rv64si-p-csr: file format elf64-littleriscv Disassembly of section .text.init: 0000000080000000 <_start>: 80000000: 04c0006f j 8000004c 0000000080000004 : 80000004: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause 80000008: 00800f93 li t6,8 8000000c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,80000040 80000010: 00900f93 li t6,9 80000014: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,80000040 80000018: 00b00f93 li t6,11 8000001c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,80000040 80000020: 80000f17 auipc t5,0x80000 80000024: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start-0x80000000> 80000028: 000f0463 beqz t5,80000030 8000002c: 000f0067 jr t5 80000030: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause 80000034: 000f5463 bgez t5,8000003c 80000038: 0040006f j 8000003c 000000008000003c : 8000003c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 0000000080000040 : 80000040: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 80000044: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 80001000 80000048: ff9ff06f j 80000040 000000008000004c : 8000004c: f1402573 csrr a0,mhartid 80000050: 00051063 bnez a0,80000050 80000054: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 80000058: 01028293 addi t0,t0,16 # 80000064 8000005c: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 80000060: 18005073 csrwi satp,0 80000064: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 80000068: 01c28293 addi t0,t0,28 # 80000080 8000006c: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 80000070: fff00293 li t0,-1 80000074: 3b029073 csrw pmpaddr0,t0 80000078: 01f00293 li t0,31 8000007c: 3a029073 csrw pmpcfg0,t0 80000080: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 80000084: 01828293 addi t0,t0,24 # 80000098 80000088: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 8000008c: 30205073 csrwi medeleg,0 80000090: 30305073 csrwi mideleg,0 80000094: 30405073 csrwi mie,0 80000098: 00000193 li gp,0 8000009c: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 800000a0: f6828293 addi t0,t0,-152 # 80000004 800000a4: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 800000a8: 00100513 li a0,1 800000ac: 01f51513 slli a0,a0,0x1f 800000b0: 00055863 bgez a0,800000c0 800000b4: 0ff0000f fence 800000b8: 00100193 li gp,1 800000bc: 00000073 ecall 800000c0: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 800000c4: 16c28293 addi t0,t0,364 # 8000022c 800000c8: 00028e63 beqz t0,800000e4 800000cc: 10529073 csrw stvec,t0 800000d0: 0000b2b7 lui t0,0xb 800000d4: 1092829b addiw t0,t0,265 800000d8: 30229073 csrw medeleg,t0 800000dc: 30202373 csrr t1,medeleg 800000e0: f4629ee3 bne t0,t1,8000003c 800000e4: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 800000e8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 800000ec: 8005051b addiw a0,a0,-2048 800000f0: 30052073 csrs mstatus,a0 800000f4: 02200513 li a0,34 800000f8: 30352073 csrs mideleg,a0 800000fc: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 80000100: 01428293 addi t0,t0,20 # 80000110 80000104: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 80000108: f1402573 csrr a0,mhartid 8000010c: 30200073 mret 0000000080000110 : 80000110: 10002573 csrr a0,sstatus 80000114: 0030059b addiw a1,zero,3 80000118: 02059593 slli a1,a1,0x20 8000011c: 00b57533 and a0,a0,a1 80000120: 00100e9b addiw t4,zero,1 80000124: 021e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x21 80000128: 00d00193 li gp,13 8000012c: 0fd51063 bne a0,t4,8000020c 80000130: 1401d073 csrwi sscratch,3 0000000080000134 : 80000134: 14002573 csrr a0,sscratch 80000138: 00300e93 li t4,3 8000013c: 00200193 li gp,2 80000140: 0dd51663 bne a0,t4,8000020c 0000000080000144 : 80000144: 1400f5f3 csrrci a1,sscratch,1 80000148: 00300e93 li t4,3 8000014c: 00300193 li gp,3 80000150: 0bd59e63 bne a1,t4,8000020c 0000000080000154 : 80000154: 14026673 csrrsi a2,sscratch,4 80000158: 00200e93 li t4,2 8000015c: 00400193 li gp,4 80000160: 0bd61663 bne a2,t4,8000020c 0000000080000164 : 80000164: 140156f3 csrrwi a3,sscratch,2 80000168: 00600e93 li t4,6 8000016c: 00500193 li gp,5 80000170: 09d69e63 bne a3,t4,8000020c 0000000080000174 : 80000174: 0bad2537 lui a0,0xbad2 80000178: dea5051b addiw a0,a0,-534 8000017c: 140515f3 csrrw a1,sscratch,a0 80000180: 00200e93 li t4,2 80000184: 00600193 li gp,6 80000188: 09d59263 bne a1,t4,8000020c 000000008000018c : 8000018c: 00002537 lui a0,0x2 80000190: dea5051b addiw a0,a0,-534 80000194: 14053573 csrrc a0,sscratch,a0 80000198: 0bad2eb7 lui t4,0xbad2 8000019c: deae8e9b addiw t4,t4,-534 800001a0: 00700193 li gp,7 800001a4: 07d51463 bne a0,t4,8000020c 00000000800001a8 : 800001a8: 0000c537 lui a0,0xc 800001ac: eef5051b addiw a0,a0,-273 800001b0: 14052573 csrrs a0,sscratch,a0 800001b4: 0bad0eb7 lui t4,0xbad0 800001b8: 00800193 li gp,8 800001bc: 05d51863 bne a0,t4,8000020c 00000000800001c0 : 800001c0: 14002573 csrr a0,sscratch 800001c4: 0badceb7 lui t4,0xbadc 800001c8: eefe8e9b addiw t4,t4,-273 800001cc: 00900193 li gp,9 800001d0: 03d51e63 bne a0,t4,8000020c 800001d4: 10000293 li t0,256 800001d8: 1002b073 csrc sstatus,t0 800001dc: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 800001e0: 01028293 addi t0,t0,16 # 800001ec 800001e4: 14129073 csrw sepc,t0 800001e8: 10200073 sret 00000000800001ec : 800001ec: 00000013 nop 800001f0: 00000e93 li t4,0 800001f4: 00c00193 li gp,12 800001f8: 01d01a63 bne zero,t4,8000020c 00000000800001fc : 800001fc: 0ff0000f fence 80000200: 00100193 li gp,1 80000204: 00000073 ecall 80000208: 00301c63 bne zero,gp,80000220 000000008000020c : 8000020c: 0ff0000f fence 80000210: 00018063 beqz gp,80000210 80000214: 00119193 slli gp,gp,0x1 80000218: 0011e193 ori gp,gp,1 8000021c: 00000073 ecall 0000000080000220 : 80000220: 0ff0000f fence 80000224: 00100193 li gp,1 80000228: 00000073 ecall 000000008000022c : 8000022c: 00900293 li t0,9 80000230: 0051e663 bltu gp,t0,8000023c 80000234: 00b00293 li t0,11 80000238: 0032fe63 bleu gp,t0,80000254 8000023c: 142022f3 csrr t0,scause 80000240: 00800313 li t1,8 80000244: fc6294e3 bne t0,t1,8000020c 80000248: 0ff0000f fence 8000024c: 00100193 li gp,1 80000250: 00000073 ecall 0000000080000254 : 80000254: 142022f3 csrr t0,scause 80000258: 00200313 li t1,2 8000025c: fa6298e3 bne t0,t1,8000020c 80000260: 141022f3 csrr t0,sepc 80000264: 00428293 addi t0,t0,4 80000268: 14129073 csrw sepc,t0 8000026c: 10200073 sret 80000270: c0001073 unimp 80000274: 0000 unimp 80000276: 0000 unimp 80000278: 0000 unimp 8000027a: 0000 unimp 8000027c: 0000 unimp 8000027e: 0000 unimp 80000280: 0000 unimp 80000282: 0000 unimp Disassembly of section .data: 0000000080002000 : 80002000: 0001 nop 80002002: 0000 unimp 80002004: 0000 unimp 80002006: 0000 unimp 80002008: 0000 unimp 8000200a: 0000 unimp 8000200c: 0000 unimp 8000200e: 0000 unimp