# tcltest compatibilty/wrapper/extension # Common code set testinfo(verbose) 0 set testinfo(numpass) 0 set testinfo(stoponerror) 0 set testinfo(template) 0 set testinfo(numfail) 0 set testinfo(numskip) 0 set testinfo(numtests) 0 set testinfo(reported) 0 set testinfo(failed) {} set testinfo(source) [file tail $::argv0] # -verbose or $testverbose show OK/ERR of individual tests if {[lsearch $argv "-verbose"] >= 0 || [info exists env(testverbose)]} { incr testinfo(verbose) } # -template causes failed tests to output a template test that would succeed if {[lsearch $argv "-template"] >= 0} { incr testinfo(template) } # -stoponerror or $stoponerror stops on the first failed test if {[lsearch $argv "-stoponerror"] >= 0 || [info exists env(stoponerror)]} { incr testinfo(stoponerror) } proc needs {type what {packages {}}} { if {$type eq "constraint"} { if {![info exists ::tcltest::testConstraints($what)]} { set ::tcltest::testConstraints($what) 0 } if {![set ::tcltest::testConstraints($what)]} { skiptest " (constraint $what)" } return } if {$type eq "cmd"} { # Does it exist already? if {[info commands $what] ne ""} { return } if {$packages eq ""} { # e.g. exec command is in exec package set packages $what } foreach p $packages { catch {package require $p} } if {[info commands $what] ne ""} { return } skiptest " (command $what)" } if {$type eq "package"} { if {[catch {package require $what}]} { skiptest " (package $what)" } return } error "Unknown needs type: $type" } # Simplify setting constraints for whether commands exist proc testCmdConstraints {args} { foreach cmd $args { testConstraint $cmd [expr {[info commands $cmd] ne {}}] } } proc skiptest {{msg {}}} { puts [format "%16s: --- skipped$msg" $::testinfo(source)] exit 0 } # Takes a stacktrace and applies [file tail] to the filenames. # This allows stacktrace tests to be run from a directory other than the source directory. # Also convert proc name ::a into a for compatibility between Tcl and Jim proc basename-stacktrace {stacktrace} { set result {} foreach {p f l cmd} $stacktrace { if {[string match *tcltest-* $f]} { #break } if {$p eq "::tcltest::RunTest"} { set p test } elseif {[string match ::* $p]} { set p [string range $p 2 end] } set cmd [string map [list \n \\n] $cmd] if {[string length $cmd] > 20} { set cmd [string range $cmd 0 20]... } lappend result $p [file tail $f] $l $cmd } return $result } # If tcl, just use tcltest if {[catch {info version}]} { package require Tcl 8.5 package require tcltest 2.1 namespace import tcltest::* if {$testinfo(verbose)} { configure -verbose bps } testConstraint utf8 1 testConstraint tcl 1 proc testreport {} { ::tcltest::cleanupTests } proc stacktrace {{skip 0} {last 0}} { set frames {} incr skip for {set level $skip} {$level < [info frame] - $last} {incr level} { set frame [info frame -$level] puts $frame if {[dict get $frame type] ne "source"} { continue } if {[dict exists $frame proc]} { set proc [dict get $frame proc] } else { set proc "" } lappend frames $proc [dict get $frame file] [dict get $frame line] [dict get $frame cmd] } return $frames } return } # Add some search paths for packages if {[exists argv0]} { # The directory containing the original script lappend auto_path [file dirname $argv0] } # The directory containing the jimsh executable lappend auto_path [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]] # For Jim, this is reasonable compatible tcltest proc makeFile {contents name {dir {}}} { if {$dir eq ""} { set filename $name } else { set filename $dir/$name } set f [open $filename w] puts $f $contents close $f return $filename } proc makeDirectory {name} { file mkdir $name return $name } proc temporaryDirectory {} {{dir {}}} { if {$dir eq ""} { set dir [file join [env TMPDIR /tmp] [format "tcltmp-%04x" [rand 65536]]] file mkdir $dir } return $dir } proc removeFile {args} { file delete -force {*}$args } proc removeDirectory {name} { file delete -force $name } # In case tclcompat is not selected if {![exists -proc puts]} { proc puts {{-nonewline {}} {chan stdout} msg} { if {${-nonewline} ni {-nonewline {}}} { ${-nonewline} puts $msg } else { $chan puts {*}${-nonewline} $msg } } proc close {chan args} { $chan close {*}$args } proc fileevent {args} { {*}$args } } proc script_source {script} { lassign [info source $script] f l if {$f ne ""} { puts "$f:$l:Error test failure" return \t$f:$l } } proc error_source {} { lassign [info stacktrace] p f l if {$f ne ""} { puts "$f:$l:Error test failure" return \t$f:$l } } proc package-or-skip {name} { if {[catch { package require $name }]} { puts [format "%16s: --- skipped" $::testinfo(source)] exit 0 } } proc testConstraint {constraint {bool {}}} { if {$bool eq ""} { if {[info exists ::tcltest::testConstraints($constraint)]} { return $::tcltest::testConstraints($constraint) } return -code error "unknown constraint: $constraint" return 1 } else { set ::tcltest::testConstraints($constraint) $bool } } testConstraint {utf8} [expr {[string length "\xc2\xb5"] == 1}] testConstraint {references} [expr {[info commands getref] ne ""}] testConstraint {jim} 1 testConstraint {tcl} 0 proc bytestring {x} { return $x } # Takes a list of {filename line} and returns {basename line} proc basename-source {list} { list [file tail [lindex $list 0]] [lindex $list 1] } # Note: We don't support -output or -errorOutput yet proc test {id descr args} { set default [dict create -returnCodes {ok return} -match exact -result {} -constraints {} -body {} -setup {} -cleanup {}] set a $default if {[lindex $args 0] ni [dict keys $a]} { if {[llength $args] == 2} { lassign $args body result constraints } elseif {[llength $args] == 3} { lassign $args constraints body result } else { return -code error "$id: Wrong syntax for tcltest::test v1" } tailcall test $id $descr -body $body -result $result -constraints $constraints } # tcltest::test v2 syntax array set a $args incr ::testinfo(numtests) if {$::testinfo(verbose)} { puts -nonewline "$id " } foreach c $a(-constraints) { if {![testConstraint $c]} { incr ::testinfo(numskip) if {$::testinfo(verbose)} { puts "SKIP $descr" } return } } if {[catch {uplevel 1 $a(-setup)} msg]} { if {$::testinfo(verbose)} { puts "-setup failed: $msg" } } set rc [catch {uplevel 1 $a(-body)} result opts] if {[catch {uplevel 1 $a(-cleanup)} msg]} { if {$::testinfo(verbose)} { puts "-cleanup failed: $msg" } } if {[info return $rc] ni $a(-returnCodes) && $rc ni $a(-returnCodes)} { set ok 0 set expected "rc=[list $a(-returnCodes)] result=[list $a(-result)]" set actual "rc=[info return $rc] result=[list $result]" # Now for the template, update -returnCodes set a(-returnCodes) [info return $rc] } else { if {$a(-match) eq "exact"} { set ok [string equal $a(-result) $result] } elseif {$a(-match) eq "glob"} { set ok [string match $a(-result) $result] } elseif {$a(-match) eq "regexp"} { set ok [regexp $a(-result) $result] } else { return -code error "$id: unknown match type: $a(-match)" } set actual [list $result] set expected [list $a(-result)] } if {$ok} { if {$::testinfo(verbose)} { puts "OK $descr" } incr ::testinfo(numpass) return } if {!$::testinfo(verbose)} { puts -nonewline "$id " } puts "ERR $descr" if {$rc in {0 2}} { set source [script_source $a(-body)] } else { set source [error_source] } puts "Expected: $expected" puts "Got : $actual" puts "" if {$::testinfo(template)} { # We can't really do -match glob|regexp so # just store the result as-is for -match exact set a(-result) $result set template [list test $id $descr] foreach key {-constraints -setup -body -returnCodes -match -result -cleanup} { if {$a($key) ne $default($key)} { lappend template $key $a($key) } } puts "### template" puts $template\n } incr ::testinfo(numfail) lappend ::testinfo(failed) [list $id $descr $source $expected $result] if {$::testinfo(stoponerror)} { exit 1 } } proc ::tcltest::cleanupTests {} { file delete [temporaryDirectory] tailcall testreport } proc testreport {} { if {$::testinfo(reported)} { return } incr ::testinfo(reported) if {$::testinfo(verbose)} { puts -nonewline "\n$::testinfo(source)" } else { puts -nonewline [format "%16s" $::testinfo(source)] } puts [format ": Total %5d Passed %5d Skipped %5d Failed %5d" \ $::testinfo(numtests) $::testinfo(numpass) $::testinfo(numskip) $::testinfo(numfail)] if {$::testinfo(numfail)} { puts [string repeat - 60] puts "FAILED: $::testinfo(numfail)" foreach failed $::testinfo(failed) { foreach {id descr source expected result} $failed {} puts "$source\t$id" } puts [string repeat - 60] } if {$::testinfo(numfail)} { exit 1 } } proc testerror {} { error "deliberate error" } if {$testinfo(verbose)} { puts "==== $argv0 ====" }