(* Simple trace comparison checker *) type csr_read = { csrr : string; rdval : int64 } type csr_write = { csrw : string; wrval : int64; inval : int64 } type reg_write = { reg : int; rval : int64 } type inst = { count : int; priv : char; pc : int64; inst: int32 } type tick = { time : int64 } type htif = { tohost : int64 } type ld_res = | Res_make of int64 | Res_match of int64 * int64 | Res_cancel type line = | L_none | L_inst of inst | L_reg_write of reg_write | L_csr_read of csr_read | L_csr_write of csr_write | L_tick of tick | L_htif of htif | L_ld_res of ld_res let inst_count = ref 0 (* csr reads CSR mscratch -> 0x0000000000000000 *) let parse_csr_read l = try Scanf.sscanf l " CSR %s -> 0x%Lx" (fun csrr rdval -> L_csr_read { csrr; rdval }) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none let sprint_csr_read r = Printf.sprintf "CSR %s -> 0x%Lx" r.csrr r.rdval (* csr writes CSR mstatus <- 0x0000000a00020800 (input: 0x0000000a00020800) *) let parse_csr_write l = try Scanf.sscanf l " CSR %s <- 0x%Lx (input: 0x%Lx)" (fun csrw wrval inval -> L_csr_write { csrw; wrval; inval }) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none let sprint_csr_write r = Printf.sprintf "CSR %s <- 0x%Lx (input: 0x%Lx)" r.csrw r.wrval r.inval (* reg writes x16 <- 0x0000000000000000 *) let parse_reg_write l = try Scanf.sscanf l " x%u <- 0x%Lx" (fun reg rval -> L_reg_write { reg; rval }) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none let sprint_reg_write r = Printf.sprintf "x%u <- 0x%Lx" r.reg r.rval (* instructions *) let sprint_inst r = Printf.sprintf "[%u] [%c]: 0x%Lx (0x%lx)" r.count r.priv r.pc r.inst (* sail instruction line: [13000] [M]: 0x0000000080000E4A (0x0107971B) slli a4, a5, 0b10000 *) let parse_sail_inst l = try Scanf.sscanf l " [%u] [%c]: 0x%Lx (0x%lx) %s" (fun count priv pc inst _ -> inst_count := count; L_inst { count; priv; pc; inst }) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none (* spike instruction line: [2] core 0 [M]: 0x0000000000001008 (0xf1402573) csrr a0, mhartid *) let parse_spike_inst l = try Scanf.sscanf l " [%u] core 0 [%c]: 0x%Lx (0x%lx) %s" (fun count priv pc inst _ -> inst_count := count; L_inst { count; priv; pc; inst }) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none (* clock tick clint::tick mtime <- 0x1 *) let parse_tick l = try Scanf.sscanf l " clint::tick mtime <- 0x%Lx" (fun time -> L_tick { time }) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none let sprint_tick t = Printf.sprintf "clint::tick mtime <- 0x%Lx" t.time (* htif tick htif::tick 0x1 *) let parse_htif l = try Scanf.sscanf l " htif::tick 0x%Lx" (fun tohost -> L_htif { tohost }) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none let sprint_htif t = Printf.sprintf "htif::tick 0x%Lx" t.tohost (* Load reservations: make: reservation <- 0x80002008 match: reservation: 0xffffffffffffffff, key=0x80002008 cancel: reservation <- none *) let parse_ldres_match l = try Scanf.sscanf l " reservation: 0x%Lx, key=0x%Lx" (fun res key -> L_ld_res (Res_match (res, key))) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none let parse_ldres_match_sail l = try Scanf.sscanf l " reservation: none, key=0x%Lx" (fun key -> L_ld_res (Res_match (Int64.minus_one, key))) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none let parse_ldres_change l = try if l = "reservation <- none" then L_ld_res Res_cancel else Scanf.sscanf l " reservation <- 0x%Lx" (fun res -> L_ld_res (Res_make res)) with | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> L_none | End_of_file -> L_none let sprint_ldres = function | Res_make res -> Printf.sprintf "reservation <- 0x%Lx" res | Res_match (res, key) -> Printf.sprintf "reservation: 0x%Lx, key=0x%Lx" res key | Res_cancel -> Printf.sprintf "reservation <- none" (* scanners *) let popt p l = function | L_none -> p l | res -> res let parse_line l = parse_csr_read l |> popt parse_csr_write l |> popt parse_reg_write l |> popt parse_tick l |> popt parse_htif l |> popt parse_ldres_change l |> popt parse_ldres_match l let parse_sail_line l = parse_line l |> popt parse_sail_inst l |> popt parse_ldres_match_sail l let parse_spike_line l = parse_line l |> popt parse_spike_inst l (* printer *) let sprint_line = function | L_none -> "" | L_inst i -> sprint_inst i | L_reg_write r -> Printf.sprintf "<%d> %s" !inst_count (sprint_reg_write r) | L_csr_read r -> Printf.sprintf "<%d> %s" !inst_count (sprint_csr_read r) | L_csr_write r -> Printf.sprintf "<%d> %s" !inst_count (sprint_csr_write r) | L_tick t -> Printf.sprintf "<%d> %s" !inst_count (sprint_tick t) | L_htif t -> Printf.sprintf "<%d> %s" !inst_count (sprint_htif t) | L_ld_res r -> Printf.sprintf "<%d> %s" !inst_count (sprint_ldres r) (* file processing *) let rec get_line ch parse = let line = try Some (input_line ch) with End_of_file -> None in match line with | Some l -> (match parse l with | L_none -> get_line ch parse | r -> r ) | None -> L_none let rec print_lines ch parse = match (get_line ch parse) with | L_none -> () | l -> (print_endline (sprint_line l); print_lines ch parse) let lines_matched k l = match k, l with (* Special case for CSR writes to sie/sip/sstatus, since spike * does a recursive call which messes the trace log. For these * registers, we just match the final written value, and need to * unfortunately ignore the input value. *) | L_csr_write kw, L_csr_write lw -> if ( (kw.csrw = "mie" && lw.csrw = "sie") || (kw.csrw = "mip" && lw.csrw = "sip") || (kw.csrw = "mstatus" && lw.csrw = "sstatus")) then kw.wrval = lw.wrval else kw = lw | _, _ -> k = l let rec compare_traces k l cnt = let kro = get_line k parse_spike_line in let lro = get_line l parse_sail_line in match kro, lro with | L_none, L_none -> print_endline (Printf.sprintf "Matched %d instructions" cnt) | L_none, lr -> print_endline "Spike: not reached"; print_endline ("Sail: " ^ sprint_line lr); exit 1 | kr, L_none -> print_endline ("Spike: " ^ sprint_line kr); print_endline "Sail: not reached"; exit 1 | kr, lr -> if lines_matched kr lr then compare_traces k l (cnt + 1) else (print_endline ("Spike: " ^ sprint_line kr); print_endline ("Sail: " ^ sprint_line lr); exit 1) let spike_log = ref (None : string option) let sail_log = ref (None : string option) let uncompress = ref false let in_file f = if !uncompress then Unix.open_process_in ("gunzip -c " ^ f) else open_in f let options = Arg.align ([( "-z", Arg.Set uncompress, " uncompress trace files"); ( "-k", Arg.String (fun f -> spike_log := Some f), " spike trace log"); ( "-l", Arg.String (fun f -> sail_log := Some f), " sail trace log")]) let usage = "usage: tracecmp [options]\n" let _ = Arg.parse options (fun s -> print_endline usage; exit 0) usage; match !spike_log, !sail_log with | None, None -> (print_endline usage; exit 0) | Some l, None -> print_lines (in_file l) parse_spike_line | None, Some l -> print_lines (in_file l) parse_sail_line | Some k, Some l -> compare_traces (in_file k) (in_file l) 0