/*=======================================================================================*/ /* This Sail RISC-V architecture model, comprising all files and */ /* directories except where otherwise noted is subject the BSD */ /* two-clause license in the LICENSE file. */ /* */ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ /*=======================================================================================*/ /* Machine-mode and supervisor-mode functionality. */ /* CSR access control */ function csrAccess(csr : csreg) -> csrRW = csr[11..10] function csrPriv(csr : csreg) -> priv_level = csr[9..8] function is_CSR_defined (csr : csreg, p : Privilege) -> bool = match (csr) { /* machine mode: informational */ 0xf11 => p == Machine, // mvendorid 0xf12 => p == Machine, // marchdid 0xf13 => p == Machine, // mimpid 0xf14 => p == Machine, // mhartid /* machine mode: trap setup */ 0x300 => p == Machine, // mstatus 0x301 => p == Machine, // misa 0x302 => p == Machine & (haveSupMode() | haveNExt()), // medeleg 0x303 => p == Machine & (haveSupMode() | haveNExt()), // mideleg 0x304 => p == Machine, // mie 0x305 => p == Machine, // mtvec 0x306 => p == Machine & haveUsrMode(), // mcounteren 0x30A => p == Machine & haveUsrMode(), // menvcfg 0x310 => p == Machine & (sizeof(xlen) == 32), // mstatush 0x31A => p == Machine & haveUsrMode() & (sizeof(xlen) == 32), // menvcfgh 0x320 => p == Machine, // mcountinhibit /* machine mode: trap handling */ 0x340 => p == Machine, // mscratch 0x341 => p == Machine, // mepc 0x342 => p == Machine, // mcause 0x343 => p == Machine, // mtval 0x344 => p == Machine, // mip // pmpcfgN 0x3A @ idx : bits(4) => p == Machine & sys_pmp_count() > unsigned(idx) & (idx[0] == bitzero | sizeof(xlen) == 32), // pmpaddrN. Unfortunately the PMP index does not nicely align with the CSR index bits. 0x3B @ idx : bits(4) => p == Machine & sys_pmp_count() > unsigned(0b00 @ idx), 0x3C @ idx : bits(4) => p == Machine & sys_pmp_count() > unsigned(0b01 @ idx), 0x3D @ idx : bits(4) => p == Machine & sys_pmp_count() > unsigned(0b10 @ idx), 0x3E @ idx : bits(4) => p == Machine & sys_pmp_count() > unsigned(0b11 @ idx), 0xB00 => p == Machine, // mcycle 0xB02 => p == Machine, // minstret 0xB80 => p == Machine & (sizeof(xlen) == 32), // mcycleh 0xB82 => p == Machine & (sizeof(xlen) == 32), // minstreth /* disabled trigger/debug module */ 0x7a0 => p == Machine, /* supervisor mode: trap setup */ 0x100 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // sstatus 0x102 => haveSupMode() & haveNExt() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // sedeleg 0x103 => haveSupMode() & haveNExt() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // sideleg 0x104 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // sie 0x105 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // stvec 0x106 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // scounteren 0x10A => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // senvcfg /* supervisor mode: trap handling */ 0x140 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // sscratch 0x141 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // sepc 0x142 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // scause 0x143 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // stval 0x144 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // sip /* supervisor mode: address translation */ 0x180 => haveSupMode() & (p == Machine | p == Supervisor), // satp /* user mode: counters */ 0xC00 => haveUsrMode(), // cycle 0xC01 => haveUsrMode(), // time 0xC02 => haveUsrMode(), // instret 0xC80 => haveUsrMode() & (sizeof(xlen) == 32), // cycleh 0xC81 => haveUsrMode() & (sizeof(xlen) == 32), // timeh 0xC82 => haveUsrMode() & (sizeof(xlen) == 32), // instreth /* user mode: Zkr */ 0x015 => haveZkr(), /* check extensions */ _ => ext_is_CSR_defined(csr, p) } val check_CSR_access : (csrRW, priv_level, Privilege, bool) -> bool function check_CSR_access(csrrw, csrpr, p, isWrite) = not(isWrite == true & csrrw == 0b11) /* read/write */ & (privLevel_to_bits(p) >=_u csrpr) /* privilege */ function check_TVM_SATP(csr : csreg, p : Privilege) -> bool = not(csr == 0x180 & p == Supervisor & mstatus[TVM] == 0b1) function check_Counteren(csr : csreg, p : Privilege) -> bool = match(csr, p) { (0xC00, Supervisor) => mcounteren[CY] == 0b1, (0xC01, Supervisor) => mcounteren[TM] == 0b1, (0xC02, Supervisor) => mcounteren[IR] == 0b1, (0xC00, User) => mcounteren[CY] == 0b1 & (not(haveSupMode()) | scounteren[CY] == 0b1), (0xC01, User) => mcounteren[TM] == 0b1 & (not(haveSupMode()) | scounteren[TM] == 0b1), (0xC02, User) => mcounteren[IR] == 0b1 & (not(haveSupMode()) | scounteren[IR] == 0b1), (_, _) => /* no HPM counters for now */ if 0xC03 <=_u csr & csr <=_u 0xC1F then false else true } /* Seed may only be accessed if we are doing a write, and access has been * allowed in the current priv mode */ function check_seed_CSR (csr : csreg, p : Privilege, isWrite : bool) -> bool = { if not(csr == 0x015) then { true } else if not(isWrite) then { /* Read-only access to the seed CSR is not allowed */ false } else { match (p) { Machine => true, Supervisor => false, /* TODO: base this on mseccfg */ User => false, /* TODO: base this on mseccfg */ } } } function check_CSR(csr : csreg, p : Privilege, isWrite : bool) -> bool = is_CSR_defined(csr, p) & check_CSR_access(csrAccess(csr), csrPriv(csr), p, isWrite) & check_TVM_SATP(csr, p) & check_Counteren(csr, p) & check_seed_CSR(csr, p, isWrite) /* Reservation handling for LR/SC. * * The reservation state is maintained external to the model since the * reservation behavior is platform-specific anyway and maintaining * this state outside the model simplifies the concurrency analysis. * * These are externs are defined here in the system module since * we currently perform reservation cancellation on privilege level * transition. Ideally, the platform should get more visibility into * where cancellation can be performed. */ val speculate_conditional = monadic {ocaml: "Platform.speculate_conditional", interpreter: "excl_res", c: "speculate_conditional", lem: "speculate_conditional_success"} : unit -> bool val load_reservation = {ocaml: "Platform.load_reservation", interpreter: "Platform.load_reservation", c: "load_reservation", lem: "load_reservation"} : xlenbits -> unit val match_reservation = {ocaml: "Platform.match_reservation", interpreter: "Platform.match_reservation", lem: "match_reservation", c: "match_reservation"} : xlenbits -> bool val cancel_reservation = {ocaml: "Platform.cancel_reservation", interpreter: "Platform.cancel_reservation", c: "cancel_reservation", lem: "cancel_reservation"} : unit -> unit /* Exception delegation: given an exception and the privilege at which * it occured, returns the privilege at which it should be handled. */ function exception_delegatee(e : ExceptionType, p : Privilege) -> Privilege = { let idx = num_of_ExceptionType(e); let super = bit_to_bool(medeleg.bits[idx]); /* if S-mode is absent, medeleg delegates to U-mode if 'N' is supported. */ let user = if haveSupMode() then super & haveNExt() & bit_to_bool(sedeleg.bits[idx]) else super & haveNExt(); let deleg = if haveUsrMode() & user then User else if haveSupMode() & super then Supervisor else Machine; /* We cannot transition to a less-privileged mode. */ if privLevel_to_bits(deleg) <_u privLevel_to_bits(p) then p else deleg } /* Interrupts are prioritized in privilege order, and for each * privilege, in the order: external, software, timers. */ function findPendingInterrupt(ip : xlenbits) -> option(InterruptType) = { let ip = Mk_Minterrupts(ip); if ip[MEI] == 0b1 then Some(I_M_External) else if ip[MSI] == 0b1 then Some(I_M_Software) else if ip[MTI] == 0b1 then Some(I_M_Timer) else if ip[SEI] == 0b1 then Some(I_S_External) else if ip[SSI] == 0b1 then Some(I_S_Software) else if ip[STI] == 0b1 then Some(I_S_Timer) else if ip[UEI] == 0b1 then Some(I_U_External) else if ip[USI] == 0b1 then Some(I_U_Software) else if ip[UTI] == 0b1 then Some(I_U_Timer) else None() } /* Process the pending interrupts xip at a privilege according to * the enabled flags xie and the delegation in xideleg. Return * either the set of pending interrupts, or the set of interrupts * delegated to the next lower privilege. */ union interrupt_set = { Ints_Pending : xlenbits, Ints_Delegated : xlenbits, Ints_Empty : unit } function processPending(xip : Minterrupts, xie : Minterrupts, xideleg : xlenbits, priv_enabled : bool) -> interrupt_set = { /* interrupts that are enabled but not delegated are pending */ let effective_pend = xip.bits & xie.bits & (~ (xideleg)); /* the others are delegated */ let effective_delg = xip.bits & xideleg; /* we have pending interrupts if this privilege is enabled */ if priv_enabled & (effective_pend != zero_extend(0b0)) then Ints_Pending(effective_pend) else if effective_delg != zero_extend(0b0) then Ints_Delegated(effective_delg) else Ints_Empty() } /* Given the current privilege level, iterate over privileges to get a * pending set for an enabled privilege. This is only called for M/U or * M/S/U systems. * * We don't use the lowered views of {xie,xip} here, since the spec * allows for example the M_Timer to be delegated to the U-mode. */ function getPendingSet(priv : Privilege) -> option((xlenbits, Privilege)) = { assert(haveUsrMode(), "no user mode: M/U or M/S/U system required"); let effective_pending = mip.bits & mie.bits; if effective_pending == zero_extend(0b0) then None() /* fast path */ else { /* Higher privileges than the current one are implicitly enabled, * while lower privileges are blocked. An unsupported privilege is * considered blocked. */ let mIE = priv != Machine | (priv == Machine & mstatus[MIE] == 0b1); let sIE = haveSupMode() & (priv == User | (priv == Supervisor & mstatus[SIE] == 0b1)); let uIE = haveNExt() & (priv == User & mstatus[UIE] == 0b1); match processPending(mip, mie, mideleg.bits, mIE) { Ints_Empty() => None(), Ints_Pending(p) => let r = (p, Machine) in Some(r), Ints_Delegated(d) => if not(haveSupMode()) then { if uIE then let r = (d, User) in Some(r) else None() } else { /* the delegated bits are pending for S-mode */ match processPending(Mk_Minterrupts(d), mie, sideleg.bits, sIE) { Ints_Empty() => None(), Ints_Pending(p) => let r = (p, Supervisor) in Some(r), Ints_Delegated(d) => if uIE then let r = (d, User) in Some(r) else None() } } } } } /* Examine the current interrupt state and return an interrupt to be * * handled (if any), and the privilege it should be handled at. */ function dispatchInterrupt(priv : Privilege) -> option((InterruptType, Privilege)) = { /* If we don't have different privilege levels, we don't need to check delegation. * Absence of U-mode implies absence of S-mode. */ if not(haveUsrMode()) | (not(haveSupMode()) & not(haveNExt())) then { assert(priv == Machine, "invalid current privilege"); let enabled_pending = mip.bits & mie.bits; match findPendingInterrupt(enabled_pending) { Some(i) => let r = (i, Machine) in Some(r), None() => None() } } else { match getPendingSet(priv) { None() => None(), Some(ip, p) => match findPendingInterrupt(ip) { None() => None(), Some(i) => let r = (i, p) in Some(r) } } } } /* types of privilege transitions */ union ctl_result = { CTL_TRAP : sync_exception, CTL_SRET : unit, CTL_MRET : unit, CTL_URET : unit } /* trap value */ function tval(excinfo : option(xlenbits)) -> xlenbits = { match (excinfo) { Some(e) => e, None() => zero_extend(0b0) } } $ifdef RVFI_DII val rvfi_trap : unit -> unit // TODO: record rvfi_trap_data function rvfi_trap () = rvfi_inst_data[rvfi_trap] = 0x01 $else val rvfi_trap : unit -> unit function rvfi_trap () = () $endif /* handle exceptional ctl flow by updating nextPC and operating privilege */ function trap_handler(del_priv : Privilege, intr : bool, c : exc_code, pc : xlenbits, info : option(xlenbits), ext : option(ext_exception)) -> xlenbits = { rvfi_trap(); if get_config_print_platform() then print_platform("handling " ^ (if intr then "int#" else "exc#") ^ BitStr(c) ^ " at priv " ^ to_str(del_priv) ^ " with tval " ^ BitStr(tval(info))); cancel_reservation(); match (del_priv) { Machine => { mcause[IsInterrupt] = bool_to_bits(intr); mcause[Cause] = zero_extend(c); mstatus[MPIE] = mstatus[MIE]; mstatus[MIE] = 0b0; mstatus[MPP] = privLevel_to_bits(cur_privilege); mtval = tval(info); mepc = pc; cur_privilege = del_priv; handle_trap_extension(del_priv, pc, ext); if get_config_print_reg() then print_reg("CSR mstatus <- " ^ BitStr(mstatus.bits)); prepare_trap_vector(del_priv, mcause) }, Supervisor => { assert (haveSupMode(), "no supervisor mode present for delegation"); scause[IsInterrupt] = bool_to_bits(intr); scause[Cause] = zero_extend(c); mstatus[SPIE] = mstatus[SIE]; mstatus[SIE] = 0b0; mstatus[SPP] = match cur_privilege { User => 0b0, Supervisor => 0b1, Machine => internal_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "invalid privilege for s-mode trap") }; stval = tval(info); sepc = pc; cur_privilege = del_priv; handle_trap_extension(del_priv, pc, ext); if get_config_print_reg() then print_reg("CSR mstatus <- " ^ BitStr(mstatus.bits)); prepare_trap_vector(del_priv, scause) }, User => { assert(haveUsrMode(), "no user mode present for delegation"); ucause[IsInterrupt] = bool_to_bits(intr); ucause[Cause] = zero_extend(c); mstatus[UPIE] = mstatus[UIE]; mstatus[UIE] = 0b0; utval = tval(info); uepc = pc; cur_privilege = del_priv; handle_trap_extension(del_priv, pc, ext); if get_config_print_reg() then print_reg("CSR mstatus <- " ^ BitStr(mstatus.bits)); prepare_trap_vector(del_priv, ucause) } }; } function exception_handler(cur_priv : Privilege, ctl : ctl_result, pc: xlenbits) -> xlenbits = { match (cur_priv, ctl) { (_, CTL_TRAP(e)) => { let del_priv = exception_delegatee(e.trap, cur_priv); if get_config_print_platform() then print_platform("trapping from " ^ to_str(cur_priv) ^ " to " ^ to_str(del_priv) ^ " to handle " ^ to_str(e.trap)); trap_handler(del_priv, false, exceptionType_to_bits(e.trap), pc, e.excinfo, e.ext) }, (_, CTL_MRET()) => { let prev_priv = cur_privilege; mstatus[MIE] = mstatus[MPIE]; mstatus[MPIE] = 0b1; cur_privilege = privLevel_of_bits(mstatus[MPP]); mstatus[MPP] = privLevel_to_bits(if haveUsrMode() then User else Machine); if cur_privilege != Machine then mstatus[MPRV] = 0b0; if get_config_print_reg() then print_reg("CSR mstatus <- " ^ BitStr(mstatus.bits)); if get_config_print_platform() then print_platform("ret-ing from " ^ to_str(prev_priv) ^ " to " ^ to_str(cur_privilege)); cancel_reservation(); prepare_xret_target(Machine) & pc_alignment_mask() }, (_, CTL_SRET()) => { let prev_priv = cur_privilege; mstatus[SIE] = mstatus[SPIE]; mstatus[SPIE] = 0b1; cur_privilege = if mstatus[SPP] == 0b1 then Supervisor else User; mstatus[SPP] = 0b0; if cur_privilege != Machine then mstatus[MPRV] = 0b0; if get_config_print_reg() then print_reg("CSR mstatus <- " ^ BitStr(mstatus.bits)); if get_config_print_platform() then print_platform("ret-ing from " ^ to_str(prev_priv) ^ " to " ^ to_str(cur_privilege)); cancel_reservation(); prepare_xret_target(Supervisor) & pc_alignment_mask() }, (_, CTL_URET()) => { let prev_priv = cur_privilege; mstatus[UIE] = mstatus[UPIE]; mstatus[UPIE] = 0b1; cur_privilege = User; if get_config_print_reg() then print_reg("CSR mstatus <- " ^ BitStr(mstatus.bits)); if get_config_print_platform() then print_platform("ret-ing from " ^ to_str(prev_priv) ^ " to " ^ to_str(cur_privilege)); cancel_reservation(); prepare_xret_target(User) & pc_alignment_mask() } } } function handle_mem_exception(addr : xlenbits, e : ExceptionType) -> unit = { let t : sync_exception = struct { trap = e, excinfo = Some(addr), ext = None() } in set_next_pc(exception_handler(cur_privilege, CTL_TRAP(t), PC)) } function handle_exception(e: ExceptionType) -> unit = { let t : sync_exception = struct { trap = e, excinfo = None(), ext = None() } in set_next_pc(exception_handler(cur_privilege, CTL_TRAP(t), PC)) } function handle_interrupt(i : InterruptType, del_priv : Privilege) -> unit = set_next_pc(trap_handler(del_priv, true, interruptType_to_bits(i), PC, None(), None())) /* state state initialization */ function init_sys() -> unit = { cur_privilege = Machine; mhartid = zero_extend(0b0); misa[MXL] = arch_to_bits(if sizeof(xlen) == 32 then RV32 else RV64); misa[A] = 0b1; /* atomics */ misa[C] = bool_to_bits(sys_enable_rvc()); /* RVC */ misa[I] = 0b1; /* base integer ISA */ misa[M] = 0b1; /* integer multiply/divide */ misa[U] = 0b1; /* user-mode */ misa[S] = 0b1; /* supervisor-mode */ misa[V] = bool_to_bits(sys_enable_vext()); /* vector extension */ if sys_enable_fdext() & sys_enable_zfinx() then internal_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "F and Zfinx cannot both be enabled!"); /* We currently support both F and D */ misa[F] = bool_to_bits(sys_enable_fdext()); /* single-precision */ misa[D] = if sizeof(flen) >= 64 then bool_to_bits(sys_enable_fdext()) /* double-precision */ else 0b0; mstatus = set_mstatus_SXL(mstatus, misa[MXL]); mstatus = set_mstatus_UXL(mstatus, misa[MXL]); mstatus[SD] = 0b0; /* set to little-endian mode */ if sizeof(xlen) == 64 then { mstatus = Mk_Mstatus([mstatus.bits with 37 .. 36 = 0b00]) }; mstatush.bits = zero_extend(0b0); mip.bits = zero_extend(0b0); mie.bits = zero_extend(0b0); mideleg.bits = zero_extend(0b0); medeleg.bits = zero_extend(0b0); mtvec.bits = zero_extend(0b0); mcause.bits = zero_extend(0b0); mepc = zero_extend(0b0); mtval = zero_extend(0b0); mscratch = zero_extend(0b0); mcycle = zero_extend(0b0); mtime = zero_extend(0b0); mcounteren.bits = zero_extend(0b0); minstret = zero_extend(0b0); minstret_increment = true; menvcfg.bits = zero_extend(0b0); senvcfg.bits = zero_extend(0b0); /* initialize vector csrs */ elen = 0b1; /* ELEN=64 as the common case */ vlen = 0b0100; /* VLEN=512 as a default value */ vlenb = to_bits(sizeof(xlen), 2 ^ (get_vlen_pow() - 3)); /* vlenb holds the constant value VLEN/8 */ /* VLEN value needs to be manually changed currently. * See riscv_vlen.sail for details. */ vstart = zero_extend(0b0); vxsat = 0b0; vxrm = 0b00; vcsr[vxrm] = vxrm; vcsr[vxsat] = vxsat; vl = zero_extend(0b0); vtype[vill] = 0b1; vtype[reserved] = zero_extend(0b0); vtype[vma] = 0b0; vtype[vta] = 0b0; vtype[vsew] = 0b000; vtype[vlmul] = 0b000; // PMP's L and A fields are set to 0 on reset. init_pmp(); // log compatibility with spike if get_config_print_reg() then print_reg("CSR mstatus <- " ^ BitStr(mstatus.bits) ^ " (input: " ^ BitStr(zero_extend(0b0) : xlenbits) ^ ")") } /* memory access exceptions, defined here for use by the platform model. */ union MemoryOpResult ('a : Type) = { MemValue : 'a, MemException : ExceptionType } val MemoryOpResult_add_meta : forall ('t : Type). (MemoryOpResult('t), mem_meta) -> MemoryOpResult(('t, mem_meta)) function MemoryOpResult_add_meta(r, m) = match r { MemValue(v) => MemValue(v, m), MemException(e) => MemException(e) } val MemoryOpResult_drop_meta : forall ('t : Type). MemoryOpResult(('t, mem_meta)) -> MemoryOpResult('t) function MemoryOpResult_drop_meta(r) = match r { MemValue(v, m) => MemValue(v), MemException(e) => MemException(e) }