\chapter{RV64I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1} \label{rv64} This chapter describes the RV64I base integer instruction set, which builds upon the RV32I variant described in Chapter~\ref{rv32}. This chapter presents only the differences with RV32I, so should be read in conjunction with the earlier chapter. \section{Register State} RV64I widens the integer registers and supported user address space to 64 bits (XLEN=64 in Figure~\ref{gprs}). \section{Integer Computational Instructions} Most integer computational instructions operate on XLEN-bit values. Additional instruction variants are provided to manipulate 32-bit values in RV64I, indicated by a `W' suffix to the opcode. These ``*W'' instructions ignore the upper 32 bits of their inputs and always produce 32-bit signed values, sign-extending them to 64 bits, i.e. bits XLEN-1 through 31 are equal. \begin{commentary} The compiler and calling convention maintain an invariant that all 32-bit values are held in a sign-extended format in 64-bit registers. Even 32-bit unsigned integers extend bit 31 into bits 63 through 32. Consequently, conversion between unsigned and signed 32-bit integers is a no-op, as is conversion from a signed 32-bit integer to a signed 64-bit integer. Existing 64-bit wide SLTU and unsigned branch compares still operate correctly on unsigned 32-bit integers under this invariant. Similarly, existing 64-bit wide logical operations on 32-bit sign-extended integers preserve the sign-extension property. A few new instructions (ADD[I]W/SUBW/SxxW) are required for addition and shifts to ensure reasonable performance for 32-bit values. \end{commentary} \newpage \subsubsection*{Integer Register-Immediate Instructions} \vspace{-0.4in} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{M@{}R@{}S@{}R@{}O} \\ \instbitrange{31}{20} & \instbitrange{19}{15} & \instbitrange{14}{12} & \instbitrange{11}{7} & \instbitrange{6}{0} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{imm[11:0]} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rs1} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{funct3} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rd} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{opcode} \\ \hline 12 & 5 & 3 & 5 & 7 \\ I-immediate[11:0] & src & ADDIW & dest & OP-IMM-32 \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} ADDIW is an RV64I instruction that adds the sign-extended 12-bit immediate to register {\em rs1} and produces the proper sign-extension of a 32-bit result in {\em rd}. Overflows are ignored and the result is the low 32 bits of the result sign-extended to 64 bits. Note, ADDIW {\em rd, rs1, 0} writes the sign-extension of the lower 32 bits of register {\em rs1} into register {\em rd} (assembler pseudoinstruction SEXT.W). \vspace{-0.4in} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{R@{}W@{}R@{}R@{}R@{}R@{}O} \\ \instbitrange{31}{26} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\instbit{25}} & \instbitrange{24}{20} & \instbitrange{19}{15} & \instbitrange{14}{12} & \instbitrange{11}{7} & \instbitrange{6}{0} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{imm[11:6]} & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{imm[5]} & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{imm[4:0]} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rs1} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{funct3} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rd} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{opcode} \\ \hline 6 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{1} & 5 & 5 & 3 & 5 & 7 \\ 000000 & shamt[5] & shamt[4:0] & src & SLLI & dest & OP-IMM \\ 000000 & shamt[5] & shamt[4:0] & src & SRLI & dest & OP-IMM \\ 010000 & shamt[5] & shamt[4:0] & src & SRAI & dest & OP-IMM \\ 000000 & 0 & shamt[4:0] & src & SLLIW & dest & OP-IMM-32 \\ 000000 & 0 & shamt[4:0] & src & SRLIW & dest & OP-IMM-32 \\ 010000 & 0 & shamt[4:0] & src & SRAIW & dest & OP-IMM-32 \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} Shifts by a constant are encoded as a specialization of the I-type format using the same instruction opcode as RV32I. The operand to be shifted is in {\em rs1}, and the shift amount is encoded in the lower 6 bits of the I-immediate field for RV64I. The right shift type is encoded in bit 30. SLLI is a logical left shift (zeros are shifted into the lower bits); SRLI is a logical right shift (zeros are shifted into the upper bits); and SRAI is an arithmetic right shift (the original sign bit is copied into the vacated upper bits). SLLIW, SRLIW, and SRAIW are RV64I-only instructions that are analogously defined but operate on 32-bit values and sign-extend their 32-bit results to 64 bits. SLLIW, SRLIW, and SRAIW encodings with $imm[5] \neq 0$ are reserved. \begin{commentary} Previously, SLLIW, SRLIW, and SRAIW with $imm[5] \neq 0$ were defined to cause illegal instruction exceptions, whereas now they are marked as reserved. This is a backwards-compatible change. \end{commentary} \vspace{-0.2in} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{U@{}R@{}O} \\ \instbitrange{31}{12} & \instbitrange{11}{7} & \instbitrange{6}{0} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{imm[31:12]} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rd} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{opcode} \\ \hline 20 & 5 & 7 \\ U-immediate[31:12] & dest & LUI \\ U-immediate[31:12] & dest & AUIPC \end{tabular} \end{center} LUI (load upper immediate) uses the same opcode as RV32I. LUI places the 32-bit U-immediate into register {\em rd}, filling in the lowest 12 bits with zeros. The 32-bit result is sign-extended to 64 bits. AUIPC (add upper immediate to {\tt pc}) uses the same opcode as RV32I. AUIPC is used to build {\tt pc}-relative addresses and uses the U-type format. AUIPC forms a 32-bit offset from the U-immediate, filling in the lowest 12 bits with zeros, sign-extends the result to 64 bits, adds it to the address of the AUIPC instruction, then places the result in register {\em rd}. \begin{commentary} Note that the set of address offsets that can be formed by pairing LUI with LD, AUIPC with JALR, etc.\@ in RV64I is [${-}2^{31}{-}2^{11}$, $2^{31}{-}2^{11}{-}1$]. \end{commentary} \subsubsection*{Integer Register-Register Operations} \vspace{-0.2in} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{S@{}R@{}R@{}S@{}R@{}O} \\ \instbitrange{31}{25} & \instbitrange{24}{20} & \instbitrange{19}{15} & \instbitrange{14}{12} & \instbitrange{11}{7} & \instbitrange{6}{0} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{funct7} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rs2} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rs1} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{funct3} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rd} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{opcode} \\ \hline 7 & 5 & 5 & 3 & 5 & 7 \\ 0000000 & src2 & src1 & SLL/SRL & dest & OP \\ 0100000 & src2 & src1 & SRA & dest & OP \\ 0000000 & src2 & src1 & ADDW & dest & OP-32 \\ 0000000 & src2 & src1 & SLLW/SRLW & dest & OP-32 \\ 0100000 & src2 & src1 & SUBW/SRAW & dest & OP-32 \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} ADDW and SUBW are RV64I-only instructions that are defined analogously to ADD and SUB but operate on 32-bit values and produce signed 32-bit results. Overflows are ignored, and the low 32-bits of the result is sign-extended to 64-bits and written to the destination register. SLL, SRL, and SRA perform logical left, logical right, and arithmetic right shifts on the value in register {\em rs1} by the shift amount held in register {\em rs2}. In RV64I, only the low 6 bits of {\em rs2} are considered for the shift amount. SLLW, SRLW, and SRAW are RV64I-only instructions that are analogously defined but operate on 32-bit values and sign-extend their 32-bit results to 64 bits. The shift amount is given by {\em rs2[4:0]}. \section{Load and Store Instructions} RV64I extends the address space to 64 bits. The execution environment will define what portions of the address space are legal to access. \vspace{-0.4in} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{M@{}R@{}S@{}R@{}O} \\ \instbitrange{31}{20} & \instbitrange{19}{15} & \instbitrange{14}{12} & \instbitrange{11}{7} & \instbitrange{6}{0} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{imm[11:0]} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rs1} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{funct3} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rd} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{opcode} \\ \hline 12 & 5 & 3 & 5 & 7 \\ offset[11:0] & base & width & dest & LOAD \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \vspace{-0.2in} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{O@{}R@{}R@{}S@{}R@{}O} \\ \instbitrange{31}{25} & \instbitrange{24}{20} & \instbitrange{19}{15} & \instbitrange{14}{12} & \instbitrange{11}{7} & \instbitrange{6}{0} \\ \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{imm[11:5]} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rs2} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{rs1} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{funct3} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{imm[4:0]} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{opcode} \\ \hline 7 & 5 & 5 & 3 & 5 & 7 \\ offset[11:5] & src & base & width & offset[4:0] & STORE \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} The LD instruction loads a 64-bit value from memory into register {\em rd} for RV64I. The LW instruction loads a 32-bit value from memory and sign-extends this to 64 bits before storing it in register {\em rd} for RV64I. The LWU instruction, on the other hand, zero-extends the 32-bit value from memory for RV64I. LH and LHU are defined analogously for 16-bit values, as are LB and LBU for 8-bit values. The SD, SW, SH, and SB instructions store 64-bit, 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit values from the low bits of register {\em rs2} to memory respectively. \section{HINT Instructions} \label{sec:rv64i-hints} All instructions that are microarchitectural HINTs in RV32I (see Section~\ref{sec:rv32i-hints}) are also HINTs in RV64I. The additional computational instructions in RV64I expand both the standard and custom HINT encoding spaces. Table~\ref{tab:rv64i-hints} lists all RV64I HINT code points. 91\% of the HINT space is reserved for standard HINTs, but none are presently defined. The remainder of the HINT space is designated for custom HINTs; no standard HINTs will ever be defined in this subspace. \begin{table}[hbt] \centering \begin{tabular}{|l|l|c|l|} \hline Instruction & Constraints & Code Points & Purpose \\ \hline \hline LUI & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{20}$ & \multirow{21}{*}{\em Reserved for future standard use} \\ \cline{1-3} AUIPC & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{20}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} \multirow{2}{*}{ADDI} & {\em rd}={\tt x0}, and either & \multirow{2}{*}{$2^{17}-1$} & \\ & {\em rs1}$\neq${\tt x0} or {\em imm}$\neq$0 & & \\ \cline{1-3} ANDI & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{17}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} ORI & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{17}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} XORI & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{17}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} ADDIW & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{17}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} ADD & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SUB & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} AND & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} OR & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} XOR & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SLL & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SRL & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SRA & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} ADDW & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SUBW & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SLLW & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SRLW & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SRAW & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} FENCE & {\em pred}=0 or {\em succ}=0 & $2^{5}-1$ & \\ \hline \hline SLTI & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{17}$ & \multirow{10}{*}{\em Designated for custom use} \\ \cline{1-3} SLTIU & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{17}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SLLI & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{11}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SRLI & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{11}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SRAI & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{11}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SLLIW & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SRLIW & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SRAIW & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SLT & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \cline{1-3} SLTU & {\em rd}={\tt x0} & $2^{10}$ & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{RV64I HINT instructions.} \label{tab:rv64i-hints} \end{table}