# Conceptually compatible with tcllib ::struct::tree # but uses an object based interface. # To mimic tcllib, do: # rename [tree] mytree # set pt [tree] # # Create a tree # This automatically creates a node named "root" # # $pt destroy # # Destroy the tree and all it's nodes # # $pt set # # Set the value for the given key # # $pt lappend ... # # Append to the (list) value(s) for the given key, or set if not yet set # # $pt keyexists # # Returns 1 if the given key exists # # $pt get # # Returns the value associated with the given key # # $pt depth # # Returns the depth of the given node. The depth of "root" is 0. # # $pt parent # # Returns the name of the parent node, or "" for the root node. # # $pt numchildren # # Returns the number of child nodes. # # $pt children # # Returns a list of the child nodes. # # $pt next # # Returns the next sibling node, or "" if none. # # $pt insert # # Add a new child node to the given node. # Currently the node is always added at the end (index=end) # Returns the name of the newly added node # # $pt walk dfs|bfs {actionvar nodevar} # # Walks the tree starting from the given node, either breadth first (bfs) # depth first (dfs). # The value "enter" or "exit" is stored in variable $actionvar # The name of each node is stored in $nodevar. # The script $code is evaluated twice for each node, on entry and exit. # Create a new tree proc tree {} { # A tree is a dictionary of (name, noderef) # The name for the root node is always "root", # and other nodes are automatically named "node1", "node2", etc. # Create the root node lassign [_tree.makenode ""] dummy rootref # Create the tree containing one node set tree [dict create root $rootref] # And create a reference to a tree dictionary set treeref [ref $tree tree] lambda {command args} {treeref} { #puts "You invoked [list treehandle $command $args]" uplevel 1 [list tree.$command $treeref {*}$args] } } # treehandle insert node ?index? # proc tree.insert {treeref node {index end}} { # Get the parent node set parentref [_tree.getnoderef $treeref $node] # Make a new node lassign [_tree.makenode $parentref] childname childref # Add it to the list of children in the parent node _tree.update_node $treeref $node parent { lappend parent(.children) $childref } # Add it to the tree _tree.update_tree $treeref tree { set tree($childname) $childref } return $childname } # treehandle set node key value # proc tree.set {treeref node key value} { _tree.update_node $treeref $node n { set n($key) $value } return $value } # treehandle lappend node key value # proc tree.lappend {treeref node key args} { _tree.update_node $treeref $node n { lappend n($key) {expand}$args set result $n($key) } return $result } # treehandle get node key # proc tree.get {treeref node key} { set n [_tree.getnode $treeref $node] return $n($key) } # treehandle keyexists node key # proc tree.keyexists {treeref node key} { set n [_tree.getnode $treeref $node] info exists n($key) } # treehandle depth node # proc tree.depth {treeref node} { set n [_tree.getnode $treeref $node] return $n(.depth) } # treehandle parent node # proc tree.parent {treeref node} { set n [_tree.getnode $treeref $node] return $n(.parent) } # treehandle numchildren node # proc tree.numchildren {treeref node} { set n [_tree.getnode $treeref $node] llength $n(.children) } # treehandle children node # proc tree.children {treeref node} { set n [_tree.getnode $treeref $node] set result {} foreach child $n(.children) { set c [getref $child] lappend result $c(.name) } return $result } # treehandle next node # proc tree.next {treeref node} { set parent [tree.parent $treeref $node] set siblings [tree.children $treeref $parent] set i [lsearch $siblings $node] incr i return [lindex $siblings $i] } # treehandle walk node bfs|dfs {action loopvar} # proc tree.walk {treeref node type vars code} { set n [_tree.getnode $treeref $node] # set up vars lassign $vars actionvar namevar if {$type ne "child"} { upvar $namevar name upvar $actionvar action # Enter this node set name $node set action enter uplevel 1 $code } if {$type eq "dfs"} { # Depth-first so do the children foreach childref $n(.children) { set child [getref $childref] uplevel 1 [list tree.walk $treeref $child(.name) $type $vars $code] } } elseif {$type ne "none"} { # Breadth-first so do the children to one level only foreach childref $n(.children) { set child [getref $childref] uplevel 1 [list tree.walk $treeref $child(.name) none $vars $code] } # Now our grandchildren foreach childref $n(.children) { set child [getref $childref] uplevel 1 [list tree.walk $treeref $child(.name) child $vars $code] } } if {$type ne "child"} { # Exit this node set name $node set action exit uplevel 1 $code } } # Destroys the tree # proc tree.destroy {treeref} { set tree [getref $treeref] foreach {nodename noderef} $tree { setref $noderef {} } setref $treeref {} # Extract the name of the handle set t [lindex [info level 1] 0] rename $t "" } # # INTERNAL procedures below this point # # Make a new child node of the parent # # Note that this does *not* add the node # to the parent or to the tree # # Returns a list of {nodename noderef} # proc _tree.makenode {parent} {{nodeid 1}} { if {$parent eq ""} { # The root node set name root set depth 0 set parentname "" } else { set parentnode [getref $parent] set name node$nodeid incr nodeid set depth $parentnode(.depth) incr depth set parentname $parentnode(.name) } # Return a list of name, reference list $name [ref [list .name $name .depth $depth .parent $parentname .children {}] node] } # Return the node (dictionary value) with the given name # proc _tree.getnode {treeref node} { getref [dict get [getref $treeref] $node] } # Return the noderef with the given name # proc _tree.getnoderef {treeref node} { dict get [getref $treeref] $node } # Set a dictionary value named $varname in the parent context, # evaluate $code, and then store any changes to # the node (via $varname) back to the node # proc _tree.update_node {treeref node varname code} { upvar $varname n # Get a reference to the node set ref [_tree.getnoderef $treeref $node] # Get the node itself set n [getref $ref] uplevel 1 $code # And update the reference setref $ref $n } # Set a dictionary value named $varname in the parent context, # evaluate $code, and then store any changes to # the tree (via $varname) back to the tree # proc _tree.update_tree {treeref varname code} { upvar $varname t # Get the tree value set t [getref $treeref] # Possibly modify it uplevel 1 $code # And update the reference setref $treeref $t }