# git2cl Convert `git` logs to GNU ChangeLog format. # License The git2cl tool is released under the GPLv3+. See the file [COPYING](COPYING) for detailed information. # Usage The tool invokes 'git log' internally unless you pipe a log to it. Thus, typically you would use it as follows: ``` jas@mocca:~/src/libtasn1$ git2cl > ChangeLog jas@mocca:~/src/libtasn1$ ``` If you don't want git2cl to invoke git log internally, you can use it as a pipe. It needs a git log generated with --pretty --numstat and --summary. You can use it as follows: ``` jas@mocca:~/src/libtasn1$ git log --pretty --numstat --summary | git2cl > ChangeLog jas@mocca:~/src/libtasn1$ ``` The output format is specified by the [GNU ChangeLog format](http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Change-Logs.html). My inspiration for writing this tool was the [cvs2cl](http://www.red-bean.com/cvs2cl/) tool, which I have been using in several projects. Replacing it was necessary to seriously consider switching from CVS to GIT for my projects. There is a [Savannah git2cl project](https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/git2cl/) and a [GitLab git2cl project](https://gitlab.com/jas/git2cl). An old repository is still at [http://repo.or.cz/w/git2cl.git]. # Related work The [gnulib](https://www.gnu.org/software/gnulib/) project offers a tool called [gitlog-to-changelog](https://www.gnu.org/software/gnulib/manual/html_node/gitlog_002dto_002dchangelog.html) which is similar. The `git` tool itself has evolved since `git2cl` was created, and one command to achieve somewhat different output would be: ``` git log --pretty="format:%ad %aN <%aE>%n%n%x09* %s%n" --date=short ``` # Credits Luis Mondesi contributed several improvements. # Support Try talking to [simon@josefsson.org](Simon Josefsson).