source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl needs constraint jim constraint cmd socket constraint cmd os.fork constraint expr posixaio {$tcl_platform(platform) eq {unix} && !$tcl_platform(bootstrap)} # Create and open in binary mode for compatibility between Windows and Unix set f [open wb] $f puts test-data $f close # create a test file file with several lines set f [open wb] $f puts line1 $f puts line2 $f puts line3 $f close set f [open rb] defer { $f close file delete file delete file delete copy.out } test aio-1.1 {seek usage} -body { $f seek } -returnCodes error -match glob -result {wrong # args: should be "* seek offset ?start|current|end"} test aio-1.2 {seek start} -body { $f seek 2 $f tell } -result {2} test aio-1.3 {seek start} -body { $f seek 4 start $f tell } -result {4} test aio-1.4 {read after seek} -body { set c [$f read 1] list $c [$f tell] } -result {- 5} test aio-1.5 {seek backwards} -body { $f seek -2 current set c [$f read 1] list $c [$f tell] } -result {t 4} test aio-1.6 {seek from end} -body { $f seek -2 end set c [$f read 2] list $c [$f tell] } -result [list "a\n" 10] test aio-1.7 {seek usage} -body { $f seek 4 bad } -returnCodes error -match glob -result {wrong # args: should be "* seek offset ?start|current|end"} test aio-1.8 {seek usage} -body { $f seek badint } -returnCodes error -match glob -result {expected integer but got "badint"} test aio-1.9 {seek bad pos} -body { $f seek -20 } -returnCodes error -match glob -result { Invalid argument} test aio-2.1 {read usage} -body { $f read -nonoption } -returnCodes error -result {bad option "-nonoption": must be -nonewline, or -pending} test aio-2.2 {read usage} -body { $f read badint } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "badint"} test aio-2.3 {read -ve len} -body { $f read " -20" } -returnCodes error -result {invalid parameter: negative len} test aio-2.4 {read too many args} -body { $f read 20 extra } -returnCodes error -match glob -result {wrong # args: should be "* read ?-nonewline|len?"} test aio-3.1 {copy to invalid fh} -body { $f copy lambda } -returnCodes error -result {Not a filehandle: "lambda"} test aio-3.2 {copy bad length} -body { $f copy stdout invalid } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "invalid"} set badvar a test aio-4.1 {gets invalid var} -body { $f gets badvar(abc) } -returnCodes error -result {can't set "badvar(abc)": variable isn't array} test aio-5.1 {puts usage} -body { stdout puts -badopt abc } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "stdout puts ?-nonewline? str"} test aio-6.1 {eof} { $f seek 0 $f eof } {0} test aio-6.2 {eof} { # eof won't trigger until we try to read $f seek 0 end $f eof } {0} test aio-6.3 {eof} { $f read 1 $f eof } {1} test aio-7.1 {close args} -constraints socket -body { $f close badopt } -returnCodes error -result {bad option "badopt": must be -nodelete, r, or w} test aio-7.2 {close w on non-socket} -constraints socket -body { $f close w } -returnCodes error -match regexp -result {(bad|socket)} test aio-7.3 {close -nodelete on non-socket} -constraints socket -body { $f close -nodelete } -returnCodes error -result {not supported} test aio-8.1 {filename} { $f filename } test aio-9.1 {open: posix modes} -constraints posixaio -body { set in [open RDONLY] set buf [$in gets] $in close set buf } -result {test-data} test aio-9.2 {open: posix modes, bad modes} -constraints posixaio -body { open {CREAT TRUNC} } -returnCodes error -result { invalid open mode 'CREAT TRUNC'} test aio-9.3 {open: posix modes, bad modes} -constraints posixaio -body { open {WRONG TRUNC} } -returnCodes error -result {bad access mode "WRONG": must be APPEND, BINARY, CREAT, EXCL, NOCTTY, RDONLY, RDWR, TRUNC, or WRONLY} test aio-9.4 {open: posix modes} -constraints posixaio -cleanup { file delete testdata.out } -body { set out [open testdata.out {WRONLY CREAT TRUNC}] $out puts write-data $out close # Now open for readwrite without truncate set io [open testdata.out {RDWR CREAT}] set buf [$io gets] $io close set buf } -result {write-data} test aio-10.1 {open: -noclose} -constraints os.fork -cleanup { file delete testdata.out } -body { # Keep this file descriptor open for children set f [open testdata.out -noclose w] $f puts parent $f flush # Now the child process can write to the same file via the file descriptor exec sh -c "echo child >&[$f getfd]" $f close set in [open testdata.out] set lines [list [$in gets] [$in gets]] $in close set lines } -result {parent child} test copyto-1.1 {basic copyto} { set in [open] set out [open copy.out w] $in copyto $out $in close $out close set ff [open copy.out] set result [list [$ff gets] [$ff gets] [$ff gets]] $ff close set result } {line1 line2 line3} test copyto-1.2 {copyto with limit} { set in [open] set out [open copy.out w] $in copyto $out 8 $in close $out close set ff [open copy.out] set result [list [$ff gets] [$ff gets] [$ff gets]] $ff close set result } {line1 li {}} test copyto-1.3 {copyto after gets} { set in [open] set out [open copy.out w] $in gets $in copyto $out $in close $out close set ff [open copy.out] set result [list [$ff gets] [$ff gets] [$ff gets]] $ff close set result } {line2 line3 {}} test copyto-1.4 {copyto after read} { set in [open] $in read 3 set out [open copy.out w] $in copyto $out $in close $out close set ff [open copy.out] set result [list [$ff gets] [$ff gets] [$ff gets]] $ff close set result } {e1 line2 line3} test copyto-1.5 {copyto after gets, seek} { set in [open] $in gets $in seek 2 start set out [open copy.out w] $in copyto $out $in close $out close set ff [open copy.out] set result [list [$ff gets] [$ff gets] [$ff gets]] $ff close set result } {ne1 line2 line3} test copyto-1.6 {copyto from pipe} { set in [open "|cat"] set out [open copy.out w] $in copyto $out $in close $out close set ff [open copy.out] set result [list [$ff gets] [$ff gets] [$ff gets]] $ff close set result } {line1 line2 line3} test copyto-1.6 {copyto to pipe} { set out [open "|cat >copy.out" w] set in [open] $in copyto $out $in close $out close set ff [open copy.out] set result [list [$ff gets] [$ff gets] [$ff gets]] $ff close set result } {line1 line2 line3} # Creates a child process and returns {pid writehandle} # The child expects to read $numlines lines of input and exits with a return # code of 0 if ok proc child_reader {numlines} { # create a pipe with the child as a slightly slow reader lassign [socket pipe] r w set pid [os.fork] if {$pid == 0} { # child $w close # sleep a moment to make sure the parent fills up the send buffer sleep 0.5 set n 0 while {[$r gets buf] >= 0} { incr n } #puts "child got $n/$numlines lines" $r close if {$n == $numlines} { # This is what we expect exit 99 } # This is not expected exit 98 } # parent $r close list $pid $w } test autoflush-1.1 {pipe writer, blocking} -constraints {socket os.fork} -body { lassign [child_reader 10000] pid w # Send data fast enough to fill up the send buffer loop i 10000 { $w puts "this is line $i" } # No autoflush needed. The write won't return # until queued $w close lassign [wait $pid] - - rc list $rc } -result {99} test autoflush-1.2 {pipe writer, non blocking} -constraints {socket os.fork} -body { lassign [child_reader 10000] pid w $w ndelay 1 # Send data fast enough to fill up the send buffer # With older jimtcl this would return an error "pipe: Resource temporarily unavailable" loop i 10000 { $w puts "this is line $i" } # Now data should still be queued, wait for autoflush lassign [time { after idle {} vwait done }] t1 # puts "autoflush finished in ${t1}us, closing pipe" $w close lassign [wait $pid] - - rc list $rc $t1 } -match glob -result {99 *} testreport