diff options
authorRobert Norton <rmn30@cam.ac.uk>2020-02-04 14:48:51 +0000
committerRobert Norton <rmn30@cam.ac.uk>2020-02-04 14:49:02 +0000
commit08e30132238c66bfc0d3120d6defd6a0e38c43f3 (patch)
parentad96b905792aed3501920839dd17112216e63ad7 (diff)
Add a very minimal spec derived from full spec for experimental use with Iris.
1 files changed, 1176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/model/riscv_iris.sail b/model/riscv_iris.sail
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f3515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/riscv_iris.sail
@@ -0,0 +1,1176 @@
+default Order dec
+$include <smt.sail>
+$include <option.sail>
+$include <arith.sail>
+$include <string.sail>
+$include <vector_dec.sail>
+$include <regfp.sail>
+val string_startswith = "string_startswith" : (string, string) -> bool
+val string_drop = "string_drop" : (string, nat) -> string
+val string_take = "string_take" : (string, nat) -> string
+val string_length = "string_length" : string -> nat
+val string_append = {c: "concat_str", _: "string_append"} : (string, string) -> string
+val eq_anything = {ocaml: "(fun (x, y) -> x = y)", interpreter: "eq_anything", lem: "eq", coq: "generic_eq", c: "eq_anything"} : forall ('a : Type). ('a, 'a) -> bool
+overload operator == = {eq_string, eq_anything}
+val "reg_deref" : forall ('a : Type). register('a) -> 'a effect {rreg}
+/* sneaky deref with no effect necessary for bitfield writes */
+val _reg_deref = "reg_deref" : forall ('a : Type). register('a) -> 'a
+val any_vector_update = {ocaml: "update", lem: "update_list_dec", coq: "vector_update"} : forall 'n ('a : Type).
+ (vector('n, dec, 'a), int, 'a) -> vector('n, dec, 'a)
+overload vector_update = {any_vector_update}
+val update_subrange = {ocaml: "update_subrange", interpreter: "update_subrange", lem: "update_subrange_vec_dec", coq: "update_subrange_vec_dec"} : forall 'n 'm 'o.
+ (bits('n), atom('m), atom('o), bits('m - ('o - 1))) -> bits('n)
+val vector_concat = {ocaml: "append", lem: "append_list", coq: "vec_concat"} : forall ('n : Int) ('m : Int) ('a : Type).
+ (vector('n, dec, 'a), vector('m, dec, 'a)) -> vector('n + 'm, dec, 'a)
+overload append = {vector_concat}
+overload ~ = {not_bool, not_vec}
+val neq_vec = {lem: "neq"} : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool
+function neq_vec (x, y) = not_bool(eq_bits(x, y))
+val neq_anything = {lem: "neq", coq: "generic_neq"} : forall ('a : Type). ('a, 'a) -> bool
+function neq_anything (x, y) = not_bool(x == y)
+overload operator != = {neq_vec, neq_anything}
+overload operator & = {and_vec}
+overload operator | = {or_vec}
+val string_of_int = {c: "string_of_int", ocaml: "string_of_int", interpreter: "string_of_int", lem: "stringFromInteger", coq: "string_of_int"} : int -> string
+val "string_of_bits" : forall 'n. bits('n) -> string
+function string_of_bit(b: bit) -> string =
+ match b {
+ bitzero => "0b0",
+ bitone => "0b1"
+ }
+overload BitStr = {string_of_bits, string_of_bit}
+val xor_vec = {c: "xor_bits", _: "xor_vec"} : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bits('n)
+val int_power = {ocaml: "int_power", interpreter: "int_power", lem: "pow", coq: "pow", c: "pow_int"} : (int, int) -> int
+overload operator ^ = {xor_vec, int_power, concat_str}
+val sub_vec = {c: "sub_bits", _: "sub_vec"} : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bits('n)
+val sub_vec_int = {c: "sub_bits_int", _: "sub_vec_int"} : forall 'n. (bits('n), int) -> bits('n)
+overload operator - = {sub_vec, sub_vec_int}
+val quot_round_zero = {ocaml: "quot_round_zero", interpreter: "quot_round_zero", lem: "hardware_quot", c: "tdiv_int", coq: "Z.quot"} : (int, int) -> int
+val rem_round_zero = {ocaml: "rem_round_zero", interpreter: "rem_round_zero", lem: "hardware_mod", c: "tmod_int", coq: "Z.rem"} : (int, int) -> int
+/* The following should get us euclidean modulus, and is compatible with pre and post 0.9 versions of sail */
+overload operator % = {emod_int, mod}
+val min_nat = {ocaml: "min_int", interpreter: "min_int", lem: "min", coq: "min_nat", c: "min_int"} : (nat, nat) -> nat
+val min_int = {ocaml: "min_int", interpreter: "min_int", lem: "min", coq: "Z.min", c: "min_int"} : (int, int) -> int
+val max_nat = {ocaml: "max_int", interpreter: "max_int", lem: "max", coq: "max_nat", c: "max_int"} : (nat, nat) -> nat
+val max_int = {ocaml: "max_int", interpreter: "max_int", lem: "max", coq: "Z.max", c: "max_int"} : (int, int) -> int
+overload min = {min_nat, min_int}
+overload max = {max_nat, max_int}
+val pow2 = "pow2" : forall 'n. atom('n) -> atom(2 ^ 'n)
+val print = "print_endline" : string -> unit
+val print_string = "print_string" : (string, string) -> unit
+val print_instr = {ocaml: "Platform.print_instr", interpreter: "print_endline", c: "print_instr", lem: "print_dbg", _: "print_endline"} : string -> unit
+val print_reg = {ocaml: "Platform.print_reg", interpreter: "print_endline", c: "print_reg", lem: "print_dbg", _: "print_endline"} : string -> unit
+val print_mem = {ocaml: "Platform.print_mem_access", interpreter: "print_endline", c: "print_mem_access", lem: "print_dbg", _: "print_endline"} : string -> unit
+val print_platform = {ocaml: "Platform.print_platform", interpreter: "print_endline", c: "print_platform", lem: "print_dbg", _: "print_endline"} : string -> unit
+val get_config_print_instr = {ocaml: "Platform.get_config_print_instr", c:"get_config_print_instr"} : unit -> bool
+val get_config_print_reg = {ocaml: "Platform.get_config_print_reg", c:"get_config_print_reg"} : unit -> bool
+val get_config_print_mem = {ocaml: "Platform.get_config_print_mem", c:"get_config_print_mem"} : unit -> bool
+val get_config_print_platform = {ocaml: "Platform.get_config_print_platform", c:"get_config_print_platform"} : unit -> bool
+// defaults for other backends
+function get_config_print_instr () = false
+function get_config_print_reg () = false
+function get_config_print_mem () = false
+function get_config_print_platform () = false
+val EXTS : forall 'n 'm, 'm >= 'n. (implicit('m), bits('n)) -> bits('m)
+val EXTZ : forall 'n 'm, 'm >= 'n. (implicit('m), bits('n)) -> bits('m)
+function EXTS(m, v) = sail_sign_extend(v, m)
+function EXTZ(m, v) = sail_zero_extend(v, m)
+val zeros_implicit : forall 'n, 'n >= 0 . implicit('n) -> bits('n)
+function zeros_implicit (n) = sail_zeros(n)
+overload zeros = {zeros_implicit}
+val ones : forall 'n, 'n >= 0 . implicit('n) -> bits('n)
+function ones (n) = sail_ones (n)
+val bool_to_bits : bool -> bits(1)
+function bool_to_bits x = if x then 0b1 else 0b0
+val bit_to_bool : bit -> bool
+function bit_to_bool b = match b {
+ bitone => true,
+ bitzero => false
+val to_bits : forall 'l, 'l >= 0.(atom('l), int) -> bits('l)
+function to_bits (l, n) = get_slice_int(l, n, 0)
+infix 4 <_s
+infix 4 >=_s
+infix 4 <_u
+infix 4 >=_u
+infix 4 <=_u
+val operator <_s : forall 'n, 'n > 0. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool
+val operator >=_s : forall 'n, 'n > 0. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool
+val operator <_u : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool
+val operator >=_u : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool
+val operator <=_u : forall 'n. (bits('n), bits('n)) -> bool
+function operator <_s (x, y) = signed(x) < signed(y)
+function operator >=_s (x, y) = signed(x) >= signed(y)
+function operator <_u (x, y) = unsigned(x) < unsigned(y)
+function operator >=_u (x, y) = unsigned(x) >= unsigned(y)
+function operator <=_u (x, y) = unsigned(x) <= unsigned(y)
+infix 7 >>
+infix 7 <<
+val "shift_bits_right" : forall 'n 'm. (bits('n), bits('m)) -> bits('n)
+val "shift_bits_left" : forall 'n 'm. (bits('n), bits('m)) -> bits('n)
+val "shiftl" : forall 'm 'n, 'n >= 0. (bits('m), atom('n)) -> bits('m)
+val "shiftr" : forall 'm 'n, 'n >= 0. (bits('m), atom('n)) -> bits('m)
+overload operator >> = {shift_bits_right, shiftr}
+overload operator << = {shift_bits_left, shiftl}
+/* Ideally these would be sail builtin */
+function shift_right_arith64 (v : bits(64), shift : bits(6)) -> bits(64) =
+ let v128 : bits(128) = EXTS(v) in
+ (v128 >> shift)[63..0]
+function shift_right_arith32 (v : bits(32), shift : bits(5)) -> bits(32) =
+ let v64 : bits(64) = EXTS(v) in
+ (v64 >> shift)[31..0]
+val "decimal_string_of_bits" : forall 'n. bits('n) -> string
+val hex_bits : forall 'n . (atom('n), bits('n)) <-> string
+/* Define the XLEN value for the architecture. */
+type xlen : Int = 64
+type xlen_bytes : Int = 8
+type xlenbits = bits(xlen)
+/* The default metadata carries no information, and is implemented
+ * using a unit type.
+ */
+type mem_meta = unit
+let default_meta : mem_meta = ()
+val __WriteRAM_Meta : forall 'n. (xlenbits, atom('n), mem_meta) -> unit effect {wmvt}
+function __WriteRAM_Meta(addr, width, meta) = ()
+val __ReadRAM_Meta : forall 'n. (xlenbits, atom('n)) -> mem_meta effect {rmem}
+function __ReadRAM_Meta(addr, width) = ()
+/* These functions define the primitives for physical memory access.
+ * They depend on the XLEN of the architecture.
+ *
+ * They also depend on the type of metadata that is read and written
+ * to physical memory. For models that do not require this metadata,
+ * a unit type can be used.
+ *
+ * The underlying __read_mem and __write_mem functions are from the
+ * Sail library. The metadata primitives __{Read,Write}RAM_Meta are
+ * in prelude_mem_metadata.
+ */
+/* This is a slightly arbitrary limit on the maximum number of bytes
+ in a memory access. It helps to generate slightly better C code
+ because it means width argument can be fast native integer. It
+ would be even better if it could be <= 8 bytes so that data can
+ also be a 64-bit int but CHERI needs 128-bit accesses for
+ capabilities and SIMD / vector instructions will also need more. */
+type max_mem_access : Int = 16
+val write_ram = {lem: "write_ram", coq: "write_ram"} : forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= max_mem_access . (write_kind, xlenbits, atom('n), bits(8 * 'n), mem_meta) -> bool effect {wmv, wmvt}
+val write_ram_ea : forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= max_mem_access . (write_kind, xlenbits, atom('n)) -> unit effect {eamem}
+function write_ram_ea(wk, addr, width) =
+ __write_mem_ea(wk, sizeof(xlen), addr, width)
+val read_ram = {lem: "read_ram", coq: "read_ram"} : forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= max_mem_access . (read_kind, xlenbits, atom('n), bool) -> (bits(8 * 'n), mem_meta) effect {rmem, rmemt}
+function read_ram(rk, addr, width, read_meta) =
+ let meta = if read_meta then __ReadRAM_Meta(addr, width) else default_meta in
+ (__read_mem(rk, sizeof(xlen), addr, width), meta)
+/* Basic type and function definitions used pervasively in the model. */
+/* this value is only defined for the runtime platform for ELF loading
+ * checks, and not used in the model.
+ */
+let xlen_val = sizeof(xlen)
+let xlen_max_unsigned = 2 ^ sizeof(xlen) - 1
+let xlen_max_signed = 2 ^ (sizeof(xlen) - 1) - 1
+let xlen_min_signed = 0 - 2 ^ (sizeof(xlen) - 1)
+type half = bits(16)
+type word = bits(32)
+/* register identifiers */
+type regidx = bits(5)
+type cregidx = bits(3) /* identifiers in RVC instructions */
+type csreg = bits(12) /* CSR addressing */
+/* register file indexing */
+type regno ('n : Int), 0 <= 'n < 32 = atom('n)
+val regidx_to_regno : bits(5) -> {'n, 0 <= 'n < 32. regno('n)}
+function regidx_to_regno b = let 'r = unsigned(b) in r
+/* mapping RVC register indices into normal indices */
+val creg2reg_idx : cregidx -> regidx
+function creg2reg_idx(creg) = 0b01 @ creg
+/* some architecture and ABI relevant register identifiers */
+let zreg : regidx = 0b00000 /* x0, zero register */
+let ra : regidx = 0b00001 /* x1, return address */
+let sp : regidx = 0b00010 /* x2, stack pointer */
+/* instruction fields */
+type opcode = bits(7)
+type imm12 = bits(12)
+type imm20 = bits(20)
+type amo = bits(1) /* amo opcode flags */
+/* base architecture definitions */
+enum Architecture = {RV32, RV64, RV128}
+type arch_xlen = bits(2)
+function architecture(a : arch_xlen) -> option(Architecture) =
+ match (a) {
+ 0b01 => Some(RV32),
+ 0b10 => Some(RV64),
+ 0b11 => Some(RV128),
+ _ => None()
+ }
+function arch_to_bits(a : Architecture) -> arch_xlen =
+ match (a) {
+ RV32 => 0b01,
+ RV64 => 0b10,
+ RV128 => 0b11
+ }
+/* enum denoting whether an executed instruction retires */
+/* memory access types */
+union AccessType ('a : Type) = {
+ Read : 'a,
+ Write : 'a,
+ ReadWrite : 'a,
+ Execute : unit
+enum word_width = {BYTE, HALF, WORD, DOUBLE}
+/* model-internal exceptions */
+union exception = {
+ Error_not_implemented : string,
+ Error_internal_error : unit
+val not_implemented : forall ('a : Type). string -> 'a effect {escape}
+function not_implemented message = throw(Error_not_implemented(message))
+val internal_error : forall ('a : Type). string -> 'a effect {escape}
+function internal_error(s) = {
+ assert (false, s);
+ throw Error_internal_error()
+/* instruction opcode grouping */
+ RISCV_BGE, RISCV_BLTU, RISCV_BGEU} /* branch ops */
+ RISCV_XORI, RISCV_ORI, RISCV_ANDI} /* immediate ops */
+mapping bool_bits : bool <-> bits(1) = {
+ true <-> 0b1,
+ false <-> 0b0
+mapping bool_not_bits : bool <-> bits(1) = {
+ true <-> 0b0,
+ false <-> 0b1
+mapping size_bits : word_width <-> bits(2) = {
+ BYTE <-> 0b00,
+ HALF <-> 0b01,
+ WORD <-> 0b10,
+ DOUBLE <-> 0b11
+val word_width_bytes : word_width -> {'s, 's == 1 | 's == 2 | 's == 4 | 's == 8 . atom('s)}
+function word_width_bytes width = match width {
+ BYTE => 1,
+ HALF => 2,
+ WORD => 4,
+ DOUBLE => 8
+// Extensions for memory Accesstype.
+type ext_access_type = unit
+let Data : ext_access_type = ()
+let default_write_acc : ext_access_type = Data
+val accessType_to_str : AccessType(ext_access_type) -> string
+function accessType_to_str (a) =
+ match (a) {
+ Read(Data) => "R",
+ Write(Data) => "W",
+ ReadWrite(Data) => "RW",
+ Execute() => "X"
+ }
+overload to_str = {accessType_to_str}
+/* default register type */
+type regtype = xlenbits
+/* default zero register */
+let zero_reg : regtype = EXTZ(0x0)
+/* default register printer */
+val RegStr : regtype -> string
+function RegStr(r) = BitStr(r)
+/* conversions */
+val regval_from_reg : regtype -> xlenbits
+function regval_from_reg(r) = r
+val regval_into_reg : xlenbits -> regtype
+function regval_into_reg(v) = v
+/* program counter */
+register PC : xlenbits
+register nextPC : xlenbits
+/* internal state to hold instruction bits for faulting instructions */
+register instbits : xlenbits
+/* register file and accessors */
+register Xs : vector(32, dec, regtype)
+register x1 : regtype
+register x2 : regtype
+register x3 : regtype
+register x4 : regtype
+register x5 : regtype
+register x6 : regtype
+register x7 : regtype
+register x8 : regtype
+register x9 : regtype
+register x10 : regtype
+register x11 : regtype
+register x12 : regtype
+register x13 : regtype
+register x14 : regtype
+register x15 : regtype
+register x16 : regtype
+register x17 : regtype
+register x18 : regtype
+register x19 : regtype
+register x20 : regtype
+register x21 : regtype
+register x22 : regtype
+register x23 : regtype
+register x24 : regtype
+register x25 : regtype
+register x26 : regtype
+register x27 : regtype
+register x28 : regtype
+register x29 : regtype
+register x30 : regtype
+register x31 : regtype
+val rX : forall 'n, 0 <= 'n < 32. regno('n) -> xlenbits effect {rreg, escape}
+function rX r = {
+ let v : regtype =
+ match r {
+ 0 => zero_reg,
+ 1 => x1,
+ 2 => x2,
+ 3 => x3,
+ 4 => x4,
+ 5 => x5,
+ 6 => x6,
+ 7 => x7,
+ 8 => x8,
+ 9 => x9,
+ 10 => x10,
+ 11 => x11,
+ 12 => x12,
+ 13 => x13,
+ 14 => x14,
+ 15 => x15,
+ 16 => x16,
+ 17 => x17,
+ 18 => x18,
+ 19 => x19,
+ 20 => x20,
+ 21 => x21,
+ 22 => x22,
+ 23 => x23,
+ 24 => x24,
+ 25 => x25,
+ 26 => x26,
+ 27 => x27,
+ 28 => x28,
+ 29 => x29,
+ 30 => x30,
+ 31 => x31,
+ _ => {assert(false, "invalid register number"); zero_reg}
+ };
+ regval_from_reg(v)
+val wX : forall 'n, 0 <= 'n < 32. (regno('n), xlenbits) -> unit effect {wreg, escape}
+function wX (r, in_v) = {
+ let v = regval_into_reg(in_v);
+ match r {
+ 0 => (),
+ 1 => x1 = v,
+ 2 => x2 = v,
+ 3 => x3 = v,
+ 4 => x4 = v,
+ 5 => x5 = v,
+ 6 => x6 = v,
+ 7 => x7 = v,
+ 8 => x8 = v,
+ 9 => x9 = v,
+ 10 => x10 = v,
+ 11 => x11 = v,
+ 12 => x12 = v,
+ 13 => x13 = v,
+ 14 => x14 = v,
+ 15 => x15 = v,
+ 16 => x16 = v,
+ 17 => x17 = v,
+ 18 => x18 = v,
+ 19 => x19 = v,
+ 20 => x20 = v,
+ 21 => x21 = v,
+ 22 => x22 = v,
+ 23 => x23 = v,
+ 24 => x24 = v,
+ 25 => x25 = v,
+ 26 => x26 = v,
+ 27 => x27 = v,
+ 28 => x28 = v,
+ 29 => x29 = v,
+ 30 => x30 = v,
+ 31 => x31 = v,
+ _ => assert(false, "invalid register number")
+ };
+ if (r != 0) then {
+ if get_config_print_reg()
+ then print_reg("x" ^ string_of_int(r) ^ " <- " ^ RegStr(v));
+ }
+function rX_bits(i: bits(5)) -> xlenbits = rX(unsigned(i))
+function wX_bits(i: bits(5), data: xlenbits) -> unit = {
+ wX(unsigned(i)) = data
+overload X = {rX_bits, wX_bits, rX, wX}
+val init_base_regs : unit -> unit effect {wreg}
+function init_base_regs () = {
+ x1 = zero_reg;
+ x2 = zero_reg;
+ x3 = zero_reg;
+ x4 = zero_reg;
+ x5 = zero_reg;
+ x6 = zero_reg;
+ x7 = zero_reg;
+ x8 = zero_reg;
+ x9 = zero_reg;
+ x10 = zero_reg;
+ x11 = zero_reg;
+ x12 = zero_reg;
+ x13 = zero_reg;
+ x14 = zero_reg;
+ x15 = zero_reg;
+ x16 = zero_reg;
+ x17 = zero_reg;
+ x18 = zero_reg;
+ x19 = zero_reg;
+ x20 = zero_reg;
+ x21 = zero_reg;
+ x22 = zero_reg;
+ x23 = zero_reg;
+ x24 = zero_reg;
+ x25 = zero_reg;
+ x26 = zero_reg;
+ x27 = zero_reg;
+ x28 = zero_reg;
+ x29 = zero_reg;
+ x30 = zero_reg;
+ x31 = zero_reg
+/* accessors for default architectural addresses, for use from within instructions */
+ Retrieves the architectural PC value. This is not necessarily the value
+ found in the PC register as extensions may choose to override this function.
+ The value in the PC register is the absolute virtual address of the instruction
+ to fetch.
+ */
+val get_arch_pc : unit -> xlenbits effect {rreg}
+function get_arch_pc() = PC
+val get_next_pc : unit -> xlenbits effect {rreg}
+function get_next_pc() = nextPC
+val set_next_pc : xlenbits -> unit effect {wreg}
+function set_next_pc(pc) = {
+ nextPC = pc
+val tick_pc : unit -> unit effect {rreg, wreg}
+function tick_pc() = {
+ PC = nextPC
+/* Extensions may wish to interpose on fetch, control transfer, and data
+ * addresses used to access memory and perhaps modify them. This file
+ * defines the return values used by functions that perform this interposition.
+ *
+ * The model defines defaults for these functions in riscv_addr_checks.sail;
+ * extensions would need to define their own functions to override them.
+ */
+union Ext_FetchAddr_Check ('a : Type) = {
+ Ext_FetchAddr_OK : xlenbits, /* PC value to use for the actual fetch */
+ Ext_FetchAddr_Error : 'a
+union Ext_ControlAddr_Check ('a : Type) = {
+ Ext_ControlAddr_OK : xlenbits, /* PC value to use for the target of the control operation */
+ Ext_ControlAddr_Error : 'a
+union Ext_DataAddr_Check ('a : Type) = {
+ Ext_DataAddr_OK : xlenbits, /* Address to use for the data access */
+ Ext_DataAddr_Error : 'a
+/* default fetch address checks */
+type ext_fetch_addr_error = unit
+/* Since fetch is done in granules, the check function gets two arguments:
+ * start_pc: the PC at the start of the current fetch sequence
+ * pc: the PC for the current granule
+ *
+ * returns: the *virtual* memory address to use for the fetch.
+ * any address translation errors are reported for pc, not the returned value.
+ */
+function ext_fetch_check_pc(start_pc : xlenbits, pc : xlenbits) -> Ext_FetchAddr_Check(ext_fetch_addr_error) =
+ Ext_FetchAddr_OK(pc)
+function ext_handle_fetch_check_error(err : ext_fetch_addr_error) -> unit =
+ ()
+/* default control address checks */
+type ext_control_addr_error = unit
+/* these functions return the address to use as the target for
+ * the control transfer. any address translation or other errors
+ * are reported for the original value, not the returned value.
+ *
+ * NOTE: the input value does *not* have bit[0] set to 0, to enable
+ * more accurate bounds checking. There is no constraint on the output
+ * value, which will have bit[0] cleared by the caller if needed.
+ */
+/* the control address is derived from a non-PC register, e.g. in JALR */
+function ext_control_check_addr(pc : xlenbits) -> Ext_ControlAddr_Check(ext_control_addr_error) =
+ Ext_ControlAddr_OK(pc)
+/* the control address is derived from the PC register, e.g. in JAL */
+function ext_control_check_pc(pc : xlenbits) -> Ext_ControlAddr_Check(ext_control_addr_error) =
+ Ext_ControlAddr_OK(pc)
+function ext_handle_control_check_error(err : ext_control_addr_error) -> unit =
+ ()
+/* The default data address function does not perform any checks so
+ just uses unit for error type. */
+type ext_data_addr_error = unit
+/* Default data addr is just base register + immediate offset (may be zero).
+ Extensions might override and add additional checks. */
+function ext_data_get_addr(base : regidx, offset : xlenbits, acc : AccessType(ext_access_type), width : word_width)
+ -> Ext_DataAddr_Check(ext_data_addr_error) =
+ let addr = X(base) + offset in
+ Ext_DataAddr_OK(addr)
+/* Machine-mode and supervisor-mode functionality. */
+union ExceptionType = {
+ E_Fetch_Addr_Align : unit,
+ E_Fetch_Access_Fault : unit,
+ E_Illegal_Instr : unit,
+ E_Breakpoint : unit,
+ E_Load_Addr_Align : unit,
+ E_Load_Access_Fault : unit,
+ E_SAMO_Addr_Align : unit,
+ E_SAMO_Access_Fault : unit,
+ E_U_EnvCall : unit,
+ E_S_EnvCall : unit,
+ E_Reserved_10 : unit,
+ E_M_EnvCall : unit,
+ E_Fetch_Page_Fault : unit,
+ E_Load_Page_Fault : unit,
+ E_Reserved_14 : unit,
+ E_SAMO_Page_Fault : unit,
+function handle_mem_exception(addr : xlenbits, e : ExceptionType) -> unit = {
+ assert(false);
+/* memory access exceptions, defined here for use by the platform model. */
+union MemoryOpResult ('a : Type) = {
+ MemValue : 'a,
+ MemException : ExceptionType
+val MemoryOpResult_add_meta : forall ('t : Type). (MemoryOpResult('t), mem_meta) -> MemoryOpResult(('t, mem_meta))
+function MemoryOpResult_add_meta(r, m) = match r {
+ MemValue(v) => MemValue(v, m),
+ MemException(e) => MemException(e)
+val MemoryOpResult_drop_meta : forall ('t : Type). MemoryOpResult(('t, mem_meta)) -> MemoryOpResult('t)
+function MemoryOpResult_drop_meta(r) = match r {
+ MemValue(v, m) => MemValue(v),
+ MemException(e) => MemException(e)
+/* whether the platform supports misaligned accesses without trapping to M-mode. if false,
+ * misaligned loads/stores are trapped to Machine mode.
+ */
+function plat_enable_misaligned_access () : unit -> bool = true
+/* Platform-specific handling of instruction faults */
+function handle_illegal() -> unit = {
+ assert(false);
+/* Physical memory model.
+ *
+ * This assumes that the platform memory map has been defined, so that accesses
+ * to MMIO regions can be dispatched.
+ *
+ * The implementation below supports the reading and writing of memory
+ * metadata in addition to raw memory data.
+ *
+ * The external API for this module is
+ * {mem_read, mem_read_meta, mem_write_ea, mem_write_value_meta, mem_write_value}
+ * where mem_write_value is a special case of mem_write_value_meta that uses
+ * a default value of the metadata.
+ *
+ * The internal implementation first performs a PMP check (if PMP is
+ * enabled), and then dispatches to MMIO regions or physical memory as
+ * per the platform memory map.
+ */
+function is_aligned_addr forall 'n. (addr : xlenbits, width : atom('n)) -> bool =
+ unsigned(addr) % width == 0
+function read_kind_of_flags (aq : bool, rl : bool, res : bool) -> option(read_kind) =
+ match (aq, rl, res) {
+ (false, false, false) => Some(Read_plain),
+ (true, false, false) => Some(Read_RISCV_acquire),
+ (true, true, false) => Some(Read_RISCV_strong_acquire),
+ (false, false, true) => Some(Read_RISCV_reserved),
+ (true, false, true) => Some(Read_RISCV_reserved_acquire),
+ (true, true, true) => Some(Read_RISCV_reserved_strong_acquire),
+ (false, true, false) => None(), /* should these be instead throwing error_not_implemented as below? */
+ (false, true, true) => None()
+ }
+// only used for actual memory regions, to avoid MMIO effects
+function phys_mem_read forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= max_mem_access . (t : AccessType(ext_access_type), paddr : xlenbits, width : atom('n), aq : bool, rl: bool, res : bool, meta : bool) -> MemoryOpResult((bits(8 * 'n), mem_meta)) = {
+ let result = (match read_kind_of_flags(aq, rl, res) {
+ Some(rk) => Some(read_ram(rk, paddr, width, meta)),
+ None() => None()
+ }) : option((bits(8 * 'n), mem_meta));
+ match (t, result) {
+ (Execute(), None()) => MemException(E_Fetch_Access_Fault()),
+ (Read(Data), None()) => MemException(E_Load_Access_Fault()),
+ (_, None()) => MemException(E_SAMO_Access_Fault()),
+ (_, Some(v, m)) => { MemValue(v, m) }
+ }
+val mem_read : forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= max_mem_access . (AccessType(ext_access_type), xlenbits, atom('n), bool, bool, bool) -> MemoryOpResult(bits(8 * 'n)) effect {rmem, rmemt, rreg, escape}
+function mem_read (typ, paddr, width, aq, rl, res) = {
+ let result : MemoryOpResult(bits(8 * 'n)) =
+ if (aq | res) & (~ (is_aligned_addr(paddr, width)))
+ then MemException(E_Load_Addr_Align())
+ else match (aq, rl, res) {
+ (false, true, false) => throw(Error_not_implemented("load.rl")),
+ (false, true, true) => throw(Error_not_implemented("lr.rl")),
+ (_, _, _) => MemoryOpResult_drop_meta(phys_mem_read(typ, paddr, width, aq, rl, res, false))
+ };
+ result
+val mem_write_ea : forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= max_mem_access . (xlenbits, atom('n), bool, bool, bool) -> MemoryOpResult(unit) effect {eamem, escape}
+function mem_write_ea (addr, width, aq, rl, con) = {
+ if (rl | con) & (~ (is_aligned_addr(addr, width)))
+ then MemException(E_SAMO_Addr_Align())
+ else match (aq, rl, con) {
+ (false, false, false) => MemValue(write_ram_ea(Write_plain, addr, width)),
+ (false, true, false) => MemValue(write_ram_ea(Write_RISCV_release, addr, width)),
+ (false, false, true) => MemValue(write_ram_ea(Write_RISCV_conditional, addr, width)),
+ (false, true , true) => MemValue(write_ram_ea(Write_RISCV_conditional_release, addr, width)),
+ (true, false, false) => throw(Error_not_implemented("store.aq")),
+ (true, true, false) => MemValue(write_ram_ea(Write_RISCV_strong_release, addr, width)),
+ (true, false, true) => throw(Error_not_implemented("sc.aq")),
+ (true, true , true) => MemValue(write_ram_ea(Write_RISCV_conditional_strong_release, addr, width))
+ }
+// only used for actual memory regions, to avoid MMIO effects
+function phys_mem_write forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= max_mem_access . (wk : write_kind, paddr : xlenbits, width : atom('n), data : bits(8 * 'n), meta : mem_meta) -> MemoryOpResult(bool) = {
+ let result = MemValue(write_ram(wk, paddr, width, data, meta));
+ result
+/* Atomic accesses can be done to MMIO regions, e.g. in kernel access to device registers. */
+/* Memory write with an explicit metadata value. Metadata writes are
+ * currently assumed to have the same alignment constraints as their
+ * data.
+ * NOTE: The wreg effect is due to MMIO, the rreg is due to checking mtime.
+ */
+val mem_write_value_meta : forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= max_mem_access . (xlenbits, atom('n), bits(8 * 'n), ext_access_type, mem_meta, bool, bool, bool) -> MemoryOpResult(bool) effect {wmv, wmvt, rreg, wreg, escape}
+function mem_write_value_meta (paddr, width, value, ext_acc, meta, aq, rl, con) = {
+ if (rl | con) & (~ (is_aligned_addr(paddr, width)))
+ then MemException(E_SAMO_Addr_Align())
+ else match (aq, rl, con) {
+ (false, false, false) => phys_mem_write(Write_plain, paddr, width, value, meta),
+ (false, true, false) => phys_mem_write(Write_RISCV_release, paddr, width, value, meta),
+ (false, false, true) => phys_mem_write(Write_RISCV_conditional, paddr, width, value, meta),
+ (false, true , true) => phys_mem_write(Write_RISCV_conditional_release, paddr, width, value, meta),
+ (true, true, false) => phys_mem_write(Write_RISCV_strong_release, paddr, width, value, meta),
+ (true, true , true) => phys_mem_write(Write_RISCV_conditional_strong_release, paddr, width, value, meta),
+ // throw an illegal instruction here?
+ (true, false, false) => throw(Error_not_implemented("store.aq")),
+ (true, false, true) => throw(Error_not_implemented("sc.aq"))
+ }
+/* Memory write with a default metadata value. */
+val mem_write_value : forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= max_mem_access . (xlenbits, atom('n), bits(8 * 'n), bool, bool, bool) -> MemoryOpResult(bool) effect {wmv, wmvt, rreg, wreg, escape}
+function mem_write_value (paddr, width, value, aq, rl, con) =
+ mem_write_value_meta(paddr, width, value, default_write_acc, default_meta, aq, rl, con)
+/* Result of address translation */
+type ext_ptw = unit
+union TR_Result('paddr : Type, 'failure : Type) = {
+ TR_Address : ('paddr, ext_ptw),
+ TR_Failure : ('failure, ext_ptw)
+val translateAddr : (xlenbits, AccessType(ext_access_type)) -> TR_Result(xlenbits, ExceptionType) effect {escape, rmem, rmemt, rreg, wmv, wmvt, wreg}
+function translateAddr(vAddr, ac) = {
+ TR_Address(vAddr, ());
+/* Instruction definitions.
+ *
+ * This includes decoding, execution, and assembly parsing and printing.
+ */
+scattered union ast
+/* returns whether an instruction was retired, used for computing minstret */
+val execute : ast -> Retired effect {escape, wreg, rreg, wmv, wmvt, eamem, rmem, rmemt, barr, exmem, undef}
+scattered function execute
+val encdec : ast <-> bits(32)
+scattered mapping encdec
+///* see riscv_jalr_seq.sail or riscv_jalr_rmem.sail for the execute clause. */
+///* *****************************************************************
+//union clause ast = BTYPE : (bits(13), regidx, regidx, bop)
+//mapping encdec_bop : bop <-> bits(3) = {
+// RISCV_BEQ <-> 0b000,
+// RISCV_BNE <-> 0b001,
+// RISCV_BLT <-> 0b100,
+// RISCV_BGE <-> 0b101,
+// RISCV_BLTU <-> 0b110,
+// RISCV_BGEU <-> 0b111
+//mapping clause encdec = BTYPE(imm7_6 @ imm5_0 @ imm7_5_0 @ imm5_4_1 @ 0b0, rs2, rs1, op)
+// <-> imm7_6 : bits(1) @ imm7_5_0 : bits(6) @ rs2 @ rs1 @ encdec_bop(op) @ imm5_4_1 : bits(4) @ imm5_0 : bits(1) @ 0b1100011
+//function clause execute (BTYPE(imm, rs2, rs1, op)) = {
+// let rs1_val = X(rs1);
+// let rs2_val = X(rs2);
+// let taken : bool = match op {
+// RISCV_BEQ => rs1_val == rs2_val,
+// RISCV_BNE => rs1_val != rs2_val,
+// RISCV_BLT => rs1_val <_s rs2_val,
+// RISCV_BGE => rs1_val >=_s rs2_val,
+// RISCV_BLTU => rs1_val <_u rs2_val,
+// RISCV_BGEU => rs1_val >=_u rs2_val
+// };
+// let t : xlenbits = PC + EXTS(imm);
+// if taken then {
+// /* Extensions get the first checks on the prospective target address. */
+// match ext_control_check_pc(t) {
+// Ext_ControlAddr_Error(e) => {
+// assert(false);
+// },
+// Ext_ControlAddr_OK(target) => {
+// if bit_to_bool(target[1]) & (~ (haveRVC())) then {
+// handle_mem_exception(target, E_Fetch_Addr_Align());
+// } else {
+// set_next_pc(target);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+union clause ast = ITYPE : (bits(12), regidx, regidx, iop)
+mapping encdec_iop : iop <-> bits(3) = {
+ RISCV_ADDI <-> 0b000,
+ RISCV_SLTI <-> 0b010,
+ RISCV_SLTIU <-> 0b011,
+ RISCV_ANDI <-> 0b111,
+ RISCV_ORI <-> 0b110,
+ RISCV_XORI <-> 0b100
+mapping clause encdec = ITYPE(imm, rs1, rd, op)
+ <-> imm @ rs1 @ encdec_iop(op) @ rd @ 0b0010011
+function clause execute (ITYPE (imm, rs1, rd, op)) = {
+ let rs1_val = X(rs1);
+ let immext : xlenbits = EXTS(imm);
+ let result : xlenbits = match op {
+ RISCV_ADDI => rs1_val + immext,
+ RISCV_SLTI => EXTZ(bool_to_bits(rs1_val <_s immext)),
+ RISCV_SLTIU => EXTZ(bool_to_bits(rs1_val <_u immext)),
+ RISCV_ANDI => rs1_val & immext,
+ RISCV_ORI => rs1_val | immext,
+ RISCV_XORI => rs1_val ^ immext
+ };
+ X(rd) = result;
+mapping itype_mnemonic : iop <-> string = {
+ RISCV_ADDI <-> "addi",
+ RISCV_SLTI <-> "slti",
+ RISCV_SLTIU <-> "sltiu",
+ RISCV_XORI <-> "xori",
+ RISCV_ORI <-> "ori",
+ RISCV_ANDI <-> "andi"
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+union clause ast = LOAD : (bits(12), regidx, regidx, bool, word_width, bool, bool)
+/* unsigned loads are only present for widths strictly less than xlen,
+ signed loads also present for widths equal to xlen */
+mapping clause encdec = LOAD(imm, rs1, rd, is_unsigned, size, false, false) if (word_width_bytes(size) < sizeof(xlen_bytes)) | (not_bool(is_unsigned) & word_width_bytes(size) <= sizeof(xlen_bytes))
+ <-> imm @ rs1 @ bool_bits(is_unsigned) @ size_bits(size) @ rd @ 0b0000011 if (word_width_bytes(size) < sizeof(xlen_bytes)) | (not_bool(is_unsigned) & word_width_bytes(size) <= sizeof(xlen_bytes))
+val extend_value : forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= xlen_bytes. (bool, MemoryOpResult(bits(8 * 'n))) -> MemoryOpResult(xlenbits)
+function extend_value(is_unsigned, value) = match (value) {
+ MemValue(v) => MemValue(if is_unsigned then EXTZ(v) else EXTS(v) : xlenbits),
+ MemException(e) => MemException(e)
+val process_load : forall 'n, 0 < 'n <= xlen_bytes. (regidx, xlenbits, MemoryOpResult(bits(8 * 'n)), bool) -> Retired effect {escape, rreg, wreg}
+function process_load(rd, addr, value, is_unsigned) =
+ match extend_value(is_unsigned, value) {
+ MemValue(result) => { X(rd) = result; RETIRE_SUCCESS },
+ MemException(e) => { handle_mem_exception(addr, e); RETIRE_FAIL }
+ }
+function check_misaligned(vaddr : xlenbits, width : word_width) -> bool =
+ if plat_enable_misaligned_access() then false
+ else match width {
+ BYTE => false,
+ HALF => vaddr[0] == bitone,
+ WORD => vaddr[0] == bitone | vaddr[1] == bitone,
+ DOUBLE => vaddr[0] == bitone | vaddr[1] == bitone | vaddr[2] == bitone
+ }
+function clause execute(LOAD(imm, rs1, rd, is_unsigned, width, aq, rl)) = {
+ let offset : xlenbits = EXTS(imm);
+ /* Get the address, X(rs1) + offset.
+ Some extensions perform additional checks on address validity. */
+ match ext_data_get_addr(rs1, offset, Read(Data), width) {
+ Ext_DataAddr_Error(e) => { assert(false); RETIRE_FAIL },
+ Ext_DataAddr_OK(vaddr) =>
+ if check_misaligned(vaddr, width)
+ then { handle_mem_exception(vaddr, E_Load_Addr_Align()); RETIRE_FAIL }
+ else match translateAddr(vaddr, Read(Data)) {
+ TR_Failure(e, _) => { handle_mem_exception(vaddr, e); RETIRE_FAIL },
+ TR_Address(addr, _) =>
+ match (width, sizeof(xlen)) {
+ (BYTE, _) =>
+ process_load(rd, vaddr, mem_read(Read(Data), addr, 1, aq, rl, false), is_unsigned),
+ (HALF, _) =>
+ process_load(rd, vaddr, mem_read(Read(Data), addr, 2, aq, rl, false), is_unsigned),
+ (WORD, _) =>
+ process_load(rd, vaddr, mem_read(Read(Data), addr, 4, aq, rl, false), is_unsigned),
+ (DOUBLE, 64) =>
+ process_load(rd, vaddr, mem_read(Read(Data), addr, 8, aq, rl, false), is_unsigned)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+union clause ast = STORE : (bits(12), regidx, regidx, word_width, bool, bool)
+mapping clause encdec = STORE(imm7 @ imm5, rs2, rs1, size, false, false) if word_width_bytes(size) <= sizeof(xlen_bytes)
+ <-> imm7 : bits(7) @ rs2 @ rs1 @ 0b0 @ size_bits(size) @ imm5 : bits(5) @ 0b0100011 if word_width_bytes(size) <= sizeof(xlen_bytes)
+/* NOTE: Currently, we only EA if address translation is successful.
+ This may need revisiting. */
+function clause execute (STORE(imm, rs2, rs1, width, aq, rl)) = {
+ let offset : xlenbits = EXTS(imm);
+ /* Get the address, X(rs1) + offset.
+ Some extensions perform additional checks on address validity. */
+ match ext_data_get_addr(rs1, offset, Write(Data), width) {
+ Ext_DataAddr_Error(e) => { assert (false); RETIRE_FAIL },
+ Ext_DataAddr_OK(vaddr) =>
+ if check_misaligned(vaddr, width)
+ then { handle_mem_exception(vaddr, E_SAMO_Addr_Align()); RETIRE_FAIL }
+ else match translateAddr(vaddr, Write(Data)) {
+ TR_Failure(e, _) => { handle_mem_exception(vaddr, e); RETIRE_FAIL },
+ TR_Address(addr, _) => {
+ let eares : MemoryOpResult(unit) = match width {
+ BYTE => mem_write_ea(addr, 1, aq, rl, false),
+ HALF => mem_write_ea(addr, 2, aq, rl, false),
+ WORD => mem_write_ea(addr, 4, aq, rl, false),
+ DOUBLE => mem_write_ea(addr, 8, aq, rl, false)
+ };
+ match (eares) {
+ MemException(e) => { handle_mem_exception(addr, e); RETIRE_FAIL },
+ MemValue(_) => {
+ let rs2_val = X(rs2);
+ let res : MemoryOpResult(bool) = match (width, sizeof(xlen)) {
+ (BYTE, _) => mem_write_value(addr, 1, rs2_val[7..0], aq, rl, false),
+ (HALF, _) => mem_write_value(addr, 2, rs2_val[15..0], aq, rl, false),
+ (WORD, _) => mem_write_value(addr, 4, rs2_val[31..0], aq, rl, false),
+ (DOUBLE, 64) => mem_write_value(addr, 8, rs2_val, aq, rl, false)
+ };
+ match (res) {
+ MemValue(true) => RETIRE_SUCCESS,
+ MemValue(false) => internal_error("store got false from mem_write_value"),
+ MemException(e) => { handle_mem_exception(addr, e); RETIRE_FAIL }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Put the illegal instructions last to use their wildcard match. */
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+union clause ast = ILLEGAL : word
+mapping clause encdec = ILLEGAL(s) <-> s
+function clause execute (ILLEGAL(s)) = { handle_illegal(); RETIRE_FAIL }
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+/* End definitions */
+end ast
+end execute
+end encdec
+end encdec_compressed
+val decode : bits(32) -> ast effect pure
+function decode bv = encdec(bv)
+/* The result of a fetch, which includes any possible error
+ * from an extension that interposes on the fetch operation.
+ */
+union FetchResult = {
+ F_Ext_Error : ext_fetch_addr_error, /* For extensions */
+ F_Base : word, /* Base ISA */
+ F_RVC : half, /* Compressed ISA */
+ F_Error : (ExceptionType, xlenbits) /* standard exception and PC */
+/* The default implementation of hooks for the step() and main() functions. */
+function ext_init() -> unit = ()
+function ext_fetch_hook(f : FetchResult) -> FetchResult = f
+function ext_pre_step_hook() -> unit = ()
+function ext_post_step_hook() -> unit = ()
+/* Extensions may wish to interpose and transform decoded instructions,
+ * based on other machine state. This is supported via a post-decode
+ * instruction hook, the default implementation of which is provided below.
+ */
+val ext_post_decode_hook : ast -> ast effect {rreg}
+function ext_post_decode_hook(x) = x
+val fetch : unit -> FetchResult effect {escape, rmem, rmemt, rreg, wmv, wmvt, wreg}
+function fetch() -> FetchResult =
+ /* fetch PC check for extensions: extensions return a transformed PC to fetch,
+ * but any exceptions use the untransformed PC.
+ */
+ match ext_fetch_check_pc(PC, PC) {
+ Ext_FetchAddr_Error(e) => F_Ext_Error(e),
+ Ext_FetchAddr_OK(use_pc) => {
+ if (use_pc[0] != bitzero | (use_pc[1] != bitzero))
+ then F_Error(E_Fetch_Addr_Align(), PC)
+ else match translateAddr(use_pc, Execute()) {
+ TR_Failure(e, _) => F_Error(e, PC),
+ TR_Address(ppc, _) => {
+ match mem_read(Execute(), ppc, 4, false, false, false) {
+ MemException(e) => F_Error(e, PC),
+ MemValue(ibits) => F_Base(ibits)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* The emulator fetch-execute-interrupt dispatch loop. */
+/* returns whether to increment the step count in the trace */
+function step(step_no : int) -> bool = {
+ /* for step extensions */
+ ext_pre_step_hook();
+ let (retired, stepped) : (Retired, bool) =
+ /* the extension hook interposes on the fetch result */
+ let f : FetchResult = ext_fetch_hook(fetch()) in
+ match f {
+ /* extension error */
+ F_Ext_Error(e) => {
+ ext_handle_fetch_check_error(e);
+ (RETIRE_FAIL, false)
+ },
+ /* standard error */
+ F_Error(e, addr) => {
+ handle_mem_exception(addr, e);
+ (RETIRE_FAIL, false)
+ },
+ F_Base(w) => {
+ let ast = decode(w);
+ nextPC = PC + 4;
+ (execute(ext_post_decode_hook(ast)), true)
+ }
+ };
+ tick_pc();
+ /* for step extensions */
+ ext_post_step_hook();
+ stepped
+function loop () : unit -> unit = {
+ step_no : int = 0;
+ while (true) do {
+ let stepped = step(step_no);
+ if stepped then step_no = step_no + 1;
+ }
+function main () : unit -> unit = {
+ // PC = __GetSlice_int(64, elf_entry(), 0);
+ PC = sail_zero_extend(0x1000, sizeof(xlen));
+ print_bits("PC = ", PC);
+ try {
+ loop()
+ } catch {
+ Error_not_implemented(s) => print_string("Error: Not implemented: ", s),
+ Error_internal_error() => print("Error: internal error")
+ }