# (c) 2008 Steve Bennett # # Loads some Tcl-compatible features. # I/O commands, case, lassign, parray, errorInfo, ::tcl_platform, ::env # try, throw, file copy, file delete -force # Set up the ::env array set env [env] if {[info commands stdout] ne ""} { # Tcl-compatible I/O commands foreach p {gets flush close eof seek tell} { proc $p {chan args} {p} { tailcall $chan $p {*}$args } } unset p # puts is complicated by -nonewline # proc puts {{-nonewline {}} {chan stdout} msg} { if {${-nonewline} ni {-nonewline {}}} { tailcall ${-nonewline} puts $msg } tailcall $chan puts {*}${-nonewline} $msg } # read is complicated by -nonewline # # read chan ?maxchars? # read -nonewline chan proc read {{-nonewline {}} chan} { if {${-nonewline} ni {-nonewline {}}} { tailcall ${-nonewline} read {*}${chan} } tailcall $chan read {*}${-nonewline} } proc fconfigure {f args} { foreach {n v} $args { switch -glob -- $n { -bl* { $f ndelay $(!$v) } -bu* { $f buffering $v } -tr* { # Just ignore -translation } default { return -code error "fconfigure: unknown option $n" } } } } } # case var ?in? pattern action ?pattern action ...? proc case {var args} { # Skip dummy parameter if {[lindex $args 0] eq "in"} { set args [lrange $args 1 end] } # Check for single arg form if {[llength $args] == 1} { set args [lindex $args 0] } # Check for odd number of args if {[llength $args] % 2 != 0} { return -code error "extra case pattern with no body" } # Internal function to match a value agains a list of patterns local proc case.checker {value pattern} { string match $pattern $value } foreach {value action} $args { if {$value eq "default"} { set do_action $action continue } elseif {[lsearch -bool -command case.checker $value $var]} { set do_action $action break } } if {[info exists do_action]} { set rc [catch [list uplevel 1 $do_action] result opts] if {$rc} { incr opts(-level) } return {*}$opts $result } } # fileevent isn't needed in Jim, but provide it for compatibility proc fileevent {args} { tailcall {*}$args } # Second, option argument is a glob pattern # Third, optional argument is a "putter" function # proc parray {arrayname {pattern *} {puts puts}} { upvar $arrayname a set max 0 foreach name [array names a $pattern]] { if {[string length $name] > $max} { set max [string length $name] } } incr max [string length $arrayname] incr max 2 foreach name [lsort [array names a $pattern]] { $puts [format "%-${max}s = %s" $arrayname\($name\) $a($name)] } } # Implements 'file copy' - single file mode only proc {file copy} {{force {}} source target} { try { if {$force ni {{} -force}} { error "bad option \"$force\": should be -force" } set in [open $source] if {$force eq "" && [file exists $target]} { $in close error "error copying \"$source\" to \"$target\": file already exists" } set out [open $target w] $in copyto $out $out close } on error {msg opts} { incr opts(-level) return {*}$opts $msg } finally { catch {$in close} } } # 'open "|..." ?mode?" will invoke this wrapper around exec/pipe # Note that we return a lambda which also provides the 'pid' command proc popen {cmd {mode r}} { lassign [socket pipe] r w try { if {[string match "w*" $mode]} { lappend cmd <@$r & set pids [exec {*}$cmd] $r close set f $w } else { lappend cmd >@$w & set pids [exec {*}$cmd] $w close set f $r } lambda {cmd args} {f pids} { if {$cmd eq "pid"} { return $pids } if {$cmd eq "close"} { $f close # And wait for the child processes to complete foreach p $pids { os.wait $p } return } tailcall $f $cmd {*}$args } } on error {error opts} { $r close $w close error $error } } # A wrapper around 'pid' which can return the pids for 'popen' local proc pid {{chan {}}} { if {$chan eq ""} { tailcall upcall pid } if {[catch {$chan tell}]} { return -code error "can not find channel named \"$chan\"" } if {[catch {$chan pid} pids]} { return "" } return $pids } # try/on/finally conceptually similar to Tcl 8.6 # # Usage: try ?catchopts? script ?onclause ...? ?finallyclause? # # Where: # onclause is: on codes {?resultvar? ?optsvar?} script # # codes is: a list of return codes (ok, error, etc. or integers), or * for any # # finallyclause is: finally script # # # Where onclause is: on codes {?resultvar? ?optsvar?} proc try {args} { set catchopts {} while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} { set args [lassign $args opt] if {$opt eq "--"} { break } lappend catchopts $opt } if {[llength $args] == 0} { return -code error {wrong # args: should be "try ?options? script ?argument ...?"} } set args [lassign $args script] set code [catch -eval {*}$catchopts [list uplevel 1 $script] msg opts] set handled 0 foreach {on codes vars script} $args { switch -- $on \ on { if {!$handled && ($codes eq "*" || [info returncode $code] in $codes)} { lassign $vars msgvar optsvar if {$msgvar ne ""} { upvar $msgvar hmsg set hmsg $msg } if {$optsvar ne ""} { upvar $optsvar hopts set hopts $opts } # Override any body result set code [catch [list uplevel 1 $script] msg opts] incr handled } } \ finally { set finalcode [catch [list uplevel 1 $codes] finalmsg finalopts] if {$finalcode} { # Override any body or handler result set code $finalcode set msg $finalmsg set opts $finalopts } break } \ default { return -code error "try: expected 'on' or 'finally', got '$on'" } } if {$code} { incr opts(-level) return {*}$opts $msg } return $msg } # Generates an exception with the given code (ok, error, etc. or an integer) # and the given message proc throw {code {msg ""}} { return -code $code $msg } # Helper for "file delete -force" proc {file delete force} {path} { foreach e [readdir $path] { file delete -force $path/$e } file delete $path }