CORE LANGUAGE FEATURES - Proc default arguments - Traces - [static] command CORE COMMANDS - All the missing standard core commands not related to I/O, namespaces, ... - The current [expr] needs a lot of work, expecially operators && and || are not lazy. Math functions are not present but probably will never be added as expr functions, but as Tcl commands, like [sin], [cos] and so on. - [onleave] command, executing something as soon as the current procedure returns. With no arguments it returns the script set, with one appends the onleave script. There should be a way to reset. - [proc] without arguments may return a list of all the procedures (no C commands). While with a single argument (the name of a proc) may return [list $args $statics $body]. OTHER COMMANDS NOT IN TCL BUT THAT SHOULD BE IN JIM - Set commands: [lunion], [lintersect], and [ldifference] EXTENSIONS LOADING - Avoid that the same extension can be loaded multiple times inside the same interpreter. The extension should return its name on initialization together with the version so that Jim_InitExtension will fail if the extension with the same name is already loaded. EXTENSIONS - Regexp extension - OOP system - Event loop - Files - Sockets - Cryptography: hash functions, block ciphers, strim ciphers, PRNGs. - Tuplespace extension ( (using sqlite as backend) - Zlib - Gdlib - CGI (interface compatible with ncgi, but possibly written in C for speed) SPEED OPTIMIZATIONS - Find a way to avoid interpolation/reparsing in "foo($bar)" tokens. See the "sieve" and "ary" bench performances, result of this problem. (to compare with sieve_dict is also useful.) - Experiment with better ways to do literal sharing. - Organize the 'script' object so that a single data structure is used for a full command, and interpolation is done using an 'interpolation token type' like JIM_TT_VAR and so on. This way there is no need to run the array if integer objects with the command structure. Also should help for better cache usage. - Generate .c from Jim programs, as calls to the Jim API to avoid the performance penality of Jim_EvalObj() overhead. In the future try to generate the calls like a JIT emitting assembler from Jim directly. - Jim_GetDouble() should check if the object type is an integer into a range that a double can represent without any loss, and directly return the double value converting the integer one instead to pass for the string repr. IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES - Objects lazy free. - Rewrite all the commands accepting a set of options to use Jim_GetEnum(). - Every time an extension is loaded Jim should put the dlopen() (or win32 equivalent) handle in a list inside the interpreter structure. When the interpreter is freed all this handles should be closed with dlclose(). - *AssocData() function should allow to specify a delProc C function like in the Tcl API. When the interpreter is destroied all the delProc functions should be called to free the memory before to free the interpreter. - Convert dicts from lists directly without to pass from the string repr. ERROR MESSAGES - Display the procedure relative file number where the error happened. Like: In procedure 'check' line 11, called at file "test.tcl", line 1024 instead of just: In procedure 'check' called at file "test.tcl", line 1024 REFERENCES SYSTEM - Unify ref/getref/setref/collect/finalize under an unique [ref] command. - Add a 'call' attribute to references in order to call a given procedure if the name of a reference is used as command name. API FUNCTIONS TO EXPORT - Jim_FormatString() RANDOM THINGS TO DO ASAP - .jimrc loading, using the ENV variable