source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl needs constraint jim; needs cmd package package require errors # Make this a proc so that the line numbers don't have to change proc main {} { set id1 0 foreach type {badcmd badvar badproc error interpbadvar interpbadcmd package source badpackage returncode} { set id2 0 incr id1 foreach method {call uplevel eval evalstr} { incr id2 set exp "" if {[info exists ::expected(err-$id1.$id2)]} { set exp $::expected(err-$id1.$id2) } test err-$id1.$id2 "Stacktrace on error type $type, method $method" { set rc [catch {error_caller $type $method} msg] #puts "\n-----------------\n$type, $method\n[errorInfo $msg]\n\n" if {$::SHOW_EXPECTED} { puts stderr "\terr-$id1.$id2 {[list $rc $msg [info stacktrace]]}" } list $rc $msg [info stacktrace] } $exp } } proc unknown {args} { error "from unknown" } test err-10.1 "Stacktrace on error from unknown (badcmd, call)" { set rc [catch {error_caller badcmd call} msg] #puts stderr "err-10.1\n[errorInfo $msg]\n" #puts stderr "\terr-10.1 {[list $rc $msg [info stacktrace]]}" list $rc $msg [info stacktrace] } {1 {from unknown} {{} stacktrace.test 26 {} errors.tcl 6 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 30}} rename unknown "" set a {one} set b [list 1 \ 2 \ 3] set c {two} set d "list 1 2 3" set e {three} set f "list 1 \ 2 \ 3" set g {four} test source-1.1 "Basic line numbers" { info source $a } {stacktrace.test 39} test source-1.2 "Line numbers after command with escaped newlines" { info source $c } {stacktrace.test 43} test source-1.3 "Line numbers after string with newlines" { info source $e } {stacktrace.test 47} test source-1.4 "Line numbers after string with escaped newlines" { info source $g } {stacktrace.test 51} } set expected { err-1.1 {1 {invalid command name "bogus"} {{} errors.tcl 6 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-1.2 {1 {invalid command name "bogus"} {{} errors.tcl 6 error_generator errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-1.3 {1 {invalid command name "bogus"} {{} errors.tcl 6 error_generator errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-1.4 {1 {invalid command name "bogus"} {{} errors.tcl 6 error_generator errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-2.1 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 9 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-2.2 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 9 error_generator errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-2.3 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 9 error_generator errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-2.4 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 9 error_generator errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-3.1 {1 {unmatched "["} {{} errors.tcl 62 error_badproc errors.tcl 33 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-3.2 {1 {unmatched "["} {{} errors.tcl 62 error_badproc errors.tcl 33 error_generator errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-3.3 {1 {unmatched "["} {{} errors.tcl 62 error_badproc errors.tcl 33 error_generator errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-3.4 {1 {unmatched "["} {{} errors.tcl 62 error_badproc errors.tcl 33 error_generator errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-4.1 {1 bogus {{} errors.tcl 12 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-4.2 {1 bogus {{} errors.tcl 12 error_generator errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-4.3 {1 bogus {{} errors.tcl 12 error_generator errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-4.4 {1 bogus {{} errors.tcl 12 error_generator errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-5.1 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 15 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-5.2 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 15 error_generator errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-5.3 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 15 error_generator errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-5.4 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 15 error_generator errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-6.1 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 18 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-6.2 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 18 error_generator errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-6.3 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 18 error_generator errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-6.4 {1 {can't read "bogus": no such variable} {{} errors.tcl 18 error_generator errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-7.1 {1 {from dummyproc Can't load package dummy} {{} dummy.tcl 3 dummyproc dummy.tcl 6 {} errors.tcl 21 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-7.2 {1 {from dummyproc Can't load package dummy} {{} dummy.tcl 3 dummyproc dummy.tcl 6 {} errors.tcl 21 error_generator errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-7.3 {1 {from dummyproc Can't load package dummy} {{} dummy.tcl 3 dummyproc dummy.tcl 6 {} errors.tcl 21 error_generator errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-7.4 {1 {from dummyproc Can't load package dummy} {{} dummy.tcl 3 dummyproc dummy.tcl 6 {} errors.tcl 21 error_generator errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-8.1 {1 {from dummyproc} {{} dummy.tcl 3 dummyproc dummy.tcl 6 {} errors.tcl 24 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-8.2 {1 {from dummyproc} {{} dummy.tcl 3 dummyproc dummy.tcl 6 {} errors.tcl 24 error_generator errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-8.3 {1 {from dummyproc} {{} dummy.tcl 3 dummyproc dummy.tcl 6 {} errors.tcl 24 error_generator errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-8.4 {1 {from dummyproc} {{} dummy.tcl 3 dummyproc dummy.tcl 6 {} errors.tcl 24 error_generator errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-9.1 {1 {Can't load package bogus} {{} errors.tcl 27 error_generator errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-9.2 {1 {Can't load package bogus} {{} errors.tcl 27 error_generator errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-9.3 {1 {Can't load package bogus} {{} errors.tcl 27 error_generator errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-9.4 {1 {Can't load package bogus} {{} errors.tcl 27 error_generator errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-10.1 {1 failure {{} errors.tcl 44 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-10.2 {1 failure {{} errors.tcl 47 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-10.3 {1 failure {{} errors.tcl 50 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} err-10.4 {1 failure {{} errors.tcl 53 error_caller stacktrace.test 17}} } # Set this to output expected results to stderr # in a form which can be pasted into 'expected' below set SHOW_EXPECTED 0 main testreport