RISCV Sail Model ================ This repository contains a model of the RISCV architecture written in [Sail](https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pes20/sail/). It used to be contained in the [Sail repository](https://github.com/rems-project/sail). It currently implements enough of RV32IMAC and RV64IMAC to boot a conventional OS with a terminal output device. The model specifies assembly language formats of the instructions, the corresponding encoders and decoders, and the instruction semantics. Directory Structure ------------------- ``` sail-riscv | +---- model // Sail specification modules | +---- generated_definitions // Files generated by Sail, in RV32 and RV64 subdirectories | | | +---- c | +---- ocaml | +---- lem | +---- isabelle | +---- coq | +---- hol4 | +---- latex | |---- handwritten_support // Prover support files | +---- c_emulator // supporting platform files for C emulator +---- ocaml_emulator // supporting platform files for OCaml emulator | +---- doc // documentation, including a reading-guide | +---- test // test files | | | +---- riscv-tests // snapshot of tests from the riscv/riscv-tests github repo | +---- os-boot // information and sample files for booting OS images ``` Documentation ------------- A [reading guide](doc/ReadingGuide.md) to the model is provided in the [doc/](doc/) subdirectory, along with a guide on [how to extend](doc/ExtendingGuide.md) the model. Simulators ---------- The files in the OCaml and C simulators implement ELF-loading and the platform devices, define the physical memory map, and use command-line options to select implementation-specific ISA choices. Provers ------- The files under `handwritten_support` provide library definitions for Coq, Isabelle and HOL4. Building the model ------------------ Install Sail via Opam, or build Sail from source and have `SAIL_DIR` in your environment pointing to its top-level directory. ``` $ make ``` will build the 64-bit OCaml simulator in `ocaml_emulator/riscv_ocaml_sim_RV64`, the C simulator in `c_emulator/riscv_sim_RV64`, the Isabelle model in `generated_definitions/isabelle/RV64/Riscv.thy`, the Coq model in `generated_definitions/coq/RV64/riscv.v`, and the HOL4 model in `generated_definitions/hol4/RV64/riscvScript.sml`. One can build either the RV32 or the RV64 model by specifying `ARCH=RV32` or `ARCH=RV64` on the `make` line, and using the matching target suffix. RV64 is built by default, but the RV32 model can be built using: ``` $ ARCH=RV32 make ``` which creates the 32-bit OCaml simulator in `ocaml_emulator/riscv_ocaml_sim_RV32`, and the C simulator in `c_emulator/riscv_sim_RV32`, and the prover models in the corresponding `RV32` subdirectories. The Makefile targets `riscv_isa_build`, `riscv_coq_build`, and `riscv_hol_build` invoke the respective prover to process the definitions. We have tested Isabelle 2018, Coq 8.8.1, and HOL4 Kananaskis-12. When building these targets, please make sure the corresponding prover libraries in the Sail directory (`$SAIL_DIR/lib/$prover`) are up-to-date and built, e.g. by running `make` in those directories. Executing test binaries ----------------------- The C and OCaml simulators can be used to execute small test binaries. ``` $ ./ocaml_emulator/riscv_ocaml_sim_ $ ./c_emulator/riscv_sim_ ``` A suite of RV32 and RV64 test programs derived from the [`riscv-tests`](https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tests) test-suite is included under [test/riscv-tests/](test/riscv-tests/). The test-suite can be run using `test/run_tests.sh`. Configuring platform options ---------------------------- Some information on additional configuration options for each simulator is available from `./ocaml_emulator/riscv_ocaml_sim_ -h` and `./c_emulator/riscv_sim_ -h`. Some useful options are: configuring whether misaligned accesses trap (`--enable-misaligned` for C and `-enable-misaligned` for OCaml), and whether page-table walks update PTE bits (`--enable-dirty-update` for C and `-enable-dirty-update` for OCaml). Booting OS images ----------------- For booting operating system images, see the information under the [os-boot/](os-boot/) subdirectory.