set batchmode 0 set benchmarks {} # Run each benchmark for this long (ms) # Can be changed with the -time parameter set benchtime 1000 # If the timerate command doesn't exist, implement it in Tcl if {[info commands timerate] eq ""} { proc timerate {script {ms 1000}} { set start [clock micros] set stop [expr {$start + $ms * 1000}] set count 0 while {1} { uplevel 1 $script incr count set now [clock micros] if {$now >= $stop} { break } } set elapsed [expr {$now - $start}] # Now try to account for the Tcl overhead set start [clock micros] set n 0 while {1} { uplevel 1 {} incr n set now [clock micros] if {$n >= $count} { break } } set elapsed [expr {$elapsed - ($now - $start)}] list us_per_iter [expr {1.0 * $elapsed / $count}] iters_per_sec [expr {1e6 * $count / $elapsed}] \ count $count elapsed_us $elapsed } } proc format_us_time {us} { set units {2 {ps 1e6} 1 {ns 1e3} 0 {us 1} -1 {ms 1e-3} -2 {s 1e-6}} if {$us >= 1e8} { # >= 100 seconds return [format "%.0fs" [expr {$us / 1e6}]] } # Avoid using log10 here in case math functions aren't enabled # How many digits to the left of the decimal place? lassign [split [format %e $us] e] - exp # Work around Tcl's stupid auto-octal detection set exp [regsub -all {([-+])(0+)?(\d)} $exp {\1\3}] set leftdigits [expr {$exp + 1}] #set leftdigits [expr {int(floor(log10($us)) + 1)}] #puts "$leftdigits1 $leftdigits" # Work out how much to shift by, in increments of 10^3 set shift3 [expr {(-$leftdigits / 3) + 1}] set shift [expr {$shift3 * 3}] # Always show 3 significant digits set decimals [expr {3 - ($leftdigits + $shift)}] lassign [dict get $units $shift3] name mult set value [expr {$us * $mult}] return [format "%.${decimals}f%s" $value $name] } proc bench {title script} { global benchmarks batchmode set Title [string range "$title " 0 20] catch {collect} set failed [catch {timerate $script $::benchtime} res] if {$failed} { if {!$batchmode} {puts "$Title - This test can't run on this interpreter ($res)"} lappend benchmarks $title F } else { set us [dict get $res us_per_iter] set count [dict get $res count] set ms [expr {$us / 1000}] lappend benchmarks $title $ms if {!$batchmode} { puts "$Title - [format_us_time $us] per iteration" } } catch { collect } } ### BUSY LOOP ################################################################## proc whilebusyloop {n} { set i 0 while {$i < $n} { set a $i incr i } } proc forbusyloop {n} { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set a $i } } proc loopbusyloop {n} { loop i 0 $n { set a $i } } ### FIBONACCI ################################################################## proc fibonacci {x} { if {$x <= 1} { expr 1 } else { expr {[fibonacci [expr {$x-1}]] + [fibonacci [expr {$x-2}]]} } } ### HEAPSORT ################################################################### set IM 139968 set IA 3877 set IC 29573 set last 42 proc make_gen_random {} { global IM IA IC set params [list IM $IM IA $IA IC $IC] set body [string map $params { global last expr {($max * [set last [expr {($last * IA + IC) % IM}]]) / IM} }] proc gen_random {max} $body } proc heapsort {ra_name} { upvar 1 $ra_name ra set n [llength $ra] set l [expr {$n / 2}] set ir [expr {$n - 1}] while 1 { if {$l} { set rra [lindex $ra [incr l -1]] } else { set rra [lindex $ra $ir] lset ra $ir [lindex $ra 0] if {[incr ir -1] == 0} { lset ra 0 $rra break } } set i $l set j [expr {(2 * $l) + 1}] while {$j <= $ir} { set tmp [lindex $ra $j] if {$j < $ir} { if {$tmp < [lindex $ra [expr {$j + 1}]]} { set tmp [lindex $ra [incr j]] } } if {$rra >= $tmp} { break } lset ra $i $tmp incr j [set i $j] } lset ra $i $rra } } proc heapsort_main {n} { make_gen_random set data {} for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} { lappend data [gen_random 1.0] } heapsort data } ### SIEVE ###################################################################### proc sieve {num} { while {$num > 0} { incr num -1 set count 0 for {set i 2} {$i <= 8192} {incr i} { set flags($i) 1 } for {set i 2} {$i <= 8192} {incr i} { if {$flags($i) == 1} { # remove all multiples of prime: i for {set k [expr {$i+$i}]} {$k <= 8192} {incr k $i} { set flags($k) 0 } incr count } } } return $count } proc sieve_dict {num} { while {$num > 0} { incr num -1 set count 0 for {set i 2} {$i <= 8192} {incr i} { dict set flags $i 1 } for {set i 2} {$i <= 8192} {incr i} { if {[dict get $flags $i] == 1} { # remove all multiples of prime: i for {set k [expr {$i+$i}]} {$k <= 8192} {incr k $i} { dict set flags $k 0 } incr count } } } return $count } ### ARY ######################################################################## proc ary n { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set x($i) $i } set last [expr {$n - 1}] for {set j $last} {$j >= 0} {incr j -1} { set y($j) $x($j) } } proc ary_dict n { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { dict set x $i $i } set last [expr {$n - 1}] for {set j $last} {$j >= 0} {incr j -1} { dict set y $j $x($j) } } proc ary_static n { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set a(b) $i set a(c) $i } } ### REPEAT ##################################################################### proc repeat {n body} { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { uplevel 1 $body } } proc use_repeat {n} { set x 0 repeat $n {incr x} } ### UPVAR ###################################################################### proc myincr varname { upvar 1 $varname x incr x } proc upvartest {n} { set y 0 for {set x 0} {$x < $n} {myincr x} { myincr y } } ### NESTED LOOPS ############################################################### proc nestedloops {n} { set x 0 incr n 1 set a $n while {[incr a -1]} { set b $n while {[incr b -1]} { set c $n while {[incr c -1]} { set d $n while {[incr d -1]} { set e $n while {[incr e -1]} { set f $n while {[incr f -1]} { incr x } } } } } } } ### ROTATE ##################################################################### proc rotate {count} { set v 1 for {set n 0} {$n < $count} {incr n} { set v [expr {$v <<< 1}] } } ### DYNAMICALLY GENERATED CODE ################################################# proc dyncode {n} { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set script "lappend foo $i" eval $script } } proc dyncode_list {n} { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set script [list lappend foo $i] eval $script } } ### LIST ################################################# proc listcreate {n} { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set a [list a b c d e f] } } ### PI DIGITS ################################################################## proc pi_digits {N} { set n [expr {$N * 3}] set e 0 set f {} for { set b 0 } { $b <= $n } { incr b } { lappend f 2000 } for { set c $n } { $c > 0 } { incr c -14 } { set d 0 set g [expr { $c * 2 }] set b $c while 1 { incr d [expr { [lindex $f $b] * 10000 }] lset f $b [expr {$d % [incr g -1]}] set d [expr { $d / $g }] incr g -1 if { [incr b -1] == 0 } break set d [expr { $d * $b }] } append result [string range 0000[expr { $e + $d / 10000 }] end-3 end] set e [expr { $d % 10000 }] } #puts $result } ### EXPAND ##################################################################### proc expand {} { set a [list a b c d e f] for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} { lappend b {*}$a } } ### MINLOOPS ################################################################### proc miniloops {n} { for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set sum 0 for {set j 0} {$j < 10} {incr j} { # something more or less real incr sum $j } } } ### ########################################################### # Internal procedure that indexes into the 2-dimensional array t, # which corresponds to the sequence y, looking for the (i,j)th element. proc Index { t y i j } { set indx [expr { ([llength $y] + 1) * ($i + 1) + ($j + 1) }] return [lindex $t $indx] } # Internal procedure that implements Levenshtein to derive the longest # common subsequence of two lists x and y. proc ComputeLCS { x y } { set t [list] for { set i -1 } { $i < [llength $y] } { incr i } { lappend t 0 } for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $x] } { incr i } { lappend t 0 for { set j 0 } { $j < [llength $y] } { incr j } { if { [string equal [lindex $x $i] [lindex $y $j]] } { set lastT [Index $t $y [expr { $i - 1 }] [expr {$j - 1}]] set nextT [expr {$lastT + 1}] } else { set lastT1 [Index $t $y $i [expr { $j - 1 }]] set lastT2 [Index $t $y [expr { $i - 1 }] $j] if { $lastT1 > $lastT2 } { set nextT $lastT1 } else { set nextT $lastT2 } } lappend t $nextT } } return $t } # Internal procedure that traces through the array built by ComputeLCS # and finds a longest common subsequence -- specifically, the one that # is lexicographically first. proc TraceLCS { t x y } { set trace {} set i [expr { [llength $x] - 1 }] set j [expr { [llength $y] - 1 }] set k [expr { [Index $t $y $i $j] - 1 }] while { $i >= 0 && $j >= 0 } { set im1 [expr { $i - 1 }] set jm1 [expr { $j - 1 }] if { [Index $t $y $i $j] == [Index $t $y $im1 $jm1] + 1 && [string equal [lindex $x $i] [lindex $y $j]] } { lappend trace xy [list $i $j] set i $im1 set j $jm1 } elseif { [Index $t $y $im1 $j] > [Index $t $y $i $jm1] } { lappend trace x $i set i $im1 } else { lappend trace y $j set j $jm1 } } while { $i >= 0 } { lappend trace x $i incr i -1 } while { $j >= 0 } { lappend trace y $j incr j -1 } return $trace } # list::longestCommonSubsequence::compare -- # # Compare two lists for the longest common subsequence # # Arguments: # x, y - Two lists of strings to compare # matched - Callback to execute on matched elements, see below # unmatchedX - Callback to execute on unmatched elements from the # first list, see below. # unmatchedY - Callback to execute on unmatched elements from the # second list, see below. # # Results: # None. # # Side effects: # Whatever the callbacks do. # # The 'compare' procedure compares the two lists of strings, x and y. # It finds a longest common subsequence between the two. It then walks # the lists in order and makes the following callbacks: # # For an element that is common to both lists, it appends the index in # the first list, the index in the second list, and the string value of # the element as three parameters to the 'matched' callback, and executes # the result. # # For an element that is in the first list but not the second, it appends # the index in the first list and the string value of the element as two # parameters to the 'unmatchedX' callback and executes the result. # # For an element that is in the second list but not the first, it appends # the index in the second list and the string value of the element as two # parameters to the 'unmatchedY' callback and executes the result. proc compare { x y matched unmatchedX unmatchedY } { set t [ComputeLCS $x $y] set trace [TraceLCS $t $x $y] set i [llength $trace] while { $i > 0 } { set indices [lindex $trace [incr i -1]] set type [lindex $trace [incr i -1]] switch -exact -- $type { xy { set c $matched eval lappend c $indices lappend c [lindex $x [lindex $indices 0]] uplevel 1 $c } x { set c $unmatchedX lappend c $indices lappend c [lindex $x $indices] uplevel 1 $c } y { set c $unmatchedY lappend c $indices lappend c [lindex $y $indices] uplevel 1 $c } } } return } proc umx { index value } { global lastx global xlines append xlines "< " $value \n set lastx $index } proc umy { index value } { global lasty global ylines append ylines "> " $value \n set lasty $index } proc matched { index1 index2 value } { global lastx global lasty global xlines global ylines if { [info exists lastx] && [info exists lasty] } { #puts "[expr { $lastx + 1 }],${index1}c[expr {$lasty + 1 }],${index2}" #puts -nonewline $xlines #puts "----" #puts -nonewline $ylines } elseif { [info exists lastx] } { #puts "[expr { $lastx + 1 }],${index1}d${index2}" #puts -nonewline $xlines } elseif { [info exists lasty] } { #puts "${index1}a[expr {$lasty + 1 }],${index2}" #puts -nonewline $ylines } catch { unset lastx } catch { unset xlines } catch { unset lasty } catch { unset ylines } } # Really, we should read the first file in like this: # set f0 [open [lindex $argv 0] r] # set x [split [read $f0] \n] # close $f0 # But I'll just provide some sample lines: proc commonsub_test {n} { set x {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i } { lappend x a r a d e d a b r a x } # The second file, too, should be read in like this: # set f1 [open [lindex $argv 1] r] # set y [split [read $f1] \n] # close $f1 # Once again, I'll just do some sample lines. set y {} for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i } { lappend y a b r a c a d a b r a } compare $x $y matched umx umy matched [llength $x] [llength $y] {} } ### MANDEL ##################################################################### proc mandel {xres yres infx infy supx supy} { set incremx [expr {(0.0+$supx-$infx)/$xres}] set incremy [expr {(0.0+$supy-$infy)/$yres}] for {set j 0} {$j < $yres} {incr j} { set cim [expr {$infy+$incremy*$j}] set line {} for {set i 0} {$i < $xres} {incr i} { set counter 0 set zim 0 set zre 0 set cre [expr {$infx+$incremx*$i}] while {$counter < 255} { set dam [expr {$zre*$zre-$zim*$zim+$cre}] set zim [expr {2*$zim*$zre+$cim}] set zre $dam if {$zre*$zre+$zim*$zim > 4} break incr counter } # output pixel $i $j } } } ### RUN ALL #################################################################### # bench.tcl ?-batch? ?-time ? ?version? while [llength $argv] { switch -glob -- [lindex $argv 0] { -batch { set batchmode 1 set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] } -time { set arg [lindex $argv 1] if {$arg ne ""} { set benchtime $arg } set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } default { break } } } set ver [lindex $argv 0] bench {[while] busy loop} {whilebusyloop 10} bench {[for] busy loop} {forbusyloop 10} bench {[loop] busy loop} {loopbusyloop 10} bench {mini loops} {miniloops 10} bench {fibonacci(4)} {fibonacci 4} bench {heapsort} {heapsort_main 50} bench {sieve} {sieve 1} bench {sieve [dict]} {sieve_dict 1} bench {ary} {ary 20} bench {ary [dict]} {ary_dict 20} bench {ary [static]} {ary_static 20} bench {repeat} {use_repeat 20} bench {upvar} {upvartest 20} bench {nested loops} {nestedloops 2} bench {rotate} {rotate 100} bench {dynamic code} {dyncode 100} bench {dynamic code (list)} {dyncode_list 100} bench {PI digits} {pi_digits 100} bench {listcreate} {listcreate 100} bench {expand} {expand} bench {} {commonsub_test 10} bench {mandel} {mandel 30 30 -2 -1.5 1 1.5} if {$batchmode} { if {$ver == ""} { if {[catch {info patchlevel} ver]} { set ver Jim[info version] } } puts [list $ver $benchmarks] }