path: root/src/mm-herd.adoc
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+== Formal Axiomatic Specification in Herd
+The tool [.sans-serif]#herd# takes a memory model and a litmus test as
+input and simulates the execution of the test on top of the memory
+model. Memory models are written in the domain specific language Cat.
+This section provides two Cat memory model of RVWMO. The first model,
+Figure #fig:herd2[[fig:herd2]], follows the _global memory order_,
+Chapter #ch:memorymodel[[ch:memorymodel]], definition of RVWMO, as much
+as is possible for a Cat model. The second model,
+Figure #fig:herd3[[fig:herd3]], is an equivalent, more efficient,
+partial order based RVWMO model.
+The simulator [.sans-serif]#herd# is part of the [.sans-serif]#diy# tool
+suite — see http://diy.inria.fr for software and documentation. The
+models and more are available online
+at http://diy.inria.fr/cats7/riscv/.
+` `
+(* Utilities *)
+(* All fence relations *)
+let fence.r.r = [R];fencerel(Fence.r.r);[R]
+let fence.r.w = [R];fencerel(Fence.r.w);[W]
+let fence.r.rw = [R];fencerel(Fence.r.rw);[M]
+let fence.w.r = [W];fencerel(Fence.w.r);[R]
+let fence.w.w = [W];fencerel(Fence.w.w);[W]
+let fence.w.rw = [W];fencerel(Fence.w.rw);[M]
+let fence.rw.r = [M];fencerel(Fence.rw.r);[R]
+let fence.rw.w = [M];fencerel(Fence.rw.w);[W]
+let fence.rw.rw = [M];fencerel(Fence.rw.rw);[M]
+let fence.tso =
+ let f = fencerel(Fence.tso) in
+ ([W];f;[W]) | ([R];f;[M])
+let fence =
+ fence.r.r | fence.r.w | fence.r.rw |
+ fence.w.r | fence.w.w | fence.w.rw |
+ fence.rw.r | fence.rw.w | fence.rw.rw |
+ fence.tso
+(* Same address, no W to the same address in-between *)
+let po-loc-no-w = po-loc \ (po-loc?;[W];po-loc)
+(* Read same write *)
+let rsw = rf^-1;rf
+(* Acquire, or stronger *)
+let AQ = Acq|AcqRel
+(* Release or stronger *)
+and RL = RelAcqRel
+(* All RCsc *)
+let RCsc = Acq|Rel|AcqRel
+(* Amo events are both R and W, relation rmw relates paired lr/sc *)
+let AMO = R & W
+let StCond = range(rmw)
+(* ppo rules *)
+(* Overlapping-Address Orderings *)
+let r1 = [M];po-loc;[W]
+and r2 = ([R];po-loc-no-w;[R]) \ rsw
+and r3 = [AMO|StCond];rfi;[R]
+(* Explicit Synchronization *)
+and r4 = fence
+and r5 = [AQ];po;[M]
+and r6 = [M];po;[RL]
+and r7 = [RCsc];po;[RCsc]
+and r8 = rmw
+(* Syntactic Dependencies *)
+and r9 = [M];addr;[M]
+and r10 = [M];data;[W]
+and r11 = [M];ctrl;[W]
+(* Pipeline Dependencies *)
+and r12 = [R];(addr|data);[W];rfi;[R]
+and r13 = [R];addr;[M];po;[W]
+let ppo = r1 | r2 | r3 | r4 | r5 | r6 | r7 | r8 | r9 | r10 | r11 | r12 | r13
+` `
+(* Notice that herd has defined its own rf relation *)
+(* Define ppo *)
+include "riscv-defs.cat"
+(* Generate global memory order *)
+let gmo0 = (* precursor: ie build gmo as an total order that include gmo0 *)
+ loc & (W\FW) * FW | # Final write after any write to the same location
+ ppo | # ppo compatible
+ rfe # includes herd external rf (optimization)
+(* Walk over all linear extensions of gmo0 *)
+with gmo from linearizations(M\IW,gmo0)
+(* Add initial writes upfront -- convenient for computing rfGMO *)
+let gmo = gmo | loc & IW * (M\IW)
+(* Axioms *)
+(* Compute rf according to the load value axiom, aka rfGMO *)
+let WR = loc & ([W];(gmo|po);[R])
+let rfGMO = WR \ (loc&([W];gmo);WR)
+(* Check equality of herd rf and of rfGMO *)
+empty (rf\rfGMO)|(rfGMO\rf) as RfCons
+(* Atomicity axiom *)
+let infloc = (gmo & loc)^-1
+let inflocext = infloc & ext
+let winside = (infloc;rmw;inflocext) & (infloc;rf;rmw;inflocext) & [W]
+empty winside as Atomic
+` `
+(* Definitions *)
+(* Define ppo *)
+include "riscv-defs.cat"
+(* Compute coherence relation *)
+include "cos-opt.cat"
+(* Axioms *)
+(* Sc per location *)
+acyclic co|rf|fr|po-loc as Coherence
+(* Main model axiom *)
+acyclic co|rfe|fr|ppo as Model
+(* Atomicity axiom *)
+empty rmw & (fre;coe) as Atomic