open Sail_lib open Riscv module PI = Platform_impl module P = Platform module Elf = Elf_loader (* OCaml driver for generated RISC-V model. *) let opt_file_arguments = ref ([] : string list) let opt_dump_dts = ref false let opt_dump_dtb = ref false let opt_signature_file = ref (None : string option) let signature_granularity_ref = ref 4 let opt_isa = ref (None : string option) let report_arch () = Printf.printf "RV%d\n" (Big_int.to_int Riscv.zxlen_val); exit 0 let set_signature_file s = opt_signature_file := Some s; (* turn off logging *) P.config_print_instr := false; P.config_print_reg := false; P.config_print_mem_access := false; P.config_print_platform := false let set_signature_granularity sg = signature_granularity_ref := sg let options = Arg.align ([("-dump-dts", Arg.Set opt_dump_dts, " dump the platform device-tree source to stdout"); ("-dump-dtb", Arg.Set opt_dump_dtb, " dump the *binary* platform device-tree blob to stdout"); ("-enable-dirty-update", Arg.Set P.config_enable_dirty_update, " enable dirty-bit update during page-table walks"); ("-enable-misaligned-access", Arg.Set P.config_enable_misaligned_access, " enable misaligned accesses without M-mode traps"); ("-pmp-count", Arg.Int P.set_config_pmp_count, " number of supported PMPs (0, 16, 64)"); ("-pmp-grain", Arg.Int P.set_config_pmp_grain, " exponent of granularity of PMP addresses (G in the spec)"); ("-enable-next", Arg.Set P.config_enable_next, " enable N extension"); ("-mtval-has-illegal-inst-bits", Arg.Set P.config_mtval_has_illegal_inst_bits, " mtval stores instruction bits on an illegal instruction exception"); ("-enable-svinval", Arg.Set P.config_enable_svinval, " enable Svinval extension"); ("-enable-zcb", Arg.Set P.config_enable_zcb, " enable Zcb (simple code size) extension"); ("-enable-writable-fiom", Arg.Set P.config_enable_writable_fiom, " enable FIOM (Fence of I/O implies Memory) bit in menvcfg"); ("-disable-rvc", Arg.Clear P.config_enable_rvc, " disable the RVC extension on boot"); ("-disable-vext", Arg.Clear P.config_enable_vext, " disable the RVV extension on boot"); ("-disable-writable-misa-c", Arg.Clear P.config_enable_writable_misa, " leave misa hardwired to its initial value"); ("-ram-size", Arg.Int PI.set_dram_size, " size of physical ram memory to use (in MB)"); ("-report-arch", Arg.Unit report_arch, " report model architecture (RV32 or RV64)"); ("-test-signature", Arg.String set_signature_file, " file for signature output (requires ELF signature symbols)"); ("-signature-granularity", Arg.Int set_signature_granularity, " test signature granularity (in bytes)"); ("-isa", Arg.String (fun s -> opt_isa := Some s), " requested isa"); ("-with-dtc", Arg.String PI.set_dtc, " full path to dtc to use") ]) let usage_msg = "RISC-V platform options:" (* ELF architecture checks *) let get_arch () = match Big_int.to_int Riscv.zxlen_val with | 64 -> PI.RV64 | 32 -> PI.RV32 | n -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown model architecture RV%d" n) let str_of_elf = function | Elf.ELF_Class_64 -> "ELF64" | Elf.ELF_Class_32 -> "ELF32" let elf_arg = Arg.parse options (fun s -> opt_file_arguments := !opt_file_arguments @ [s]) usage_msg; if !opt_dump_dts then (PI.dump_dts (get_arch ()); exit 0); if !opt_dump_dtb then (PI.dump_dtb (get_arch ()); exit 0); ( match !opt_file_arguments with | f :: _ -> prerr_endline ("Sail/RISC-V: running ELF file " ^ f); f | _ -> (prerr_endline "Please provide an ELF file."; exit 0) ) let check_elf () = match (get_arch (), Elf.elf_class ()) with | (PI.RV64, Elf.ELF_Class_64) -> P.print_platform "RV64 model loaded ELF64.\n" | (PI.RV32, Elf.ELF_Class_32) -> P.print_platform "RV32 model loaded ELF32.\n" | (a, e) -> (let msg = Printf.sprintf "\n%s model cannot execute %s.\n" (PI.str_of_arch a) (str_of_elf e) in Printf.eprintf "%s" msg; exit 1) (* post execution handlers *) let write_bytes fl bytes = let i = ref 0 in while !i < Bytes.length bytes do for j = !signature_granularity_ref - 1 downto 0 do let s = Printf.sprintf "%02x" (int_of_char (Bytes.get bytes (!i + j))) in output_string fl s; done; output_string fl "\n"; i := !i + !signature_granularity_ref; done let write_signature f sig_start sig_end = let b = Big_int.to_int sig_start in let len = Big_int.to_int sig_end - b in let sig_bytes = P.get_mem_bytes sig_start len in let sig_file = open_out f in write_bytes sig_file sig_bytes; close_out sig_file let dump_signature () = match !opt_signature_file with | None -> () | Some f -> match (Elf.elf_symbol "begin_signature", Elf.elf_symbol "end_signature") with | Some b, Some e -> write_signature f b e | None, _ -> Printf.eprintf "no begin_signature symbol in ELF" | _, None -> Printf.eprintf "no end_signature symbol in ELF" let show_times init_s init_e run_e insts = let init_time = init_e.Unix.tms_utime -. init_s.Unix.tms_utime in let exec_time = run_e.Unix.tms_utime -. init_e.Unix.tms_utime in Printf.eprintf "\nInitialization: %g secs\n" init_time; Printf.eprintf "Execution: %g secs\n" exec_time; Printf.eprintf "Instructions retired: %Ld\n" insts; Printf.eprintf "Perf: %g ips\n" ((Int64.to_float insts) /. exec_time) (* model execution *) let run pc = sail_call (fun r -> try ( zinit_model (); zPC := pc; zloop () ) with | ZError_not_implemented (zs) -> print_string ("Error: Not implemented: ", zs) | ZError_internal_error (_) -> prerr_endline "Error: internal error" ) let () = Random.self_init (); let init_start = Unix.times () in let pc = Platform.init (get_arch ()) elf_arg in let _ = check_elf () in let init_end = Unix.times () in let _ = run pc in let run_end = Unix.times () in let insts = Big_int.to_int64 (uint (!Riscv.zminstret)) in dump_signature (); show_times init_start init_end run_end insts