/* The emulator fetch-execute-interrupt dispatch loop. */ /* returns whether to increment the step count in the trace */ val step : int -> bool effect {barr, eamem, escape, exmem, rmem, rreg, wmv, wmvt, wreg} function step(step_no) = { /* for step extensions */ ext_pre_step_hook(); minstret_written = false; /* see note for minstret */ let (retired, stepped) : (Retired, bool) = match dispatchInterrupt(cur_privilege) { Some(intr, priv) => { if get_config_print_instr() then print_bits("Handling interrupt: ", intr); handle_interrupt(intr, priv); (RETIRE_FAIL, false) }, None() => { /* the extension hook interposes on the fetch result */ let f : FetchResult = ext_fetch_hook(fetch()); match f { /* extension error */ F_Ext_Error(e) => { ext_handle_fetch_check_error(e); (RETIRE_FAIL, false) }, /* standard error */ F_Error(e, addr) => { handle_mem_exception(addr, e); (RETIRE_FAIL, false) }, /* non-error cases: */ F_RVC(h) => { let ast = decodeCompressed(h); if get_config_print_instr() then { print_instr("[" ^ string_of_int(step_no) ^ "] [" ^ to_str(cur_privilege) ^ "]: " ^ BitStr(PC) ^ " (" ^ BitStr(h) ^ ") " ^ to_str(ast)); }; /* check for RVC once here instead of every RVC execute clause. */ if haveRVC() then { nextPC = PC + 2; (execute(ext_post_decode_hook(ast)), true) } else { handle_illegal(); (RETIRE_FAIL, true) } }, F_Base(w) => { let ast = decode(w); if get_config_print_instr() then { print_instr("[" ^ string_of_int(step_no) ^ "] [" ^ to_str(cur_privilege) ^ "]: " ^ BitStr(PC) ^ " (" ^ BitStr(w) ^ ") " ^ to_str(ast)); }; nextPC = PC + 4; (execute(ext_post_decode_hook(ast)), true) } } } }; tick_pc(); /* update minstret */ match retired { RETIRE_SUCCESS => retire_instruction(), RETIRE_FAIL => () }; /* for step extensions */ ext_post_step_hook(); stepped } val loop : unit -> unit effect {barr, eamem, escape, exmem, rmem, rreg, wmv, wmvt, wreg} function loop () = { let insns_per_tick = plat_insns_per_tick(); i : int = 0; step_no : int = 0; while (~ (htif_done)) do { let stepped = step(step_no); if stepped then step_no = step_no + 1; /* check htif exit */ if htif_done then { let exit_val = unsigned(htif_exit_code); if exit_val == 0 then print("SUCCESS") else print_int("FAILURE: ", exit_val); } else { /* update time */ i = i + 1; if i == insns_per_tick then { tick_clock(); /* for now, we drive the platform i/o at every clock tick. */ tick_platform(); i = 0; } } } } /* initialize model state */ function init_model () -> unit = { init_platform (); /* devices */ init_sys (); /* processor */ init_vmem (); /* virtual memory */ /* initialize extensions last */ ext_init (); ext_init_regs (); }