# Simple example of how the history extension # can be used to provide line editing and history # Build jimsh with the history extension and enable line editing (the default) # ./configure --with-ext=history package require history set histfile [env HOME]/.jtclsh history load $histfile # Use the standard Tcl autocompletion history completion tcl::autocomplete set prefix "" while {1} { # Read a complete line (script) set prompt "${prefix}jim> " set cmd {} while {1} { if {[history getline $prompt line] < 0} { exit 0 } if {$cmd ne ""} { append cmd \n } append cmd $line if {[info complete $cmd char]} { break } set prompt "$char> " } if {$cmd eq "h"} { history show continue } # Don't bother adding single char commands to the history if {[string length $cmd] > 1} { history add $cmd history save $histfile } # Evaluate the script and display the error try { set result [eval $cmd] set prefix "" } on {error return break continue signal} {result opts} { set rcname [info returncodes $opts(-code)] if {$rcname eq "ok" } { # Note: return set -code to 0 set rcname return } elseif {$rcname eq "error"} { set result [errorInfo $result] } set prefix "\[$rcname\] " } if {$result ne {}} { puts $result } }