CORE LANGUAGE FEATURES - Proc default arguments - Traces - Closures, exported as a command that can set/get/unset elements from a dictionary associated with the current procedure. The [closure] command should allow to perform this operations, and to access the closure of a procedure from another one. CORE COMMANDS - All the missing standard core commands not related to I/O, namespaces, ... - [tail] command for programmer-driven tail recursion optimization - The current [expr] needs a lot of work, expecially operators && and || are not lazy. Math functions are not present but probably will never be added as expr functions, but as Tcl commands, like [sin], [cos] and so on. - onleave commnad, executing something as soon as the current procedure returns. With no arguments it returns the script set, with one appends the onleave script. There should be a way to reset. COMMANDS NOT IN TCL BUT THAT SHOULD BE IN JIM - commands to operate on sets (that are lists semantically). EXTENSIONS - Regexp extension - OOP system (this will possibly part of the core) SPEED OPTIMIZATIONS - Find a way to avoid interpolation/reparsing in "foo($bar)" tokens. See the "sieve" and "ary" bench performances, result of this problem. (to compare with sieve_dict is also useful.) - Many other possible things, including better literal sharing. IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES - Objects lazy free. - [split $string {}] should generate a list with Jim_Obj of chars shared. - [closure] command to set/get procedures-specific closure variables. - Rewrite all the commands accepting a set of options to use Jim_GetEnum(). ERROR MESSAGES - Display the procedure relative file number where the error happened. Like: In procedure 'check' line 11, called at file "test.tcl", line 1024 instead of just: In procedure 'check' called at file "test.tcl", line 1024 REFERENCES SYSTEM - All ok for now, already done things deleted from the TODO list. API FUNCTIONS TO EXPORT - Jim_FormatString()