path: root/doc/jim_man.txt
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/doc/jim_man.txt b/doc/jim_man.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fca664c..0000000
--- a/doc/jim_man.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-Jim - a better Tcl
- cc <source> -ltcl6
- jimsh <script>
-# what: jim commands, description, points to ponder
- set var [value]
- dict
- array [get | set ]
- set $array($elem) $val
- the array command and array syntax $array($elem) is
- an wrapper around dict!
-package eventloop
- after time/ms script
- the script is mandatory! a blocking wait is not implemented ( good!? )
- returns event_handle
- open: after cancel and remaining time query. ( stubs in C exist UK)
- vwait variable
- work the eventloop until variable is accessed.
- currently works only on change of variable content!!
- returns ?variable value?
-package aio
- aio.open
- returns handle ?aio.file<nnn>?
- aio.socket <socketspec> <serverspec>|<remotehostspec>
- socketspec may be stream, stream.server ( TODO : dgram , domain, ..... )
- serverspec may be [ANY|<InterfaceIPorName>]:<port|servicename>
- remotehostspec may be <hostIPorName>:<port|servicename>
- returns handle ?aio.socket<nnn>? | aio.
- $aio.handle
- close
- tell
- seek
- gets
- read
- write
- ndelay [1|0]
- readable [ {} | <readable event script> [ <eof event script> ] ]
- noargs: return the scripts for readable event, optional eof event script.
- returns {} on not setup
- [ list <readable script> <eof script> ]
- arg {} : remove event
- arg <readable script> : setup script or read event, fold eof into this script
- arg <readable script> <eof script> same as above, eof is handled separately.
- writable
- same for writable, no eof though
- onexception
- same for out-of-band data
- accept
- applys only to server sockets and should be used in a fileevent.
- returns a new socket handle for the accepted connection.
-package posix
- signal <signame> [ <sigaction> ]
- tell signal action for signal $signame or if given set action to $sigaction
- $sigaction can be either default, ignore , debug or ( TODO: an action script
- that works like a fileevent )
- in all cases the previous action is returned.
- sleep <seconds>
- sleep number of seconds
- usleep <delay> [ <units> ]
- call usleep/nanosleep with given value
- bare or time as float plus unit ( one of s ms us ns )
- pit
- return unix second ( since epoch ) as a float(double)
- Jpit
- return Julian Date in days as a float(double)!
- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Date