#!/usr/bin/env tclsh # Usage: make-load-static-exts extname ... >load-static-exts.c # Creates load-static-exts.c based on the configured static extensions # There are some dependencies on static extensions which require # a certain load order. Do this by setting priorities and sorting. array set pri { stdlib 0 readdir 1 glob 2 oo 1 tree 2 pack 1 binary 2 } foreach i $argv { set p 1 if {[info exists pri($i)]} { set p $pri($i) } lappend exts [list $p $i] } set exts [lsort $exts] puts { /* autogenerated - do not edit */ #include "jim.h" #include "jimautoconf.h" int Jim_InitStaticExtensions(Jim_Interp *interp) } puts \{ foreach e $exts { set ext [lindex $e 1] puts "\textern int Jim_${ext}Init(Jim_Interp *);" puts "\tJim_${ext}Init(interp);" } puts "\treturn JIM_OK;" puts \}