/*=======================================================================================*/ /* This Sail RISC-V architecture model, comprising all files and */ /* directories except where otherwise noted is subject the BSD */ /* two-clause license in the LICENSE file. */ /* */ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ /*=======================================================================================*/ default Order dec $include $include $include $include $include "mapping.sail" $include $include $include "hex_bits.sail" $include "hex_bits_signed.sail" val not_bit : bit -> bit function not_bit(b) = if b == bitone then bitzero else bitone overload ~ = {not_bool, not_vec, not_bit} // not_bool alias. val not : forall ('p : Bool). bool('p) -> bool(not('p)) function not(b) = not_bool(b) overload operator & = {and_vec} overload operator | = {or_vec} function bit_str(b: bit) -> string = match b { bitzero => "0b0", bitone => "0b1" } overload BitStr = {bits_str, bit_str} val int_power = {ocaml: "int_power", interpreter: "int_power", lem: "pow", coq: "pow", c: "pow_int"} : (int, int) -> int overload operator ^ = {xor_vec, int_power, concat_str} val sub_vec = {c: "sub_bits", _: "sub_vec"} : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bits('n) val sub_vec_int = {c: "sub_bits_int", _: "sub_vec_int"} : forall 'n. (bits('n), int) -> bits('n) overload operator - = {sub_vec, sub_vec_int} val quot_round_zero = {ocaml: "quot_round_zero", interpreter: "quot_round_zero", lem: "hardware_quot", c: "tdiv_int", coq: "Z.quot"} : (int, int) -> int val rem_round_zero = {ocaml: "rem_round_zero", interpreter: "rem_round_zero", lem: "hardware_mod", c: "tmod_int", coq: "Z.rem"} : (int, int) -> int /* The following defines % as euclidean modulus */ overload operator % = {emod_int} val min_int = {ocaml: "min_int", interpreter: "min_int", lem: "min", coq: "min_atom", c: "min_int"} : forall 'x 'y. (int('x), int('y)) -> {'z, ('x <= 'y & 'z == 'x) | ('x > 'y & 'z == 'y). int('z)} val max_int = {ocaml: "max_int", interpreter: "max_int", lem: "max", coq: "max_atom", c: "max_int"} : forall 'x 'y. (int('x), int('y)) -> {'z, ('x >= 'y & 'z == 'x) | ('x < 'y & 'z == 'y). int('z)} overload min = {min_int} overload max = {max_int} val pow2 = "pow2" : forall 'n. int('n) -> int(2 ^ 'n) val print = "print_endline" : string -> unit val print_string = "print_string" : (string, string) -> unit val print_instr = {ocaml: "Platform.print_instr", interpreter: "print_endline", c: "print_instr", lem: "print_dbg", _: "print_endline"} : string -> unit val print_reg = {ocaml: "Platform.print_reg", interpreter: "print_endline", c: "print_reg", lem: "print_dbg", _: "print_endline"} : string -> unit val print_mem = {ocaml: "Platform.print_mem_access", interpreter: "print_endline", c: "print_mem_access", lem: "print_dbg", _: "print_endline"} : string -> unit val print_platform = {ocaml: "Platform.print_platform", interpreter: "print_endline", c: "print_platform", lem: "print_dbg", _: "print_endline"} : string -> unit val get_config_print_instr = {ocaml: "Platform.get_config_print_instr", c:"get_config_print_instr"} : unit -> bool val get_config_print_reg = {ocaml: "Platform.get_config_print_reg", c:"get_config_print_reg"} : unit -> bool val get_config_print_mem = {ocaml: "Platform.get_config_print_mem", c:"get_config_print_mem"} : unit -> bool val get_config_print_platform = {ocaml: "Platform.get_config_print_platform", c:"get_config_print_platform"} : unit -> bool // defaults for other backends function get_config_print_instr () = false function get_config_print_reg () = false function get_config_print_mem () = false function get_config_print_platform () = false val sign_extend : forall 'n 'm, 'm >= 'n. (implicit('m), bits('n)) -> bits('m) val zero_extend : forall 'n 'm, 'm >= 'n. (implicit('m), bits('n)) -> bits('m) function sign_extend(m, v) = sail_sign_extend(v, m) function zero_extend(m, v) = sail_zero_extend(v, m) val zeros_implicit : forall 'n, 'n >= 0 . implicit('n) -> bits('n) function zeros_implicit (n) = sail_zeros(n) overload zeros = {zeros_implicit} val ones : forall 'n, 'n >= 0 . implicit('n) -> bits('n) function ones (n) = sail_ones (n) mapping bool_bit : bool <-> bit = { true <-> bitone, false <-> bitzero, } mapping bool_bits : bool <-> bits(1) = { true <-> 0b1, false <-> 0b0, } mapping bool_not_bits : bool <-> bits(1) = { true <-> 0b0, false <-> 0b1, } // These aliases make the conversion direction a bit clearer. function bool_to_bit(x : bool) -> bit = bool_bit(x) function bit_to_bool(x : bit) -> bool = bool_bit(x) function bool_to_bits(x : bool) -> bits(1) = bool_bits(x) function bits_to_bool(x : bits(1)) -> bool = bool_bits(x) val to_bits : forall 'l, 'l >= 0.(int('l), int) -> bits('l) function to_bits (l, n) = get_slice_int(l, n, 0) infix 4 <_s infix 4 >_s infix 4 <=_s infix 4 >=_s infix 4 <_u infix 4 >_u infix 4 <=_u infix 4 >=_u val operator <_s : forall 'n, 'n > 0. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool val operator >_s : forall 'n, 'n > 0. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool val operator <=_s : forall 'n, 'n > 0. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool val operator >=_s : forall 'n, 'n > 0. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool val operator <_u : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool val operator >_u : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool val operator <=_u : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool val operator >=_u : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool function operator <_s (x, y) = signed(x) < signed(y) function operator >_s (x, y) = signed(x) > signed(y) function operator <=_s (x, y) = signed(x) <= signed(y) function operator >=_s (x, y) = signed(x) >= signed(y) function operator <_u (x, y) = unsigned(x) < unsigned(y) function operator >_u (x, y) = unsigned(x) > unsigned(y) function operator <=_u (x, y) = unsigned(x) <= unsigned(y) function operator >=_u (x, y) = unsigned(x) >= unsigned(y) infix 7 >> infix 7 << val "shift_bits_right" : forall 'n 'm. (bits('n), bits('m)) -> bits('n) val "shift_bits_left" : forall 'n 'm. (bits('n), bits('m)) -> bits('n) val "shiftl" : forall 'm 'n, 'n >= 0. (bits('m), int('n)) -> bits('m) val "shiftr" : forall 'm 'n, 'n >= 0. (bits('m), int('n)) -> bits('m) overload operator >> = {shift_bits_right, shiftr} overload operator << = {shift_bits_left, shiftl} /* Ideally these would be sail builtin */ function shift_right_arith64 (v : bits(64), shift : bits(6)) -> bits(64) = let v128 : bits(128) = sign_extend(v) in (v128 >> shift)[63..0] function shift_right_arith32 (v : bits(32), shift : bits(5)) -> bits(32) = let v64 : bits(64) = sign_extend(v) in (v64 >> shift)[31..0] infix 7 >>> infix 7 <<< val rotate_bits_right : forall 'n 'm, 'm >= 0. (bits('n), bits('m)) -> bits('n) function rotate_bits_right (v, n) = (v >> n) | (v << (to_bits(length(n), length(v)) - n)) val rotate_bits_left : forall 'n 'm, 'm >= 0. (bits('n), bits('m)) -> bits('n) function rotate_bits_left (v, n) = (v << n) | (v >> (to_bits(length(n), length(v)) - n)) val rotater : forall 'm 'n, 'm >= 'n >= 0. (bits('m), int('n)) -> bits('m) function rotater (v, n) = (v >> n) | (v << (length(v) - n)) val rotatel : forall 'm 'n, 'm >= 'n >= 0. (bits('m), int('n)) -> bits('m) function rotatel (v, n) = (v << n) | (v >> (length(v) - n)) overload operator >>> = {rotate_bits_right, rotater} overload operator <<< = {rotate_bits_left, rotatel} function reverse_bits_in_byte (xs : bits(8)) -> bits(8) = { ys : bits(8) = zeros(); foreach (i from 0 to 7) ys[i] = xs[7-i]; ys } overload reverse = {reverse_bits_in_byte} overload operator / = {quot_round_zero} overload operator * = {mult_atom, mult_int} /* helper for vector extension * 1. EEW between 8 and 64 * 2. EMUL in vmvr.v instructions between 1 and 8 */ val log2 : forall 'n, 'n in {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}. int('n) -> int function log2(n) = { let result : int = match n { 1 => 0, 2 => 1, 4 => 2, 8 => 3, 16 => 4, 32 => 5, 64 => 6 }; result }