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authorTom de Vries <tdevries@suse.de>2022-05-08 19:47:40 +0200
committerTom de Vries <tdevries@suse.de>2022-05-08 19:47:40 +0200
commit4a43e2435b1a24d5bd32fae7807fdba8e93b93fe (patch)
parenta1aaf801d5f0989ea0857dfd896830570603b523 (diff)
[gdb/testsuite] Fix gdb.tui/scroll.exp with read1
When running test-case gdb.tui/scroll.exp, I get: ... Box Dump (80 x 8) @ (0, 0): 0 $17 = 16 1 (gdb) p 17 2 $18 = 17 3 (gdb) p 18 4 $19 = 18 5 (gdb) p 19 6 $20 = 19 7 (gdb) PASS: gdb.tui/scroll.exp: check cmd window in flip layout ... but with check-read1 I get instead: ... Box Dump (80 x 8) @ (0, 0): 0 (gdb) 15 1 (gdb) p 16 2 $17 = 16 3 (gdb) p 17 4 $18 = 17 5 (gdb) p 18 6 $19 = 18 7 (gdb) p 19 FAIL: gdb.tui/scroll.exp: check cmd window in flip layout ... The "p 19" command is handled by Term::command, which sends the command and then does Term::wait_for "^$gdb_prompt [string_to_regexp $cmd]", which: - matches the line with "(gdb) p 19", and - tries to match the following prompt "(gdb) " The problem is that scrolling results in reissuing output before the "(gdb) p 19", and the second matching triggers on that. Consequently, wait_for no longer translates gdb output into screen actions, and the screen does not reflect the result of "p 19". Fix this by using a new proc wait_for_region_contents, which in contrast to wait_for can handle a multi-line regexp. Tested on x86_64-linux with make targets check and check-read1.
2 files changed, 74 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.tui/scroll.exp b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.tui/scroll.exp
index c23cd2b..f34f8fd 100644
--- a/gdb/testsuite/gdb.tui/scroll.exp
+++ b/gdb/testsuite/gdb.tui/scroll.exp
@@ -60,7 +60,13 @@ Term::command "winheight cmd 8"
Term::check_box "src window after resize" 0 8 80 16
for {set i 10} {$i < 20} {incr i 1} {
- Term::command "p $i"
+ set cmd "p $i"
+ send_gdb "$cmd\n"
+ Term::wait_for_region_contents 0 0 80 8 \
+ [multi_line \
+ "$gdb_prompt [string_to_regexp $cmd]\\s+" \
+ "\\\$\\d+ = $i\\s+" \
+ "$gdb_prompt "]
# Now check that the contents of the command window are as expected.
diff --git a/gdb/testsuite/lib/tuiterm.exp b/gdb/testsuite/lib/tuiterm.exp
index e660840..bf09413 100644
--- a/gdb/testsuite/lib/tuiterm.exp
+++ b/gdb/testsuite/lib/tuiterm.exp
@@ -663,11 +663,47 @@ namespace eval Term {
_clear_lines 0 $_rows
+ # Accept some output from gdb and update the screen.
+ # Return 1 if successful, or 0 if a timeout occurred.
+ proc accept_gdb_output { } {
+ global expect_out
+ gdb_expect {
+ -re "^\[\x07\x08\x0a\x0d\]" {
+ scan $expect_out(0,string) %c val
+ set hexval [format "%02x" $val]
+ _log "wait_for: _ctl_0x${hexval}"
+ _ctl_0x${hexval}
+ }
+ -re "^\x1b(\[0-9a-zA-Z\])" {
+ _log "wait_for: unsupported escape"
+ error "unsupported escape"
+ }
+ -re "^\x1b\\\[(\[0-9;\]*)(\[a-zA-Z@\])" {
+ set cmd $expect_out(2,string)
+ set params [split $expect_out(1,string) ";"]
+ _log "wait_for: _csi_$cmd <<<$expect_out(1,string)>>>"
+ eval _csi_$cmd $params
+ }
+ -re "^\[^\x07\x08\x0a\x0d\x1b\]+" {
+ _insert $expect_out(0,string)
+ variable _last_char
+ set _last_char [string index $expect_out(0,string) end]
+ }
+ timeout {
+ # Assume a timeout means we somehow missed the
+ # expected result, and carry on.
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
# Accept some output from gdb and update the screen. WAIT_FOR is
# a regexp matching the line to wait for. Return 0 on timeout, 1
# on success.
proc wait_for {wait_for} {
- global expect_out
global gdb_prompt
variable _cur_col
variable _cur_row
@@ -675,34 +711,8 @@ namespace eval Term {
set prompt_wait_for "$gdb_prompt \$"
while 1 {
- gdb_expect {
- -re "^\[\x07\x08\x0a\x0d\]" {
- scan $expect_out(0,string) %c val
- set hexval [format "%02x" $val]
- _log "wait_for: _ctl_0x${hexval}"
- _ctl_0x${hexval}
- }
- -re "^\x1b(\[0-9a-zA-Z\])" {
- _log "wait_for: unsupported escape"
- error "unsupported escape"
- }
- -re "^\x1b\\\[(\[0-9;\]*)(\[a-zA-Z@\])" {
- set cmd $expect_out(2,string)
- set params [split $expect_out(1,string) ";"]
- _log "wait_for: _csi_$cmd <<<$expect_out(1,string)>>>"
- eval _csi_$cmd $params
- }
- -re "^\[^\x07\x08\x0a\x0d\x1b\]+" {
- _insert $expect_out(0,string)
- variable _last_char
- set _last_char [string index $expect_out(0,string) end]
- }
- timeout {
- # Assume a timeout means we somehow missed the
- # expected result, and carry on.
- return 0
- }
+ if { [accept_gdb_output] == 0 } {
+ return 0
# If the cursor appears just after the prompt, return. It
@@ -724,6 +734,23 @@ namespace eval Term {
return 1
+ # Accept some output from gdb and update the screen. Wait for the screen
+ # region X/Y/WIDTH/HEIGTH to matches REGEXP. Return 0 on timeout, 1 on
+ # success.
+ proc wait_for_region_contents {x y width height regexp} {
+ while 1 {
+ if { [accept_gdb_output] == 0 } {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if { [check_region_contents_p $x $y $width $height $regexp] } {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
# Like ::clean_restart, but ensures that gdb starts in an
# environment where the TUI can work. ROWS and COLS are the size
# of the terminal. EXECUTABLE, if given, is passed to
@@ -940,15 +967,23 @@ namespace eval Term {
# and HEIGHT match REGEXP. This is like check_contents except
# only part of the screen is checked. This can be used to check
# the contents within a box (though check_box_contents is a better
- # choice for boxes with a border).
- proc check_region_contents { test_name x y width height regexp } {
+ # choice for boxes with a border). Return 1 if check succeeded.
+ proc check_region_contents_p { x y width height regexp } {
variable _chars
dump_box $x $y $width $height
# Now grab the contents of the box, join each line together
# with a '\r\n' sequence and match against REGEXP.
set result [get_region $x $y $width $height "\r\n"]
- gdb_assert {[regexp -- $regexp $result]} $test_name
+ return [regexp -- $regexp $result]
+ }
+ # Check that the region of the screen described by X, Y, WIDTH,
+ # and HEIGHT match REGEXP. As check_region_contents_p, but produce
+ # a pass/fail message.
+ proc check_region_contents { test_name x y width height regexp } {
+ set ok [check_region_contents_p $x $y $width $height $regexp]
+ gdb_assert {$ok} $test_name
# Check the contents of a box on the screen. This is a little