a-z0-9\]*-" ${target_triplet} "" target_vendor
+ regsub -- "-.*" ${target_vendor} "" target_vendor
+if { $target_os == "" } {
+ regsub -- ".*-.*-" ${target_triplet} "" target_os
+# Parse the command line arguments.
+set argc [ llength $argv ]
+for { set i 0 } { $i < $argc } { incr i } {
+ set option [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ # make all options have two hyphens
+ switch -glob -- $option {
+ "--*" {
+ }
+ "-*" {
+ set option "-$option"
+ }
+ }
+ # split out the argument for options that take them
+ switch -glob -- $option {
+ "--*=*" {
+ set optarg [lindex [split $option =] 1]
+ }
+ "--ba*" -
+ "--bu*" -
+ "--co*" -
+ "--ho*" -
+ "--i*" -
+ "--m*" -
+ "--n*" -
+ "--ob*" -
+ "--ou*" -
+ "--sr*" -
+ "--st*" -
+ "--ta*" -
+ "--to*" {
+ incr i
+ set optarg [lindex $argv $i]
+ }
+ }
+ switch -glob -- $option {
+ "--V*" -
+ "--vers*" { # (--version) version numbers
+ send_user "Expect version is\t[exp_version]\n"
+ send_user "Tcl version is\t\t[ info tclversion ]\n"
+ send_user "Framework version is\t$frame_version\n"
+ exit
+ }
+ "--v*" { # (--verbose) verbose output
+ # Already parsed.
+ continue
+ }
+ "--bu*" { # (--build) the build host configuration
+ # Already parsed (and don't set again). Let $DEJAGNU rename it.
+ continue
+ }
+ "--ho*" { # (--host) the host configuration
+ # Already parsed (and don't set again). Let $DEJAGNU rename it.
+ continue
+ }
+ "--ta*" { # (--target) the target configuration
+ # Already parsed (and don't set again). Let $DEJAGNU rename it.
+ continue
+ }
+ "--a*" { # (--all) print all test output to screen
+ set all_flag 1
+ verbose "Print all test output to screen"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--ba*" { # (--baud) the baud to use for a serial line
+ set baud $optarg
+ verbose "The baud rate is now $baud"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--co*" { # (--connect) the connection mode to use
+ set connectmode $optarg
+ verbose "Comm method is $connectmode"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--d*" { # (--debug) expect internal debugging
+ if [file exists ./dbg.log] {
+ catch "exec rm -f ./dbg.log"
+ }
+ if { $verbose > 2 } {
+ exp_internal -f dbg.log 1
+ } else {
+ exp_internal -f dbg.log 0
+ }
+ verbose "Expect Debugging is ON"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--D[01]" { # (-Debug) turn on Tcl debugger
+ verbose "Tcl debugger is ON"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--m*" { # (--mail) mail the output
+ set mailing_list $optarg
+ set mail_logs 1
+ verbose "Mail results to $mailing_list"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--r*" { # (--reboot) reboot the target
+ set reboot 1
+ verbose "Will reboot the target (if supported)"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--ob*" { # (--objdir) where the test case object code lives
+ # Already parsed, but parse again to make sure command line
+ # options override any config file.
+ set objdir $optarg
+ verbose "Using test binaries in $objdir"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--ou*" { # (--outdir) where to put the output files
+ set outdir $optarg
+ verbose "Test output put in $outdir"
+ continue
+ }
+ "*.exp" { # specify test names to run
+ set all_runtests($option) ""
+ verbose "Running only tests $option"
+ continue
+ }
+ "*.exp=*" { # specify test names to run
+ set j [string first "=" $option]
+ set tmp [list [string range $option 0 [expr $j - 1]] \
+ [string range $option [expr $j + 1] end]]
+ set all_runtests([lindex $tmp 0]) [lindex $tmp 1]
+ verbose "Running only tests $option"
+ unset tmp j
+ continue
+ }
+ "--i*" { # (--ignore) specify test names to exclude
+ set ignoretests $optarg
+ verbose "Ignoring test $ignoretests"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--sr*" { # (--srcdir) where the testsuite source code lives
+ # Already parsed, but parse again to make sure command line
+ # options override any config file.
+ set srcdir $optarg
+ continue
+ }
+ "--st*" { # (--strace) expect trace level
+ set tracelevel $optarg
+ strace $tracelevel
+ verbose "Source Trace level is now $tracelevel"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--n*" { # (--name) the target's name
+ # ??? `targetname' is a confusing word to use here.
+ set targetname $optarg
+ verbose "Target name is now $targetname"
+ continue
+ }
+ "--to*" { # (--tool) specify tool name
+ set tool $optarg
+ verbose "Testing $tool"
+ continue
+ }
+ "[A-Z]*=*" { # process makefile style args like CC=gcc, etc...
+ if [regexp "^(\[A-Z_\]+)=(.*)$" $option junk var val] {
+ if {0 > [lsearch -exact $makevars $var]} {
+ lappend makevars "$var"
+ set $var $val
+ } else {
+ set $var [concat [set $var] $val]
+ }
+ verbose "$var is now [set $var]"
+ #append makevars "set $var $val;" ;# FIXME: Used anywhere?
+ unset junk var val
+ } else {
+ send_error "Illegal variable specification:\n"
+ send_error "$option\n"
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ "--he*" { # (--help) help text
+ send_user "USAGE: runtest \[options...\]\n"
+ send_user "\t--all (-a)\t\tPrint all test output to screen\n"
+ send_user "\t--baud (-ba)\t\tThe baud rate\n"
+ send_user "\t--build \[string\]\t\tThe canonical config name of the build machine\n"
+ send_user "\t--host \[string\]\t\tThe canonical config name of the host machine\n"
+ send_user "\t--target \[string\]\tThe canonical config name of the target board\n"
+ send_user "\t--connect (-co)\t\[type\]\tThe type of connection to use\n"
+ send_user "\t--debug (-de)\t\tSet expect debugging ON\n"
+ send_user "\t--help (-he)\t\tPrint help text\n"
+ send_user "\t--ignore \[name(s)\]\tThe names of specific tests to ignore\n"
+ send_user "\t--mail \[name(s)\]\tWho to mail the results to\n"
+ send_user "\t--name \[name\]\t\tThe hostname of the target board\n"
+ send_user "\t--objdir \[name\]\t\tThe test suite binary directory\n"
+ send_user "\t--outdir \[name\]\t\tThe directory to put logs in\n"
+ send_user "\t--reboot \[name\]\t\tReboot the target (if supported)\n"
+ send_user "\t--srcdir \[name\]\t\tThe test suite source code directory\n"
+ send_user "\t--strace \[number\]\tSet expect tracing ON\n"
+ send_user "\t--tool\[name(s)\]\t\tRun tests on these tools\n"
+ send_user "\t--verbose (-v)\t\tEmit verbose output\n"
+ send_user "\t--version (-V)\t\tEmit all version numbers\n"
+ send_user "\t--D\[0-1\]\t\tTcl debugger\n"
+ send_user "\tscript.exp\[=arg(s)\]\tRun these tests only\n"
+ send_user "\tMakefile style arguments can also be used, ex. CC=gcc\n\n"
+ exit 0
+ }
+ default {
+ send_error "\nIllegal Argument \"$option\"\n"
+ send_error "try \"runtest --help\" for option list\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+# check for a few crucial variables
+if ![info exists tool] {
+ send_error "WARNING: No tool specified\n"
+ set tool ""
+# initialize a few Tcl variables to something other than their default
+if { $verbose > 2 } {
+ log_user 1
+} else {
+ log_user 0
+set timeout 10
+# load_lib -- load a library by sourcing it
+# If there a multiple files with the same name, stop after the first one found.
+# The order is first look in the install dir, then in a parallel dir in the
+# source tree, (up one or two levels), then in the current dir.
+proc load_lib { file } {
+ global verbose libdir srcdir base_dir execpath tool
+ # ??? We could use `load_file' here but then we'd lose the "library file"
+ # specific text in verbose and error messages. Worth it?
+ set found 0
+ foreach dir "$libdir $libdir/lib [file dirname [file dirname $srcdir]]/bluegnu/lib $srcdir/lib . [file dirname [file dirname [file dirname $srcdir]]]/bluegnu/lib" {
+ verbose "Looking for library file $dir/$file" 2
+ if [file exists $dir/$file] {
+ set found 1
+ verbose "Loading library file $dir/$file"
+ if { [catch "uplevel #0 source $dir/$file"] == 1 } {
+ send_error "ERROR: tcl error sourcing library file $dir/$file.\n"
+ global errorInfo
+ if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ send_error "$errorInfo\n"
+ }
+ exit 1
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if { $found == 0 } {
+ send_error "ERROR: Couldn't find library file $file.\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+# load the testing framework libraries
+load_lib utils.exp
+load_lib framework.exp
+load_lib debugger.exp
+load_lib remote.exp
+load_lib target.exp
+# open log files
+# print the config info
+clone_output "Test Run By $logname on [timestamp -format %c]"
+if [is3way] {
+ clone_output "Target is $target_triplet"
+ clone_output "Host is $host_triplet"
+ clone_output "Build is $build_triplet"
+} else {
+ if [isnative] {
+ clone_output "Native configuration is $target_triplet"
+ } else {
+ clone_output "Target is $target_triplet"
+ clone_output "Host is $host_triplet"
+ }
+clone_output "\n\t\t=== $tool tests ===\n"
+# Find the tool init file. This is in the config directory of the tool's
+# testsuite directory. These used to all be named $target_abbrev-$tool.exp,
+# but as the $tool variable goes away, it's now just $target_abbrev.exp.
+# First we look for a file named with both the abbrev and the tool names.
+# Then we look for one named with just the abbrev name. Finally, we look for
+# a file called default, which is the default actions, as some tools could
+# be purely host based. Unknown is mostly for error trapping.
+set found 0
+if ![info exists target_abbrev] {
+ set target_abbrev "unix"
+foreach dir "${srcdir}/config ${srcdir}/../config ${srcdir}/../../config ${srcdir}/../../../config" {
+ foreach initfile "${target_abbrev}-${tool}.exp ${target_abbrev}.exp ${target_os}.exp default.exp unknown.exp" {
+ verbose "Looking for tool init file ${dir}/${initfile}" 2
+ if [file exists ${dir}/${initfile}] {
+ set found 1
+ verbose "Using ${dir}/${initfile} as tool init file."
+ if [catch "uplevel #0 source ${dir}/${initfile}"]==1 {
+ send_error "ERROR: tcl error sourcing tool init file ${dir}/${initfile}.\n"
+ if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ send_error "$errorInfo\n"
+ }
+ exit 1
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if $found {
+ break
+ }
+if { $found == 0 } {
+ send_error "ERROR: Couldn't find tool init file.\n"
+ exit 1
+unset found
+# Trap some signals so we know what's happening. These replace the previous
+# ones because we've now loaded the library stuff.
+if ![exp_debug] {
+ foreach sig "{SIGTERM {terminated}} \
+ {SIGINT {interrupted by user}} \
+ {SIGQUIT {interrupted by user}} \
+ {SIGSEGV {segmentation violation}}" {
+ trap { send_error "Got a [trap -name] signal, [lindex $sig 1]\n"; \
+ log_summary } [lindex $sig 0]
+ verbose "setting trap for [lindex $sig 0] to \"[lindex $sig 1]\"" 1
+ }
+unset sig
+# Setup for main test execution loop
+if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ unset errorInfo
+# FIXME: The trailing '/' is deprecated and will go away at some point.
+# Do not assume $srcdir has a trailing '/'.
+append srcdir "/"
+# make sure we have only single path delimiters
+regsub -all "//*" $srcdir "/" srcdir
+# If multiple passes requested, set them up. Otherwise prepare just one.
+# The format of `MULTIPASS' is a list of elements containing
+# "{ name var1=value1 ... }" where `name' is a generic name for the pass and
+# currently has no other meaning.
+if { [info exists MULTIPASS] } {
+ set multipass $MULTIPASS
+if { $multipass == "" } {
+ set multipass { "" }
+# Pass varaibale passed as arguments into the queue
+foreach var $makevars {
+ if {[string compare $var "MULTIPASS"] != 0} {
+ appendQueue Q0 "./tools/setVariable.exp=$var=[set $var]"
+ }
+foreach pass $multipass {
+ # multipass_name is set for `record_test' to use (see framework.exp).
+ if { [lindex $pass 0] != "" } {
+ set multipass_name [lindex $pass 0]
+ clone_output "Running pass `$multipass_name' ..."
+ # Pass MULTIPASS into queue
+ appendQueue Q0 "./tools/setVariable.exp=MULTIPASS=$pass"
+ } else {
+ set multipass_name ""
+ }
+ set restore ""
+ foreach varval [lrange $pass 1 end] {
+ # FIXME: doesn't handle a=b=c.
+ set tmp [split $varval "="]
+ set var [lindex $tmp 0]
+ # Save previous value.
+ if [info exists $var] {
+ lappend restore "$var [list [eval concat \$$var]]"
+ } else {
+ lappend restore "$var"
+ }
+ # Handle "CFLAGS=$CFLAGS foo".
+ # FIXME: Do we need to `catch' this?
+ eval set $var \[concat [lindex $tmp 1]\]
+ verbose "$var is now [eval concat \$$var]"
+ unset tmp var
+ }
+ # look for the top level testsuites. if $tool doesn't
+ # exist and there are no subdirectories in $srcdir, then
+ # we default to srcdir.
+ set test_top_dirs [lsort [getdirs ${srcdir} "$tool*"]]
+ if { ${test_top_dirs} == "" } {
+ set test_top_dirs ${srcdir}
+ }
+ verbose "Top level testsuite dirs are ${test_top_dirs}" 2
+ foreach dir "${test_top_dirs}" {
+ foreach test_name [lsort [find ${dir} *.exp]] {
+ if { ${test_name} == "" } {
+ continue
+ }
+ # Ignore this one if asked to.
+ if ![string match "" ${ignoretests}] {
+ if { 0 <= [lsearch ${ignoretests} [file tail ${test_name}]]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ # Get the path after the $srcdir so we know the subdir we're in.
+ set subdir ""
+ regsub $srcdir [file dirname $test_name] "" subdir
+ if { "$srcdir" == "$subdir/" } {
+ set subdir ""
+ }
+ # Check to see if the range of tests is limited,
+ # set `runtests' to a list of two elements: the script name
+ # and any arguments ("" if none).
+ if { [array size all_runtests] > 0 } {
+ if { 0 > [lsearch [array names all_runtests] [file tail $test_name]]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set runtests [list [file tail $test_name] $all_runtests([file tail $test_name])]
+ } else {
+ set runtests [list [file tail $test_name] ""]
+ }
+ clone_output "Running $test_name ..."
+ ####################################################
+ #
+ # Append test to queue
+ #
+ if {[string length [lindex $runtests 1]] == 0} {
+ appendQueue Q0 $test_name
+ } else {
+ appendQueue Q0 [join [list $test_name \
+ [lindex $runtests 1]] "="]
+ }
+ #
+ ####################################################
+ }
+ }
+ # Restore the variables set by this pass.
+ foreach varval $restore {
+ if { [llength $varval] > 1 } {
+ verbose "Restoring [lindex $varval 0] to [lindex $varval 1]" 4
+ set [lindex $varval 0] [lindex $varval 1]
+ } else {
+ verbose "Restoring [lindex $varval 0] to `unset'" 4
+ unset [lindex $varval 0]
+ }
+ }
+# do quite a bit of cleaning
+unset restore i
+unset ignoretests
+foreach var $makevars {
+ unset $var
+catch {unset tmp}
+catch {unset makevars}
+catch {unset pass}
+catch {unset multipass}
+catch {unset var}
+catch {unset varval}
+puts "======= DejaGnu"
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/dg.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/dg.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64b3e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/dg.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+# `dg' general purpose testcase driver.
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# dje@cygnus.com.
+# This file was written by Doug Evans (dje@cygnus.com).
+# This file is based on old-dejagnu.exp. It is intended to be more extensible
+# without incurring the overhead that old-dejagnu.exp can. All test framework
+# commands appear in the testcase as "{ dg-xxx args ... }". We pull them out
+# with one grep, and then run the function(s) named by "dg-xxx". When running
+# dg-xxx, the line number that it occurs on is always passed as the first
+# argument. We also support different kinds of tools via callbacks.
+# The currently supported options are:
+# dg-prms-id N
+# set prms_id to N
+# dg-options "options ..." [{ target selector }]
+# specify special options to pass to the tool (eg: compiler)
+# dg-do do-what-keyword [{ target/xfail selector }]
+# `do-what-keyword' is tool specific and is passed unchanged to
+# ${tool}-dg-test. An example is gcc where `keyword' can be any of:
+# preprocess|compile|assemble|link|run
+# and will do one of: produce a .i, produce a .s, produce a .o,
+# produce an a.out, or produce an a.out and run it (the default is
+# compile).
+# dg-error regexp comment [{ target/xfail selector } [{.|0|linenum}]]
+# indicate an error message <regexp> is expected on this line
+# (the test fails if it doesn't occur)
+# Linenum=0 for general tool messages (eg: -V arg missing).
+# "." means the current line.
+# dg-warning regexp comment [{ target/xfail selector } [{.|0|linenum}]]
+# indicate a warning message <regexp> is expected on this line
+# (the test fails if it doesn't occur)
+# dg-bogus regexp comment [{ target/xfail selector } [{.|0|linenum}]]
+# indicate a bogus error message <regexp> use to occur here
+# (the test fails if it does occur)
+# dg-build regexp comment [{ target/xfail selector }]
+# indicate the build use to fail for some reason
+# (errors covered here include bad assembler generated, tool crashes,
+# and link failures)
+# (the test fails if it does occur)
+# dg-excess-errors comment [{ target/xfail selector }]
+# indicate excess errors are expected (any line)
+# (this should only be used sparingly and temporarily)
+# dg-output regexp [{ target selector }]
+# indicate the expected output of the program is <regexp>
+# (there may be multiple occurrences of this, they are concatenated)
+# dg-final { tcl code }
+# add some tcl code to be run at the end
+# (there may be multiple occurrences of this, they are concatenated)
+# (unbalanced braces must be \-escaped)
+# "{ target selector }" is a list of expressions that determine whether the
+# test succeeds or fails for a particular target, or in some cases whether the
+# option applies for a particular target. If the case of `dg-do' it specifies
+# whether the testcase is even attempted on the specified target.
+# The target selector is always optional. The format is one of:
+# { xfail *-*-* ... } - the test is expected to fail for the given targets
+# { target *-*-* ... } - the option only applies to the given targets
+# At least one target must be specified, use *-*-* for "all targets".
+# At present it is not possible to specify both `xfail' and `target'.
+# "native" may be used in place of "*-*-*".
+# Example:
+# [ ... some complicated code ... ]
+# return a; /* { dg-build "fatal" "ran out of spill regs" { xfail i386-*-* } } */
+# In this example, the compiler use to crash on the "return a;" for some
+# target and that it still does crash on i386-*-*. Admittedly, this is a
+# contrived example.
+# ??? It might be possible to add additional optional arguments by having
+# something like: { dg-error ".*syntax.*" "syntax error" { { foo 1 } ... } }
+# Callbacks
+# ${tool}-dg-test testfile do-what-keyword extra-flags
+# Run the test, be it compiler, assembler, or whatever.
+# ${tool}-dg-prune target_triplet text
+# Optional callback to delete output from the tool that can occur
+# even in successful ("pass") situations and interfere with output
+# pattern matching. This also gives the tool an opportunity to review
+# the output and check for any conditions which indicate an "untested"
+# or "unresolved" state. An example is if a testcase is too big and
+# fills all available ram (which can happen for 16 bit cpus). The
+# result is either the pruned text or
+# "::untested|unresolved|unsupported::message"
+# (eg: "::unsupported::memory full").
+# Notes:
+# 1) All runnable testcases must return 0 from main() for success.
+# You can't rely on getting any return code from target boards, and the
+# `exec' command says a program fails if it returns non-zero.
+# Language independence is (theoretically) achieved by:
+# 1) Using global $tool to indicate the language (eg: gcc, g++, gas, etc.).
+# This should only be used to look up other objects. We don't want to
+# have to add code for each new language that is supported. If this is
+# done right, no code needs to be added here for each new language.
+# 2) Passing tool options in as arguments.
+# Earlier versions of ${tool}_start (eg: gcc_start) would only take the name
+# of the file to compile as an argument. Newer versions accept a list of
+# one or two elements, the second being a string of *all* options to pass
+# to the tool. We require this facility.
+# 3) Callbacks.
+# Try not to do anything else that makes life difficult.
+# The normal way to write a testsuite is to have a .exp file containing:
+# load_lib ${tool}-dg.exp
+# dg-init
+# dg-runtest [lsort [glob -nocomplain $srcdir/$subdir/foo*]] ...
+# dg-finish
+# Global state variables.
+# The defaults are for GCC.
+# The default do-what keyword.
+set dg-do-what-default compile
+# When dg-interpreter-batch-mode is 1, no execution test or excess error
+# tests are performed.
+set dg-interpreter-batch-mode 0
+# Line number format. This is how line numbers appear in program output.
+set dg-linenum-format ":%d:"
+proc dg-format-linenum { linenum } {
+ global dg-linenum-format
+ return [format ${dg-linenum-format} $linenum]
+# Useful subroutines.
+# dg-get-options -- pick out the dg-xxx options in a testcase
+# PROG is the file name of the testcase.
+# The result is a list of options found.
+# Example: For the following testcase:
+# /* { dg-prms-id 1234 } */
+# int foo { return 0; } /* { dg-build fatal "some comment" } */
+# we return:
+# { dg-prms-id 1 1234 } { dg-build 2 fatal "some comment" }
+proc dg-get-options { prog } {
+ set result ""
+ set tmp [grep $prog "{\[ \t\]\+dg-\[-a-z\]\+\[ \t\]\+.*\[ \t\]\+}" line]
+ if ![string match "" $tmp] {
+ foreach i $tmp {
+ #send_user "Found: $i\n"
+ # FIXME: When to use "+" and "\+" isn't clear.
+ # Seems to me it took awhile to get this to work.
+ regexp "(\[0-9\]\+)\[ \t\]\+{\[ \t\]+(dg-\[-a-z\]+)\[ \t\]\+(.*)\[ \t\]+}\[^\}\]*(\n|$)" $i i line cmd args
+ #send_user "Found: $cmd $line $args\n"
+ append result " { $cmd $line $args }"
+ }
+ }
+ #send_user "Returning: $result\n"
+ return $result
+# Process optional xfail/target arguments
+# SELECTOR is "xfail target-triplet-1 ..." or "target target-triplet-1 ..."
+# `target-triplet' may be "native".
+# For xfail, the result is "F" (expected to Fail) if the current target is
+# affected, otherwise "P" (expected to Pass).
+# For target, the result is "S" (target is Selected) if the target is selected,
+# otherwise "N" (target is Not selected).
+proc dg-process-target { selector } {
+ global target_triplet
+ set isnative [isnative]
+ set triplet_match 0
+ #send_user "dg-process-target: $selector\n"
+ set selector [string trim $selector]
+ if [regexp "^xfail " $selector] {
+ set what xfail
+ } elseif [regexp "^target " $selector] {
+ set what target
+ } else {
+ # The use of error here and in other dg-xxx utilities is intentional.
+ # dg-test will catch them and do the right thing.
+ error "syntax error in target selector \"$selector\""
+ }
+ # ??? This should work but it doesn't. tcl bug?
+ #if [regexp "^${what}(( \[^ \]+-\[^ \]+-\[^ \]+)|( native))+$" $selector tmp selector]
+ if [regexp "^${what}( \[^ \]+-\[^ \]+-\[^ \]+| native)+$" $selector] {
+ regsub "^${what} " $selector "" selector
+ #send_user "selector: $selector\n"
+ foreach triplet $selector {
+ if [string match $triplet $target_triplet] {
+ set triplet_match 1
+ } elseif { $isnative && $triplet == "native" } {
+ set triplet_match 1
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ error "syntax error in target selector \"$selector\""
+ }
+ if { $triplet_match } {
+ return [expr { $what == "xfail" ? "F" : "S" }]
+ } else {
+ return [expr { $what == "xfail" ? "P" : "N" }]
+ }
+# Predefined user option handlers.
+# The line number is always the first element.
+# Note that each of these are varargs procs (they have an `args' argument).
+# Tests for optional arguments are coded with ">=" to simplify adding new ones.
+proc dg-prms-id { args } {
+ global prms_id ;# this is a testing framework variable
+ if { [llength $args] > 2 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ set prms_id [lindex $args 1]
+# Set tool options
+# Different options can be used for different targets by having multiple
+# instances, selecting a different target each time. Since options are
+# processed in order, put the default value first. Subsequent occurrences
+# will override previous ones.
+proc dg-options { args } {
+ upvar dg-extra-tool-flags extra-tool-flags
+ if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] >= 3 } {
+ switch [dg-process-target [lindex $args 2]] {
+ "S" { set extra-tool-flags [lindex $args 1] }
+ "N" { }
+ "F" { error "[lindex $args 0]: `xfail' not allowed here" }
+ "P" { error "[lindex $args 0]: `xfail' not allowed here" }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set extra-tool-flags [lindex $args 1]
+ }
+# Record what to do (compile/run/etc.)
+# Multiple instances are supported (since we don't support target and xfail
+# selectors on one line), though it doesn't make much sense to change the
+# compile/assemble/link/run field. Nor does it make any sense to have
+# multiple lines of target selectors (use one line).
+proc dg-do { args } {
+ upvar dg-do-what do-what
+ if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ set selected [lindex ${do-what} 1] ;# selected? (""/S/N)
+ set expected [lindex ${do-what} 2] ;# expected to pass/fail (P/F)
+ if { [llength $args] >= 3 } {
+ switch [dg-process-target [lindex $args 2]] {
+ "S" {
+ set selected "S"
+ }
+ "N" {
+ # Don't deselect a target if it's been explicitly selected,
+ # but indicate a specific target has been selected (so don't
+ # do this testcase if it's not appropriate for this target).
+ # The user really shouldn't have multiple lines of target
+ # selectors, but try to do the intuitive thing (multiple lines
+ # are OR'd together).
+ if { $selected != "S" } {
+ set selected "N"
+ }
+ }
+ "F" { set expected "F" }
+ "P" {
+ # There's nothing to do for "P". We don't want to clobber a
+ # previous xfail for this target.
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Note: A previous occurrence of `dg-do' with target/xfail selectors
+ # is a user mistake. We clobber previous values here.
+ set selected S
+ set expected P
+ }
+ switch [lindex $args 1] {
+ "preprocess" { }
+ "compile" { }
+ "assemble" { }
+ "link" { }
+ "run" { }
+ default {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: syntax error"
+ }
+ }
+ set do-what [list [lindex $args 1] $selected $expected]
+proc dg-error { args } {
+ upvar dg-messages messages
+ if { [llength $args] > 5 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ set xfail ""
+ if { [llength $args] >= 4 } {
+ switch [dg-process-target [lindex $args 3]] {
+ "F" { set xfail "X" }
+ "P" { set xfail "" }
+ "N" {
+ # If we get "N", this error doesn't apply to us so ignore it.
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] >= 5 } {
+ switch [lindex $args 4] {
+ "." { set line [dg-format-linenum [lindex $args 0]] }
+ "0" { set line "" }
+ "default" { set line [dg-format-linenum [lindex $args 4]] }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set line [dg-format-linenum [lindex $args 0]]
+ }
+ lappend messages [list $line "${xfail}ERROR" [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2]]
+proc dg-warning { args } {
+ upvar dg-messages messages
+ if { [llength $args] > 5 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ set xfail ""
+ if { [llength $args] >= 4 } {
+ switch [dg-process-target [lindex $args 3]] {
+ "F" { set xfail "X" }
+ "P" { set xfail "" }
+ "N" {
+ # If we get "N", this warning doesn't apply to us so ignore it.
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] >= 5 } {
+ switch [lindex $args 4] {
+ "." { set line [dg-format-linenum [lindex $args 0]] }
+ "0" { set line "" }
+ "default" { set line [dg-format-linenum [lindex $args 4]] }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set line [dg-format-linenum [lindex $args 0]]
+ }
+ lappend messages [list $line "${xfail}WARNING" [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2]]
+proc dg-bogus { args } {
+ upvar dg-messages messages
+ if { [llength $args] > 5 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ set xfail ""
+ if { [llength $args] >= 4 } {
+ switch [dg-process-target [lindex $args 3]] {
+ "F" { set xfail "X" }
+ "P" { set xfail "" }
+ "N" {
+ # If we get "N", this message doesn't apply to us so ignore it.
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] >= 5 } {
+ switch [lindex $args 4] {
+ "." { set line [dg-format-linenum [lindex $args 0]] }
+ "0" { set line "" }
+ "default" { set line [dg-format-linenum [lindex $args 4]] }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set line [dg-format-linenum [lindex $args 0]]
+ }
+ lappend messages [list $line "${xfail}BOGUS" [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2]]
+proc dg-build { args } {
+ upvar dg-messages messages
+ if { [llength $args] > 4 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ set xfail ""
+ if { [ llength $args] >= 4 } {
+ switch [dg-process-target [lindex $args 3]] {
+ "F" { set xfail "X" }
+ "P" { set xfail "" }
+ "N" {
+ # If we get "N", this lossage doesn't apply to us so ignore it.
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lappend messages [list [lindex $args 0] "${xfail}BUILD" [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2]]
+proc dg-excess-errors { args } {
+ upvar dg-excess-errors-flag excess-errors-flag
+ if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] >= 3 } {
+ switch [dg-process-target [lindex $args 2]] {
+ "F" { set excess-errors-flag 1 }
+ "S" { set excess-errors-flag 1 }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set excess-errors-flag 1
+ }
+# Indicate expected program output
+# We support multiple occurrences, but we do not implicitly insert newlines
+# between them.
+# Note that target boards don't all support this kind of thing so it's a good
+# idea to specify the target all the time. If one or more targets are
+# explicitly selected, the test won't be performed if we're not one of them
+# (as long as we were never mentioned).
+# If you have target dependent output and want to set an xfail for one or more
+# of them, use { dg-output "" { xfail a-b-c ... } }. The "" won't contribute
+# to the expected output.
+proc dg-output { args } {
+ upvar dg-output-text output-text
+ if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ # Allow target dependent output.
+ set expected [lindex ${output-text} 0]
+ if { [llength $args] >= 3 } {
+ switch [dg-process-target [lindex $args 2]] {
+ "N" { return }
+ "S" { }
+ "F" { set expected "F" }
+ # Don't override a previous xfail.
+ "P" { }
+ }
+ }
+ if { [llength ${output-text}] == 1 } {
+ # First occurrence.
+ set output-text [list $expected [lindex $args 1]]
+ } else {
+ set output-text [list $expected "[lindex ${output-text} 1][lindex $args 1]"]
+ }
+proc dg-final { args } {
+ upvar dg-final-code final-code
+ if { [llength $args] > 2 } {
+ error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
+ return
+ }
+ #send_user "dg-final: $args\n"
+ append final-code "[lindex $args 1]\n"
+# Set up our environment
+# There currently isn't much to do, but always calling it allows us to add
+# enhancements without having to update our callers.
+# It must be run before calling `dg-test'.
+proc dg-init { } {
+ # If the tool has an "init" routine, call it.
+ global tool
+ if ![string match "" [info procs ${tool}_init]] {
+ ${tool}_init
+ }
+# dg-runtest -- simple main loop useful to most testsuites
+# FLAGS is a set of options to always pass.
+# DEFAULT_EXTRA_FLAGS is a set of options to pass if the testcase doesn't
+# specify any (with dg-option).
+# ??? We're flipping between "flag" and "option" here.
+proc dg-runtest { testcases flags default-extra-flags } {
+ global runtests
+ foreach testcase $testcases {
+ # If we're only testing specific files and this isn't one of them, skip it.
+ if ![runtest_file_p $runtests $testcase] {
+ continue
+ }
+ verbose "Testing [file tail [file dirname $testcase]]/[file tail $testcase]"
+ dg-test $testcase $flags ${default-extra-flags}
+ }
+# Runs a new style DejaGnu test
+# PROG is the full path name of the file to pass to the tool (eg: compiler).
+# TOOL_FLAGS is a set of options to always pass.
+# DEFAULT_EXTRA_TOOL_FLAGS are additional options if the testcase has none.
+proc dg-test { prog tool_flags default_extra_tool_flags } {
+ global dg-do-what-default dg-interpreter-batch-mode dg-linenum-format
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ global comp_output exec_output
+ global tool
+ global srcdir ;# eg: /calvin/dje/devo/gcc/./testsuite/
+ global host_triplet target_triplet
+ set text "\[- A-Za-z0-9\.\;\"\_\:\'\`\(\)\!\#\=\+\?\&\*]*"
+ regsub "^$srcdir/?" $prog "" name
+ # If we couldn't rip $srcdir out of `prog' then just do the best we can.
+ # The point is to reduce the unnecessary noise in the logs. Don't strip
+ # out too much because different testcases with the same name can confuse
+ # `test-tool'.
+ if [string match "/*" $name] {
+ set name "[file tail [file dirname $prog]]/[file tail $prog]"
+ }
+ # Process any embedded dg options in the testcase.
+ # Use "" for the second element of dg-do-what so we can tell if it's been
+ # explicitly set to "S".
+ set dg-do-what [list ${dg-do-what-default} "" P]
+ set dg-excess-errors-flag 0
+ set dg-messages ""
+ set dg-extra-tool-flags $default_extra_tool_flags
+ set dg-final-code ""
+ # `dg-output-text' is a list of two elements: pass/fail and text.
+ # Leave second element off for now (indicates "don't perform test")
+ set dg-output-text "P"
+ # Define our own "special function" `unknown' so we catch spelling errors.
+ # But first rename the existing one so we can restore it afterwards.
+ catch {rename dg-save-unknown ""}
+ rename unknown dg-save-unknown
+ proc unknown { args } {
+ return -code error "unknown dg option: $args"
+ }
+ set tmp [dg-get-options $prog]
+ foreach op $tmp {
+ verbose "Processing option: $op" 3
+ set status [catch "$op" errmsg]
+ if { $status != 0 } {
+ if { 0 && [info exists errorInfo] } {
+ # This also prints a backtrace which will just confuse
+ # testcase writers, so it's disabled.
+ perror "$name: $errorInfo\n"
+ } else {
+ perror "$name: $errmsg for \"$op\"\n"
+ }
+ # ??? The call to unresolved here is necessary to clear `errcnt'.
+ # What we really need is a proc like perror that doesn't set errcnt.
+ # It should also set exit_status to 1.
+ unresolved "$name: $errmsg for \"$op\""
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # Restore normal error handling.
+ rename unknown ""
+ rename dg-save-unknown unknown
+ # If we're not supposed to try this test on this target, we're done.
+ if { [lindex ${dg-do-what} 1] == "N" } {
+ unsupported "$name"
+ verbose "$name not supported on this target, skipping it" 3
+ return
+ }
+ # Run the tool and analyze the results.
+ # The result of ${tool}-dg-test is in a bit of flux.
+ # Currently it is the name of the output file (or "" if none).
+ # If we need more than this it will grow into a list of things.
+ # No intention is made (at this point) to preserve upward compatibility
+ # (though at some point we'll have to).
+ set output_file [${tool}-dg-test $prog [lindex ${dg-do-what} 0] "$tool_flags ${dg-extra-tool-flags}"]
+ #send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: comp_output1 = :$comp_output:\n\n"
+ #send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: message = :$message:\n\n"
+ #send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: message length = [llength $message]\n\n"
+ foreach i ${dg-messages} {
+ verbose "Scanning for message: $i" 4
+ # Remove all error messages for the line [lindex $i 0]
+ # in the source file. If we find any, success!
+ set line [lindex $i 0]
+ set pattern [lindex $i 2]
+ set comment [lindex $i 3]
+ #send_user "Before:\n$comp_output\n"
+ if [regsub -all "(^|\n)(\[^\n\]+$line\[^\n\]*($pattern)\[^\n\]*\n?)+" $comp_output "\n" comp_output] {
+ set comp_output [string trimleft $comp_output]
+ set ok pass
+ set uhoh fail
+ } else {
+ set ok fail
+ set uhoh pass
+ }
+ #send_user "After:\n$comp_output\n"
+ # $line will either be a formatted line number or a number all by
+ # itself. Delete the formatting.
+ scan $line ${dg-linenum-format} line
+ switch [lindex $i 1] {
+ "ERROR" {
+ $ok "$name $comment (test for errors, line $line)"
+ }
+ "XERROR" {
+ x$ok "$name $comment (test for errors, line $line)"
+ }
+ $ok "$name $comment (test for warnings, line $line)"
+ }
+ x$ok "$name $comment (test for warnings, line $line)"
+ }
+ "BOGUS" {
+ $uhoh "$name $comment (test for bogus messages, line $line)"
+ }
+ "XBOGUS" {
+ x$uhoh "$name $comment (test for bogus messages, line $line)"
+ }
+ "BUILD" {
+ $uhoh "$name $comment (test for build failure, line $line)"
+ }
+ "XBUILD" {
+ x$uhoh "$name $comment (test for build failure, line $line)"
+ }
+ "EXEC" { }
+ "XEXEC" { }
+ }
+ #send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: comp_output2= :$comp_output:\n\n"
+ }
+ #send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: comp_output3 = :$comp_output:\n\n"
+ # Remove messages from the tool that we can ignore.
+ #send_user "comp_output: $comp_output\n"
+ set comp_output [prune_system_crud $host_triplet $comp_output]
+ if { [info proc ${tool}-dg-prune] != "" } {
+ set comp_output [${tool}-dg-prune $target_triplet $comp_output]
+ switch -glob $comp_output {
+ "::untested::*" {
+ regsub "::untested::" $comp_output "" message
+ untested "$name: $message"
+ return
+ }
+ "::unresolved::*" {
+ regsub "::unresolved::" $comp_output "" message
+ unresolved "$name: $message"
+ return
+ }
+ "::unsupported::*" {
+ regsub "::unsupported::" $comp_output "" message
+ unsupported "$name: $message"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # See if someone forgot to delete the extra lines.
+ regsub -all "\n+" $comp_output "\n" comp_output
+ regsub "^\n+" $comp_output "" comp_output
+ #send_user "comp_output: $comp_output\n"
+ # Don't do this if we're testing an interpreter.
+ # FIXME: why?
+ if { ${dg-interpreter-batch-mode} == 0 } {
+ # Catch excess errors (new bugs or incomplete testcases).
+ if ${dg-excess-errors-flag} {
+ setup_xfail "*-*-*"
+ }
+ if ![string match "" $comp_output] {
+ fail "$name (test for excess errors)"
+ send_log "Excess errors:\n$comp_output\n"
+ } else {
+ pass "$name (test for excess errors)"
+ }
+ }
+ # Run the executable image if asked to do so.
+ # FIXME: This is the only place where we assume a standard meaning to
+ # the `keyword' argument of dg-do. This could be cleaned up.
+ if { [lindex ${dg-do-what} 0] == "run" } {
+ if ![file exists $output_file] {
+ warning "$name compilation failed to produce executable"
+ } else {
+ set status -1
+ set status [${tool}_load $output_file]
+ #send_user "After exec, status: $status\n"
+ if { [lindex ${dg-do-what} 2] == "F" } {
+ setup_xfail "*-*-*"
+ }
+ if { "$status" == "pass" } {
+ pass "$name execution test"
+ verbose "Exec succeeded." 3
+ if { [llength ${dg-output-text}] > 1 } {
+ #send_user "${dg-output-text}\n"
+ if { [lindex ${dg-output-text} 0] == "F" } {
+ setup_xfail "*-*-*"
+ }
+ set texttmp [lindex ${dg-output-text} 1]
+ if { ![regexp $texttmp ${exec_output}] } {
+ fail "$name output pattern test, is ${exec_output}, should match $texttmp"
+ verbose "Failed test for output pattern $texttmp" 3
+ } else {
+ pass "$name output pattern test, $texttmp"
+ verbose "Passed test for output pattern $texttmp" 3
+ }
+ unset texttmp
+ }
+ } elseif { "$status" == "fail" } {
+ # It would be nice to get some info out of errorCode.
+ if [info exists errorCode] {
+ verbose "Exec failed, errorCode: $errorCode" 3
+ } else {
+ verbose "Exec failed, errorCode not defined!" 3
+ }
+ fail "$name execution test"
+ } else {
+ $status "$name execution test"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Are there any further tests to perform?
+ # Note that if the program has special run-time requirements, running
+ # of the program can be delayed until here. Ditto for other situations.
+ # It would be a bit cumbersome though.
+ if ![string match ${dg-final-code} ""] {
+ regsub -all "\\\\(\[{}\])" ${dg-final-code} "\\1" dg-final-code
+ # Note that the use of `args' here makes this a varargs proc.
+ proc dg-final-proc { args } ${dg-final-code}
+ verbose "Running dg-final tests." 3
+ verbose "dg-final-proc:\n[info body dg-final-proc]" 4
+ if [catch "dg-final-proc $prog" errmsg] {
+ perror "$name: error executing dg-final: $errmsg"
+ # ??? The call to unresolved here is necessary to clear `errcnt'.
+ # What we really need is a proc like perror that doesn't set errcnt.
+ # It should also set exit_status to 1.
+ unresolved "$name: error executing dg-final: $errmsg"
+ }
+ }
+ # Do some final clean up.
+ # When testing an interpreter, we don't compile something and leave an
+ # output file.
+ if { ${dg-interpreter-batch-mode} == 0 } {
+ catch "exec rm -f $output_file"
+ }
+# Do any necessary cleanups
+# This is called at the end to undo anything dg-init did (that needs undoing).
+proc dg-finish { } {
+ # Reset this in case caller wonders whether s/he should.
+ global prms_id
+ set prms_id 0
+ # The framework doesn't like to see any error remnants, so remove them.
+ global errorInfo
+ if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ unset errorInfo
+ }
+ # If the tool has a "finish" routine, call it.
+ # There may be a bit of duplication (eg: resetting prms_id), leave it.
+ # Let's keep these procs robust.
+ global tool
+ if ![string match "" [info procs ${tool}_finish]] {
+ ${tool}_finish
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/foo.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/foo.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd2c6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/foo.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+source lib/testSessionClasses.itcl
+source lib/testSessionFramework.itcl
+source lib/testSessionUtils.itcl
+namespace TestSession {
+ Environment E0
+ #E0 saveEnv
+ E0 clearEnv
+ puts [join [E0 <<] "\n"]
+ exit
+ foreach obj [info objects] {
+ puts "$obj - [$obj <<]"
+ }
+::TestSession::clone_output "ERROR: testing"
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/framework.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/framework.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2018c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/framework.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# These variables are local to this file.
+# This or more warnings and a test fails.
+set warning_threshold 3
+# This or more errors and a test fails.
+set perror_threshold 1
+proc mail_file { file to subject } {
+ if [file readable $file] {
+ catch "exec mail -s \"$subject\" $to < $file"
+ }
+# Open the output logs
+proc open_logs { } {
+ global outdir
+ global tool
+ global sum_file
+ if { ${tool} == "" } {
+ set tool testrun
+ }
+ catch "exec rm -f $outdir/$tool.sum"
+ set sum_file [open "$outdir/$tool.sum" w]
+ catch "exec rm -f $outdir/$tool.log"
+ log_file -a "$outdir/$tool.log"
+ verbose "Opening log files in $outdir"
+ if { ${tool} == "testrun" } {
+ set tool ""
+ }
+# Close the output logs
+proc close_logs { } {
+ global sum_file
+ catch "close $sum_file"
+# Check build host triplet for pattern
+# With no arguments it returns the triplet string.
+proc isbuild { args } {
+ global build_triplet
+ global host_triplet
+ if ![info exists build_triplet] {
+ set build_triplet ${host_triplet}
+ }
+ if [string match "" $args] {
+ return $build_triplet
+ }
+ verbose "Checking pattern \"$args\" with $build_triplet" 2
+ if [string match "$args" $build_triplet] {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+# If this is a canadian (3 way) cross. This means the tools are
+# being built with a cross compiler for another host.
+proc is3way {} {
+ global host_triplet
+ global build_triplet
+ if ![info exists build_triplet] {
+ set build_triplet ${host_triplet}
+ }
+ verbose "Checking $host_triplet against $build_triplet" 2
+ if { "$build_triplet" == "$host_triplet" } {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 1
+# Check host triplet for pattern
+# With no arguments it returns the triplet string.
+proc ishost { args } {
+ global host_triplet
+ if [string match "" $args] {
+ return $host_triplet
+ }
+ verbose "Checking pattern \"$args\" with $host_triplet" 2
+ if [string match "$args" $host_triplet] {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+# Check target triplet for pattern
+# With no arguments it returns the triplet string.
+# Returns 1 if the target looked for, or 0 if not.
+proc istarget { args } {
+ global target_triplet
+ # if no arg, return the config string
+ if [string match "" $args] {
+ if [info exists target_triplet] {
+ return $target_triplet
+ } else {
+ perror "No target configuration names found."
+ }
+ }
+ # now check against the cannonical name
+ if [info exists target_triplet] {
+ verbose "Checking \"$args\" against \"$target_triplet\"" 2
+ if [string match "$args" $target_triplet] {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ # nope, no match
+ return 0
+# Check to see if we're running the tests in a native environment
+# Returns 1 if running native, 0 if on a target.
+proc isnative { } {
+ global target_triplet
+ global build_triplet
+ if [string match $build_triplet $target_triplet] {
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+# unknown -- called by expect if a proc is called that doesn't exist
+proc unknown { args } {
+ global errorCode
+ global errorInfo
+ clone_output "ERROR: (DejaGnu) proc \"$args\" does not exist."
+ if [info exists errorCode] {
+ send_error "The error code is $errorCode\n"
+ }
+ if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ send_error "The info on the error is:\n$errorInfo\n"
+ }
+ log_summary
+# Print output to stdout (or stderr) and to log file
+# If the --all flag (-a) option was used then all messages go the the screen.
+# Without this, all messages that start with a keyword are written only to the
+# detail log file. All messages that go to the screen will also appear in the
+# detail log. This should only be used by the framework itself using pass,
+# fail, xpass, xfail, warning, perror, note, untested, unresolved, or
+# unsupported procedures.
+proc clone_output { message } {
+ global sum_file
+ global all_flag
+ puts $sum_file "$message"
+ case [lindex $message 0] in {
+ if $all_flag {
+ send_user "$message\n"
+ return "$message"
+ } else {
+ send_log "$message\n"
+ }
+ }
+ {"ERROR:" "WARNING:" "NOTE:"} {
+ send_error "$message\n"
+ return "$message"
+ }
+ default {
+ send_user "$message\n"
+ return "$message"
+ }
+ }
+# Reset all globally used variables
+proc reset_vars {} {
+ # test result counters
+ global testcnt
+ global failcnt
+ global passcnt
+ global xfailcnt
+ global xpasscnt
+ global untestedcnt
+ global unresolvedcnt
+ global unsupportedcnt
+ # other miscellaneous variables
+ global prms_id
+ global bug_id
+ # reset them all
+ set prms_id 0
+ set bug_id 0
+ set testcnt 0
+ set failcnt 0
+ set passcnt 0
+ set xfailcnt 0
+ set xpasscnt 0
+ set untestedcnt 0
+ set unresolvedcnt 0
+ set unsupportedcnt 0
+ # Variables local to this file.
+ global warning_threshold perror_threshold
+ set warning_threshold 3
+ set perror_threshold 1
+# Print summary of all pass/fail counts
+# Calling this exits.
+proc log_summary {} {
+ global tool
+ global sum_file
+ global exit_status
+ global failcnt
+ global passcnt
+ global testcnt
+ global xfailcnt
+ global xpasscnt
+ global untestedcnt
+ global unresolvedcnt
+ global unsupportedcnt
+ global mail_logs
+ global outdir
+ global mailing_list
+ clone_output "\n\t\t=== $tool Summary ===\n"
+ # If the tool set `testcnt', it wants us to do a sanity check on the
+ # total count, so compare the reported number of testcases with the
+ # expected number. Maintaining an accurate count in `testcnt' isn't easy
+ # so it's not clear how often this will be used.
+ if { $testcnt > 0 } {
+ # total all the testcases reported
+ set totlcnt [expr $failcnt+$passcnt+$xfailcnt+$xpasscnt]
+ set totlcnt [expr $totlcnt+$untestedcnt+$unresolvedcnt+$unsupportedcnt]
+ if { $testcnt>$totlcnt || $testcnt<$totlcnt } {
+ if { $testcnt > $totlcnt } {
+ set mismatch "unreported [expr $testcnt-$totlcnt]"
+ }
+ if { $testcnt < $totlcnt } {
+ set mismatch "misreported [expr $totlcnt-$testcnt]"
+ }
+ } else {
+ verbose "# of testcases run $testcnt"
+ }
+ if [info exists mismatch] {
+ clone_output "### ERROR: totals do not equal number of testcases run"
+ clone_output "### ERROR: # of testcases expected $testcnt"
+ clone_output "### ERROR: # of testcases reported $totlcnt"
+ clone_output "### ERROR: # of testcases $mismatch\n"
+ }
+ }
+ if { $passcnt > 0 } {
+ clone_output "# of expected passes $passcnt"
+ }
+ if { $xfailcnt > 0 } {
+ clone_output "# of expected failures $xfailcnt"
+ }
+ if { $xpasscnt > 0 } {
+ clone_output "# of unexpected successes $xpasscnt"
+ }
+ if { $failcnt > 0 } {
+ clone_output "# of unexpected failures $failcnt"
+ }
+ if { $unresolvedcnt > 0 } {
+ clone_output "# of unresolved testcases $unresolvedcnt"
+ }
+ if { $untestedcnt > 0 } {
+ clone_output "# of untested testcases $untestedcnt"
+ }
+ if { $unsupportedcnt > 0 } {
+ clone_output "# of unsupported tests $unsupportedcnt"
+ }
+ # extract version number
+ if {[info procs ${tool}_version] != ""} {
+ if {[catch "${tool}_version" output]} {
+ warning "${tool}_version failed:\n$output"
+ }
+ }
+ close_logs
+ cleanup
+ if $mail_logs {
+ mail_file $outdir/$tool.sum $mailing_list "Dejagnu Summary Log"
+ }
+ exit $exit_status
+# Close all open files, remove temp file and core files
+proc cleanup {} {
+ global sum_file
+ global exit_status
+ global done_list
+ global base_dir
+ global subdir
+ #catch "exec rm -f [glob xgdb core *.x *.o *_soc a.out]"
+ #catch "exec rm -f [glob -nocomplain $subdir/*.o $subdir/*.x $subdir/*_soc]"
+# Setup a flag to control whether a failure is expected or not
+# Multiple target triplet patterns can be specified for targets
+# for which the test fails. A decimal number can be specified,
+# which is the PRMS number.
+proc setup_xfail { args } {
+ global xfail_flag
+ global xfail_prms
+ set xfail_prms 0
+ set argc [ llength $args ]
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $argc } { incr i } {
+ set sub_arg [ lindex $args $i ]
+ # is a prms number. we assume this is a number with no characters
+ if [regexp "^\[0-9\]+$" $sub_arg] {
+ set xfail_prms $sub_arg
+ continue
+ }
+ if [istarget $sub_arg] {
+ set xfail_flag 1
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+# Clear the xfail flag for a particular target
+proc clear_xfail { args } {
+ global xfail_flag
+ global xfail_prms
+ set argc [ llength $args ]
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $argc } { incr i } {
+ set sub_arg [ lindex $args $i ]
+ case $sub_arg in {
+ "*-*-*" { # is a configuration triplet
+ if [istarget $sub_arg] {
+ set xfail_flag 0
+ set xfail_prms 0
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Record that a test has passed or failed (perhaps unexpectedly)
+# This is an internal procedure, only used in this file.
+proc record_test { type message } {
+ global passcnt failcnt xpasscnt xfailcnt
+ global untestedcnt unresolvedcnt unsupportedcnt
+ global exit_status
+ global prms_id bug_id
+ global xfail_flag xfail_prms
+ global errcnt warncnt
+ global warning_threshold perror_threshold
+ # If we have too many warnings or errors,
+ # the output of the test can't be considered correct.
+ if { $warning_threshold > 0 && $warncnt >= $warning_threshold
+ || $perror_threshold > 0 && $errcnt >= $perror_threshold } {
+ # Reset these first to prevent infinite recursion.
+ set warncnt 0
+ set errcnt 0
+ unresolved $message
+ return
+ }
+ switch $type {
+ PASS {
+ incr passcnt
+ if $prms_id {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $prms_id)"]
+ }
+ }
+ FAIL {
+ incr failcnt
+ set exit_status 1
+ if $prms_id {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $prms_id)"]
+ }
+ }
+ incr xpasscnt
+ set exit_status 1
+ if { $xfail_prms != 0 } {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $xfail_prms)"]
+ }
+ }
+ incr xfailcnt
+ if { $xfail_prms != 0 } {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $xfail_prms)"]
+ }
+ }
+ incr untestedcnt
+ # The only reason we look at the xfail stuff is to pick up
+ # `xfail_prms'.
+ if { $xfail_flag && $xfail_prms != 0 } {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $xfail_prms)"]
+ } elseif $prms_id {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $prms_id)"]
+ }
+ }
+ incr unresolvedcnt
+ set exit_status 1
+ # The only reason we look at the xfail stuff is to pick up
+ # `xfail_prms'.
+ if { $xfail_flag && $xfail_prms != 0 } {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $xfail_prms)"]
+ } elseif $prms_id {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $prms_id)"]
+ }
+ }
+ incr unsupportedcnt
+ # The only reason we look at the xfail stuff is to pick up
+ # `xfail_prms'.
+ if { $xfail_flag && $xfail_prms != 0 } {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $xfail_prms)"]
+ } elseif $prms_id {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(PRMS $prms_id)"]
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ perror "record_test called with bad type `$type'"
+ set errcnt 0
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if $bug_id {
+ set message [concat $message "\t(BUG $bug_id)"]
+ }
+ global multipass_name
+ if { $multipass_name != "" } {
+ clone_output "$type: $multipass_name: $message"
+ } else {
+ clone_output "$type: $message"
+ }
+ # Reset these so they're ready for the next test case. We don't reset
+ # prms_id or bug_id here. There may be multiple tests for them. Instead
+ # they are reset in the main loop after each test. It is also the
+ # testsuite driver's responsibility to reset them after each testcase.
+ set warncnt 0
+ set errcnt 0
+ set xfail_flag 0
+ set xfail_prms 0
+# Record that a test has passed
+proc pass { message } {
+ global xfail_flag
+ if $xfail_flag {
+ record_test XPASS $message
+ } else {
+ record_test PASS $message
+ }
+# Record that a test has failed
+proc fail { message } {
+ global xfail_flag
+ if $xfail_flag {
+ record_test XFAIL $message
+ } else {
+ record_test FAIL $message
+ }
+# Record that a test has passed unexpectedly
+proc xpass { message } {
+ record_test XPASS $message
+# Record that a test has failed unexpectedly
+proc xfail { message } {
+ record_test XFAIL $message
+# Set warning threshold
+proc set_warning_threshold { threshold } {
+ set warning_threshold $threshold
+# Get warning threshold
+proc get_warning_threshold { } {
+ return $warning_threshold
+# Prints warning messages
+# These are warnings from the framework, not from the tools being tested.
+# It takes a string, and an optional number and returns nothing.
+proc warning { args } {
+ global warncnt
+ global errno
+ if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
+ set warncnt [lindex $args 1]
+ } else {
+ incr warncnt
+ }
+ set message [lindex $args 0]
+ clone_output "WARNING: $message"
+ set errno "WARNING: $message"
+ global errorInfo
+ if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ unset errorInfo
+ }
+# Prints error messages
+# These are errors from the framework, not from the tools being tested.
+# It takes a string, and an optional number and returns nothing.
+proc perror { args } {
+ global errcnt
+ global errno
+ if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
+ set errcnt [lindex $args 1]
+ } else {
+ incr errcnt
+ }
+ set message [lindex $args 0]
+ clone_output "ERROR: $message"
+ set errno "ERROR: $message"
+ global errorInfo
+ if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ unset errorInfo
+ }
+# Prints informational messages
+# These are messages from the framework, not from the tools being tested.
+# This means that it is currently illegal to call this proc outside
+# of dejagnu proper.
+proc note { message } {
+ clone_output "NOTE: $message"
+ # ??? It's not clear whether we should do this. Let's not, and only do
+ # so if we find a real need for it.
+ #global errorInfo
+ #if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ # unset errorInfo
+ #}
+# untested -- mark the test case as untested
+proc untested { message } {
+ record_test UNTESTED $message
+# Mark the test case as unresolved
+proc unresolved { message } {
+ record_test UNRESOLVED $message
+# Mark the test case as unsupported
+# Usually this is used for a test that is missing OS support.
+proc unsupported { message } {
+ record_test UNSUPPORTED $message
+# Create an exp_continue proc if it doesn't exist
+# For compatablity with old versions.
+global argv0
+if ![info exists argv0] {
+ proc exp_continue { } {
+ continue -expect
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/libgloss.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/libgloss.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e54e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/libgloss.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# Find the linker script for the current target. Returns a string
+# suitable to pass to $CC or $CXX to use a liblgoss based linker script,
+# or NULL if there is no support.
+proc libgloss_script { } {
+ global srcdir
+ global target_cpu
+ global LDFLAGS
+ global CFLAGS
+ global CXXFLAGS
+ global target_info
+ # sanity check
+ if ![info exists LDFLAGS] {
+ set LDFLAGS ""
+ }
+ if ![info exists CFLAGS] {
+ set CFLAGS ""
+ }
+ if ![info exists CXXFLAGS] {
+ set CXXFLAGS ""
+ }
+ # find the linker script. first we look at the config
+ # data and hope to find it all ready for us to use. if
+ # that fails, then look in the LDFLAGS and CFLAGS variables that
+ # get set in the global site.exp file.
+ if [info exists target_info(target,name)] {
+ set script $target_info(target,name).ld
+ } else {
+ if [regexp -- "-T.*\.ld" ${LDFLAGS} script] {
+ string trimleft ${script} "-T"
+ }
+ if [regexp -- "-T.*\.ld" ${CFLAGS} script] {
+ string trimleft ${script} "-T"
+ }
+ if [regexp -- "-T.*\.ld" ${CXXFLAGS} script] {
+ string trimleft ${script} "-T"
+ }
+ }
+ if ![info exists script] {
+ warning "Couldn't find the linker script name for target"
+ return ""
+ }
+ # if we're on a remote host, we can't search for the file, so use the
+ # linker script in the path.
+ if [is3way] {
+ return "-T${script}"
+ }
+ # search for the general directories
+ foreach i ".. ../.. ../../.. ../../../.." {
+ verbose "Looking for a ${srcdir}/${i}/libgloss/${target_cpu}/${script}" 2
+ if [file exists ${srcdir}/$i/libgloss/${target_cpu}/${script} ] {
+ verbose "Found ${srcdir}/${i}/libgloss/${target_cpu}/${script}." 3
+ return "-T${srcdir}/${i}/libgloss/${target_cpu}/${script}"
+ }
+ }
+ # we didn't find the script, so we have to hope it's installed
+ return "-T${script}"
+# Find all the pieces of libgloss for testing the GNU development tools
+# needed to use $CC or $CXX. It returns a string suitable to pass to
+# $CC or $CXX to get a fully linked binary for the target.
+proc libgloss_flags { } {
+ global target_alias
+ global target_cpu
+ global srcdir
+ global base_dir
+ # libgloss doesn't work native
+ if [isnative] {
+ return ""
+ }
+ # if we're on a remote host, we can't search for the file, so we can only
+ # use an installed compiler, so we don't add any paths here.
+ if [is3way] {
+ return "[libgloss_script]"
+ }
+ # search for the general directories
+ foreach i ".. ../.. ../../.. ../../../.." {
+ if [file exists ${base_dir}/${i}/${target_alias}/libgloss/${target_cpu} ] {
+ verbose "Found ${base_dir}/${i}/${target_alias}/libgloss/${target_cpu}." 3
+ return "-L${base_dir}/${i}/${target_alias}/libgloss/${target_cpu} [libgloss_script]"
+ }
+ }
+ # we didn't find any support at all
+ return "[libgloss_script]"
+# Find the C libraries
+proc newlib_flags { } {
+ global base_dir
+ global srcdir
+ global target_alias
+ # if we're on a remote host, we can't search for the file, so use the
+ # newlib already installed.
+ if [is3way] {
+ return ""
+ }
+ # search for the general directories
+ foreach i ".. ../.. ../../.. ../../../.." {
+ verbose "Looking for a ${base_dir}/${i}/${target_alias}/newlib/targ-include" 2
+ if [file exists ${base_dir}/${i}/${target_alias}/newlib/targ-include ] {
+ verbose "Found ${base_dir}/${i}/${target_alias}/newlib/targ-include." 3
+ set incls1 "-I${base_dir}/${i}/${target_alias}/newlib/targ-include"
+ }
+ verbose "Looking for a ${srcdir}/${i}/newlib/libc/include" 2
+ if [file exists ${srcdir}/${i}/newlib/libc/include ] {
+ verbose "Found ${srcdir}/${i}/newlib/libc/include." 3
+ set incls2 "-I${srcdir}/${i}/newlib/libc/include"
+ }
+ }
+ # search for the general directories
+ foreach i ".. ../.. ../../.. ../../../.." {
+ verbose "Looking for a ${base_dir}/${i}/newlib" 2
+ if [file exists ${base_dir}/${i}/newlib ] {
+ verbose "Found ${base_dir}/${i}/newlib." 3
+ return "-B${base_dir}/${i}/newlib/ ${incls1} ${incls2}"
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+# Find all the pieces of libgloss for testing the GNU development tools
+# needed to use $LD. This gets fun cause we have to guess the name of the
+# BSP for this target. If returns a string suitable to pass to LD to get
+# a fully linked binary for the target. It also sets two global variables,
+# CRT0 is the path to the startup file, and
+# BSP is the path to the support library.
+proc libgloss_ld {} {
+#proc gloss_ld {} {
+ global target_cpu
+ global srcdir
+ global base_dir
+ global CRT0
+ global BSP
+ # libgloss doesn't work native
+ if [isnative] {
+ return ""
+ }
+# set ldflags ""
+ # search for the general directories
+ foreach i ".. ../.. ../../.. ../../../.." {
+ if ![info exists gloss_srcdir] {
+ if [file exists ${srcdir}/$i/libgloss/${target_cpu} ] {
+ verbose "Found ${srcdir}/$i/libgloss/${target_cpu}." 3
+ set gloss_srcdir "$i/libgloss/${target_cpu}"
+ }
+ }
+ if ![info exists gloss_objdir] {
+ if [file exists ${base_dir}/$i/libgloss/${target_cpu} ] {
+ verbose "Found ${base_dir}/$i/libgloss/${target_cpu}." 3
+ set gloss_objdir "$i/libgloss/${target_cpu}"
+ append ldflags " -L${gloss_objdir} "
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # find the crt0
+ if [file exists ${gloss_objdir}/crt0.o] {
+ verbose "Found ${base_dir}/$i/libgloss/${target_cpu}." 3
+ set CRT0 "$i/libgloss/${target_cpu}"
+ append ldflags " ${gloss_objdir}/crt0.o "
+ } else {
+ perror "No crt0.o built for this target"
+ }
+ # find the BSP (currently an object, it may become an archive soon)
+ foreach i "[list_targets]" {
+ if [info exists target_info($i,name}] {
+ if [file exists ${gloss_objdir}/${target_info}($i,name).o ] {
+ set BSP "${target_info}($i,name).o"
+ append ldflags " -lc -l ${target_info}($i,name).o -lc "
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if [expr ![info exists gloss_srcdir] || ![info exists gloss_srcdir]] {
+ warning "No libgloss support in build tree"
+ return ""
+ } else {
+ return "${ldflags}"
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/nonexpect.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/nonexpect.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..230f411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/nonexpect.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# The following procedures are creted to replace the
+# procedures defined in expect incase expect is not used as the
+# test framework
+proc send_user args {
+ set newline 1
+ set logfile 0
+ set i 0
+ if { [string index [lindex $args 0] 0] == "-" } {
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $args] } { incr i } {
+ if { [lindex $args $i] == "--" } {
+ incr i
+ break
+ } elseif { [lindex $args $i] == "-n" } {
+ set newline 0
+ } elseif { [lindex $args $i] == "-log" } {
+ set logfile 1
+ } elseif { [string index [lindex $args $i] 0] == "-" } {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "ERROR: verbose:\
+ illegal argument: [lindex $args $i]"
+ return
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if { [llength $args] == $i } {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "ERROR: send_user: nothing to print"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ puts -nonewline [lindex $args $i]
+proc send_error msg {
+ puts -nonewline stderr $msg
+proc send_log msg {
+ global log_file
+ if {[info exists log_file]} {
+ puts -nonewline $log_file $msg
+ } else {
+ send_user "####### No log file has been defined\n"
+ puts -nonewline stderr $msg
+ }
+proc log_file {args} {
+ global log_file
+ if {[info exists log_file]} {
+ catch {close $log_file}
+ unset log_file
+ }
+ set eAppend w
+ foreach arg $args {
+ switch -- $arg {
+ -a {
+ set eAppend a
+ }
+ default {
+ set log_file $arg
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exist log_file]} {
+ set log_file [open $log_file $eAppend]
+ } else {
+ set log_file stderr
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/remote.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/remote.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b80617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/remote.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# these just need to be initialized
+# FIXME: This is deprecated (we should have no knowledge of global `shell_id').
+# Remove at some point.
+set shell_id 0
+# Open a connection to a remote host or target. This requires the target_info
+# array be filled in with the proper info to work. The old variables are also
+# still functional.
+# type is either "host" or "target". The default is target if no type is supplied.
+# It returns the spawn id of the process that is the connection.
+proc remote_open { args } {
+ global target_info
+ global connectmode
+ global targetname
+ global serialport
+ global netport
+ global reboot
+ global shell_id
+ global spawn_id
+ if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
+ set type "target"
+ } else {
+ set type $args
+ }
+ # set the current connection
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},name)] {
+ if { $target_info(${type},name) != "" } {
+ if { [info proc push_$type] != "" } {
+ push_$type $target_info(${type},name)
+ }
+ } else {
+ warning "Couldn't push target, name was NULL"
+ }
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},connect)] {
+ set connect_prog $target_info(${type},connect)
+ } else {
+ if [info exists connectmode] {
+ set connect_prog $connectmode
+ } else {
+ perror "No connectmode specified"
+ set shell_id -1
+ return $shell_id
+ }
+ }
+ # reboot the machine if we neeed to, typically by using an x10 controller.
+ if $reboot {
+ if { [info procs "reboot_hook"] != "" } {
+ reboot_hook
+ }
+ }
+ set shell_id [$connect_prog $type]
+ if [info exists target_info] {
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) $shell_id
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},name)] {
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) $shell_id
+ }
+ }
+ return $shell_id
+# Close the remote connection.
+# shell_id - This is the id number returned by the any of the connection
+# procedures, or an index into one of the arrays.
+proc remote_close { arg } {
+ # get the type of connection, host or target
+ if [expr [string match "host" $arg] || [string match "target" $arg]] {
+ set type $arg
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},fileid)] {
+ set shell_id $target_info(${type},fileid)
+ } else {
+ perror "No shell id for to close"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set shell_id $arg
+ }
+ verbose "Closing the remote shell $shell_id" 2
+ catch "close -i $shell_id"
+ catch "wait -i $shell_id"
+ return 0
+# Most of these procedures try to establish the connection 3 times before
+# returning. If $verbose is set to a value of 2 or greater, then error
+# messages will appear for each attempt. If there is an error that
+# can't be recovered from, it returns a -1. If the connection is
+# established, it returns the shell's process number returned by the
+# tcl command spawn.
+# Hostname refers to the entry in /etc/hosts for this target. The
+# procedure's name is the same as its unix counterpart.
+# The final argument is the type of connection to establish, the default
+# is the target. This can also be passed as the second arg or the third.
+# Connect using telnet. This takes two arguments. The first one is the
+# hostname, and the second is the optional port number. This sets
+# the fileid field in the config array, and returns -1 for error, or the
+# spawn id.
+proc telnet { args } {
+ global verbose
+ global connectmode
+ global shell_prompt
+ global spawn_id
+ global timeout
+ global errno
+ set hostname [lindex $args 0]
+ # get the port number
+ if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
+ set port [lindex $args 1]
+ } else {
+ set port 23
+ }
+ # get the hostname and port number from the config array
+ if [expr [string match "host" $hostname] || [string match "target" $hostname]] {
+ set type $hostname
+ set hosttmp [split $target_info($type,netport) ":"]
+ set hostname [lindex $hosttmp 0]
+ if { [llength $hosttmp] > 1 } {
+ set port [lindex $hosttmp 1]
+ }
+ unset hosttmp
+ if [info exists target_info($type,prompt)] {
+ set shell_prompt $target_info($type,prompt)
+ }
+ } else {
+ set type target
+ }
+ if ![info exists shell_prompt] { # if no prompt, then set it to something generic
+ set shell_prompt ".*> "
+ }
+ set tries 0
+ set result -1
+ verbose "Starting a telnet connection to $hostname:$port" 2
+ spawn telnet $hostname $port
+ exp_send "\r\n"
+ while { $tries <= 3 } {
+ catch expect {
+ "ogin:" {
+ perror "telnet: need to login"
+ break
+ }
+ "assword:" {
+ perror "telnet: need a password"
+ break
+ }
+ -re ".*$shell_prompt.*$" {
+ verbose "Got prompt\n"
+ set result 0
+ }
+ "Connected to" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -re "\[\r\n\]*" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ "unknown host" {
+ exp_send "\003"
+ perror "telnet: unknown host"
+ break
+ }
+ "Escape character is" {
+ exp_send "\r\n"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ "has logged on from" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ "You have no Kerberos tickets" {
+ warning "telnet: no kerberos Tickets, please kinit"
+ break
+ }
+ -re "Connection refused.*$" {
+ exp_send "\003"
+ warning "telnet: connection refused."
+ }
+ -re "Sorry, this system is engaged.*" {
+ exp_send "\003"
+ warning "telnet: already connected."
+ }
+ "Connection closed by foreign host.*$" {
+ warning "telnet: connection closed by foreign host."
+ break
+ }
+ timeout {
+ exp_send "\003"
+ warning "telnet: timed out trying to connect."
+ }
+ eof {
+ perror "telnet: got unexpected EOF from telnet."
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ incr tries
+ }
+ # we look for this hear again cause it means something went wrong, and
+ # it doesn't always show up in the expect in buffer till the server times out.
+ if [info exists expect_out(buffer)] {
+ if [regexp "assword:|ogin:|" $expect_out(buffer)] {
+ perror "telnet: need to supply a login and password."
+ }
+ }
+ if { $result < 0 } {
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+# perror "telnet: couldn't connect after $tries tries."
+ set spawn_id -1
+ }
+ set target_info(target,fileid) $spawn_id
+ if [info exists target_info(target,name)] {
+ set target_info($target_info(target,name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ }
+ return $spawn_id
+# Connect to hostname using rlogin. The global RLOGIN
+# is the name of the actual rlogin program. This is for systems
+# using rlogin to braindead targets that don't support kerboros.
+# It returns either the spawn_id or a -1.
+# The final argument is the type of connection to establish, the default
+# is the target. This can also be passed as the second arg or the third.
+proc rlogin { arg } {
+ global spawn_id
+ global target_info
+ global RLOGIN
+ global errno
+ set tries 0
+ set result -1
+ # get the hostname and port number from the config array
+ if [expr [string match "host" $arg] || [string match "target" $arg]] {
+ set type $arg
+ set hostname [lindex [split $target_info(${type},netport) ":"] 0]
+ if [info exists target_info($type,prompt)] {
+ set shell_prompt $target_info($type,prompt)
+ }
+ } else {
+ set hostname $arg
+ set type target
+ }
+ if ![info exists shell_prompt] { # if no prompt, then set it to something generic
+ set shell_prompt ".*> "
+ }
+ # get the right version of rlogin
+ if ![info exists RLOGIN] {
+ set RLOGIN rlogin
+ }
+ # start connection and store the spawn_id
+ verbose "Opening a $RLOGIN connection to $hostname" 2
+ spawn $RLOGIN $hostname
+ if { $spawn_id < 0 } {
+ perror "invalid spawn id from rlogin"
+ return
+ }
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) $spawn_id
+ if [info exists target_info($type,name)] {
+ set target_info($target_info($type,name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ }
+ # try to connect to the target. We give up after 3 attempts. At one point
+ # we used to look for the prompt, but we may not know what it looks like.
+ while { $tries <= 3 } {
+ expect {
+ -re ".*$shell_prompt.*$" {
+ verbose "Got prompt\n"
+ set result 0
+ break
+ }
+ -re "TERM = .*\\)\[ ]*$" {
+ send "dumb\r\n"
+ expect {
+ "Terminal type is*$" {
+ verbose "rlogin: set the terminal to dumb" 2
+ }
+ default {
+ warning "rlogin: couldn't set terminmal type"
+ }
+ }
+ set result 10
+ break
+ }
+ "unknown host" {
+ perror "rlogin: unknown host"
+ break
+ }
+ "has logged on from" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ "Terminal type is" {
+ verbose "rlogin: connected, got terminal prompt" 2
+ set result 0
+ break
+ }
+ -re "Maximum number of users already logged in.*$" {
+ warning "rlogin: maximum number of users already logged in"
+ }
+ -re "Sorry, shell is locked.*Connection closed.*$" {
+ warning "rlogin: lready connected."
+ }
+ -re "Sorry, this system is engaged.*Connection closed.*$" {
+ warning "rlogin: system engaged."
+ }
+ -re "Kerberos rcmd failed.*$" {
+ warning "rlogin: Kerberos rcmd failed, please kinit"
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ -re "trying normal rlogin.*$" {
+ warning "rlogin: trying normal rlogin."
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ -re "unencrypted connection.*$" {
+ warning "rlogin: unencrypted connection, please kinit"
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ -re "isn't registered for Kerberos.*service.*$" {
+ warning "rsh: isn't registered, please kinit"
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ -re "You have no Kerberos tickets.*$" {
+ warning "rlogin: No kerberos Tickets, please kinit"
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "rlogin: timed out trying to connect."
+ }
+ eof {
+ perror "rlogin: got EOF while trying to connect."
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ incr tries
+ }
+ # if the error was fatal, there's nothing to send to
+ catch { send "\r\n" } tmp
+ if [string match "*invalid spawn id*" $tmp] {
+ perror "Couldn't rlogin to $hostname, fatal error."
+ catch "close $spawn_id"
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) $spawn_id
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},name)] {
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ }
+ return $spawn_id
+ }
+ expect {
+ "\r\n*$" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -re "\[- A-Za-z0-9\.\;\"\_\:\'\`\(\)\!\#\=\+\?\&\*]+.*$" {
+ # this is kinda gross, but if we get most any legit ascii
+ # text we figure we connected. Others tests later will
+ # determine if the connection actually works.
+ verbose "We got some text" 2
+ }
+ }
+ # see if we maxed out on errors
+ if { $result < 0 } {
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+# perror "rlogin: couldn't rlogin to $hostname, Too many errors"
+ catch "close $spawn_id"
+ set spawn_id -1
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) $spawn_id
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},name)] {
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ }
+ } else {
+ verbose "rlogin: connected to $hostname" 2
+ }
+ return $spawn_id
+# Connect to hostname using rsh
+proc rsh { arg } {
+ global spawn_id
+ global target_info
+ global RSH
+ global errno
+ set tries 0
+ set result -1
+ # get the hostname and port number from the config array
+ if [expr [string match "host" $arg] || [string match "target" $arg]] {
+ set type $arg
+ set hostname [lindex [split $target_info(${type},netport) ":"] 0]
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},prompt)] {
+ set shell_prompt $target_info(${type},prompt)
+ }
+ } else {
+ set hostname $arg
+ set type target
+ }
+ if ![info exists shell_prompt] { # if no prompt, then set it to something generic
+ set shell_prompt ".*> "
+ }
+ if ![info exists RSH] {
+ set RSH rsh
+ }
+ spawn $RSH $hostname
+ if { $spawn_id < 0 } {
+ perror "invalid spawn id from rsh"
+ return
+ }
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) $spawn_id
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},name)] {
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},prompt)] {
+ set prompt $target_info(${type},prompt)
+ }
+ send "\r\n"
+ while { $tries <= 3 } {
+ expect {
+ -re ".*$shell_prompt.*$" {
+ verbose "Got prompt\n"
+ set result 0
+ break
+ }
+ -re "TERM = .*$" {
+ warning "Setting terminal type to vt100"
+ set result 0
+ send "vt100\n"
+ break
+ }
+ "unknown host" {
+ exp_send "\003"
+ perror "telnet: unknown host"
+ break
+ }
+ "has logged on from" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -re "isn't registered for Kerberos.*service.*$" {
+ warning "rsh: isn't registered for Kerberos, please kinit"
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ -re "Kerberos rcmd failed.*$" {
+ warning "rsh: Kerberos rcmd failed, please kinit"
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ -re "You have no Kerberos tickets.*$" {
+ warning "rsh: No kerberos Tickets, please kinit"
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ "Terminal type is" {
+ verbose "rsh: connected, got terminal prompt" 2
+ set result 0
+ break
+ }
+ -re "trying normal rlogin.*$" {
+ warning "rsh: trying normal rlogin."
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ -re "unencrypted connection.*$" {
+ warning "rsh: unencrypted connection, please kinit"
+ catch close
+ catch wait
+ break
+ }
+ -re "Sorry, shell is locked.*Connection closed.*$" {
+ warning "rsh: already connected."
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "rsh: timed out trying to connect."
+ }
+ eof {
+ perror "rsh: got EOF while trying to connect."
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ incr tries
+ }
+ if { $result < 0 } {
+# perror "rsh: couldn't connect after $tries tries."
+ set spawn_id -1
+ }
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) $spawn_id
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},name)] {
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ }
+ return $spawn_id
+# Download an executable to a network neighbor
+# DEST is assumed to already contain the nodename.
+# Returns the status returned by the rcp command.
+proc rcp_download { src dest } {
+ set status [catch "exec rcp $src $dest" output]
+ if { $status == 0 } {
+ verbose "Copied $src to $dest" 2
+ } else {
+ verbose "Download to $dest failed, $output."
+ }
+ return $status
+# This proc is deprecated. Please use `execute_anywhere' instead.
+# Execute a program on the remote system using rsh
+# SYSTEM is the host name of the system to run the program on.
+# CMD is the program to run (including path) and any arguments.
+# The result is a list of two elements.
+# First element: 0 for success, 1 for failure, -1 for comms failure.
+# Second element: program output (success/failure) or error message (comms).
+proc rsh_exec { system cmd } {
+ verbose "Executing $system:$cmd" 3
+ # If CMD sends any output to stderr, exec will think it failed. More often
+ # than not that will be true, but it doesn't catch the case where there is
+ # no output but the exit code is non-zero. The "2>&1" is done on the
+ # remote system and is not a special flag for `exec'.
+ set status [catch "exec rsh $system $cmd 2>&1 \\; echo XYZ$?ZYX" output]
+ # `status' doesn't mean much here other than rsh worked ok.
+ # What we want is whether $cmd ran ok.
+ if { $status != 0 } {
+ regsub "XYZ(\[0-9\]*)ZYX\n?" $output "" output
+ return [list -1 "rsh to $system failed for $cmd, $output"]
+ }
+ regexp "XYZ(\[0-9\]*)ZYX" $output junk status
+ verbose "rsh_exec: status:$status text:$output" 4
+ if { $status == "" } {
+ return [list -1 "Couldn't parse rsh output, $output."]
+ }
+ regsub "XYZ(\[0-9\]*)ZYX\n?" $output "" output
+ # Delete one trailing \n because that is what `exec' will do and we want
+ # to behave identical to it.
+ regsub "\n$" $output "" output
+ return [list [expr $status != 0] $output]
+# Connect to using tip
+# port - must be a name from /etc/remote, or "host" or "target".
+# returns -1 if it failed, the spawn_id if it worked
+proc tip { arg } {
+ global verbose
+ global shell_prompt
+ global target_info
+ global spawn_id
+ set tries 0
+ set result -1
+ if [expr [string match "host" $arg] || [string match "target" $arg]] {
+ set port $target_info(${type},target)
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},prompt)] {
+ set shell_prompt $target_info(${type},prompt)
+ }
+ } else {
+ set port $arg
+ }
+ if ![info exists shell_prompt] { # if no prompt, then set it to something generic
+ set shell_prompt ".*> "
+ }
+ spawn tip -v $port
+ if { $spawn_id < 0 } {
+ perror "invalid spawn id from tip"
+ return -1
+ }
+ set target_info(target,fileid) $spawn_id
+ set target_info($target_info(target,name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ expect {
+ -re ".*connected.*$" {
+ send "\r\n"
+ expect {
+ -re ".*$shell_prompt.*$" {
+ verbose "Got prompt\n"
+ set result 0
+ incr tries
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "Never got prompt."
+ set result -1
+ incr tries
+ if $tries<=2 {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ -re "all ports busy.*$" {
+ set result -1
+ perror "All ports busy."
+ incr tries
+ if { $tries <= 2 } {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ -re "Connection Closed.*$" {
+ perror "Never connected."
+ set result -1
+ incr tries
+ if { $tries <= 2 } {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ -re ".*: Permission denied.*link down.*$" {
+ perror "Link down."
+ set result -1
+ incr tries
+ }
+ timeout {
+ perror "Timed out trying to connect."
+ set result -1
+ incr tries
+ if { $tries <= 2 } {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ eof {
+ perror "Got unexpected EOF from tip."
+ set result -1
+ incr tries
+ }
+ }
+ send "\n~s"
+ expect {
+ "~\[set\]*" {
+ verbose "Setting verbose mode" 1
+ send "verbose\n\n\n"
+ }
+ }
+ if { $result < 0 } {
+ perror "Couldn't connect after $tries tries."
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) -1
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) -1
+ return -1
+ } else {
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) $spawn_id
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ return $spawn_id
+ }
+# Downloads using the ~put command under tip
+# arg - is a full path name to the file to download
+# returns 1 if an error occured, otherwise it returns
+# the spawn_id.
+proc tip_download { shell_id file } {
+ global verbose
+ global decimal
+ global shell_prompt
+ global expect_out
+ set result 1
+ if ![file exists $file] {
+ perror "$file doesn't exist."
+ return 1
+ }
+ send -i $shell_id "\n~p"
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id "~\[put\]*" {
+ verbose "Downloading $file, please wait" 1
+ send -i $shell_id "$file\n"
+ set timeout 50
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*$file.*$" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*lines transferred in.*minute.*seconds.*$shell_prompt.*$" {
+ verbose "Download $file successfully" 1
+ set result 0
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*Invalid command.*$shell_prompt$" {
+ warning "Got an Invalid command to the monitor"
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*$decimal\r" {
+ if [info exists expect_out(buffer)] {
+ verbose "$expect_out(buffer)"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ perror "Timed out trying to download."
+ set result 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ timeout {
+ perror "Timed out waiting for response to put command."
+ }
+ }
+ set timeout 10
+ return $result
+# Connect to using kermit
+# args - first is the device name, ie. /dev/ttyb
+# second is the optional baud rate. If this is "host" or "target" the
+# config array is used instead.
+# returns -1 if it failed, otherwise it returns
+# the spawn_id.
+proc kermit { args } {
+ global verbose
+ global shell_prompt
+ global spawn_id
+ if { [llength $args] == 1 } {
+ set baud 9600
+ } else {
+ set baud [lindex $args 1]
+ }
+ if [expr [string match "host" [lindex $args 0]] || [string match "target" [lindex $arg 0]]] {
+ set device $target_info(${type},serial)
+ if [info exists target_info(${type},baud)] {
+ set baud $target_info(${type},baud)
+ }
+ } else {
+ set device [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ set tries 0
+ set result -1
+ spawn kermit -l $device -b $baud
+ if { $spawn_id < 0 } {
+ perror "invalid spawn id from kermit"
+ return -1
+ }
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) $spawn_id
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ expect {
+ -re ".*ermit.*>.*$" {
+ send "c\n"
+ expect {
+ -re ".*Connecting to $port.*Type the escape character followed by C to.*$" {
+ verbose "Got prompt\n"
+ set result 0
+ incr tries
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "Never got prompt."
+ set result -1
+ incr tries
+ if { $tries <= 2 } {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ -re "Connection Closed.*$" {
+ perror "Never connected."
+ set result -1
+ incr tries
+ if { $tries <= 2 } {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "Timed out trying to connect."
+ set result -1
+ incr tries
+ if { $tries<=2 } {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { $result < 0 } {
+ perror "Couldn't connect after $tries tries."
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) -1
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) -1
+ return -1
+ } else {
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) $spawn_id
+ set target_info($target_info(${type},name),fileid) $spawn_id
+ return $spawn_id
+ }
+# exit the remote shell
+# ??? This proc is deprecated. Please use `remote_close' instead.
+proc exit_remote_shell { shell_id } {
+ return [remote_close $shell_id]
+# Download a file using stdin. This will download a file
+# regardless of whether rlogin, telnet, tip, or kermit was
+# used to establish the connection.
+proc download { args } {
+ global spawn_id
+ global verbose
+ set file [lindex $args 0]
+ if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
+ set shellid [lindex $args 1]
+ } else {
+ set shellid $spawn_id
+ }
+ set lines 0
+ set fd [open $file r]
+ while { [gets $fd cur_line] >= 0 } {
+ set errmess ""
+ catch "send -i $shellid \"$cur_line\"" errmess
+ if [string match "write\(spawn_id=\[0-9\]+\):" $errmess] {
+ perror "sent \"$command\" got expect error \"$errmess\""
+ catch "close $fd"
+ return -1
+ }
+ verbose "." 2
+ verbose "Sent $cur_line" 3
+ incr lines
+ }
+ verbose "$lines lines downloaded"
+ close $fd
+ return 0
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/serverUtils.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/serverUtils.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e7c8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/serverUtils.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+proc EvalServer {port {interp {}} {openCmd EvalOpenProc}} {
+ puts "in EvalServer"
+ socket -server [list EvalAccept $interp $openCmd] $port
+proc EvalAccept {interp openCmd newsock addr port} {
+ global eval
+ puts "in EvalAccept"
+ set eval(cmdbuf,$newsock) {}
+ puts "[fconfigure $newsock]"
+ fconfigure $newsock -buffering line
+ fileevent $newsock readable [list EvalRead $newsock $interp]
+ puts "in EvalAccept: got fileevent"
+ if [catch {
+ interp eval $interp $openCmd $newsock $addr $port
+ }] {
+ close $newsock
+ }
+proc EvalOpenProc {sock addr port} {
+ puts "in EvalOpenProc"
+ # dummy
+proc EvalRead {sock interp} {
+ global eval errorInfo errorCode
+ puts "in EvalRead"
+ if [eof $sock] {
+ close $sock
+ } else {
+ gets $sock line
+ append eval(cmdbuf,$sock) "$line\n"
+ if {[string length $eval(cmdbuf,$sock)] && \
+ [info complete $eval(cmdbuf,$sock)]} {
+ puts ">$eval(cmdbuf,$sock)<"
+ }
+ set reply "Done\n"
+ puts $sock 1
+ puts -nonewline $sock $reply
+ flush $sock
+ set eval(cmdbuf,$sock) {}
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/target.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/target.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1454dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/target.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# a hairy pattern to recognize text
+set text "\[- A-Za-z0-9\.\;\"\_\:\'\`\(\)\!\#\=\+\?\&\*]"
+# this is a collection of support procs for the target data
+# structures. We use a named array, since Tcl has no real data
+# structures. Here's the special index words for the array:
+# Required fields are:
+# name - the name of the target. (mostly for error messages) This
+# should also be the string used for this target's array.
+# It should also be the same as the linker script so we
+# can find them dynamically.
+# Optional fields are:
+# ldflags - the flags required to produce a fully linked executable.
+# config - the target canonical for this target. This is a regexp
+# as passed to istarget or isnative.
+# cflags - the flags required to produce an object file from a
+# source file.
+# connect - the connectmode for this target. This is for both IP and
+# serial connections.
+# target - the hostname of the target. This is for TCP/IP based connections,
+# and is also used for version of tip that use /etc/remote.
+# serial - the serial port. This is typically /dev/tty? or com?:.
+# netport - the IP port.
+# baud - the baud rate for a serial port connection.
+# x10 - parameters for the x10 controller (used to reboot)
+# fileid - the fileid or spawn id of of the connection.
+# prompt - a regexp for matching the prompt.
+# abbrev - abbreviation for tool init files.
+# ioport - the port for I/O on dual port systems.
+# there are three main arrays, indexed in with "target", "build", and "host".
+# all other targets are indexed with a name usually based on the linker script
+# like "idp", or "ex93x.ld".
+# Set the elements of the target data structure
+# The order of the values is name, ldflags, config, cflags, connect, target, serial,
+# netport, baud, x10, fileid, prompt, abbrev, ioport.
+# FIXME: I'm not entirely sure this proc is a good idea...
+proc set_target_info { args } {
+ global target_info
+ set name [lindex $args 0]
+ # process the linker arguments
+ if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
+ set target_info($name,ldflags) [lindex $args 1]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,ldflags) ""
+ }
+ # process the config string
+ if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
+ set target_info($name,config) [lindex $args 2]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,config) ""
+ }
+ # process the compiler arguments
+ if { [llength $args] > 2 } {
+ set target_info($name,cflags) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,cflags) ""
+ }
+ # process the connection mode
+ if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
+ set target_info($name,connect) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,connect) ""
+ }
+ # process the target's hostname
+ if { [llength $args] > 4 } {
+ set target_info($name,target) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,target) ""
+ }
+ # process the serial port
+ if { [llength $args] > 5 } {
+ set target_info($name,serial) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,serial) ""
+ }
+ # process the netport
+ if { [llength $args] > 6 } {
+ set target_info($name,netport) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,netport) ""
+ }
+ # process the baud
+ if { [llength $args] > 7 } {
+ set target_info($name,baud) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,baud) ""
+ }
+ # process the x10 unit number.
+ if { [llength $args] > 8 } {
+ set target_info($name,x10) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,x10) ""
+ }
+ # process the fileid
+ if { [llength $args] > 9 } {
+ set target_info($name,fileid) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,fileid) ""
+ }
+ # process the prompt
+ if { [llength $args] > 10 } {
+ set target_info($name,prompt) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,prompt) ""
+ }
+ # process the abbrev
+ if { [llength $args] > 10 } {
+ set target_info($name,connect) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,connect) ""
+ }
+ # process the ioport
+ if { [llength $args] > 11 } {
+ set target_info($name,ioport) [lindex $args 3]
+ } else {
+ set target_info($name,ioport) ""
+ }
+# Set the target connection.
+proc push_target { name } {
+ pop_config target
+ push_config target $name
+# Set the host connnection.
+proc push_host { name } {
+ pop_config host
+ push_config host $name
+# Set the config for the current host or target connection.
+proc push_config { type name } {
+ global target_info
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},name)] {
+ set target_info($type,name) $name
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},ldflags)] {
+ set target_info($type,ldflags) $target_info(${name},ldflags)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},config)] {
+ set target_info($type,config) $target_info(${name},config)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},cflags)] {
+ set target_info($type,cflags) $target_info(${name},cflags)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},connect)] {
+ set target_info($type,connect) $target_info(${name},connect)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},target)] {
+ set target_info($type,target) $target_info(${name},target)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},serial)] {
+ set target_info($type,serial) $target_info(${name},serial)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},netport)] {
+ set target_info($type,netport) $target_info(${name},netport)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},baud)] {
+ set target_info($type,baud) $target_info(${name},baud)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},x10)] {
+ set target_info($type,x10) $target_info(${name},x10)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},fileid)] {
+ set target_info($type,fileid) $target_info(${name},fileid)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},prompt)] {
+ set target_info($type,prompt) $target_info(${name},prompt)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},abbrev)] {
+ set target_info($type,abbrev) $target_info(${name},abbrev)
+ }
+ if [info exists target_info(${name},ioport)] {
+ set target_info($type,ioport) $target_info(${name},ioport)
+ }
+# Set the current connection for target or host.
+proc pop_config { type } {
+ global target_info
+ set target_info(${type},name) ""
+ set target_info(${type},ldflags) ""
+ set target_info(${type},config) ""
+ set target_info(${type},cflags) ""
+ set target_info(${type},connect) ""
+ set target_info(${type},target) ""
+ set target_info(${type},serial) ""
+ set target_info(${type},netport) ""
+ set target_info(${type},baud) ""
+ set target_info(${type},x10) ""
+ set target_info(${type},fileid) ""
+ set target_info(${type},prompt) ""
+ set target_info(${type},abbrev) ""
+ set target_info(${type},ioport) ""
+# Unset the target connection.
+proc pop_target { } {
+ pop_config target
+# Unset the host connection.
+proc pop_host { } {
+ pop_config host
+# list all the configured targets.
+# returns:
+# "" if there are no targets.
+# else it returns a list of unique names.
+proc list_targets { } {
+ global target_info
+ if ![info exists target_info] {
+ return ""
+ }
+ set j ""
+ set targs ""
+ foreach i "[lsort [array names target_info]]" {
+ set i "[lindex [split $i ","] 0]"
+ if { $i == $j } {
+ continue
+ } else {
+ lappend targs "[lindex [split $i ","] 0]"
+ set j $i
+ }
+ }
+ return $targs
+# Remove extraneous warnings we don't care about
+proc prune_warnings { text } {
+ # remove the \r part of "\r\n" so we don't break all the patterns
+ # we want to match.
+ regsub -all -- "\r" $text "" text
+ # This is from sun4's. Do it for all machines for now.
+ # The "\\1" is to try to preserve a "\n" but only if necessary.
+ if [ishost "sparc-*-sunos"] {
+ regsub -all "(^|\n)(ld.so: warning:\[^\n\]*\n?)+" $text "\\1" text
+ }
+ # See Brendan for the raison d'etre of this one.
+ if [ishost "alpha*-*-*"] {
+ regsub -all "(^|\n)(/usr/(ucb|bin)/ld.*without exceptions was\[^\n\]+\n?)" $text "\\1" text
+ }
+ # Ignore these.
+ regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*linker input file unused since linking not done" $text "" text
+ regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*file path prefix \[^\n\]* never used" $text "" text
+ # It might be tempting to get carried away and delete blank lines, etc.
+ # Just delete *exactly* what we're ask to, and that's it.
+ return $text
+# Invoke the compiler. This gets interesting cause the compiler may
+# not be on the same machine we're running DejaGnu on.
+proc compile { arg } {
+ global target_info
+ global comp_output
+ global CC
+ if [info exists target_info(target,cflags)] {
+ lappend options "$target_info(target,cflags)"
+ }
+ append options " $arg"
+ verbose "Invoking the compiler as $CC $options"
+ set comp_output [prune_warnings [execute_anywhere "$CC $options"]]
+ return ${comp_output}
+# Invoke the archiver.
+proc archive { arg } {
+ global target_info
+ global comp_output
+ global AR
+ if [info exists target_info(target,arflags)] {
+ lappend options "$target_info(target,arflags)"
+ }
+ append options "$arg"
+ verbose "Invoking the archiver as $AR $options"
+ set comp_output [prune_warnings [execute_anywhere "$AR $options"]]
+ return ${comp_output}
+proc ranlib { arg } {
+ global target_info
+ global comp_output
+ global RANLIB
+ append options "$arg"
+ verbose "Invoking the archiver as $RANLIB $options"
+ set comp_output [prune_warnings [execute_anywhere "$RANLIB $options"]]
+ return ${comp_output}
+# Link a few objects together. This gets interesting cause the
+# objects may not be on the same machine we're running DejaGnu on.
+proc link_objects { arg } {
+ global target_info
+ global comp_output
+ global LD
+ set options "$arg"
+ if [info exists target_info(target,ldlags)] {
+ lappend options "$target_info(target,ldlags)"
+ }
+ set comp_output [execute_anywhere "$LD $args"]
+ return [ prune_warnings $comp_output]
+# Remotely execute something. This gets fun cause we can't expect an
+# Unix machine on the other end. We'll use expect instead so we can
+# connect using $connectmode. This is really designed for executing
+# the tools to be tested, rather than the test cases.
+proc execute_anywhere { cmdline } {
+ global exec_output
+ global target_info
+ if ![info exists target_info(current,prompt)] {
+ set prompt ""
+ } else {
+ set prompt $target_info(current,prompt)
+ }
+ # if we're running stuff that's hosted on the same machine
+ if ![is3way] {
+ verbose -log "Executing on local host: ${cmdline}" 2
+ set status [catch "exec ${cmdline}" exec_output]
+ if ![string match "" ${exec_output}] {
+ # FIXME: This should be done below, after `else'.
+ verbose -log -- "${exec_output}" 2
+ }
+ return ${exec_output}
+ } else {
+ verbose -log "Executing on remote host: ${cmdline}" 2
+ # open the connection
+ verbose "Connecting to remote host" 2
+ set shellid [remote_open "host"]
+ if { $shellid < 0 } {
+ perror "Can't open connection to remote host"
+ }
+# stty -echo
+ send -i $shellid "echo START ; $cmdline ; echo END\r\n"
+ expect {
+ -i $shellid "echo START \; $cmdline \; echo END" {
+ }
+ default {
+ warning "Never got command echo"
+ }
+ }
+ expect {
+ -i $shellid "START" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shellid "END" {
+ regsub -all "\]" $expect_out(buffer) "" exec_output
+ regsub "END" $exec_output "" exec_output
+ } default {
+ set exec_output $i
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if [info exists exec_output] {
+ verbose "EXEC_OUTPUT = \"$exec_output\"" 2
+ }
+# stty echo
+ # close the connection
+ remote_close $shellid
+ if [info exists exec_output] {
+ return $exec_output
+ } else {
+ }
+# Get something resembling a prompt We can't grab more
+# than the last word cause we have no real idea how long
+# the prompt is. We also get the full prompt, but it's
+# kinda useless as it might contain command numbers or
+# paths that change. If we can't return a prompt, return
+# null. so at least other patterns won't break.
+proc getprompt { shellid } {
+ global spawn_id
+ if { $shellid < 0 } {
+ perror "Invalid spawn id"
+ return ""
+ }
+ set tries 0
+ set text ""
+ while { $tries <=3 } {
+ verbose "Trying to get the remote host's prompt"
+ send -i $shellid "ACK\r\n"
+ expect {
+ -i $shellid -re "Kerberos rcmd failed.*$" {
+ perror "Need to kinit"
+ return ""
+ }
+ -i $shellid -re "$text*\[\r\n\]*" {
+ return [lindex [split $expect_out(buffer) "\r\n"] 5]
+ break
+ }
+ -i $shellid -re "Terminal type is.*tty.*\>" {
+ return [lindex [split $expect_out(buffer) "\r\n"] 5]
+ break
+ }
+ -i $shellid "" {
+ warning "No prompt"
+ }
+ -i $shellid timeout {
+ perror "Couldn't sync with the remote system"
+ }
+ -i $shellid eof {
+ perror "Got EOF instead of a prompt"
+ }
+ }
+ incr tries
+ }
+ # see if we maxed out on errors
+ if { $tries >= 3 } {
+ warning "Couldn't get the prompt"
+ return ""
+ }
+proc make { args } {
+ perror "Unimplemented"
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/tclIndex b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/tclIndex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b09971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/tclIndex
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Tcl autoload index file: each line identifies a Tcl
+doCmd testSessionFramework.itcl
+send_user nonexpect.itcl
+send_error nonexpect.itcl
+send_log nonexpect.itcl
+log_file nonexpect.itcl
+::BlueGnu::Application testSessionApplication.itcl
+::BlueGnu::Environment testSessionClasses.itcl
+::BlueGnu::Target testSessionClasses.itcl
+::BlueGnu::Test testSessionClasses.itcl
+::BlueGnu::Queue testSessionClasses.itcl
+::BlueGnu::Error testSessionClasses.itcl
+Default Default_target.itcl
+BlueGnu BlueGnu_target.itcl
+# Types
+Type Types.itcl
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionApplication.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionApplication.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d57722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionApplication.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+# This file defines the Application Class
+source $env(BLUEGNULIB)/testSessionFramework.itcl
+source $env(BLUEGNULIB)/testSessionClasses.itcl
+namespace eval ::BlueGnu {
+ class Application {
+ protected variable szName "Default"
+ protected variable lTargets {}
+ protected variable lTests
+ protected variable szCurrentTarget
+ protected variable objCurrentTarget
+ protected variable objEnvironment
+ protected variable szOutDir
+ constructor {args} {
+ debug {======= Doing Application construction} 3
+ set szOutDir "..."
+ foreach varval $args {
+ set varval [split $varval "="]
+ if {[llength $varval] != 2} {
+ error "Missing <variable>=<value> pair"
+ }
+ set var [lindex $varval 0]
+ set val [lindex $varval 1]
+ set variables {}
+ foreach v [lsort [info variable]] {
+ regexp {[^:]+$} $v v
+ lappend variables $v
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $variables $var] >= 0} {
+ set $var $val
+ } else {
+ error "$var does not exists in Class [info class]"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ destructor {
+ }
+ public method execute {} {
+ debug {======= Starting with Execution of the Application} 3
+ debug { list of indexes for lTests is [array names lTests]} 4
+ set iTarget 0
+ set objEnvironment [uplevel #0 \
+ "::BlueGnu::Environment #auto \
+ szName=$szName"]
+ debug { objEnvironment = >$objEnvironment<} 3
+ debug { +++ [infoWhich $objEnvironment] +++} 4
+ debug { === [::itcl::find objects] ===} 4
+ uplevel #0 set objCurrentEnvironment $objEnvironment
+ foreach target $lTargets {
+ set szTargetName [lindex [split $target "="] 0]
+ open_logs $szTargetName
+ incr iTarget
+ # set current Test Suite Namespace
+ uplevel #0 set nspTestSuite "::TestSuite[format %.5d $iTarget]"
+ debug { Processing target: >$target< in Test Suite\
+ [uplevel set nspTestSuite]} 3
+ namespace eval [uplevel set nspTestSuite] {
+ debug { Context is >[namespace current]<} 3
+ variable iTestNr 0
+ proc autoTest {} {
+ variable iTestNr
+ incr iTestNr
+ debug {iTestNr = $iTestNr} 5
+ debug {namespace current = >[namespace current]<} 5
+ debug {format = >T[format %.5d $iTestNr]<} 5
+ return [namespace current]::T[format %.5d $iTestNr]
+ }
+ set target [uplevel set target]
+ debug { In namespace eval [namespace current]\
+ for target: >$target<} 3
+ if {! [catch {
+ if {[string length $target] == 0} {
+ # Create a default Target Object
+ #
+ debug { Create a default Target Object} 3
+ uplevel #0 set objCurrentTarget \
+ [infoWhich \
+ [::BlueGnu::Target #auto \
+ szID=default \
+ szName=default \
+ objQueue=[infoWhich [::BlueGnu::Queue #auto]] \
+ objEnvironment=[uplevel set objEnvironment]]]
+ } else {
+ # Call the Target Procedure
+ # This procedure should return a Target Object.
+ # Arguments are passed to this procedure.
+ debug { Create target: >$target<} 3
+ set list [split $target "="]
+ uplevel #0 set objCurrentTarget \
+ [infoWhich \
+ [eval [lindex $list 0] \
+ [join [lrange $list 1 end] "="] \
+ objEnvironment=[uplevel set objEnvironment]]]
+ }
+ } szErrMsg]} {
+ debug { Current Target is\
+ >[set target \
+ [uplevel #0 set objCurrentTarget]]<} 3
+ debug { Working with target index\
+ [uplevel set iTarget]} 4
+ if {[uplevel {info exists lTests($iTarget)}]} {
+ foreach test [uplevel {set lTests($iTarget)}] {
+ debug { test: $test} 3
+ $target queue append $test
+ }
+ }
+ $target start
+ $target runTests
+ $target exit
+ # report results of the testing
+ #
+ debug { #### All Objects: [::itcl::find objects]} 3
+ foreach T [lsort [::itcl::find objects T*]] {
+ debug { #### Deleting Object $T\
+ ([$T info class])} 0
+ delete object $T
+ }
+ # remove constructed objects
+ #
+ debug { Removing Target Class Object $target} 3
+ delete object $target
+ } else {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ perror "Couldn't create target >$target<!\
+ \n May be no procedure with name\
+ >$target< defined!\
+ \n errorMsg : >$szErrMsg<\
+ \n errorInfo: >$errorInfo<\
+ \n errorCode: >$errorCode<"
+ debug { error info:\n$errorInfo} 3
+ }
+ }
+ namespace delete [uplevel set nspTestSuite]
+ close_logs
+ }
+ debug { objects: >[::itcl::find objects]<} 4
+ debug {####### deleting Object Environment >$objEnvironment<} 4
+ delete object $objEnvironment
+ }
+ public method processArguments {arguments} {
+ upvar $arguments argv
+ global szCurrentTestDirectory
+ set state NORMAL
+ set iTarget 0
+ foreach arg $argv {
+ switch -regexp -- $arg {
+ {^-a(l(l)?)?$} {
+ debug { all_flag set to TRUE} 4
+ set ::BlueGnu::all_flag 1
+ }
+ {^-o(u(t(d(i(r)?)?)?)?)?$} {
+ debug { Output Directory is next argument} 4
+ set state OUTDIR
+ }
+ {^--o(u(t(d(i(r)?)?)?)?)?=.*} {
+ set components [split $arg "="]
+ debug { Processing Output Directory >$arg<} 4
+ set szOutDir [lindex $components 1]
+ set state NORMAL
+ }
+ {^-[-]?t(a(r(g(e(t)?)?)?)?)?([=].*|$)} {
+ set components [split $arg "="]
+ if {[llength $components] == 1} {
+ debug { Target is next argument} 4
+ set state TARGET
+ } else {
+ debug { Processing Target >$arg<} 4
+ setTarget iTarget \
+ [join [lrange $components 1 end] "="]
+ set state NORMAL
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ debug { Processing argument: >$arg<} 3
+ switch $state {
+ set szOutDir $arg
+ set state NORMAL
+ }
+ setTarget iTarget $arg
+ set state NORMAL
+ }
+ set components [split $arg "="]
+ regexp {([^[]*)(.*)} [lindex $components 0] \
+ dummy szFileName szCaseArgs
+ append szCaseArgs "=[join \
+ [lrange $components 1 end] "="]"
+ debug { arg: >$arg<} 3
+ debug { components: >$components<} 3
+ debug { case+args: >$szCaseArgs<} 3
+ debug { Test Script: >$szFileName<} 3
+ debug { : >$szCurrentTestDirectory<} 3
+ set szDname [file dirname $szFileName]
+ set szFname [file tail $szFileName]
+ if {[file exist [set test [file join \
+ $szCurrentTestDirectory \
+ $szFileName]]]} {
+ # file should be a test
+ debug { is a test: >$test<!} 3
+ if {! [info exists szCurrentTarget]} {
+ setTarget iTarget {}
+ }
+ lappend lTests($iTarget) \
+ [file join \
+ $szCurrentTestDirectory \
+ $arg]
+ debug { Appended test:\
+ >[file join \
+ $szCurrentTestDirectory \
+ $arg]<!} 3
+ } elseif {[llength [set tests \
+ [locateFile $szFname $szDname]]] > 0} {
+ foreach test $tests {
+ if {[file exists $test]} {
+ # file should be a test
+ debug { is a test:\
+ >$test<!!} 3
+ if {! [info exists\
+ szCurrentTarget]} {
+ setTarget iTarget {}
+ }
+ lappend lTests($iTarget) \
+ $test$szCaseArgs
+ debug { Appended test:\
+ >$test$szCaseArgs<!!} 2
+ } else {
+ warning "Test >$test< can't\
+ be found"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ perror "$szFileName is not a test!\
+ Does not exists!"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug { ==== Found tests:} 3
+ foreach index [lsort [array names lTests]] {
+ debug { lTests($index) = $lTests($index)} 4
+ }
+ debug { Targets are: $lTargets} 4
+ }
+ private method setTarget {index target} {
+ upvar $index iTarget
+ incr iTarget
+ if {[string length $target] == 0} {
+ set szCurrentTarget "Default"
+ lappend lTargets $szCurrentTarget
+ debug { Default Current Target} 3
+ } else {
+ set szCurrentTarget $target
+ lappend lTargets $szCurrentTarget
+ debug { Current target: >$szCurrentTarget<} 3
+ }
+ debug { Found target >$szCurrentTarget<} 3
+ }
+ private method open_logs {target} {
+ global env
+ set target [string trim $target]
+ if {[string compare $szOutDir "..."] == 0} {
+ debug { No Output directory defined, creating one} 3
+ set szOutDir \
+ "logs/$env(USER)_${target}_[exec date +%Y%m%d]_"
+ set szI [format "%.4d" [set i 0]]
+ while {[file isdirectory $szOutDir$szI]} {
+ set szI [format "%.4d" [incr i]]
+ }
+ set szOutDir $szOutDir$szI
+ }
+ if {! [file isdirectory $szOutDir]} {
+ exec mkdir -p $szOutDir
+ }
+ if {[string length $target] == 0} {
+ set szTool testrun
+ } else {
+ set szTool $target
+ }
+ catch "exec rm -f $szOutDir/$szTool.sum"
+ namespace eval ::BlueGnu \
+ "set ::BlueGnu::sum_file [open "$szOutDir/$szTool.sum" w]"
+ puts $::BlueGnu::sum_file "# $szOutDir/$szTool.sum"
+ catch "exec rm -f $szOutDir/$szTool.log"
+ log_file -a "$szOutDir/$szTool.log"
+ send_log "# $szOutDir/$szTool.log\n"
+ debug { Opening log and summary files in $szOutDir} 3
+ }
+ private method close_logs {} {
+ }
+ public method outDir {} {
+ return $szOutDir
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionClasses.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionClasses.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9428af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionClasses.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1341 @@
+# This [incr Tcl] source file contains the class specifications
+# for the testSession of BlueGnu
+namespace eval ::BlueGnu {
+ variable lArgs {}
+ variable errcnt 0
+ variable errno "NONE"
+ variable warncnt 0
+ variable xfail_flag 0
+ class Common {
+ # arguments passed to the constructor are always in the form:
+ # <variable>=<value>
+ #
+ constructor {args} {
+ debug {Constructor for >$this< [info level] [info class]} 9
+ foreach varval $args {
+ set varval [split $varval "="]
+ if {[llength $varval] != 2} {
+ error "Missing <variable>=<value> pair"
+ }
+ set var [lindex $varval 0]
+ set val [lindex $varval 1]
+ set variables {}
+ foreach v [lsort [info variable]] {
+ regexp {[^:]+$} $v v
+ lappend variables $v
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -exact $variables $var] >= 0} {
+ set $var $val
+ } else {
+ perror "variable >$var< does not exists in Class\
+ [info class]\n \
+ (was passed as argument and is ignored!)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public method << {} {
+ set lResult {}
+ foreach var [lsort [info variable]] {
+ regexp {[^:]+$} $var v
+ debug {Found variable: >$v<} 9
+ if [array exists $v] {
+ debug { is an array} 9
+ foreach index [lsort [array names $v]] {
+ lappend lResult "${v}($index)=[set ${v}($index)]"
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug { is simple variable} 9
+ if {[string compare [set value [info variable $var -value]] \
+ "<undefined>"] != 0} {
+ switch $v {
+ this -
+ text {}
+ default {
+ lappend lResult [list $v $value]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set lResult
+ }
+ }
+ class Test {
+ inherit Common
+ protected variable szID
+ protected variable bTestCase
+ protected variable szTestCase
+ protected variable szTestCaseID
+ protected variable szTestCaseArgs
+ protected variable szName
+ protected variable szTool
+ protected variable eType
+ protected variable eResult
+ protected variable szScriptName
+ protected variable lArguments
+ protected variable szHostName
+ protected variable iPassed
+ protected variable iFailed
+ protected variable iXPassed
+ protected variable iXFailed
+ protected variable iCrashed
+ protected variable iError
+ protected variable iWarning
+ protected variable iUnresolved
+ protected variable iUntested
+ protected variable iUnsupported
+ protected variable i
+ protected variable benchmarkObject
+ protected variable benchmarkClassName
+ constructor testScript {
+ set szTool [uplevel #0 set szCurrentTestDirectory]
+ debug {======= Global Default Test Directory is\
+ >$szTool<} 5
+ set lArguments {}
+ # remove all multiple spaces/tabs into one space
+ # and parse the argument list
+ # <testScript> ::= <szScriptName>?[test case ID]?=<argument list>
+ # <argument list> ::= <argument> <argument list>
+ # <argument> ::= <variable name> | <variable name>=<value>
+ debug { testScript(1) is >$testScript<} 5
+ regsub -all "(\[ \t\]+)" [string trim $testScript] " " testScript
+ debug { testScript(2) is >$testScript<} 5
+ #
+ # Split testScript into script, test case ID, and arguments
+ regexp {^([^[=]+)([[]([^]]+)[]])?(=(.*))?$} $testScript dummy \
+ script tc tcID argT argL
+ debug { script: >$script<} 5
+ debug { tc: >$tc<} 5
+ debug { tcID: >$tcID<} 5
+ debug { argT: >$argT<} 5
+ debug { argL: >$argL<} 5
+ if {[set i [string first {=} $testScript]] >= 0} {
+ set testScriptArgs [string range $testScript \
+ [expr $i + 1] end]
+ set testScript [string range $testScript 0 [expr $i - 1]]
+ } else {
+ set testScriptArgs {}
+ }
+ set testScript $script
+ set szTestCase $tcID
+ if {[string length $szTestCase] > 0} {
+ set bTestCase 1
+ } else {
+ set bTestCase 0
+ }
+ set szTestCaseID [lindex [split $szTestCase "="] 0]
+ set szTestCaseArgs [join [lrange [split $szTestCase "="] 1 end] \
+ "="]
+ debug {szTestCase == >$szTestCase<} 5
+ debug {szTestCaseID == >$szTestCaseID<} 5
+ debug {szTestCaseArgs == >$szTestCaseArgs<} 5
+ set testScriptArgs $argL
+ debug {testScript(3) is >$testScript<} 5
+ debug {testScriptArgs(1) is >$testScriptArgs<} 5
+ set lArguments [eval list $testScriptArgs]
+ set i 0
+ foreach arg $lArguments {
+ debug {arg($i) is >$arg<} 5
+ set lArguments [lreplace $lArguments $i $i [split $arg "="]]
+ incr i
+ }
+ debug {Test script >$testScript<, test case >$szTestCase<} 3
+ debug { pathtype is [file pathtype $testScript]} 3
+ switch [file pathtype $testScript] {
+ relative {
+ error "Test Script name >$testScript<\
+ should not be relative"
+ }
+ absolute {
+ debug {Absolute reference in $this to Test Script\
+ >$testScript<} 3
+ set szScriptName $testScript
+ }
+ }
+ debug {Default Test Directory is >$szTool<}
+ if {[file exists $testScript]} {
+ debug {Test script >$testScript< exists!}
+ set szName [file tail $testScript]
+ set szID [file rootname $szName]
+ set szPWD [pwd]
+ set szTool [file dirname $testScript]
+ cd $szTool
+ set szTool [pwd]
+ cd $szPWD
+ set szScriptName [file join $szTool [file tail $testScript]]
+ regsub {.} [string toupper [file extension $szName]] {} eType
+ set eResult INITIALIZED
+ } else {
+ debug {Test script >$testScript< does NOT exists!}
+ set szRoot ""
+ set szID ""
+ set szName ""
+ set szTool ""
+ uplevel #0 set szCurrentTestDirectory "\"$szTool\""
+ set eType "NONE"
+ set szScriptName "$testScript"
+ set lArguments {}
+ set eResult EMPTY
+ }
+ set szHostName [info host]
+ set iPassed 0
+ set iFailed 0
+ set iXPassed 0
+ set iXFailed 0
+ set iCrashed 0
+ set iError 0
+ set iWarning 0
+ set iUnresolved 0
+ set iUntested 0
+ set iUnsupported 0
+ debug {Default Test Directory is >$szTool<}
+ debug {Global Default Test Directory is\
+ >[uplevel #0 set szCurrentTestDirectory]<}
+ debug {Target: >[[uplevel #0 set objCurrentTarget] <<]<}
+ while {1} {
+ # Create Benchmark Class Object
+ #
+ # First initialize
+ #
+ set szTargetID [[uplevel #0 set objCurrentTarget] ID]
+ regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9_]} $szTargetID "_" szTargetID
+ regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9_]} $szID "_" szTmpID
+ regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9_]} $szTestCaseID "_" szTmpTestCaseID
+ #
+ # First try Benchmark Class in namespace for Target
+ # and test case ID if exists otherwise test script ID
+ #
+ set benchmarkClassName ::$szTargetID
+ if {$bTestCase} {
+ append benchmarkClassName ::$szTmpTestCaseID
+ } else {
+ append benchmarkClassName ::$szTmpID
+ }
+ debug {=== Trying benchmark: $benchmarkClassName} 3
+ if [catch {
+ set benchmarkObject \
+ [eval $benchmarkClassName #auto $szTestCaseArgs]
+ if {! [string match ::* $benchmarkObject]} {
+ set benchmarkObject \
+ [namespace current]::$benchmarkObject
+ }
+ debug {benchmarkObject: >$benchmarkObject<} 3
+ } errMsg] {
+ debug {Error Msg: >>>$errMsg<<<} 3
+ debug { info: >>>[uplevel #0 set errorInfo]<<<} 4
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ #
+ # Now try Benchmark class for test script name
+ # with test case ID or Benchmark
+ #
+ set benchmarkClassName ::$szTmpID
+ if {$bTestCase} {
+ append benchmarkClassName ::$szTmpTestCaseID
+ } else {
+ append benchmarkClassName ::Benchmark
+ }
+ debug {=== Trying benchmark: $benchmarkClassName} 3
+ if [catch {
+ set benchmarkObject [infoWhich \
+ [eval $benchmarkClassName #auto $szTestCaseArgs]]
+ } errMsg] {
+ debug {Error Msg: >>>$errMsg<<<} 3
+ debug { info: >>>[uplevel #0 set errorInfo]<<<} 4
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ #
+ # Now try target ID and benchmark
+ #
+ set benchmarkClassName ::${szTargetID}::Benchmark
+ debug {=== Trying benchmark: $benchmarkClassName} 3
+ debug { namespace: >[namespace current]<} 3
+ if [catch {
+ set benchmarkObject [infoWhich \
+ [eval $benchmarkClassName #auto $szTestCaseArgs] \
+ [namespace current]]
+ } errMsg] {
+ debug {Error Msg: >>>$errMsg<<<} 3
+ debug { info: >>>[uplevel #0 set errorInfo]<<<} 4
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ #
+ # Now try the generic BlueGnu benchmark function
+ #
+ set benchmarkClassName ::BlueGnu::Benchmark
+ debug {=== Trying benchmark: $benchmarkClassName} 3
+ if [catch {
+ set benchmarkObject [infoWhich \
+ [eval $benchmarkClassName #auto $szTestCaseArgs]]
+ debug {[warning "Default Benchmark Class\
+ is being used!"]}
+ } errMsg] {
+ warning "NO Benchmark Class >$benchmarkClassName<\
+ defined"
+ debug {[warning "Class: >$benchmarkClassName<\
+ has not been defined.\n ### Error Msg:\
+ $errMsg"]}
+ set benchmarkObject ""
+ break
+ }
+ debug { benchmark: $benchmarkClassName\
+ ($benchmarkObject)} 3
+ uplevel #0 {
+ set errorInfo NONE
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ destructor {
+ setResult
+ switch $eResult {
+ printResult
+ if {! $bTestCase} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " Statistics :\
+ $iPassed (PASS),\
+ $iXFailed (XFAIL)"
+ }
+ }
+ printResult
+ if {! $bTestCase} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " Statistics :\
+ $iPassed (PASS),\
+ $iXFailed (XFAIL)"
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iFailed (FAIL),\
+ $iXPassed (XPASS)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ printResult
+ if {! $bTestCase} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " Statistics :\
+ $iPassed (PASS),\
+ $iXFailed (XFAIL)"
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iFailed (FAIL),\
+ $iXPassed (XPASS)"
+ if {$iUntested} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUntested (UNTESTED)"
+ }
+ if {$iUnresolved} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUnresolved (UNRESOLVED)"
+ }
+ if {$iUnsupported} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUnsupported (UNSUPPORTED)"
+ }
+ if {$iCrashed} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iCrashed (CRASHED)"
+ }
+ if {$iError} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iError (ERROR)"
+ }
+ if {$iWarning} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iWarning (WARNING)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # remove benchmark Class Object
+ #
+ if {$benchmarkObject != ""} {
+ debug {#### Benchmark Object: >$benchmarkObject<\
+ ([catch {$benchmarkObject info class}])} 3
+ debug {#### Benchmark Class : >$benchmarkClassName<} 3
+ catch {delete object $benchmarkObject}
+ if {$benchmarkClassName != "::BlueGnu::Benchmark"} {
+ catch {delete class $benchmarkClassName}
+ }
+ }
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output ""
+ }
+ private method printResult {} {
+ if {$bTestCase} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "******* Result :\
+ [format "%-12s" $eResult] for test case :\
+ >$szTestCase<"
+ } else {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "******* Result :\
+ [format "%-12s" $eResult] for test script :\
+ >$szID<"
+ }
+ }
+ public method ID {} {
+ return $szID
+ }
+ public method testCase {} {
+ return $szTestCase
+ }
+ public method testCaseID {} {
+ return $szTestCaseID
+ }
+ public method testCaseArgs {} {
+ return $szTestCaseArgs
+ }
+ public method benchmarkObject {} {
+ return $benchmarkObject
+ }
+ public method benchmarkClassName {} {
+ return $benchmarkClassName
+ }
+ public method name {args} {
+ if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ set szName [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ return $szName
+ }
+ public method result {} {
+ return $eResult
+ }
+ public method arguments {} {
+ return $lArguments
+ }
+ public method pass {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ if {[namespace eval ::BlueGnu {set xfail_flag}]} {
+ incr iXPassed
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test XPASS $szMsg
+ } else {
+ incr iPassed
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test PASS $szMsg
+ }
+ setResult
+ }
+ public method fail {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ if {[namespace eval ::BlueGnu {set xfail_flag}]} {
+ incr iXFailed
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test XFAIL $szMsg
+ } else {
+ incr iFailed
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test FAIL $szMsg
+ }
+ setResult
+ }
+ public method perror {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ incr iError
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test ERROR $szMsg
+ setResult
+ }
+ public method crashed {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ incr iCrashed
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test CRASHED $szMsg
+ setResult
+ }
+ public method warning {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ incr iWarning
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test WARNING $szMsg
+ setResult
+ }
+ public method note {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test NOTE $szMsg
+ }
+ public method unresolved {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ incr iUnresolved
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test UNRESOLVED $szMsg
+ }
+ public method untested {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ incr iUntested
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test UNTESTED $szMsg
+ }
+ public method unsupported {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ incr iUnsupported
+ $objCurrentEnvironment record_test UNSUPPORTED $szMsg
+ }
+ private method setResult {} {
+ if {$iUnresolved || \
+ $iError || $iCrashed || \
+ ($iWarning > [namespace eval ::BlueGnu { \
+ set warning_threshold}] && \
+ 0 < [namespace eval ::BlueGnu { \
+ set warning_threshold}])} {
+ set eResult UNRESOLVED
+ } elseif {$iUntested} {
+ set eResult UNTESTED
+ } elseif {$iUnsupported} {
+ set eResult UNSUPPORTED
+ } elseif {($iPassed > 0 || $iXFailed > 0) && \
+ $iFailed == 0 && $iXPassed == 0} {
+ set eResult "PASSED"
+ } elseif {$iFailed || $iXPassed} {
+ set eResult "FAILED"
+ } elseif {$iPassed == 0 && $iXPassed && \
+ $iFailed == 0 && $iXFailed && $iCrashed == 0 && \
+ $iError == 0 && $iWarning == 0} {
+ set eResult ACTIVATED
+ } else {
+ set eResult UNKNOWN
+ }
+ }
+ public method getResult {} {
+ setResult
+ return $eResult
+ }
+ public method tool {} {
+ return $szTool
+ }
+ public method scriptName {} {
+ return $szScriptName
+ }
+ public method << {} {
+ if 0 {
+ lappend lResult [list ID $szID]
+ lappend lResult [list name $szName]
+ lappend lResult [list tool $szTool]
+ lappend lResult [list type $eType]
+ lappend lResult [list result $eResult]
+ lappend lResult [list root $szRoot]
+ lappend lResult [list script $szScriptName]
+ lappend lResult [list arguments $lArguments]
+ lappend lResult [list host $szHostName]
+ return $lResult
+ } else {
+ eval [info function Common::<< -body]
+ }
+ }
+ public method runtest {} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ setResult
+ if {$bTestCase} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "####### Begin test case :\
+ >$szTestCase<"
+ debug { [scriptName]\n \
+ [name]=[arguments]}
+ } else {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "####### Begin test script :\
+ >$szID<"
+ debug { [scriptName]\n \
+ [name]=[arguments]}
+ }
+ verbose { Full Pathname : $szScriptName} 1
+ debug {=== Running test in $this: $szScriptName} 3
+ debug {[join [<<] "\n"]} 9
+ catch {debug {Global Default Test Directory is\
+ >[uplevel #0 set szCurrentTestDirectory]<}}
+ catch {debug {Default Test Directory is >$szTool<}}
+ if [catch {
+ uplevel #0 set szCurrentTestDirectory "$szTool"
+ uplevel #0 lappend lTool {$szCurrentTestDirectory}
+ uplevel #0 set objCurrentTest $this
+ uplevel #0 lappend lTestName {$objCurrentTest}
+ uplevel 1 variable bTestCase $bTestCase
+ uplevel 1 variable szTestCase \"$szTestCase\"
+ uplevel 1 variable szTestCaseID \"$szTestCaseID\"
+ uplevel 1 variable szTestCaseArgs \"$szTestCaseArgs\"
+ uplevel 1 variable iArgs [llength $lArguments]
+ uplevel 1 variable lArgs [concat {[list} $lArguments {]}]
+ uplevel 1 variable szID $szID
+ uplevel 1 variable szScriptName $szScriptName
+ uplevel 1 variable szName $szName
+ uplevel 1 variable szTool $szTool
+ } szErrMsg] {
+ debug {Error Msg:>>>$szErrmsg<<<} 0
+ }
+ if {[catch {uplevel 1 source $szScriptName} szErrMsg]} {
+ global errorInfo errorCode
+ crashed ">$szErrMsg<\
+ \n in script: >$szScriptName<\
+ \n errorInfo: >$errorInfo<\
+ \n errorCode: >$errorCode<"
+ }
+ setResult
+ $objCurrentEnvironment reportTestResult $eResult
+ uplevel #0 {set lTestName [lreplace $lTestName end end]}
+ uplevel #0 {set objCurrentTest [lrange $lTestName end end]}
+ uplevel #0 {set lTool [lreplace $lTool end end]}
+ uplevel #0 {set szCurrentTestDirectory [lrange $lTool end end]}
+ catch {debug {Default Test Directory is >$szTool<} 3}
+ catch {debug {Global Default Test Directory is\
+ >[uplevel #0 set szCurrentTestDirectory]<} 3}
+ debug {=== Done with test in $this: $szScriptName ($bTestCase)} 3
+ if {$bTestCase} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "####### End test case :\
+ >$szTestCase<"
+ } else {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "####### End test script :\
+ >$szID<"
+ }
+ return $this
+ }
+ }
+ class Queue {
+ inherit Common
+ protected variable lTestNames
+ constructor {} {
+ set lTestNames {}
+ }
+ public method append args {
+ set testName [join $args]
+ debug { queue appending >$testName<} 3
+ lappend lTestNames $testName
+ debug { DONE} 3
+ }
+ public method prepend args {
+ #set testName [join $args]
+ debug {Queue::prepend $args} 3
+ foreach arg $args {
+ debug { append >$arg< to comList} 3
+ lappend comList $arg
+ }
+ debug { queue prepending comList: >$comList<} 3
+ debug { [llength $comList] elements in comList} 3
+ #set lTestNames [linsert $lTestNames 0 "$testName"]
+ debug { [llength $lTestNames] elements in lTestNames} 3
+ set lTestNames [concat $comList $lTestNames]
+ debug { [llength $lTestNames] elements in lTestNames} 3
+ debug { DONE} 3
+ }
+ public method pop {} {
+ if {[llength $lTestNames] == 0} {
+ return -code error -errorinfo "Empty Queue" {}
+ }
+ if {[llength $lTestNames] == 1} {
+ set testName [lindex $lTestNames 0]
+ set lTestNames {}
+ return $testName
+ #return -code error $testName
+ }
+ set testName [lindex $lTestNames 0]
+ set lTestNames [lrange $lTestNames 1 end]
+ return $testName
+ }
+ public method << {} {
+ #lappend lResult [list tests $lTestNames]
+ #return $lResult
+ eval [info function Common::<< -body]
+ }
+ }
+ class Environment {
+ inherit Common
+ protected variable szName "Default"
+ protected variable iPassCnt 0
+ protected variable iFailCnt 0
+ protected variable iXPassCnt 0
+ protected variable iXFailCnt 0
+ protected variable iUntestedCnt 0
+ protected variable iUnresolvedCnt 0
+ protected variable iUnsupportedCnt 0
+ protected variable iCrashedCnt 0
+ protected variable iErrorCnt 0
+ protected variable iWarningCnt 0
+ protected variable iCnt 0
+ protected variable iWarningThreshold 0
+ protected variable iErrorThreshold 0
+ protected variable bXFailFlag 0
+ protected variable bExitStatus 0
+ protected variable eResult UNKNOWN
+ protected variable iUntested 0
+ protected variable iUnsupported 0
+ protected variable iUnresolved 0
+ protected variable iPassed 0
+ protected variable iFailed 0
+ protected variable ENV
+ protected variable bSaved 0
+ common defaultEnvironment [list PATH FPATH \
+ ]
+ constructor {args} {
+ debug {Level in Constructor: [info level]} 9
+ eval [info function Common::constructor -body]
+ setResult
+ }
+ destructor {
+ global objCurrentTarget
+ debug {******* [info class]::destructor} 3
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "******* Result :\
+ [format "%-12s" $eResult]\
+ for test session : >$szName<"
+ switch $eResult {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " Statistics :\
+ $iPassed (PASS)"
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "******* Cumulative statistics\
+ for all test script!"
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " Statistics Totals :\
+ $iPassCnt (PASS),\
+ $iXFailCnt (XFAIL)"
+ if {$iUntested} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUntested (UNTESTED)"
+ }
+ if {$iWarningCnt} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iWarningCnt (WARNING)"
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " Statistics :\
+ $iPassed (PASS)"
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iFailed (FAIL)"
+ if {$iUntested} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUntested (UNTESTED)"
+ }
+ if {$iUnresolved} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUnresolved (UNRESOLVED)"
+ }
+ if {$iUnsupported} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUnsupported (UNSUPPORTED)"
+ }
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "******* Cumulative statistics\
+ for all test script!"
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " Statistics Totals :\
+ $iPassCnt (PASS),\
+ $iXFailCnt (XFAIL)"
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iFailCnt (FAIL),\
+ $iXPassCnt (XPASS)"
+ if {$iUntestedCnt} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUntestedCnt (UNTESTED)"
+ }
+ if {$iUnresolvedCnt} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUnresolvedCnt (UNRESOLVED)"
+ }
+ if {$iUnsupportedCnt} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iUnsupportedCnt (UNSUPPORTED)"
+ }
+ if {$iCrashedCnt} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iCrashedCnt (CRASHED)"
+ }
+ if {$iErrorCnt} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iErrorCnt (ERROR)"
+ }
+ if {$iWarningCnt} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output " :\
+ $iWarningCnt (WARNING)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$::BlueGnu::errcnt} {
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "####### Encountered\
+ $::BlueGnu::errcnt System Errors!"
+ }
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "###########################\n"
+ }
+ public method name {} {
+ return $szName
+ }
+ public method record_test {type message} {
+ debug {******* ${this}::record_test \n \
+ $type $message} 3
+ if {$iWarningThreshold > 0 && \
+ $iWarningCnt >= $iWarningThreshold \
+ || \
+ $iErrorThreshold > 0 && \
+ $iErrorCnt >= $iErrorThreshold} {
+ # Reset these first to prevent infinite recursion.
+ set iWarningCnt 0
+ set iErrorCnt 0
+ ::unresolved $message
+ return
+ }
+ debug { switching on type >$type<}
+ switch $type {
+ PASS {
+ incr iPassCnt
+ }
+ FAIL {
+ incr iFailCnt
+ set bExitStatus 1
+ }
+ incr iXPassCnt
+ }
+ incr iXFailCnt
+ }
+ incr iUntestedCnt
+ }
+ incr iUnresolvedCnt
+ }
+ incr iUnsupportedCnt
+ }
+ incr iErrorCnt
+ }
+ incr iCrashedCnt
+ }
+ NOTE {
+ }
+ incr iWarningCnt
+ }
+ default {
+ debug {record_test called with bad type >$type<} -1
+ set iErrorCnt 0
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "$type: $message"
+ # reset variables here
+ namespace eval ::BlueGnu {
+ set xfail_flag 0
+ set xfail_prms {}
+ }
+ }
+ private method setResult {} {
+ if {$iUnresolved} {
+ set eResult UNRESOLVED
+ } elseif {$iPassed > 0 && $iFailed == 0} {
+ set eResult "PASSED"
+ } elseif {$iFailed} {
+ set eResult "FAILED"
+ } elseif {$iPassed == 0 && $iFailed == 0 && \
+ $iUntested && $iUnsupported == 0 && \
+ $iUnresolved == 0} {
+ set eResult ACTIVATED
+ } else {
+ set eResult UNKNOWN
+ }
+ }
+ public method reportTestResult {eTestResult} {
+ switch $eTestResult {
+ "PASSED" {
+ incr iPassed
+ }
+ "FAILED" {
+ incr iFailed
+ }
+ incr iUnsupported
+ }
+ incr iUntested
+ }
+ incr iUnresolved
+ }
+ }
+ setResult
+ }
+ public method saveEnv {} {
+ global env
+ set bSaved 1
+ foreach index [lsort [array names env]] {
+ debug {ENV($index) := $env($index)} 5
+ #set ENV($index) $env($index)
+ array set ENV [list $index $env($index)]
+ }
+ }
+ public method clearEnv {} {
+ global env
+ set bSaved 1
+ #debug {removing ENV} 5
+ #catch {unset ENV}
+ foreach index [array names env] {
+ debug {removing env($index) := $env($index)} 5
+ if {0 > [lsearch -exact $defaultEnvironment $index]} {
+ debug { removed} 5
+ unset env($index)
+ } else {
+ debug { kept} 5
+ if {[string compare $index PATH] == 0} {
+ # Do not touch PATH
+ #set env(PATH) \
+ "/etc:/usr/lib:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/lpp/X11/Xamples/bin:/usr/local/bin"
+ }
+ #set ENV($index) $env($index)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public method restoreEnv {} {
+ global env
+ if {$bSaved} {
+ catch {unset env}
+ foreach index [array names ENV] {
+ debug {env($index) := $ENV($index)} 5
+ #set ENV($index) $env($index)
+ array set env [list $index $ENV($index)]
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug {Environment had not been saved!}
+ }
+ }
+ public method runTest args {
+ global nspTestSuite
+ debug {======= runTest $args} 3
+ set iRuntest 0
+ set elResult [list]
+ set iRun 0
+ foreach arg $args {
+ debug {======= runTest $arg} 3
+ incr iRun
+ # Create name for namespace for the test
+ # and check if already exist
+ #
+ set szRuntest runtest$iRuntest
+ set namespaceCurrent [namespace current]
+ debug { szRuntest: >$szRuntest<} 4
+ debug { namespace current : >$namespaceCurrent<} 4
+ debug { namespace current children:\
+ >[namespace children $namespaceCurrent]<} 4
+ while {[string compare \
+ [namespace children $namespaceCurrent \
+ ${namespaceCurrent}::$szRuntest] ""] != 0} {
+ incr iRuntest
+ set szRuntest runtest$iRuntest
+ }
+ # now we have a unique namespace name for the running
+ # of the test
+ #
+ debug { runTest namespace: >$szRuntest<} 4
+ set szScript $arg
+ # create a Test Class object
+ if {! [catch {::BlueGnu::Test [${nspTestSuite}::autoTest] \
+ $szScript} testObject]} {
+ if [catch {
+ uplevel #0 set objCurrentTest \
+ [namespace current]::$testObject
+ debug {[join [$testObject <<] "\n"]} 9
+ namespace eval $szRuntest {
+ if [catch {[uplevel set testObject] runtest} \
+ szErrMsg] {
+ uplevel set szErrMsg "\{$szErrMsg\}"
+ uplevel {
+ global errorInfo errorCode
+ record_test CRASHED ">$szErrMsg<\
+ \n in script: >$szScript<\
+ \n errorInfo: >$errorInfo<\
+ \n errorCode: >$errorCode<"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug {[join [$testObject <<] "\n"]} 9
+ uplevel "lappend elResult [$testObject getResult]"
+ delete object $testObject
+ } szErrMsg] {
+ global errorInfo errorCode
+ record_test CRASHED ">$szErrMsg<\
+ \n in script: >$szScript<\
+ \n errorInfo: >$errorInfo<\
+ \n errorCode: >$errorCode<"
+ }
+ } else {
+ global errorInfo errorCode
+ record_test CRASHED ">$testObject<\
+ \n in script: >$szScript<\
+ \n errorInfo: >$errorInfo<\
+ \n errorCode: >$errorCode<"
+ }
+ namespace delete $szRuntest
+ uplevel #0 {debug {argv: [set argv]} 3}
+ }
+ if {$iRun == 0} {
+ warning "No tests have been passed to runTest method!"
+ }
+ return $elResult
+ }
+ public method << {} {
+ debug {in $this method} 5
+ eval [info function Common::<< -body]
+ #lappend lResult [list ENV [array get ENV]]
+ }
+ }
+ # The following is a class definition for the target implementation
+ # in DejaGnu (see lib/target.exp for more detail)
+ #
+ class Target {
+ inherit Common
+ protected variable szID
+ protected variable szName
+ protected variable szApplication
+ protected variable objEnvironment
+ protected variable objQueue
+ protected variable connect
+ protected variable target
+ protected variable serial
+ protected variable netport
+ protected variable baud
+ protected variable X10
+ protected variable ioport
+ protected variable fileid
+ protected variable prompt
+ protected variable abbrev
+ protected variable config
+ protected variable cflags
+ protected variable ldflags
+ protected variable X
+ # a hairy pattern to recognize text
+ common text "\[- A-Za-z0-9\.\;\"\_\:\'\`\(\)\!\#\=\+\?\&\*]"
+ constructor {args} {
+ eval [info function Common::constructor -body]
+ }
+ destructor {
+ delete object $objQueue
+ }
+ public method name {args} {
+ if {[llength $args] == 0} {
+ return $szName
+ } else {
+ set szName [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ }
+ public method ID {args} {
+ if {[llength $args] == 0} {
+ return $szID
+ } else {
+ set szID [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ }
+ public method << {} {
+ eval [info function Common::<< -body]
+ }
+ public method environment {} {
+ return $objEnvironment
+ }
+ public method start {} {
+ if {[string length [uplevel #0 info procs ${szID}_start]] != 0} {
+ uplevel #0 ${szID}_start
+ }
+ }
+ public method load {args} {
+ if {[string length [uplevel #0 info procs ${szID}_load]] != 0} {
+ eval uplevel #0 ${szID}_load $args
+ }
+ }
+ public method exit {} {
+ if {[string length [uplevel #0 info procs ${szID}_exit]] != 0} {
+ uplevel #0 ${szID}_exit
+ }
+ }
+ public method version {} {
+ if {[string length [uplevel #0 info procs ${szID}_version]] != 0} {
+ uplevel #0 ${szID}_version
+ }
+ }
+ public method runTests {} {
+ debug {======= ${this}::runTest} 3
+ set elResult [list]
+ # if an application has been defined we run all the test
+ # inside that application
+ #
+ if {[string compare [info variable szApplication] ""] != 0 && \
+ [string compare [info variable szApplication -value] \
+ "<undefined>"] != 0} {
+ debug {Application specified >[info variable \
+ szApplication -value]<}
+ # build argument list
+ debug {>>[<<]<<}
+ } else {
+ # We just run all the tests in the currently running
+ # [incr Tcl/?Expect?] interpreter.
+ #
+ # set the current Queue and Environment
+ #
+ uplevel #0 set objCurrentQueue [infoWhich $objQueue]
+ uplevel #0 set objCurrentEnvironment \
+ [infoWhich $objEnvironment]
+ #
+ # Pop a test from the queue and run it in the environment
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "###########################"
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "####### Begin test session:\
+ [[infoWhich $objEnvironment] name] >$objEnvironment<"
+ while {! [catch {$objQueue pop} T]} {
+ debug {test: $T} 3
+ set elResult [$objEnvironment runTest $T]
+ }
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "####### End test session :\
+ [[infoWhich $objEnvironment] name]"
+ }
+ return $elResult
+ }
+ public method queue {function element} {
+ switch $function {
+ append {
+ $objQueue append $element
+ }
+ prepend {
+ $objQueue prepend $element
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class Target2 {
+ inherit Target
+ protected variable XYZ
+ constructor {args} {
+ eval [info function Common::constructor -body]
+ }
+ public method << {} {
+ eval [info function Common::<< -body]
+ }
+ }
+ class DejaGnu {
+ inherit Environment
+ constructor {} {
+ debug {Level in Constructor DejaGnu: [info level]} 9
+ uplevel #0 {debug {argc = $argc: $argv} 9}
+ # source always in global space
+ #
+ uplevel #0 source {$env(BLUEGNULIBS)/dejagnu.tcl}
+ }
+ destructor {
+ #####################################################################
+ # This comes from the original runtest
+ # all done, cleanup
+ #
+ uplevel #0 {
+ if { [info procs ${tool}_exit] != "" } {
+ if {[catch "${tool}_exit" tmp]} {
+ # ??? We can get away with calling `warning'
+ # here without ensuring
+ # `warncnt' isn't changed because we're about to exit.
+ warning "${tool}_exit failed:\n$tmp"
+ }
+ }
+ log_summary
+ }
+ }
+ public method runTest {args} {
+ global nspTestSuite
+ foreach arg $args {
+ debug {******* DejaGnu running test: >$arg<}
+ debug {set szTestName \[Test \[${nspTestSuite}::autoTest\] $arg\]} 3
+ debug {set testName >[${nspTestSuite}::autoTest]<} 3
+ uplevel #0 set szTestName [Test [${nspTestSuite}::autoTest] $arg]
+ uplevel #0 {
+ debug $szTestName 3
+ debug [join [$szTestName <<] "\n"] 5
+ set test_name {[$szTestName scriptName]}
+ catch {unset tmp}; set tmp {}
+ foreach arg [$szTestName arguments] {
+ lappend tmp [join $arg "="]
+ }
+ set runtests [list [$szTestName name] $tmp]
+ debug {args = >[$szTestName arguments]<} 3
+ source [$szTestName scriptName]
+ catch {eval unset [info vars __*]}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class DejaGnu2 {
+ inherit DejaGnu
+ protected variable currentTool
+ constructor {} {
+ debug {Level in Constructor DejaGnu2: [info level]} 9
+ set currentTool {}
+ uplevel #0 {debug {argc = $argc: $argv} 9}
+ # source always in global space
+ #
+ uplevel #0 source {$env(BLUEGNULIBS)/dejagnu2.tcl}
+ }
+ public method tool {args} {
+ if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ set currentTool [lindex $args 0]
+ }
+ return $currentTool
+ }
+ }
+ class Benchmark {
+ protected variable bResult 0
+ protected variable DATA
+ protected variable FORMAT
+ protected variable ARG
+ protected constructor {args} {
+ debug {======= Constructing class [info class] =======} 3
+ debug {======= ::BlueGnu::Benchmark::constructor $args} 4
+ set i 0
+ foreach arg $args {
+ debug { ARG($i): >$arg<} 5
+ set ARG($i) [split $arg "="]
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
+ protected destructor {
+ debug {======= [info class]::destructor} 3
+ }
+ protected method benchmark {benchmarkFunction args} {
+ warning "Method >benchmark< has not been implemented for\
+ Class >[info class]<"
+ return $bResult
+ }
+ protected method warningNoBenchmarkArguments {} {
+ warning "NO argument have been supplies for\n the benchmark\
+ method in class [info class]"
+ }
+ protected method warningNoBenchmarkFunction {} {
+ warning "NO benchmark function >[uplevel set benchmarkFunction]<\
+ defined for\n the benchmark method in class [info class]"
+ }
+ }
+ class Error {
+ private variable _errorCode
+ private variable _errorMsg
+ private variable _errorInfo
+ public constructor {errorCode errorMsg errorInfo} {
+ set _errorCode $errorCode
+ set _errorMsg $errorMsg
+ set _errorInfo $errorInfo
+ }
+ public method errorCode {} {
+ return $_errorCode
+ }
+ public method errorMsg {} {
+ return $_errorMsg
+ }
+ public method errorInfo {} {
+ return $_errorInfo
+ }
+ public method why {} {
+ return $_errorMsg
+ }
+ public method verboseWhy {} {
+ return $_errorInfo
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionFramework.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionFramework.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f96880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionFramework.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1386 @@
+# unknown -- called by expect if a proc is called that doesn't exist
+# Set auto_load to take BLUEGNULIB first on search path
+set auto_path "$env(BLUEGNULIB) $auto_path"
+# find tclIndex file in the test suite directory structure
+# $env(TESTSUITEROOT) and in the path up to the root
+if {! [info exists env(TESTSUITEROOT)]} {
+ set env(TESTSUITEROOT) [exec /bin/sh -c pwd]
+if {[info exists env(TESTSETS)]} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact [split $env(TESTSETS) ":"] $PWD] < 0} {
+ set env(TESTSETS) $PWD:$env(TESTSETS)
+ }
+} else {
+ set env(TESTSETS) $PWD
+cd $PWD
+# First thing to do is calculate the verbose level and the debug flag
+# as well as the definition of the associated procedures:
+# verbose and debug.
+# Check the Debug level
+if [info exists env(DEBUG)] {
+ switch -regexp [string toupper $env(DEBUG)] {
+ 1 - ^T(R(U(E)?)?)?$ - ^Y(E(S)?)?$ {
+ set bDebug 1
+ }
+ default {
+ set bDebug 0
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ set bDebug 0
+# Calculate verbose level
+# Complete a first path over the argument list
+# Calculate the Verbose Level
+set verbose 0
+foreach __arg $argv {
+ switch -regexp -- $__arg {
+ {^-[-]?v(e(r(b(o(s(e)?)?)?)?)?)?$} {
+ incr verbose
+ }
+ default {
+ lappend __lArgs $__arg
+ }
+ }
+if {[catch {set argv $__lArgs}]} {
+ set argv {}
+# Define the procedures: verbose & debug
+# verbose [-n] [-log] [--] message [level]
+# Print MESSAGE if the verbose level is >= LEVEL.
+# The default value of LEVEL is 1.
+# "-n" says to not print a trailing newline.
+# "-log" says to add the text to the log file even if it won't be printed.
+# Note that the apparent behaviour of `send_user' dictates that if the message
+# is printed it is also added to the log file.
+# Use "--" if MESSAGE begins with "-".
+# This is defined here rather than in framework.exp so we can use it
+# while still loading in the support files.
+proc verbose {args} {
+ debug {======= verbose $args} 3
+ global verbose
+ set newline 1
+ set logfile 0
+ set i 0
+ if {[string index [lindex $args 0] 0] == "-"} {
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $args] } { incr i } {
+ if { [lindex $args $i] == "--" } {
+ incr i
+ break
+ } elseif { [lindex $args $i] == "-n" } {
+ set newline 0
+ } elseif { [lindex $args $i] == "-log" } {
+ set logfile 1
+ } elseif { [string index [lindex $args $i] 0] == "-" } {
+ return [::BlueGnu::clone_output "ERROR: verbose:\
+ illegal argument: [lindex $args $i]"]
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $args] == $i} {
+ return [::BlueGnu::clone_output "ERROR: verbose: nothing to print"]
+ }
+ set level 1
+ if {[llength $args] == $i + 2} {
+ if [catch {set level [expr [lindex $args [expr $i+1]]]} szErrMsg] {
+ return [::BlueGnu::clone_output "ERROR: verbose: level number\
+ >$szErrMsg<"]
+ }
+ } elseif {[llength $args] > $i + 2} {
+ return [::BlueGnu::clone_output "ERROR: verbose: Too many arguments"]
+ }
+ set message [lindex $args $i]
+ if {$level <= $verbose} {
+ # There is no need for the "--" argument here, but play it safe.
+ # We assume send_user also sends the text to the log file (which
+ # appears to be the case though the docs aren't clear on this).
+ if 0 {
+ if {[string compare \
+ [namespace eval ::BlueGnu \
+ {set ::BlueGnu::sum_file}] stdout] != 0} {
+ set szCmd [list uplevel puts [namespace eval ::BlueGnu \
+ {set ::BlueGnu::sum_file}]]
+ lappend szCmd "\"$message\""
+ debug {==## 1 >$szCmd<} 9
+ if {[catch {eval $szCmd}]} {
+ puts [namespace eval ::BlueGnu \
+ {set ::BlueGnu::sum_file}] $message
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if [catch {set message \
+ "[uplevel set __szTmp \"$message\"]"} szErrMsg] {
+ set message "$message == ERROR: >$szErrMsg<"
+ }
+ if {$newline} {
+ #append message "\n"
+ }
+ debug {$message} 0
+ return [::BlueGnu::clone_output "$message"]
+ } elseif {$logfile} {
+ if [catch {set message \
+ "[uplevel set __szTmp \"$message\"]"} szErrMsg] {
+ set message "$message == ERROR: >$szErrMsg<"
+ }
+ if {$newline} {
+ append message "\n"
+ }
+ debug {$message} 0
+ return [send_log $message]
+ }
+ return ""
+if {$bDebug} {
+ proc debug {text {level 1}} {
+ global verbose
+ if {$level <= $verbose} {
+ set szCmd [list uplevel ::BlueGnu::clone_output]
+ set szA $level; set iMax [uplevel info level]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $iMax} \
+ {incr i} {append szA ">"}
+ lappend szCmd "\"$szA$text\""
+ eval $szCmd
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ proc debug {text {level 1}} {
+ }
+# This procedure will find a file in the directory structure
+# any where below the current working directory
+# any where on the search path
+# or up the directory tree
+proc locateFile {szFileName {szSubDirectory "."}} {
+ debug {======= locateFile $szFileName $szSubDirectory} 3
+ global env
+ # remove a trailing "/" from sub directory name
+ regexp {(.*)/$} $szSubDirectory dummy szSubDirectory
+ set newList {}
+ set searchList {.}
+ set tmpDir [pwd]
+ while {[string compare [set dir [file dirname $tmpDir]] "/"] != 0} {
+ lappend searchList $dir
+ set tmpDir $dir
+ }
+ foreach dir [split $env(TESTSETS) ":"] {
+ lappend searchList $dir
+ }
+ foreach dirList $searchList {
+ foreach test [searchForFile $szFileName $dirList $szSubDirectory] {
+ # only files that are readable and
+ # not a directory, symbolic link or device
+ # are added to the list
+ if {[file isfile $test] && [file readable $test]} {
+ # add only if not already exists in list
+ if {[lsearch -exact $newList $test] < 0} {
+ lappend newList $test
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug {======= returning newList: >$newList<} 4
+ return $newList
+proc locateDir {szFileName {szSubDirectory "."}} {
+ debug {======= locateDir $szFileName $szSubDirectory} 3
+ global env
+ # remove a trailing "/" from sub directory name
+ regexp {(.*)/$} $szSubDirectory dummy szSubDirectory
+ set newList {}
+ set searchList {.}
+ set tmpDir [pwd]
+ while {[string compare [set dir [file dirname $tmpDir]] "/"] != 0} {
+ lappend searchList $dir
+ set tmpDir $dir
+ }
+ foreach dir [split $env(TESTSETS) ":"] {
+ lappend searchList $dir
+ }
+ foreach dirList $searchList {
+ foreach test [searchForFile $szFileName $dirList $szSubDirectory] {
+ # only files that are directories
+ # are added to the list
+ if {[file isdirectory $test]} {
+ # add only if not already exists in list
+ if {[lsearch -exact $newList $test] < 0} {
+ lappend newList $test
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug {======= returning newList: >$newList<} 4
+ return $newList
+proc searchForFile {szFileName dirList szSubDirectory} {
+ debug {======= searchForFile $szFileName $dirList $szSubDirectory} 3
+ # find sub directory in or below the current working directory
+ set szDirSrc ""
+ foreach file [file split $szSubDirectory] {
+ if {[string compare $file "."] == 0} {
+ if {! [info exists newList]} {
+ set newList {}
+ }
+ continue
+ } else {
+ foreach dir $dirList {
+ catch {unset newList}
+ foreach newDir [findFile $dir $file] {
+ lappend newList $newDir
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[catch {set dirList $newList}]} {
+ set dirList {}
+ }
+ }
+ debug { dirList = >$dirList<} 4
+ set fileList {}
+ foreach dir $dirList {
+ set newList [findFile $dir $szFileName]
+ if {[llength $newList] > 0} {
+ set fileList [concat $fileList $newList]
+ }
+ }
+ debug { fileList = >$fileList<} 4
+ if {[llength $fileList] != 0} {
+ # NO test found, next step in searching
+ #return $fileList
+ }
+ set newList {}
+ set PWD [pwd]
+ foreach dir $fileList {
+ debug { dir = >$dir<} 4
+ cd [file dirname $dir]
+ lappend newList "[pwd]/[file tail $dir]"
+ cd $PWD
+ }
+ debug { newList = >$newList<} 4
+ return $newList
+proc findFile {szDirectory szFileName} {
+ global locatedFile env
+ debug {======= findFile $szDirectory $szFileName} 3
+ if {! [info exists locatedFile($szDirectory/$szFileName)]} {
+ if {[file readable $szDirectory/$szFileName]} {
+ set locatedFile($szDirectory/$szFileName) $szDirectory/$szFileName
+ } else {
+ if {$szDirectory == "." || \
+ [lsearch -exact [split $env(TESTSETS) ":"] \
+ $szDirectory] >= 0} {
+ set locatedFile($szDirectory/$szFileName) \
+ [split [exec find $szDirectory -name $szFileName \
+ -print] "\n"]
+ } else {
+ return {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $locatedFile($szDirectory/$szFileName)
+# appendArguments
+# This procedure will append the string pathed in arguments to every
+# element of fileList
+# return a list with the same number of element in which each
+# element has the arguments appended
+proc appendArguments {fileList arguments} {
+ set newList {}
+ debug {======= appendArguments $fileList $arguments} 3
+ debug { length argument list: >[llength $arguments]<} 4
+ if {[string length $arguments] > 0} {
+ foreach file $fileList {
+ regexp {([^[=]+)([[][^]]*[]])?(.*)} $file dummy szT szID szA
+ debug {dummy: >$dummy<} 4
+ debug {szT : >$szT<} 4
+ if {[string length $szID] > 0} {
+ #regexp {[[]([^]]+)[]]} $szID dummy szID
+ }
+ debug {szID : >$szID<} 4
+ if {[string length $szA] > 0} {
+ regexp {=(.*)} $szA dummy szA
+ }
+ debug {szA : >$szA<} 4
+ #set lFile [split $file "="]
+ if {[string length $szA] > 0} {
+ set szSep " "
+ } else {
+ set szSep "="
+ }
+ lappend newList ${file}${szSep}$arguments
+ }
+ return $newList
+ }
+ return $fileList
+# appendTestCaseID
+# This procedure will append the string pathed in arguments to every
+# element of fileList
+# return a list with the same number of element in which each
+# element has the arguments appended
+proc appendTestCaseID {fileList {szTestCaseID ""}} {
+ set newList {}
+ debug {======= appendTestCaseID $fileList >$szTestCaseID<} 3
+ set bMultiFiles [expr [llength $fileList] > 1]
+ set i 1
+ foreach file $fileList {
+ regexp {([^[=]+)([[][^]]*[]])?(.*)} $file dummy szT szID szA
+ debug {dummy: >$dummy<} 4
+ debug {szT : >$szT<} 4
+ if {[string length $szID] > 0} {
+ regexp {[[]([^]]+)[]]} $szID dummy szID
+ }
+ debug {szID : >$szID<} 4
+ if {[string length $szA] > 0} {
+ #regexp {=(.*)} $szA dummy szA
+ }
+ debug {szA : >$szA<} 4
+ if {[string length $szID] > 0} {
+ set szID [string trim "${szID}${szTestCaseID}"]
+ } else {
+ set szID ${szTestCaseID}
+ }
+ if {[llength [split $szID "="]] > 1} {
+ set szSep " "
+ } else {
+ set szSep "="
+ }
+ if {[string length $szID] == 0} {
+ lappend newList "${szT}$szA"
+ continue
+ }
+ if {$bMultiFiles} {
+ set szI [format "${szSep}seqNr=%03d" $i]
+ } else {
+ set szI ""
+ }
+ lappend newList "${szT}\[${szID}${szI}\]$szA"
+ incr i
+ }
+ return $newList
+# processArgs
+# This procedure expect all optional arguments to be name=value pairs
+# It will set all variable named to the value given within
+# the procedure body
+# It will return an empty list or a list of all remaining not name=value
+# pair in the argument list
+proc processArgs {args} {
+ debug {======= processArgs $args} 3
+ set llArgs $args
+ set args {}
+ # set default errorCode=NONE
+ uplevel set errorCode NONE
+ # now process all name=value pair arguments
+ ####### There may be a better way to do this see pre 8.0 code
+ foreach lArgs $llArgs {
+ foreach arg $lArgs {
+ set NVP [split $arg "="]
+ if {[llength $NVP] > 1} {
+ debug {uplevel set [lindex $NVP 0] \
+ [list [join [lrange $NVP 1 end] "="]]} 3
+ uplevel set [lindex $NVP 0] \
+ [list [join [lrange $NVP 1 end] "="]]
+ } else {
+ lappend args $arg
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug { processArgs returns: $args} 3
+ return $args
+# processInternalArgs
+# This procedure expect all optional arguments to be {name value} pairs
+# It will set all variable named to the value given within
+# the procedure body
+# It will return an empty list or a list of all remaining not name=value
+# pair in the argument list
+proc processInternalArgs {lArgs} {
+ debug {======= processInternalArgs $lArgs} 3
+ set arglist {}
+ # set default errorCode=NONE
+ uplevel set errorCode NONE
+ # now process all {name value} pair arguments
+ foreach arg $lArgs {
+ if {[llength $arg] == 2} {
+ debug {uplevel set [lindex $arg 0] \
+ [list [join [lrange $arg 1 end] "="]]} 3
+ uplevel set [lindex $arg 0] \
+ [list [join [lrange $arg 1 end] "="]]
+ } else {
+ lappend arglist $arg
+ }
+ }
+ debug {processInternalArgs returns: $arglist} 3
+ return $arglist
+# processTestScriptArgs
+# This procedure expect all optional arguments to be {name value} pairs
+# It will set all variable named to the value given within
+# the procedure body
+# It will return an empty list or a list of all remaining not name=value
+# pair in the argument list
+# This is a copy of the procedure "processInternalArgs" without an argument
+# however this procedure may become different
+proc processTestScriptArgs {} {
+ upvar lArgs lArgs
+ set arglist {}
+ # set default errorCode=NONE
+ uplevel set errorCode NONE
+ debug {======= processTestScriptArgs $lArgs} 3
+ # now process all {name value} pair arguments
+ foreach arg $lArgs {
+ if {[llength $arg] == 2} {
+ debug {uplevel set [lindex $arg 0] \
+ [list [join [lrange $arg 1 end] "="]]} 4
+ uplevel set [lindex $arg 0] \
+ [list [join [lrange $arg 1 end] "="]]
+ } else {
+ lappend arglist $arg
+ }
+ }
+ debug { processInternalArgs returns: $arglist} 4
+ return $arglist
+# Command execution command
+# This command is like the catch command, however it can do some additional
+# testing and in case of an error it will return a error class.
+proc doCmd {szCmd args} {
+ global errorInfo errorCode
+ if {! [info exists errorInfo]} {
+ set errorInfo "<errorInfo has not been defined>"
+ }
+ debug {======= doCmd >$szCmd< >$args<} 3
+ foreach arg $args {
+ set vv [split $arg "="]
+ if {[llength $vv] == 2} {
+ debug { ==>> Expected value: [lindex $vv 0]=[eval list \
+ [lindex $vv 1]]} 5
+ set [lindex $vv 0] [eval list [lindex $vv 1]]
+ } elseif {[llength $vv] == 1} {
+ if {! [info exists errorObj]} {
+ debug { ==>> upvar $vv errorObj} 5
+ if "! [uplevel info exists $vv]" {
+ debug { ==>> creating: $vv (uplevel)} 5
+ uplevel [list set $vv {}]
+ }
+ upvar $vv errorObj
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[catch {uplevel 1 $szCmd} szErrMsg]} {
+ debug {======= ErrMsg : \n$szErrMsg\n======= from:\n$szCmd} 5
+ set errorObj ""
+ if {[string compare $errorCode NONE] == 0} {
+ set errorCode UNDEFINED
+ }
+ set errorInfoSave $errorInfo
+ set errorCodeSave $errorCode
+ catch {set errorObj [uplevel infoWhich \{$szErrMsg\}]}
+ set errorInfo $errorInfoSave
+ set errorCode $errorCodeSave
+ debug { ==>> errorObj: >$errorObj<} 5
+ if {[string compare $errorObj ""] == 0} {
+ set errorObj [uplevel \
+ ::BlueGnu::Error #auto \{$errorCode\} \
+ \{$szErrMsg\} \{$errorInfo\}]
+ debug {errorObj: >$errorObj<} 5
+ set errorObj [uplevel infoWhich \{$errorObj\}]
+ debug {errorObj: >$errorObj<} 5
+ debug {Command: [string trim $szCmd]} 5
+ debug {ErrMsg : \n$szErrMsg} 5
+ debug {====================} 5
+ global errorInfo
+ debug {ErrInfo: $errorInfo\n====================} 5
+ }
+ set bReturn 1
+ if {[info exists errorCode]} {
+ debug { errorCode= $errorCode} 5
+ debug { Class= [$errorObj info class]} 5
+ catch {debug { isa BC_RTN= [$errorObj isa BC_RTN]} 5}
+ catch {debug { isa ERROR= [$errorObj isa Error]} 5}
+ catch {
+ if [$errorObj isa BC_RTN] {
+ if {[set i \
+ [lsearch -exact $errorCode \
+ [list [$errorObj SEVERITY] \
+ [$errorObj FACILITY] [$errorObj CODE]]]] >= 0} {
+ setup_xfail
+ set bReturn 0
+ }
+ fail "Expected errorCode=$errorCode, got:\
+ [$errorObj getShortMsg]\
+ \{[$errorObj SEVERITY] [$errorObj FACILITY]\
+ [$errorObj CODE]\} for >$szCmd<"
+ #verbose { errorCode: [$errorObj errorCode]}
+ #verbose { why: [$errorObj why]}
+ #verbose {verboseWhy: [$errorObj verboseWhy]} 2
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ if [$errorObj isa Error] {
+ debug { Error= [$errorObj errorCode]} 5
+ if {[set i \
+ [lsearch -exact $errorCode \
+ [$errorObj errorCode]]] >= 0} {
+ setup_xfail
+ set bReturn 0
+ }
+ fail "Expected errorCode=$errorCode, got:\
+ [$errorObj errorCode] for >$szCmd<"
+ verbose { errorCode: [$errorObj errorCode]}
+ verbose { why: [$errorObj why]}
+ verbose {verboseWhy: [$errorObj verboseWhy]} 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $bReturn
+ } else {
+ set bReturn 0
+ set NOT ""
+ if {[info exists errorCode]} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $errorCode "NONE"] < 0} {
+ setup_xfail
+ set NOT "not "
+ set bReturn 1
+ }
+ pass "errorCode=NONE ${NOT}found in expected set\
+ of errorCodes=\{$errorCode\} for >$szCmd<"
+ }
+ if {[info exists return]} {
+ debug {Return: >$return<} 3
+ set bResult 0
+ set iFalse 0
+ set iFalseFound 0
+ set iTrue 0
+ set iTrueFound 0
+ foreach lResult $return {
+ if {[llength $lResult] == 2} {
+ set bFlag [string toupper [lindex $lResult 0]]
+ set szResult [lindex $lResult 1]
+ } else {
+ set bFlag ""
+ set szResult [lindex $lResult 0]
+ }
+ debug {Checking >$szErrMsg< against $bFlag >$szResult<} 3
+ switch $bFlag {
+ 0 - NOT - NO - FALSE {
+ # no matches allowed
+ incr iFalse
+ debug {Should not match >$szErrMsg< != >$szResult<} 4
+ if {[string compare $szErrMsg $szResult] != 0} {
+ pass "The NOT Expected Result >$szResult<\
+ was not found for >$szCmd<"
+ incr iFalseFound
+ } else {
+ fail "The NOT Expected Result >$szResult<\
+ was found for >$szCmd<"
+ }
+ }
+ 1 - {} - YES - TRUE {
+ # only one match allowed
+ incr iTrue
+ debug {Should match >$szErrMsg< == >$szResult<} 4
+ if {[string compare $szErrMsg $szResult] == 0} {
+ pass "Expected Result >$szResult<\
+ found for >$szCmd<"
+ incr iTrueFound
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ perror "doCmd result flag: 1, 0, <empty>,\
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set bResult [expr $iFalse == $iFalseFound]
+ if {$iTrue > 0} {
+ set bResult [expr $bResult && ($iTrueFound == 1)]
+ }
+ if {! $bResult} {
+ fail "Expected Result(s) >$return<\n \
+ did not match with: >$szErrMsg< for >$szCmd<"
+ set bReturn 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists errorObj]} {
+ set errorObj $szErrMsg
+ }
+ }
+ return $bReturn
+# deleteObjects
+# This procedure takes multiple arguments each can be a single object
+# or a list of objects
+# it will delete all these object
+# No return value
+proc deleteObjects {args} {
+ debug {======= deleteObjects $args} 3
+ foreach arg $args {
+ foreach object $arg {
+ debug " delete object >$object<" 4
+ delete object $object
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+# isObject
+# This procedure accepts a fully qualified object name as argument
+# and checks if that object exists
+proc isObject {object} {
+ debug {======= isObject $object} 3
+ set tmp [namespace tail $object]
+ return [expr [lsearch [namespace eval [namespace qualifier $object] {
+ ::itcl::find objects
+ }
+ ] $tmp] >= 0]
+# checkObject
+# This procedure takes an object and a class name is argument
+# It checks if the object exists, has a counter part in C++ and
+# is of the correct class
+proc checkObject {object szClassName} {
+ debug {======= checkObject $object $szClassName} 3
+ if {! [catch {
+ set class [uplevel "$object info class"]
+ if {[catch {[findObject $object] isa $szClassName} bCl]} {
+ if {[string compare [namespace tail $class] \
+ [namespace tail $szClassName]] == 0} {
+ debug {Class [namespace tail $szClassName]\
+ match class of object} 4
+ } else {
+ error "Miss match"
+ }
+ } elseif {! $bCl} {
+ error 1
+ }
+ } iRet]} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ set obj [findObject $object]
+ set class [findClass $szClassName]
+ if {[string length $obj] > 0 && [string length $class] > 0} {
+ debug { ==>> object and class passed do exists} 4
+ if {[catch {set bISA [$obj isa $class]}]} {
+ debug {Class $szClassName is not inscope to match $object} 4
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {! $bISA} {
+ debug {$object is not of Class $szClassName} 4
+ return 0
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug {$object and/or $szClassName have not been found!} 4
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 1
+# findObject
+# This procedure take the name of an object, possibly without any qualifier
+# and search all namespaces to find the object.
+# When a qualifier is specified, it will check if it is complete
+# The procedure return the fully qualified name of the object if it exists or
+# an empty string otherwise.
+proc findObject {object {namespace ::}} {
+ debug {======= findObject $object $namespace} 3
+ set ns [namespace qualifier $object]
+ set obj [namespace tail $object]
+ set objs [namespace eval $namespace {::itcl::find objects}]
+ if {[lsearch $objs $obj] >= 0} {
+ regsub "::$" $namespace "" namespace
+ return ${namespace}::$obj
+ } else {
+ set result ""
+ foreach cns [namespace children $namespace] {
+ set result [findObject $obj $cns]
+ if {[string length $result] > 0} break
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+# findClass
+# This procedure take the name of an class, possibly without any qualifier
+# and search all namespaces to find the class.
+# When a qualifier is specified, it will check if it is complete
+# The procedure return the fully qualified name of the Class if it exists or
+# an empty string otherwise.
+proc findClass {class {namespace ::}} {
+ debug {======= findClass $class $namespace} 3
+ set ns [namespace qualifier $class]
+ set obj [namespace tail $class]
+ set objs [namespace eval $namespace {::itcl::find classes}]
+ if {[lsearch $objs $obj] >= 0} {
+ regsub "::$" $namespace "" namespace
+ return ${namespace}::$obj
+ } else {
+ set result ""
+ foreach cns [namespace children $namespace] {
+ set result [findClass $obj $cns]
+ if {[string length $result] > 0} break
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+# The parseTest command will validate the argument as an existing
+# test including testCaseID and arguments.
+# It will return a list of all acceptable test script
+proc parseTest {args} {
+ global szCurrentTestDirectory
+ debug {======= parseTest $args} 3
+ foreach arg $args {
+ foreach szTest $arg {
+ regexp {([^[=]+)([[][^]]*[]])?(.*)} $szTest dummy szT szID szA
+ debug {dummy: >$dummy<} 4
+ debug {szT : >$szT<} 4
+ if {[string length $szID] > 0} {
+ #regexp {[[]([^]]+)[]]} $szID dummy szID
+ }
+ debug {szID : >$szID<} 4
+ if {[string length $szA] > 0} {
+ #regexp {=(.*)} $szA dummy szA
+ }
+ debug {szA : >$szA<} 4
+ set szFileName $szT
+ set szDname [file dirname $szFileName]
+ set szFname [file tail $szFileName]
+ if {[file exist [set test [file join \
+ $szCurrentTestDirectory \
+ $szFileName]]]} {
+ # file should be a test
+ debug { is a test: >$test<!} 3
+ lappend testList [file join $szCurrentTestDirectory $szTest]
+ } elseif {[llength [set tests \
+ [locateFile $szFname $szDname]]] > 0} {
+ foreach test $tests {
+ if {[file exists $test]} {
+ # file should be a test
+ debug { is a test: >$test<!!} 3
+ lappend testList ${test}${szID}${szA}
+ } else {
+ warning "Test >$test< can't be found"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ perror "$szFileName is not a test!\
+ Does not exists!"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if [info exists testList] {
+ if [llength $testList] {
+ return $testList
+ }
+ }
+ return [list]
+# The global available runtest procedure
+# this procedure will find the current environment
+# and execute the runTest procedure in that environment
+proc runtest {args} {
+ global objCurrentEnvironment szCurrentTestDirectory
+ debug {======= runtest $args} 3
+ set elResult [list]
+ if {[llength $args] > 0} {
+ set Env [lindex $args 0]
+ debug { Checking for environment: >$Env<} 3
+ debug { >[infoWhich $Env]<} 5
+ debug { Current Test Directory: >$szCurrentTestDirectory<} 5
+ if {[string compare [infoWhich $Env] ""] == 0} {
+ debug { not an environment} 4
+ if {[info exist objCurrentEnvironment] && \
+ [string compare \
+ [infoWhich $objCurrentEnvironment] ""] != 0} {
+ debug { Found Current Environment\
+ >$objCurrentEnvironment<} 5
+ set Env $objCurrentEnvironment
+ } else {
+ error "NO default environent"
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug { is an environment} 3
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ }
+ set T [lindex $args 0]
+ set A [lindex $args 1]
+ set I [lindex $args 2]
+ foreach t [appendTestCaseID [appendArguments [parseTest $T] $A] $I] {
+ debug { ==>> $objCurrentEnvironment\
+ runTest $t} 3
+ lappend elResult \
+ [$Env runTest $t]
+ }
+ } else {
+ warning "No tests have been passed to runtest procedure!"
+ }
+ return $elResult
+proc appendQueue {args} {
+ global objCurrentQueue szCurrentTestDirectory
+ debug {======= appendQueue $args} 3
+ set iRun 0
+ set Queue [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[string compare [infoWhich $Queue] ""] == 0} {
+ if {[info exist objCurrentQueue]} {
+ set Queue $objCurrentQueue
+ } else {
+ error "NO default queue"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ }
+ set T [lindex $args 0]
+ set A [lindex $args 1]
+ set I [lindex $args 2]
+ foreach t [appendTestCaseID [appendArguments [parseTest $T] $A] $I] {
+ debug { ==>> $Queue append $t} 3
+ incr iRun
+ $Queue append $t
+ }
+ if {$iRun == 0} {
+ warning "NO argument to appendQueue have been processed"
+ }
+proc prependQueue {args} {
+ global objCurrentQueue szCurrentTestDirectory
+ debug {======= prependQueue $args} 3
+ set iRun 0
+ set Queue [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[string compare [infoWhich [lindex $args 0]] ""] == 0} {
+ if {[info exist objCurrentQueue]} {
+ set Queue $objCurrentQueue
+ } else {
+ error "NO default queue"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ }
+ set T [lindex $args 0]
+ set A [lindex $args 1]
+ set I [lindex $args 2]
+ foreach t [appendTestCaseID [appendArguments [parseTest $T] $A] $I] {
+ incr iRun
+ lappend comList $t
+ }
+ debug { ==>> $Queue prepend $comList} 3
+ eval $Queue prepend $comList
+ if {$iRun == 0} {
+ warning "NO argument to appendQueu have been processed"
+ }
+proc perror {args} {
+ global errorInfo
+ global objCurrentTest
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ # save errorInfo
+ set errorInfoSave $errorInfo
+ if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
+ set $::BlueGnu::errcnt [lindex [uplevel set args] 1]
+ } else {
+ incr ::BlueGnu::errcnt
+ }
+ while 1 {
+ set szMsg [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[catch {$objCurrentTest perror $szMsg} \
+ szErrMsg]} {
+ if {[info exists objCurrentTest]} {
+ debug {No current test: >$szErrMsg<:\
+ current test >$objCurrentTest< message:\n \
+ $szMsg} 3
+ } else {
+ debug {PERROR: No current test: >$szErrMsg<:\
+ current test >DOES NOT EXIST< message:\n \
+ $szMsg} 3
+ debug { info: >>>$errorInfo<<<} 4
+ }
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ catch {
+ set szCmd [concat \"$objCurrentEnvironment\" record_test \
+ ERROR \$szMsg]
+ }
+ if {[catch {eval $szCmd} szErrMsg]} {
+ verbose {No current environment (ERROR): >$szErrMsg<} 3
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "ERROR: $szMsg"
+ namespace eval ::BlueGnu {
+ set errno "ERROR: [uplevel set szMsg]"
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ # restore errorInfo
+ set errorInfo $errorInfoSave
+proc warning {args} {
+ global errorInfo
+ global objCurrentTest
+ global objCurrentEnvironment
+ # save errorInfo
+ set errorInfoSave $errorInfo
+ if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
+ namespace eval ::BlueGnu {
+ set warncnt [lindex [uplevel set args] 1]
+ }
+ } else {
+ namespace eval ::BlueGnu {
+ incr warncnt
+ }
+ }
+ while 1 {
+ set szMsg [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[catch {$objCurrentTest warning $szMsg} \
+ szErrMsg]} {
+ if {[info exists objCurrentTest]} {
+ verbose {No current test: >$szErrMsg<:\
+ current test >$objCurrentTest< message:\n \
+ $szMsg} 3
+ } else {
+ verbose {WARNING: No current test: >$szErrMsg<:\
+ current test >DOES NOT EXIST< message:\n \
+ $szMsg} 3
+ }
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ catch {
+ set szCmd [concat \"$objCurrentEnvironment\" record_test \
+ WARNING \$szMsg]
+ }
+ if {[catch {eval $szCmd} szErrMsg]} {
+ verbose {No current environment (WARNING): >$szErrMsg<} 3
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ set szMsg [lindex $args 0]
+ ::BlueGnu::clone_output "WARNING: $szMsg"
+ namespace eval ::BlueGnu {
+ set errno "WARNING: [uplevel set szMsg]"
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ if 0 {
+ uplevel #0 {
+ verbose {uplevel #0 to remove errorInfo}
+ if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ unset errorInfo
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # restore errorInfo
+ set errorInfo $errorInfoSave
+proc note {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentTest
+ $objCurrentTest note $szMsg
+proc pass {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentTest
+ $objCurrentTest pass $szMsg
+proc fail {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentTest
+ $objCurrentTest fail $szMsg
+proc unresolved {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentTest
+ $objCurrentTest unresolved $szMsg
+proc untested {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentTest
+ $objCurrentTest untested $szMsg
+proc unsupported {szMsg} {
+ global objCurrentTest
+ $objCurrentTest unsupported $szMsg
+proc get_warning_threshold {} {
+ return [namespace eval ::BlueGnu {set warning_threshold}]
+proc set_warning_threshold {threshold} {
+ namespace eval ::BlueGnu {
+ set warning_threshold [uplevel set threshold]
+ }
+proc setup_xfail {args} {
+ namespace eval ::BlueGnu {set xfail_flag 1}
+proc clear_xfail {args} {
+ namespace eval ::BlueGnu {set xfail_flag 0}
+proc benchmark {benchmarkFunction args} {
+ debug {======= benchmark $benchmarkFunction $args}
+ global objCurrentTest
+ global errorInfo
+ if 0 {
+ debug {[foreach var [info vars] {
+ verbose {local var: >$var<}}]
+ }
+ uplevel {
+ debug {[foreach var [info vars] {
+ verbose {uplevel local var: >$var<}}]
+ }
+ }
+ debug {[foreach var [info globals] {
+ verbose {global var: >$var<}}]
+ }
+ }
+ set errorInfo ""
+ set szID [$objCurrentTest ID]
+ set szTestCaseID [$objCurrentTest testCaseID]
+ set benchmarkObject [$objCurrentTest benchmarkObject]
+ set benchmarkClassName [$objCurrentTest benchmarkClassName]
+ debug { ==>> test ID: >$szID<} 3
+ debug { test case ID: >$szTestCaseID<} 3
+ debug { check test object: >$benchmarkObject<} 3
+ if {$benchmarkObject == ""} {
+ warning "NO Benchmark Class defines for >$benchmarkClassName<"
+ set bResult 0
+ } else {
+ if [catch {
+ set bResult [eval $benchmarkObject benchmark \
+ $benchmarkFunction $args]
+ } errMsg] {
+ warning "NO checking has been done for\
+ ${benchmarkClassName}::benchmark $benchmarkFunction $args"
+ debug {[perror "BenchmarkFunction: >$benchmarkFunction<\
+ has not been defined\
+ in class $benchmarkClassName\n### Error Msg: $errMsg"]} 0
+ debug {### Error Info: $errorInfo} 0
+ set bResult 0
+ }
+ }
+ return $bResult
+proc envPATH {szAction szDir} {
+ debug {======= envPATH $szAction $szDir} 3
+ global env
+ if [file isdirectory $szDir] {
+ # remove directory from Path if it exists
+ set envPATH $env(PATH)
+ while {[regsub :?$szDir:? $envPATH {:} envPATH]} {
+ }
+ regsub {^:} $envPATH {} envPATH
+ regsub {:$} $envPATH {} envPATH
+ set env(PATH) $envPATH
+ switch $szAction {
+ prefix -
+ prepend {
+ set env(PATH) "$szDir:$env(PATH)"
+ }
+ append {
+ append env(PATH) ":$szDir"
+ }
+ default {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# replacement for info which commaond
+proc infoWhich {name {namespace ::}} {
+ debug {======= infoWhich $name $namespace} 3
+ if [catch {uplevel set infoWhich__name $name} szErrMsg] {
+ debug { error: $szErrMsg}
+ return ""
+ }
+ uplevel {
+ debug { objects: >[::itcl::find objects]<} 4
+ debug { namespace: >[namespace current]<} 4
+ infoWhichYYY
+ }
+ set name [uplevel set infoWhich__name]
+ uplevel unset infoWhich__name
+ debug {infoWhich return: >$name<} 4
+ return $name
+proc infoWhichXXX {} {
+ uplevel {
+ set i [lsearch -regexp [::itcl::find objects] "[namespace tail \
+ $infoWhich__name]"]
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ set infoWhich__name ""
+ } else {
+ set infoWhich__name [lindex [::itcl::find objects] $i]
+ if {! [string match ::* $infoWhich__name]} {
+ set infoWhich__name [namespace current]::$infoWhich__name
+ }
+ regsub "^::::" $infoWhich__name "::" infoWhich__name
+ }
+ }
+proc infoWhichYYY {} {
+ uplevel {
+ if [catch {infoWhichXXX} szErrMsg] {
+ verbose "infoWhichYYY error Msg: $szErrMsg"
+ set infoWhich__name ""
+ }
+ }
+namespace eval ::BlueGnu {
+ variable warning_threshold 0
+ variable sum_file stdout
+ variable all_flag 0
+ variable xfail_flag 0
+ variable xfail_prms {}
+ #
+ # Print output to stdout (or stderr) and to log file
+ #
+ # If the --all flag (-a) option was used then all messages
+ # go the the screen.
+ # Without this, all messages that start with a keyword are
+ # written only to the
+ # detail log file. All messages that go to the screen will
+ # also appear in the
+ # detail log. This should only be used by the framework itself using pass,
+ # fail, xpass, xfail, warning, perror, note, untested, unresolved, or
+ # unsupported procedures.
+ #
+ proc clone_output {message} {
+ variable sum_file
+ variable all_flag
+ #everything goes in the summary file
+ #
+ puts $sum_file "$message"
+ # Depending on the type of message, the message is send
+ # to other resources
+ #
+ case [lindex [split $message] 0] in {
+ send_user "$message\n"
+ send_log "$message\n"
+ }
+ {"PASS:" "XFAIL:"} {
+ if $all_flag {
+ send_user "$message\n"
+ }
+ send_log "$message\n"
+ }
+ "ERROR:" {
+ #send_user "$message\n"
+ send_error "$message\n"
+ send_log "$message\n"
+ }
+ {"WARNING:" "NOTE:"} {
+ if $all_flag {
+ send_error "$message\n"
+ }
+ send_log "$message\n"
+ }
+ "*******" {
+ send_user "$message\n"
+ #send_log "$message\n"
+ #send_error "$message\n"
+ }
+ default {
+ send_user "$message\n"
+ }
+ }
+ # we always return turn the message unchanged
+ #
+ return "$message"
+ }
+proc createTarget {args} {
+ verbose {In: createTarget >$args<} 3
+ set szCmd "::BlueGnu::Target #auto "
+ set bID 0
+ set bEnv 0
+ set bQueue 0
+ foreach item $args {
+ if {[string compare \
+ [lindex [split $item "="] 0] szID] == 0} {
+ set bID 1
+ }
+ if {[string compare \
+ [lindex [split $item "="] 0] objEnvironment] == 0} {
+ set bEnv 1
+ }
+ if {[string compare \
+ [lindex [split $item "="] 0] objQueue] == 0} {
+ set bQueue 1
+ }
+ append szCmd "\{$item\} "
+ }
+ if {! $bID} {
+ append szCmd "szID=Default "
+ }
+ if {! $bEnv} {
+ append szCmd "objEnvironment=[infoWhich \
+ [::BlueGnu::Environment #auto]] "
+ }
+ if {! $bQueue} {
+ append szCmd "objQueue=[infoWhich [::BlueGnu::Queue #auto]] "
+ }
+ verbose {Command: >$szCmd<} 3
+ set target [uplevel #0 "eval $szCmd"]
+ verbose {Created target: >$target<} 3
+ verbose { >>>[$target <<]<<<} 4
+ verbose { >>>[[infoWhich $target] <<]<<<} 4
+ verbose { == [join [$target <<] "\n == "]} 3
+ return [infoWhich $target]
+# Initialize all global variables not yet initialized
+set szCurrentTestDirectory $env(TESTSUITEROOT)
+# Remove all temporary variables from the global space
+catch {eval unset [info globals __*]}
+debug {Global variables available:\
+ \n [join [lsort [info globals]] "\n "]} 9
+debug {Global procedures available:\
+ \n [join [lsort [info procs]] "\n "]} 9
+foreach dir [split $env(TESTSETS) ":"] {
+ if {[string compare $dir $PWD] == 0} {
+ foreach indexFile [locateFile tclIndex] {
+ set indexDir [file dirname $indexFile]
+ if {[lsearch -exact [split $auto_path] $indexDir] < 0} {
+ set auto_path "$indexDir $auto_path"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach indexFile [locateFile tclIndex lib] {
+ set indexDir [file dirname $indexFile]
+ if {[lsearch -exact [split $auto_path] $indexDir] < 0} {
+ set auto_path "$indexDir $auto_path"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[file exists $dir/tclIndex]} {
+ set auto_path "$dir $auto_path"
+ }
+ }
+debug {auto_path has been intialize to:\n [join $auto_path "\n "]} 3
+verbose {TESTSETS: >$env(TESTSETS)<} 3
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionUtils.itcl b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionUtils.itcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c960c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/testSessionUtils.itcl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Procedures and other definitions for application:
+# testSession
+proc popQueue {args} {
+ global szDefaultQueue
+ if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ set Queue [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[string compare [infoWhich $Queue] ""] == 0} {
+ error "NOT a queue >$args<"
+ } else {
+ eval [concat [infoWhich $Queue] pop]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[info exist szDefaultQueue]} {
+ eval [concat $szDefaultQueue pop]
+ } else {
+ error "NO default queue"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/udi.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/udi.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8c940e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/udi.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# set target variables only if needed.
+global targetname
+global connectmode
+global env
+if ![info exists targetname] {
+ if [info exists env(TARGETNAME)] {
+ set targetname $env(TARGETNAME)
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Need a target name for the udi target."
+ puts stderr " Use the --name option\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+# the default connect program to use
+if ![info exists connectmode] {
+ set connectmode "mondfe"
+ warning "Using default of $connectmode for target communication."
+ if {[which mondfe] == 0} {
+ perror "\"mondfe\" does not exist. Check your path."
+ exit 1
+ }
+# Connect to udi using mondfe
+# HOSTNAME can be `iss' to talk to the simulator.
+# The result is the value of `spawn_id' or -1 for failure.
+proc mondfe { hostname } {
+ global shell_prompt
+ global spawn_id
+ set retries 0
+ set result -1
+ verbose "Attempting to connect to $hostname via mondfe."
+ spawn mondfe -D -TIP $hostname
+ expect {
+ "$shell_prompt" {
+ verbose "Got prompt"
+ set result 0
+ }
+ "*server bind*failed: Address already in use*" {
+ warning "Socket file already exists."
+ incr retries
+ if { $retries <= 2 } {
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ }
+ -indices -re ".*(UDIERROR\[^\r\n\]*)\[\r\n\]" {
+ warning "$expect_out(1,string)"
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ -indices -re ".*(DFEERROR\[^\r\n\]*)\[\r\n\]" {
+ warning "$expect_out(1,string)"
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "Timed out trying to connect."
+ set result -1
+ incr retries
+ if { $retries <= 2 } {
+ send -i $spawn_id "\n"
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { $result < 0 } {
+ perror "Couldn't connect after $retries retries."
+ return -1
+ } else {
+ return $spawn_id
+ }
+# Downloads using the y (yank) command in mondfe
+# SHELL_ID is the from the result of `mondfe'.
+# ARG is a full path name to the file to download.
+# Returns 1 if an error occured, 0 otherwise.
+proc mondfe_download { shell_id arg } {
+ global decimal ;# ??? What is this?
+ global shell_prompt
+ if ![file exists $arg] {
+ perror "$arg doesn't exist."
+ return 1
+ }
+ verbose "Downloading $arg." 2
+ set result 1
+ send -i $shell_id "y $arg\n"
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id "y $arg*loading $arg*" {
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "Loading *TEXT section from\[^\r\]*\r" {
+ verbose -n "." 2
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "Loaded *TEXT section from\[^\n\]*\n" {
+ verbose " TEXT section loaded." 2
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "Loading *LIT section from\[^\r\]*\r" {
+ verbose -n "." 2
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "Loaded *LIT section from\[^\n\]*\n" {
+ verbose " LIT section loaded." 2
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "Loading *DATA section from\[^\r\]*\r" {
+ verbose -n "." 2
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "Loaded *DATA section from\[^\n\]*\n" {
+ verbose " DATA section loaded." 2
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "Clearing *BSS section from\[^\r\]*\r" {
+ verbose -n "." 2
+ continue -expect
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*Cleared *BSS section from.*$shell_prompt$" {
+ verbose " BSS section cleared." 2
+ verbose "Downloaded $arg successfully." 2
+ set result 0
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "DFEWARNING: $decimal : EMMAGIC: Bad COFF file magic number.*Command failed.*$shell_prompt$" {
+ warning "Bad COFF file magic number"
+ set result 1
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*Ignoring COMMENT section \($decimal bytes\).*$shell_prompt$" {
+ verbose "Ignoring COMMENT section" 2
+ verbose "Downloaded $arg successfully." 2
+ set result 0
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ perror "Timed out trying to download $arg."
+ set result 1
+ }
+ }
+# FIXME: the following keeps the download from working
+# "Could not read COFF section" {
+# perror "Couldn't read COFF section."
+# set result 1
+# }
+ if { $result && [info exists expect_out(buffer)] } {
+ send_log $expect_out(buffer)
+ }
+ return $result
+# Exit the remote shell
+proc exit_mondfe { shell_id } {
+ send -i $shell_id "q\n"
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id "Goodbye." {
+ verbose "Exited mondfe $shell_id"
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "mondfe didn't exit cleanly"
+ }
+ }
+ catch "close -i $shell_id"
+ return 0
+# Exit the remote shell
+proc exit_montip { shell_id } {
+ verbose "exiting montip $shell_id"
+ catch "close -i $shell_id"
+ return 0
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/util-defs.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/util-defs.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17fcf1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/util-defs.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# Run a utility and test the result.
+# Parameters:
+# First one is the command
+# Second one is command arguments
+# Third one is the file name
+# Fourth one is the regexp style pattern to match for a PASS
+# Returns:
+# 1 if the test failed,
+# 0 if the test passes,
+# -1 if there was an internal error.
+proc util_test { args } {
+ global verbose
+ # get the parameters
+ set cmd [lindex $args 0]
+ verbose "Utility to execute is $cmd" 2
+ set cmd_arg [lindex $args 1]
+ verbose "Command line arguments are $cmd_arg" 2
+ set file [lindex $args 2]
+ verbose "The file name to use is $file" 2
+ set pattern [lindex $args 3]
+ verbose "The pattern to match is \"$pattern\"" 2
+ if [info exists file] {
+ if ![string match "" $file] {
+ if ![file exists $file] {
+ perror "$file doesn't exist"
+ return -1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Run the utility to be tested and analyze the results.
+ set comp_output [util_start $cmd $cmd_arg $file]
+ verbose "Output is \"$comp_output\"" 2
+ verbose "Pattern is \"$pattern\"" 2
+ if [regexp "$pattern" $comp_output] {
+ verbose "Pattern matches." 2
+ return 0
+ }
+ verbose "Pattern does not match." 2
+ return 1
+# Run the utility
+# Return NULL or the output.
+proc util_start { args } {
+ global verbose
+ set cmd [lindex $args 0]
+ set cmd_arg [lindex $args 1]
+ set file [lindex $args 2]
+ if {[which $cmd] == 0} {
+ perror "Can't find $cmd"
+ return ""
+ }
+ if { $verbose > 0 } {
+ verbose "Spawning \"$cmd $cmd_arg $file\""
+ } else {
+ send_log "Spawning \"$cmd $cmd_arg $file\"\n"
+ }
+ catch "exec $cmd $cmd_arg $file" comp_output
+ if ![string match "" $comp_output] {
+ send_log "$comp_output\n"
+ }
+ return $comp_output
+# add some basic error trapping. These mostly catch programming error's
+# within the tests themselves
+expect_before {
+ buffer_full { perror "Internal buffer is full" }
+ "can't open 'nmtest'" { perror "Can't open test file" }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/utils.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/utils.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2372264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/utils.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# Most of the procedures found here mimic their unix counter-part.
+# This file is sourced by runtest.exp, so they are usable by any test case.
+# Gets the directories in a directory
+# args: the first is the dir to look in, the next
+# is the pattern to match. It
+# defaults to *. Patterns are csh style
+# globbing rules
+# returns: a list of dirs or NULL
+proc getdirs { args } {
+ set path [lindex $args 0]
+ if { [llength $args] > 1} {
+ set pattern [lindex $args 1]
+ } else {
+ set pattern "*"
+ }
+ verbose "Looking in ${path} for directories that match \"${pattern}\"" 3
+ catch "glob ${path}/${pattern}" tmp
+ if { ${tmp} != "" } {
+ foreach i ${tmp} {
+ if [file isdirectory $i] {
+ switch -- "[file tail $i]" {
+ "testsuite" -
+ "config" -
+ "lib" -
+ "CVS" -
+ "RCS" -
+ "SCCS" {
+ verbose "Ignoring directory [file tail $i]" 3
+ continue
+ }
+ default {
+ if [file readable $i] {
+ verbose "Found directory [file tail $i]" 3
+ lappend dirs $i
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ perror "$tmp"
+ return ""
+ }
+ if ![info exists dirs] {
+ return ""
+ } else {
+ return $dirs
+ }
+# Finds all the files recursively
+# rootdir - this is the directory to start the search
+# from. This is and all subdirectories are search for
+# filenames. Directory names are not included in the
+# list, but the filenames have path information.
+# pattern - this is the pattern to match. Patterns are csh style
+# globbing rules.
+# returns: a list or a NULL.
+proc find { rootdir pattern } {
+ # first find all the directories
+ set dirs "$rootdir "
+ while 1 {
+ set tmp $rootdir
+ set rootdir ""
+ if [string match "" $tmp] {
+ break
+ }
+ foreach i $tmp {
+ set j [getdirs $i]
+ if ![string match "" $j] {
+ append dirs "$j "
+ set rootdir $j
+ unset j
+ } else {
+ set rootdir ""
+ }
+ }
+ set tmp ""
+ }
+ # find all the files that match the pattern
+ foreach i $dirs {
+ verbose "Looking in $i" 3
+ set tmp [glob -nocomplain $i/$pattern]
+ if { [llength $tmp] != 0 } {
+ foreach j $tmp {
+ if ![file isdirectory $j] {
+ lappend files $j
+ verbose "Adding $j to file list" 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ![info exists files] {
+ lappend files ""
+ }
+ return $files
+# Search the path for a file. This is basically a version
+# of the BSD-unix which utility. This procedure depends on
+# the shell environment variable $PATH. It returns 0 if $PATH
+# does not exist or the binary is not in the path. If the
+# binary is in the path, it returns the full path to the binary.
+proc which { file } {
+ global env
+ # strip off any extraneous arguments (like flags to the compiler)
+ set file [lindex $file 0]
+ # if it exists then the path must be OK
+ # ??? What if $file has no path and "." isn't in $PATH?
+ if [file exists $file] {
+ return $file
+ }
+ if [info exists env(PATH)] {
+ set path [split $env(PATH) ":"]
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+ foreach i $path {
+ verbose "Checking against $i" 3
+ if [file exists $i/$file] {
+ if [file executable $i/$file] {
+ return $i/$file
+ } else {
+ warning "$i/$file exists but is not an executable"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # not in path
+ return 0
+# Looks for a string in a file.
+# return:list of lines that matched or NULL if none match.
+# args: first arg is the filename,
+# second is the pattern,
+# third are any options.
+# Options: line - puts line numbers of match in list
+proc grep { args } {
+ set file [lindex $args 0]
+ set pattern [lindex $args 1]
+ verbose "Grepping $file for the pattern \"$pattern\"" 3
+ set argc [llength $args]
+ if { $argc > 2 } {
+ for { set i 2 } { $i < $argc } { incr i } {
+ append options [lindex $args $i]
+ append options " "
+ }
+ } else {
+ set options ""
+ }
+ set i 0
+ set fd [open $file r]
+ while { [gets $fd cur_line]>=0 } {
+ incr i
+ if [regexp -- "$pattern" $cur_line match] {
+ if ![string match "" $options] {
+ foreach opt $options {
+ case $opt in {
+ "line" {
+ lappend grep_out [concat $i $match]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ lappend grep_out $match
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd
+ unset fd
+ unset i
+ if ![info exists grep_out] {
+ set grep_out ""
+ }
+ return $grep_out
+# Remove elements based on patterns. elements are delimited by spaces.
+# pattern is the pattern to look for using glob style matching
+# list is the list to check against
+# returns the new list
+proc prune { list pattern } {
+ foreach i $list {
+ verbose "Checking pattern \"$pattern\" against $i" 3
+ if ![string match $pattern $i] {
+ lappend tmp $i
+ } else {
+ verbose "Removing element $i from list" 3
+ }
+ }
+ return $tmp
+# Attempt to kill a process that you started
+proc slay { name } {
+ set in [open [concat "|ps"] r]
+ while {[gets $in line]>-1} {
+ if ![string match "*expect*slay*" $line] {
+ if [string match "*$name*" $line] {
+ set pid [lindex $line 0]
+ catch "exec kill -9 $pid]"
+ verbose "Killing $name, pid = $pid\n"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close $in
+# Convert a relative path to an absolute one
+proc absolute { path } {
+ if [string match "." $path] {
+ return [pwd]
+ }
+ set basedir [pwd]
+ cd $path
+ set path [pwd]
+ cd $basedir
+ return $path
+# Source a file and trap any real errors. This ignores extraneous
+# output. returns a 1 if there was an error, otherwise it returns 0.
+proc psource { file } {
+ global errorInfo
+ global errorCode
+ unset errorInfo
+ if [file exists $file] {
+ catch "source $file"
+ if [info exists errorInfo] {
+ send_error "ERROR: errors in $file\n"
+ send_error "$errorInfo"
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+# Check if a testcase should be run or not
+# RUNTESTS is a copy of global `runtests'.
+# This proc hides the details of global `runtests' from the test scripts, and
+# implements uniform handling of "script arguments" where those arguments are
+# file names (ie: the "foo" in make check RUNTESTFLAGS="bar.exp=foo").
+# "glob" style expressions are supported as well as multiple files (with
+# spaces between them).
+# Eg: RUNTESTFLAGS="bar.exp=foo1.c foo2.c foo3*.c bar*.c"
+proc runtest_file_p { runtests testcase } {
+ if [string length [lindex $runtests 1]] {
+ set testcase [file tail $testcase]
+ foreach ptn [lindex $runtests 1] {
+ if [string match $ptn $testcase] {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 1
+# Delete various system verbosities from TEXT on SYSTEM
+# An example is:
+# ld.so: warning: /usr/lib/libc.so.1.8.1 has older revision than expected 9
+# SYSTEM is typical $target_triplet or $host_triplet.
+# This is useful when trying to do pattern matches on program output.
+# Sites with particularily verbose os's may wish to override this in site.exp.
+# We get loaded after site.exp so only define this if not already defined.
+if { [info procs prune_system_crud] == "" } {
+ proc prune_system_crud { system text } {
+ # This is from sun4's. Do it for all machines for now.
+ # The "\\1" is to try to preserve a "\n" but only if necessary.
+ regsub -all "(^|\n)(ld.so: warning:\[^\n\]*\n?)+" $text "\\1" text
+ # This happens when compiling on Alpha OSF/1 with cc -g -O.
+ regsub -all "(^|\n)(\n*uopt: Warning: file not optimized; use -g3 if both optimization and debug wanted\n?)+" $text "\\1" text
+ # This happens when compiling on Alpha OSF using gas.
+ regsub -all "(^|\n)(/usr/ucb/ld:\nWarning: Linking some objects which contain exception information sections\n\tand some which do not. This may cause fatal runtime exception handling\n\tproblems\[^\n\]*\n?)+" $text "\\1" text
+ # This happens on SunOS with cc -g -O.
+ regsub -all "(^|\n)(cc: Warning: -O conflicts with -g. -O turned off.\n?)+" $text "\\1" text
+ # This happens when using g++ on a DWARF system.
+ regsub -all "(^|\n)(cc1plus: warning: -g option not supported for C\\+\\+ on systems using the DWARF debugging format\n?)+" $text "\\1" text
+ # It might be tempting to get carried away and delete blank lines, etc.
+ # Just delete *exactly* what we're ask to, and that's it.
+ return $text
+ }
+# Compares two files line-by-line
+# returns 1 it the files match,
+# returns 0 if there was a file error,
+# returns -1 if they didn't match.
+proc diff { file_1 file_2 } {
+ set eof -1
+ set differences 0
+ if [file exists ${file_1}] {
+ set file_a [open ${file_1} r]
+ } else {
+ warning "${file_1} doesn't exist"
+ return 0
+ }
+ if [file exists ${file_2}] {
+ set file_b [open ${file_2} r]
+ } else {
+ warning "${file_2} doesn't exist"
+ return 0
+ }
+ verbose "# Diff'ing: ${file_1} ${file_2}\n" 1
+ while { [gets ${file_a} line] != ${eof} } {
+ if [regexp "^#.*$" ${line}] {
+ continue
+ } else {
+ lappend list_a ${line}
+ }
+ }
+ close ${file_a}
+ while { [gets ${file_b} line] != ${eof} } {
+ if [regexp "^#.*$" ${line}] {
+ continue
+ } else {
+ lappend list_b ${line}
+ }
+ }
+ close ${file_b}
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $list_a] } { incr i } {
+ set line_a [lindex ${list_a} ${i}]
+ set line_b [lindex ${list_b} ${i}]
+# verbose "\t${file_1}: ${i}: ${line_a}\n" 3
+# verbose "\t${file_2}: ${i}: ${line_b}\n" 3
+ if [string compare ${line_a} ${line_b}] {
+ verbose "line #${i}\n" 2
+ verbose "\< ${line_a}\n" 2
+ verbose "\> ${line_b}\n" 2
+ send_log "line #${i}\n"
+ send_log "\< ${line_a}\n"
+ send_log "\> ${line_b}\n"
+ set differences -1
+ }
+ }
+ if { [llength ${list_a}] != [llength ${list_b}] } {
+ verbose "Files not the same" 2
+ set differences -1
+ } else {
+ verbose "Files are the same" 2
+ set differences 1
+ }
+ return ${differences}
+# Set an environment variable
+proc setenv { var val } {
+ global env
+ set env($var) $val
+# Unset an environment variable
+proc unsetenv { var } {
+ global env
+ unset env($var)
+# Get a value from an environment variable
+proc getenv { var } {
+ global env
+ if [info exists env($var)] {
+ return $env($var)
+ } else {
+ return ""
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/vrtx.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/vrtx.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91be6c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/vrtx.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# these just need to be initialized
+# FIXME: The usage of `shell_id' as a global here seems wrong. Most targets
+# have it local to the file of our caller. See for example udi.exp.
+set shell_id 0
+# set default values
+global env
+if ![info exists env(SPECTRA)] {
+ perror "SPECTRA environment variable is not set."
+ exit 1
+} else {
+ append CFLAGS " -I $SPECTRA/target/include"
+# the hostname of the target board
+global targetname
+if ![info exists targetname] {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Need a target name for Spectra."
+ puts stderr " Use the --target option\n"
+ exit 1
+# the default connect program to use
+global connectmode
+if ![info exists connectmode] {
+ set connectmode "xsh"
+ warning "Using default of $connectmode for target communication."
+# Connect to Spectra (VTRX) using xsh
+proc xsh { hostname } {
+ global verbose
+ global hex
+ global connectmode
+ global shell_prompt
+ global spawn_id
+ global shell_id
+ global spawn_id
+ global env
+ global target_triplet
+ set retries 0
+ set result 0
+ if {[which xsh] != 0} {
+ spawn xsh
+ } else {
+ warning "Can't find xsh in path"
+ return
+ }
+ set shell_id $spawn_id
+ # start the shell
+ expect {
+ "*Spectra Cross-Development Shell version*$shell_prompt" {
+ verbose "Got prompt"
+ set result 0
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "Timed out trying to connect."
+ set result -1
+ incr retries
+ if { $retries <= 2 } {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # connect to the shell
+ set retries 0
+ send "connect $hostname\n"
+ expect {
+ "connect $hostname*$hostname connected \(non-os mode\)*\n" {
+ set shell_prompt "$hostname> "
+ verbose "Connected to $hostname"
+ }
+ "*connect: not attached*" {
+ warning "Couldn't attach target"
+ set result -1
+ }
+ -re ".* reset on target.*$" {
+ send_user "Spectra was reset\n"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -re "\[0-9A-Fa-f\]+\[ 0x\]+\[0-9A-Fa-f\]+.*$" {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ "$hostname> " {
+ #send "\n"
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "Timed out trying to connect after $expect_out(seconds) seconds."
+ set result -1
+ incr retries
+ if { $retries <= 2 } {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ send "\n\n\n"
+ expect {
+ "*$hostname*$hostname" {
+ verbose "Cleared reset messages" 1
+ }
+ timeout {
+ warning "Couldn't clear reset messages"
+ set result 1
+ }
+ }
+ # load to operating system
+ set timeout 20
+ set retries 0
+ if {[xsh_load $env(SPECTRA)/${target_triplet}-os.o {-e sys_start_crt0}]!=0} {
+ perror "Couldn't load Spectra into target"
+ return -1
+ }
+ set timeout 10
+ # start the OS running
+ set retries 0
+ send "go\n"
+ expect {
+ -re ".*Multithreading on target darkstar.*$" {
+ verbose "Spectra has been started..." 1
+ set result 0
+ }
+ -re ".*reset on target.*$" {
+ verbose "Spectra was reset"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -re "\[0-9A-Fa-f\]+\[ 0x\]+\[0-9A-Fa-f\]+.*$" {
+ #send "\n"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -re "go\n" { exp_continue }
+ "$shell_prompt" { exp_continue }
+ timeout {
+ perror "Spectra wouldn't start"
+ set result -1
+ incr retries
+ if { $retries <= 2 } {
+ send "go\r"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { $result < 0 } {
+ perror "Couldn't connect after $retries retries.\n"
+ return -1
+ } else {
+ return $spawn_id
+ }
+# Downloads using the load command in Spectra
+# arg - is a full path name to the file to download
+# returns 1 if a spectra error occured,
+# -1 if an internal error occured,
+# 0 otherwise.
+proc xsh_load { args } {
+ global verbose
+ global shell_id
+ global decimal
+ global hex
+ global shell_prompt
+ global expect_out
+ set result 1
+ set retries 0
+ if { [llength $args] == 1 } {
+ set opts ""
+ } else {
+ set opts [lindex $args 1]
+ }
+ set file [lindex $args 0]
+ if ![file exists $file] {
+ perror "$file doesn't exist."
+ return 1
+ }
+ verbose "Downloading $file..."
+ send -i $shell_id "load $opts $file\r"
+ set force 0
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id -re "\[0-9A-Fa-f\]+\[ 0x\]+\[0-9A-Fa-f\]+\r\n" {
+ set timeout 1
+ send "dout\n"
+ while $force<2 {
+ expect {
+ "dout*undefined kernel symbol*$shell_prompt" {
+ verbose "Attempted to flush I/O buffers" 1
+ }
+ timout {
+ incr force
+ flush stdout
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set timeout 20
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "load $opts $file*\r" {
+ verbose "Loading a.out..."
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "Warm reset on target*\n" {
+ verbose "Spectra did a warm reset"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "Cold reset on target*\n" {
+ verbose "Spectra did a cold reset"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "loading a.out*\r" {
+ verbose "Loading a.out..."
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "reading symbols*\r" {
+ verbose "Reading symbols..."
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "defining symbols*\r" {
+ verbose "defining symbols..."
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "*loading image*\r" {
+ verbose "Loading image..."
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*bytes loaded:.*$decimal.*$" {
+ verbose "$expect_out(buffer)"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "*loading done*\r" {
+ verbose "Loading done..."
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "*setting PC*\r" {
+ verbose "Setting PC..."
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "*resolving symbols*\r" {
+ verbose "Resolving symbols..."
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*load module id = $decimal.*$" {
+ verbose ""
+ }
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*load: undefined symbols.*$" {
+ perror "undefined symbols, make sure os is loaded and running"
+ set result -1
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "$shell_prompt" {
+ set result 0
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -i $shell_id "load: no default target" {
+ perror "default target isn't set"
+ return -1
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ perror "Timed out trying to download after $expect_out(seconds) seconds."
+ incr retries
+ set result 1
+ if { $retries <= 2 } {
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set timeout 10
+ if [info exists expect_out(buffer)] {
+ send_log $expect_out(buffer)
+ }
+ return $result
+# Exit the remote shell
+proc xsh_exit { shell_id } {
+ global verbose
+ global connectmode
+ global targetname
+ global shell_prompt
+ global shell_id
+ send -i $shell_id "exit\n"
+ verbose "Exiting shell."
+ set shell_id 0
+ return 0
diff --git a/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/vxworks.exp b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/vxworks.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7c3bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bluegnu2.0.3/lib/vxworks.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
+# bug-dejagnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
+# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@welcomehome.org)
+# set target variables only if needed.
+global targetname
+global connectmode
+global env
+global checktask
+if ![info exists targetname] {
+ if [info exists env(TARGETNAME)] {
+ set targetname $env(TARGETNAME)
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Need a target name for the vxworks board."
+ puts stderr " Use the --name option\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+# The default connect program to use.
+if ![info exists connectmode] {
+ set connectmode "telnet"
+ warning "Using default of $connectmode for target communication."
+if ![info exists checktask] {
+ set checktask "fp"
+# Compute a path to vxworks' value for it
+# We use a default ftp device called "filesys" to load files from.
+# This way it works without NFS.
+# This proc may be overridden by the user. The typical thing to do is use
+# a different name for the device, but it might also return a different path
+# to PROG.
+# ??? This is experimental. This kind of thing can't be specified on the
+# command line, but neither can specifying the kinds of transformations that
+# one might want to do without actually passing tcl code at which point it
+# makes just as much sense to stick it in a config file.
+if { [info procs vxworks_transform_path] == "" } {
+ proc vxworks_transform_path { prog } {
+ return "filesys:$prog"
+ }
+# Load a file into vxworks
+# The result is:
+# 0 - success
+# 1 - failed (eg: link failed so testcase should fail)
+# -1 - unresolved (eg: timeout, bad passwd)
+# -2 - unsupported (not used)
+# -3 - untested (not used)
+proc vxworks_ld { shell_id prog } {
+ global shell_prompt
+ global expect_out
+ global logname
+ global passwd
+ global decimal hex
+ set timeout 100 ;# for this call only
+ set result -7 ;# -7 is a local value meaning "not done"
+ set tries 0
+ set maxtries 3
+ set prog [vxworks_transform_path $prog]
+ if { $passwd != "" } {
+ send -i $shell_id "iam \"$logname\",\"$passwd\"\r"
+ } else {
+ send -i $shell_id "iam \"$logname\"\r"
+ }
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id "iam*value = 0 = 0x0*$shell_prompt" {
+ verbose "Set default user." 2
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ # ??? This is really an error. It's not clear whether `perror'
+ # or `warning' should be used here. There are *lots* of other
+ # cases like this.
+ perror "Couldn't set default user."
+ set result -1
+ }
+ }
+ # We always want to exit the program via the code at the end.
+ # If the load fails we want `expect_out' stored in the log and this
+ # saves duplicating that code.
+ while { $result == -7 } {
+ verbose "Loading $prog into vxworks."
+ send -i $shell_id "ld < $prog\r"
+ incr tries
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id "Login incorrect." {
+ if { $tries == $maxtries } {
+ perror "Login failed."
+ set result -1
+ break
+ }
+ if [string match "" $passwd] {
+ stty -echo
+ warning "Login failed for default user"
+ send_user "Type in password (for $logname) please: "
+ expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
+ send_user "\n"
+ set passwd "$expect_out(1,string)"
+ stty echo
+ }
+ send -i $shell_id "iam \"$logname\",\"$passwd\"\r"
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id "iam*value = 0 = 0x0*$shell_prompt " {
+ verbose "Set new user and password" 2
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ perror "Couldn't set user and password (timed out)."
+ set result -1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "USER.*command not understood" {
+ perror "Need to set the user and password."
+ set result -1
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "ld <.*undefined symbol:.*$shell_prompt $" {
+ # This is an error in the testcase, don't call perror.
+ warning "Undefined symbol, $prog not loaded."
+ set result 1
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "ld <.*can't open input.*$shell_prompt $" {
+ perror "Can't access $prog."
+ set result -1
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "ld <.*value = ${decimal} = ${hex}.*$shell_prompt $" {
+ verbose "Loaded $prog into vxworks."
+ set result 0
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "ld <\[^\r\]*\r(.*)$shell_prompt $" {
+ warning "Load failed: $expect_out(1,string)"
+ set result -1
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ warning "Timed out trying load $prog."
+ set result -1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { $result && [info exists expect_out(buffer)] } {
+ send_log "$expect_out(buffer)"
+ }
+ return $result
+# Start a thread (process) executing
+# The result is:
+# 0 - success
+# 1 - failed (eg: testcase aborted)
+# -1 - unresolved (eg: timeout)
+# -2 - unsupported (not used)
+# -3 - untested (not used)
+proc vxworks_spawn { shell_id function } {
+ global shell_prompt
+ global checktask
+ # There isn't a command to wait for a thread to finish, so we have to keep
+ # polling. Bummer.
+ set timeout 20 ;# for this call only
+ send -i $shell_id "sp $function\r"
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id -re "sp $function.*task spawned:.*name = (\[a-z0-9\]+).*value = (\[0-9\]+).*$shell_prompt $" {
+ set name $expect_out(1,string)
+ set value $expect_out(2,string)
+ verbose "$function running, name $name, value $value"
+ set tries 0
+ set maxtries 100 ;# Don't hang on testcases with infinite loops.
+ set result -7 ;# "not done"
+ while { $result == -7 } {
+ # Get the task's frame pointer.
+ # VxWorks will return -1 if the task isn't running.
+ send -i $shell_id "$checktask \"$name\"\r"
+ incr tries
+ expect {
+ -i $shell_id -re "task $value - aborted.*$shell_prompt $" {
+ # FIXME: It's not clear we'll ever get here.
+ verbose "$function aborted"
+ set result 1
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*AbOrT.*$shell_prompt $" {
+ # This requires support from the environment to
+ # redefine abort() to print this.
+ verbose "$function aborted"
+ set result 1
+ }
+ # This is here to try to cope with apparently flaky h/w.
+ -i $shell_id -re ".*Bus Error.*$" {
+ # This is potentially an error in the testcase,
+ # don't call perror.
+ warning "Bus Error."
+ # Delete the task (it's still around).
+ send -i $shell_id "td $name\r"
+ set result 1
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "value = \[0-9\]+.*$shell_prompt $" {
+ # Task is still running.
+ if { $tries == $maxtries } {
+ warning "$function started, won't stop"
+ set result -1
+ } else {
+ catch "exec sleep 1"
+ }
+ }
+ -i $shell_id -re "value = -1.*$shell_prompt $" {
+ # Task is no longer running.
+ set result 0
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ warning "$function started, can't determine status (timed out)"
+ set result -1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ -i $shell_id timeout {
+ warning "Couldn't run $function (timed out)"
+ set result -1
+ }
+ }
+ if { $result && [info exists expect_out(buffer)] } {
+ send_log "$expect_out(buffer)"
+ }
+ return $result