[[risc-v-isa]] = The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume I: Unprivileged Architecture :description: Unprivileged Architecture :company: RISC-V.org :revnumber: 20240411 //:revremark: Pre-release version :url-riscv: http://riscv.org :doctype: book :colophon: :pdf-theme: ../src/resources/themes/riscv-spec.yml :pdf-fontsdir: ../src/resources/fonts/ :preface-title: Preamble :appendix-caption: Appendix :imagesdir: images :title-logo-image: image:risc-v_logo.png[pdfwidth=3.25in,align=center] :page-background-image: image:draft.png[opacity=20%] //:title-page-background-image: none //:back-cover-image: image:backpage.png[opacity=25%] :back-cover-image: image:riscv-horizontal-color.svg[opacity=25%] // Settings: :experimental: :reproducible: :imagesoutdir: images :bibtex-file: ../src/resources/riscv-spec.bib :bibtex-order: alphabetical :bibtex-style: apa :bibtex-format: asciidoc :bibtex-throw: false :icons: font :lang: en :listing-caption: Example :sectnums: :toc: left :toclevels: 5 :source-highlighter: pygments ifdef::backend-pdf[] :source-highlighter: rouge endif::[] :table-caption: Table :figure-caption: Figure :xrefstyle: short :chapter-refsig: Chapter :section-refsig: Section :appendix-refsig: Appendix :data-uri: :hide-uri-scheme: :stem: latexmath :footnote: :le: ≤ :ge: ≥ :ne: ≠ :approx: ≈ :inf: ∞ :csrname: envcfg :sail-doc: ../src/sail-index/riscv_RV64.json _Contributors to all versions of the spec in alphabetical order (please contact editors to suggest corrections): Derek Atkins, Arvind, Krste Asanović, Rimas Avižienis, Jacob Bachmeyer, Christopher F. Batten, Allen J. Baum, Abel Bernabeu, Alex Bradbury, Scott Beamer, Hans Boehm, Preston Briggs, Christopher Celio, Chuanhua Chang, David Chisnall, Paul Clayton, Palmer Dabbelt, L Peter Deutsch, Ken Dockser, Paul Donahue, Aaron Durbin, Roger Espasa, Greg Favor, Andy Glew, Shaked Flur, Stefan Freudenberger, Marc Gauthier, Andy Glew, Jan Gray, Gianluca Guida, Michael Hamburg, John Hauser, John Ingalls, David Horner, Bruce Hoult, Bill Huffman, Alexandre Joannou, Olof Johansson, Ben Keller, David Kruckemyer, Tariq Kurd, Yunsup Lee, Paul Loewenstein, Daniel Lustig, Yatin Manerkar, Luc Maranget, Ben Marshall, Margaret Martonosi, Phil McCoy, Nathan Menhorn, Christoph Müllner, Joseph Myers, Vijayanand Nagarajan, Rishiyur Nikhil, Jonas Oberhauser, Stefan O'Rear, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Albert Ou, John Ousterhout, Daniel Page, David Patterson, Christopher Pulte, Jose Renau, Josh Scheid, Colin Schmidt, Peter Sewell, Susmit Sarkar, Ved Shanbhogue, Brent Spinney, Brendan Sweeney, Michael Taylor, Wesley Terpstra, Matt Thomas, Tommy Thorn, Philipp Tomsich, Caroline Trippel, Ray VanDeWalker, Muralidaran Vijayaraghavan, Megan Wachs, Paul Wamsley, Andrew Waterman, Robert Watson, David Weaver, Derek Williams, Claire Wolf, Andrew Wright, Reinoud Zandijk, and Sizhuo Zhang._ _This document is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License._ _This document is a derivative of “The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Volume I: User-Level ISA Version 2.1” released under the following license: ©2010-2017 Andrew Waterman, Yunsup Lee, David Patterson, Krste Asanović. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please cite as: “The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Volume I: User-Level ISA, Document Version 20191214-draft”, Editors Andrew Waterman and Krste Asanović, RISC-V Foundation, December 2019._ //the colophon allows for a section after the preamble that is part of the frontmatter and therefore not assigned a page number. include::colophon.adoc[] include::intro.adoc[] include::rv32.adoc[] include::rv32e.adoc[] include::rv64.adoc[] include::rv128.adoc[] include::zifencei.adoc[] include::zicsr.adoc[] include::counters.adoc[] include::zihintntl.adoc[] include::zihintpause.adoc[] include::zimop.adoc[] include::zicond.adoc[] include::m-st-ext.adoc[] include::a-st-ext.adoc[] include::zawrs.adoc[] include::zacas.adoc[] include::zabha.adoc[] include::rvwmo.adoc[] include::ztso-st-ext.adoc[] include::cmo.adoc[] include::f-st-ext.adoc[] include::d-st-ext.adoc[] include::q-st-ext.adoc[] include::zfh.adoc[] include::bfloat16.adoc[] include::zfa.adoc[] include::zfinx.adoc[] include::c-st-ext.adoc[] include::zc.adoc[] include::b-st-ext.adoc[] include::j-st-ext.adoc[] include::p-st-ext.adoc[] include::v-st-ext.adoc[] include::scalar-crypto.adoc[] include::vector-crypto.adoc[] include::unpriv-cfi.adoc[] include::rv-32-64g.adoc[] include::extending.adoc[] include::naming.adoc[] include::history.adoc[] include::mm-eplan.adoc[] include::mm-formal.adoc[] //Appendices for Vector include::vector-examples.adoc[] include::calling-convention.adoc[] //include::fraclmul.adoc[] //End of Vector appendices include::index.adoc[] // this is generated generated from index markers. include::bibliography.adoc[] // this references the riscv-spec.bi file that has been copied into the resources directory