source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl needs constraint jim needs cmd ensemble needs cmd namespace constraint package ensemble # Let's create some procs for our ensemble namespace eval foo { proc a {x} { incr x } proc b {y} { incr y 2 } proc c {z} { append z @ } } test nsensemble-1.0 {Create ensemble outside namespace} -body { # Create an ensemble for our namespace namespace ensemble create } -returnCodes error -result {namespace ensemble create: must be called within a namespace} test nsensemble-1.1 {Basic namespace ensemble} { # Create an ensemble for our namespace namespace eval foo { namespace ensemble create } # And invoke a method foo a 5 } 6 test nsensemble-1.2 {namespace ensemble -commands} package-ensemble { foo -commands } {a b c} test nsensemble-1.3 {namespace ensemble -help} package-ensemble { foo -help } {Usage: "foo command ... ", where command is one of: a, b, c} test nsensemble-1.4 {namespace ensemble with invalid subcommand} -constraints package-ensemble -body { foo d x } -returnCodes error -result {invalid command name "foo::d"} # Now a nested namespace ensemble namespace eval foo { namespace eval bar { proc a {x} { incr x 10 } proc b {y} { incr y 20 } proc c {z} { append z % } namespace ensemble create } } test nsensemble-2.1 {Nested namespace ensemble} { # And invoke a method foo::bar a 5 } 15 test nsensemble-2.2 {Nested namespace ensemble from namespace} { # And invoke a method namespace eval foo { bar a 6 } } 16 testreport