# Test the glob command source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl needs constraint jim needs cmd glob # Fake the bare minimum that glob.tcl needs: # [readdir], [file isdir] and [file exists] local proc file {cmd args} { if {$cmd in {isdir exists}} { lassign [fslookup [lindex $args 0]] type contents if {$cmd eq "isdir" && $type eq "dir"} { return 1 } elseif {$type ne "none"} { return 1 } return 0 } tailcall upcall file $cmd {*}$args } local proc readdir {{-nocomplain {}} dir} { lassign [fslookup $dir] type contents if {$type ne "dir"} { if {${-nocomplain} eq ""} { return {} } return -code error "No such file or directory" } dict keys $contents } local proc fslookup {path} { set type dir set dict $::FAKEFS foreach p [split $path /] { if {$p in {. {}}} { continue } if {![dict exists $dict $p] || $type ne "dir"} { return none } lassign [dict get $dict $p] type dict } list $type $dict } # Creates the representation of a filesystem in a dictionary - for testing local proc makefakefs {fs} { set fakefs {} foreach {type name contents} $fs { switch -glob -- $type { f* { set fakefs($name) [list file $contents] } d* { set fakefs($name) [list dir [makefakefs $contents]] } default { error "Unknown fs type: $type" } } } return $fakefs } # Create a fake filesystem for testing the glob command set ::FAKEFS [makefakefs { file abc {This is the contents of abc} dir def { file ghi {This file is inside def} dir jkl } dir tmp { file "open{brace" {} file "close}brace" {} file "open\[bracket" {} file "close\]bracket" {} } }] test glob-1.1 {Simple} { lsort [glob *] } {abc def tmp} test glob-1.2 {Simple} { lsort [glob a*] } {abc} test glob-1.3 {Simple} -returnCodes error -body { lsort [glob x*] } -result {no files matched glob patterns} test glob-1.4 {Simple} -returnCodes error -body { lsort [glob] } -result {wrong # args: should be "glob ?options? pattern ?pattern ...?"} test glob-1.5 {Simple} -returnCodes ok -body { lsort [glob -nocomplain x*] } -result {} test glob-2.1 {Braces} -returnCodes ok -body { lsort [glob "{a,d}*"] } -result {abc def} test glob-2.2 {Files containing braces and brackets} -returnCodes ok -body { lsort [glob tmp/*] } -result {tmp/close\]bracket tmp/close\}brace {tmp/open[bracket} tmp/open\{brace} test glob-2.3 {Glob match files open bracket} -returnCodes ok -body { lsort [glob {tmp/*\[*}] } -result [list tmp/open\[bracket] test glob-2.4 {Glob match files close bracket} -returnCodes ok -body { lsort [glob {tmp/*\]*}] } -result [list tmp/close\]bracket] test glob-2.5 {Glob match files containing braced brackets} -returnCodes ok -body { lsort [glob {tmp/*{\[,]}*}] } -result [list tmp/close\]bracket tmp/open\[bracket] test glob-3.1 {Directory option} -returnCodes ok -body { lsort [glob -dir tmp *] } -result [list close\]bracket close\}brace open\[bracket open\{brace] test glob-3.2 {Directory option} -returnCodes ok -body { lsort [glob -dir tmp *close*] } -result [list close\]bracket close\}brace] testreport