A guide to reading the specification ------------------------------------ The model is written in the Sail language. Although specifications in Sail are quite readable as pseudocode, it would help to have the [Sail manual](https://github.com/rems-project/sail/blob/sail2/manual.pdf) handy. The Sail modules in the `model` directory have the structure shown below. Arrows indicate a dependency relationship, and _italics_ indicate fragments that are not strictly part of the specification, such as the platform memory map. - `riscv_xlen32.sail` and `riscv_xlen64.sail` define `xlen` for RV32 and RV64. One of them is chosen during the build using the ARCH variable. - `prelude_*.sail` contain useful Sail library functions. These files should be referred to as needed. The lowest level memory access primitives are defined in `prelude_mem.sail`, and are implemented by the various Sail backends. `prelude_mem.sail` depends on the value of `xlen`. - `riscv_types.sail` contains some basic RISC-V definitions. This file should be read first, since these definitions are used throughout the specification, such as privilege levels, register indices, interrupt and exception definitions and enumerations, and types used to define memory accesses. The register type is separately defined in `riscv_reg_type.sail` so that extensions of the model can redefine it if required. - `riscv_regs.sail` contains the base register file, where each register is defined as having the `regtype` type defined in `riscv_reg_type.sail` and indexed by the indices defined in `riscv_types.sail`. - `riscv_pc_access.sail` defines functions to access and modify the program counter. - `riscv_sys_regs.sail` describes the privileged architectural state, viz. M-mode and S-mode CSRs, and contains helpers to interpret their content, such as WLRL and WARL fields. `riscv_sys_control.sail` describes interrupt and exception delegation and dispatch, and the handling of privilege transitions. `riscv_sys_exceptions.sail` defines the handling of the addresses involved in exception handling. `riscv_sync_exception.sail` describes the structure used to capture the architectural information for an exception. Since WLRL and WARL fields are intended to capture platform-specific functionality, future versions of the model might separate their handling functions out into a separate platform-defined file. The current implementation of these functions usually implement the same behavior as the Spike emulator. - `riscv_pmp_regs.sail` and `riscv_pmp_control.sail` implement support for physical memory protection (PMP). `riscv_pmp_regs` handle read and write access to the PMP registers, while `riscv_pmp_control` implements the permission checking and matching priority. - `riscv_platform.sail` contains platform-specific functionality for the model. It contains the physical memory map, the local interrupt controller, and the MMIO interfaces to the clock, timer and terminal devices. Sail `extern` definitions are used to connect externally provided (i.e. external to the Sail model) platform functionality, such as those provided by the platform support in the C and OCaml emulators. This file also contains the externally selectable options for platform behavior, such as the handling of misaligned memory accesses, the handling of PTE dirty-bit updates during address translation, etc. These platform options can be specified via command line switches in the C and OCaml emulators. - `riscv_mem.sail` contains the functions that convert accesses to physical addresses into accesses to physical memory, or MMIO accesses to the devices provided by the platform, or into the appropriate access fault. This file also contains definitions that are used in the weak memory concurrency model. - The `riscv_vmem_*.sail` files describe the S-mode address translation. `riscv_vmem_types` and `riscv_vmem_common.sail` contain the definitions and processing of the page-table entries and their various permission and status bits. `riscv_types_ext`, `riscv_vmem_sv32.sail`, `riscv_vmem_sv39.sail`, and `riscv_vmem_sv48.sail` contain the specifications for the corresponding page-table walks, and `riscv_vmem_rv32.sail` and `riscv_vmem_rv64.sail` describe the top-level address translation for the corresponding architectures. - The `riscv_addr_checks_common.sail` and `riscv_addr_checks.sail` contain extension hooks to support the checking and transformation of memory addresses during the execution of an instruction. The transformed addresses are used for any address translation; however, any memory access exceptions are reported in terms of the original memory address (i.e. the one generated by the instruction, not the hook). - Files matching `riscv_insts_*.sail` capture the instruction definitions and their assembly language formats. Each file contains the instructions for an extension, with `riscv_insts_base.sail` containing the base integer instruction set. Each instruction is represented as a variant clause of the `ast` type, and its execution semantics are represented as a clause of the `execute` function. `mapping` clauses specify the encoding and decoding of each instruction to and from their binary representations and assembly language formats. Hint instructions that are not implicitly handled elsewhere are explicitly handled in `riscv_insts_hints.sail`. - `riscv_fetch.sail` contains the instruction fetch function. It supports checking and transformation of the fetch address as described above. - `riscv_step.sail` implements the top-level fetch and execute loop. The `fetch` is done in 16-bit granules to handle RVC instructions. The `step` function performs the instruction fetch, handles any fetch errors, decodes the fetched value, dispatches the execution of the decoded instruction, and checks for any pending interrupts that may need to be handled. A `loop` function implements the execute loop, and uses the same HTIF (host-target interface) mechanism as the Spike emulator to detect termination of execution. - `riscv_analysis.sail` is used in the formal operational RVWMO memory model. Note that the files above are listed in dependency order, i.e. files earlier in the order do not depend on later files. Structure of the C emulator ---------------------------- The diagram below illustrates how the C emulator is built from the Sail model. The OCaml emulator follows the same approach. The nodes that are not colored are the handwritten C files for the C emulator. The black arrows indicate dependency relationships, while the red arrow indicates a file generated by the Sail compiler from Sail source files. `riscv_sim` is the top level file for the C emulator: it processes command line options, initializes the platform model with any ISA implementation choices if specified, and loads the ELF program or OS image into raw memory, including any ROM firmware such as the Berkeley boot loader and DeviceTree binary blobs, and initializes the memory map. The generated C model `riscv_model_$ARCH` is built from the Sail sources by the Sail compiler for the specified architecture $ARCH, either RV32 or RV64. It contains calls to the platform interface `riscv_platform` for platform-specific information; the latter is typically defined as externally specified in the Sail file `riscv_platform.sail`. The Sail system provides a C library for use with its C backend, which provides the low-level details of the implementation of raw memory and bitvectors (typically optimized to use the native machine word representation).