/* RV64 Supervisor-mode address translation and page-table walks. */ /* Define the architectural satp and its legalizer. */ register satp : xlenbits function legalize_satp(a : Architecture, o : xlenbits, v : xlenbits) -> xlenbits = legalize_satp64(a, o, v) /* Compute the address translation mode. */ val translationMode : (Privilege) -> SATPMode effect {rreg, escape} function translationMode(priv) = { if priv == Machine then Sbare else { let arch = architecture(get_mstatus_SXL(mstatus)); match arch { Some(RV64) => { let mbits : satp_mode = Mk_Satp64(satp).Mode(); match satp64Mode_of_bits(RV64, mbits) { Some(m) => m, None() => internal_error("invalid RV64 translation mode in satp") } }, Some(RV32) => { let s = Mk_Satp32(satp[31..0]); if s.Mode() == 0b0 then Sbare else Sv32 }, _ => internal_error("unsupported address translation arch") } } } /* Top-level address translation dispatcher */ val translateAddr : (xlenbits, AccessType(ext_access_type)) -> TR_Result(xlenbits, ExceptionType) effect {escape, rmem, rmemt, rreg, wmv, wmvt, wreg} function translateAddr(vAddr, ac) = { let effPriv : Privilege = match ac { Execute() => cur_privilege, _ => effectivePrivilege(mstatus, cur_privilege) }; let mxr : bool = mstatus.MXR() == 0b1; let do_sum : bool = mstatus.SUM() == 0b1; let mode : SATPMode = translationMode(effPriv); let asid = curAsid64(satp); let ptb = curPTB64(satp); /* PTW extensions: initialize the PTW extension state. */ let ext_ptw : ext_ptw = init_ext_ptw; match mode { Sbare => TR_Address(vAddr, ext_ptw), Sv39 => match translate39(asid, ptb, vAddr[38 .. 0], ac, effPriv, mxr, do_sum, SV39_LEVELS - 1, ext_ptw) { TR_Address(pa, ext_ptw) => TR_Address(EXTZ(pa), ext_ptw), TR_Failure(f, ext_ptw) => TR_Failure(translationException(ac, f), ext_ptw) }, Sv48 => match translate48(asid, ptb, vAddr[47 .. 0], ac, effPriv, mxr, do_sum, SV48_LEVELS - 1, ext_ptw) { TR_Address(pa, ext_ptw) => TR_Address(EXTZ(pa), ext_ptw), TR_Failure(f, ext_ptw) => TR_Failure(translationException(ac, f), ext_ptw) }, _ => internal_error("unsupported address translation scheme") } } val flush_TLB : (option(xlenbits), option(xlenbits)) -> unit effect {rreg, wreg} function flush_TLB(asid_xlen, addr_xlen) -> unit = { /* Flush both Sv39 and Sv48 TLBs. */ let (addr39, addr48) : (option(vaddr39), option(vaddr48)) = match addr_xlen { None() => (None(), None()), Some(a) => (Some(a[38 .. 0]), Some(a[47 .. 0])) }; let asid : option(asid64) = match asid_xlen { None() => None(), Some(a) => Some(a[15 .. 0]) }; flush_TLB39(asid, addr39); flush_TLB48(asid, addr48) } function init_vmem() -> unit = { init_vmem_sv39(); init_vmem_sv48() }