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+== History and Acknowledgments
+=== `Why Develop a new ISA?` Rationale from Berkeley Group
+We developed RISC-V to support our own needs in research and education,
+where our group is particularly interested in actual hardware
+implementations of research ideas (we have completed eleven different
+silicon fabrications of RISC-V since the first edition of this
+specification), and in providing real implementations for students to
+explore in classes (RISC-V processor RTL designs have been used in
+multiple undergraduate and graduate classes at Berkeley). In our current
+research, we are especially interested in the move towards specialized
+and heterogeneous accelerators, driven by the power constraints imposed
+by the end of conventional transistor scaling. We wanted a highly
+flexible and extensible base ISA around which to build our research
+A question we have been repeatedly asked is `Why develop a new ISA?`
+The biggest obvious benefit of using an existing commercial ISA is the
+large and widely supported software ecosystem, both development tools
+and ported applications, which can be leveraged in research and
+teaching. Other benefits include the existence of large amounts of
+documentation and tutorial examples. However, our experience of using
+commercial instruction sets for research and teaching is that these
+benefits are smaller in practice, and do not outweigh the disadvantages:
+* *Commercial ISAs are proprietary.* Except for SPARC V8, which is an
+open IEEE standard cite:[sparcieee1994] , most owners of commercial ISAs carefully guard
+their intellectual property and do not welcome freely available
+competitive implementations. This is much less of an issue for academic
+research and teaching using only software simulators, but has been a
+major concern for groups wishing to share actual RTL implementations. It
+is also a major concern for entities who do not want to trust the few
+sources of commercial ISA implementations, but who are prohibited from
+creating their own clean room implementations. We cannot guarantee that
+all RISC-V implementations will be free of third-party patent
+infringements, but we can guarantee we will not attempt to sue a RISC-V
+* *Commercial ISAs are only popular in certain market domains.* The most
+obvious examples at time of writing are that the ARM architecture is not
+well supported in the server space, and the Intel x86 architecture (or
+for that matter, almost every other architecture) is not well supported
+in the mobile space, though both Intel and ARM are attempting to enter
+each other’s market segments. Another example is ARC and Tensilica,
+which provide extensible cores but are focused on the embedded space.
+This market segmentation dilutes the benefit of supporting a particular
+commercial ISA as in practice the software ecosystem only exists for
+certain domains, and has to be built for others.
+* *Commercial ISAs come and go.* Previous research infrastructures have
+been built around commercial ISAs that are no longer popular (SPARC,
+MIPS) or even no longer in production (Alpha). These lose the benefit of
+an active software ecosystem, and the lingering intellectual property
+issues around the ISA and supporting tools interfere with the ability of
+interested third parties to continue supporting the ISA. An open ISA
+might also lose popularity, but any interested party can continue using
+and developing the ecosystem.
+* *Popular commercial ISAs are complex.* The dominant commercial ISAs
+(x86 and ARM) are both very complex to implement in hardware to the
+level of supporting common software stacks and operating systems. Worse,
+nearly all the complexity is due to bad, or at least outdated, ISA
+design decisions rather than features that truly improve efficiency.
+* *Commercial ISAs alone are not enough to bring up applications.* Even
+if we expend the effort to implement a commercial ISA, this is not
+enough to run existing applications for that ISA. Most applications need
+a complete ABI (application binary interface) to run, not just the
+user-level ISA. Most ABIs rely on libraries, which in turn rely on
+operating system support. To run an existing operating system requires
+implementing the supervisor-level ISA and device interfaces expected by
+the OS. These are usually much less well-specified and considerably more
+complex to implement than the user-level ISA.
+* *Popular commercial ISAs were not designed for extensibility.* The
+dominant commercial ISAs were not particularly designed for
+extensibility, and as a consequence have added considerable instruction
+encoding complexity as their instruction sets have grown. Companies such
+as Tensilica (acquired by Cadence) and ARC (acquired by Synopsys) have
+built ISAs and toolchains around extensibility, but have focused on
+embedded applications rather than general-purpose computing systems.
+* *A modified commercial ISA is a new ISA.* One of our main goals is to
+support architecture research, including major ISA extensions. Even
+small extensions diminish the benefit of using a standard ISA, as
+compilers have to be modified and applications rebuilt from source code
+to use the extension. Larger extensions that introduce new architectural
+state also require modifications to the operating system. Ultimately,
+the modified commercial ISA becomes a new ISA, but carries along all the
+legacy baggage of the base ISA.
+Our position is that the ISA is perhaps the most important interface in
+a computing system, and there is no reason that such an important
+interface should be proprietary. The dominant commercial ISAs are based
+on instruction-set concepts that were already well known over 30 years
+ago. Software developers should be able to target an open standard
+hardware target, and commercial processor designers should compete on
+implementation quality.
+We are far from the first to contemplate an open ISA design suitable for
+hardware implementation. We also considered other existing open ISA
+designs, of which the closest to our goals was the OpenRISC
+architecture cite:[openriscarch]. We decided against adopting the OpenRISC ISA for several
+technical reasons:
+* OpenRISC has condition codes and branch delay slots, which complicate
+higher performance implementations.
+* OpenRISC uses a fixed 32-bit encoding and 16-bit immediates, which
+precludes a denser instruction encoding and limits space for later
+expansion of the ISA.
+* OpenRISC does not support the 2008 revision to the IEEE 754
+floating-point standard.
+* The OpenRISC 64-bit design had not been completed when we began.
+By starting from a clean slate, we could design an ISA that met all of
+our goals, though of course, this took far more effort than we had
+planned at the outset. We have now invested considerable effort in
+building up the RISC-V ISA infrastructure, including documentation,
+compiler tool chains, operating system ports, reference ISA simulators,
+FPGA implementations, efficient ASIC implementations, architecture test
+suites, and teaching materials. Since the last edition of this manual,
+there has been considerable uptake of the RISC-V ISA in both academia
+and industry, and we have created the non-profit RISC-V Foundation to
+protect and promote the standard. The RISC-V Foundation website at
+https://riscv.org contains the latest information on the Foundation
+membership and various open-source projects using RISC-V.
+=== History from Revision 1.0 of ISA manual
+The RISC-V ISA and instruction-set manual builds upon several earlier
+projects. Several aspects of the supervisor-level machine and the
+overall format of the manual date back to the T0 (Torrent-0) vector
+microprocessor project at UC Berkeley and ICSI, begun in 1992. T0 was a
+vector processor based on the MIPS-II ISA, with Krste Asanović as main
+architect and RTL designer, and Brian Kingsbury and Bertrand Irrisou as
+principal VLSI implementors. David Johnson at ICSI was a major
+contributor to the T0 ISA design, particularly supervisor mode, and to
+the manual text. John Hauser also provided considerable feedback on the
+T0 ISA design.
+The Scale (Software-Controlled Architecture for Low Energy) project at
+MIT, begun in 2000, built upon the T0 project infrastructure, refined
+the supervisor-level interface, and moved away from the MIPS scalar ISA
+by dropping the branch delay slot. Ronny Krashinsky and Christopher
+Batten were the principal architects of the Scale Vector-Thread
+processor at MIT, while Mark Hampton ported the GCC-based compiler
+infrastructure and tools for Scale.
+A lightly edited version of the T0 MIPS scalar processor specification
+(MIPS-6371) was used in teaching a new version of the MIT 6.371
+Introduction to VLSI Systems class in the Fall 2002 semester, with Chris
+Terman and Krste Asanović as lecturers. Chris Terman contributed most of
+the lab material for the class (there was no TA!). The 6.371 class
+evolved into the trial 6.884 Complex Digital Design class at MIT, taught
+by Arvind and Krste Asanović in Spring 2005, which became a regular
+Spring class 6.375. A reduced version of the Scale MIPS-based scalar
+ISA, named SMIPS, was used in 6.884/6.375. Christopher Batten was the TA
+for the early offerings of these classes and developed a considerable
+amount of documentation and lab material based around the SMIPS ISA.
+This same SMIPS lab material was adapted and enhanced by TA Yunsup Lee
+for the UC Berkeley Fall 2009 CS250 VLSI Systems Design class taught by
+John Wawrzynek, Krste Asanović, and John Lazzaro.
+The Maven (Malleable Array of Vector-thread ENgines) project was a
+second-generation vector-thread architecture. Its design was led by
+Christopher Batten when he was an Exchange Scholar at UC Berkeley
+starting in summer 2007. Hidetaka Aoki, a visiting industrial fellow
+from Hitachi, gave considerable feedback on the early Maven ISA and
+microarchitecture design. The Maven infrastructure was based on the
+Scale infrastructure but the Maven ISA moved further away from the MIPS
+ISA variant defined in Scale, with a unified floating-point and integer
+register file. Maven was designed to support experimentation with
+alternative data-parallel accelerators. Yunsup Lee was the main
+implementor of the various Maven vector units, while Rimas Avižienis was
+the main implementor of the various Maven scalar units. Yunsup Lee and
+Christopher Batten ported GCC to work with the new Maven ISA.
+Christopher Celio provided the initial definition of a traditional
+vector instruction set (`Flood`) variant of Maven.
+Based on experience with all these previous projects, the RISC-V ISA
+definition was begun in Summer 2010, with Andrew Waterman, Yunsup Lee,
+Krste Asanović, and David Patterson as principal designers. An initial
+version of the RISC-V 32-bit instruction subset was used in the UC
+Berkeley Fall 2010 CS250 VLSI Systems Design class, with Yunsup Lee as
+TA. RISC-V is a clean break from the earlier MIPS-inspired designs. John
+Hauser contributed to the floating-point ISA definition, including the
+sign-injection instructions and a register encoding scheme that permits
+internal recoding of floating-point values.
+=== History from Revision 2.0 of ISA manual
+Multiple implementations of RISC-V processors have been completed,
+including several silicon fabrications, as shown in
+|Name |Tapeout Date |Process |ISA
+|Raven-1 |May 29, 2011 |ST 28nm FDSOI |RV64G1_Xhwacha1
+|EOS14 |April 1, 2012 |IBM 45nm SOI |RV64G1p1_Xhwacha2
+|EOS16 |August 17, 2012 |IBM 45nm SOI |RV64G1p1_Xhwacha2
+|Raven-2 |August 22, 2012 |ST 28nm FDSOI |RV64G1p1_Xhwacha2
+|EOS18 |February 6, 2013 |IBM 45nm SOI |RV64G1p1_Xhwacha2
+|EOS20 |July 3, 2013 |IBM 45nm SOI |RV64G1p99_Xhwacha2
+|Raven-3 |September 26, 2013 |ST 28nm SOI |RV64G1p99_Xhwacha2
+|EOS22 |March 7, 2014 |IBM 45nm SOI |RV64G1p9999_Xhwacha3
+The first RISC-V processors to be fabricated were written in Verilog and
+manufactured in a pre-production FDSOI technology from ST as the Raven-1
+testchip in 2011. Two cores were developed by Yunsup Lee and Andrew
+Waterman, advised by Krste Asanović, and fabricated together: 1) an RV64
+scalar core with error-detecting flip-flops, and 2) an RV64 core with an
+attached 64-bit floating-point vector unit. The first microarchitecture
+was informally known as `TrainWreck`, due to the short time available
+to complete the design with immature design libraries.
+Subsequently, a clean microarchitecture for an in-order decoupled RV64
+core was developed by Andrew Waterman, Rimas Avižienis, and Yunsup Lee,
+advised by Krste Asanović, and, continuing the railway theme, was
+codenamed `Rocket` after George Stephenson’s successful steam
+locomotive design. Rocket was written in Chisel, a new hardware design
+language developed at UC Berkeley. The IEEE floating-point units used in
+Rocket were developed by John Hauser, Andrew Waterman, and Brian
+Richards. Rocket has since been refined and developed further, and has
+been fabricated two more times in FDSOI (Raven-2, Raven-3), and five
+times in IBM SOI technology (EOS14, EOS16, EOS18, EOS20, EOS22) for a
+photonics project. Work is ongoing to make the Rocket design available
+as a parameterized RISC-V processor generator.
+EOS14–EOS22 chips include early versions of Hwacha, a 64-bit IEEE
+floating-point vector unit, developed by Yunsup Lee, Andrew Waterman,
+Huy Vo, Albert Ou, Quan Nguyen, and Stephen Twigg, advised by Krste
+Asanović. EOS16–EOS22 chips include dual cores with a cache-coherence
+protocol developed by Henry Cook and Andrew Waterman, advised by Krste
+Asanović. EOS14 silicon has successfully run at 1.25 GHz. EOS16 silicon suffered
+from a bug in the IBM pad libraries. EOS18 and EOS20 have successfully
+run at 1.35 GHz.
+Contributors to the Raven testchips include Yunsup Lee, Andrew Waterman,
+Rimas Avižienis, Brian Zimmer, Jaehwa Kwak, Ruzica Jevtić, Milovan
+Blagojević, Alberto Puggelli, Steven Bailey, Ben Keller, Pi-Feng Chiu,
+Brian Richards, Borivoje Nikolić, and Krste Asanović.
+Contributors to the EOS testchips include Yunsup Lee, Rimas Avižienis,
+Andrew Waterman, Henry Cook, Huy Vo, Daiwei Li, Chen Sun, Albert Ou,
+Quan Nguyen, Stephen Twigg, Vladimir Stojanović, and Krste Asanović.
+Andrew Waterman and Yunsup Lee developed the C++ ISA simulator
+`Spike`, used as a golden model in development and named after the
+golden spike used to celebrate completion of the US transcontinental
+railway. Spike has been made available as a BSD open-source project.
+Andrew Waterman completed a Master’s thesis with a preliminary design of
+the RISC-V compressed instruction set cite:[waterman-ms].
+Various FPGA implementations of the RISC-V have been completed,
+primarily as part of integrated demos for the Par Lab project research
+retreats. The largest FPGA design has 3 cache-coherent RV64IMA
+processors running a research operating system. Contributors to the FPGA
+implementations include Andrew Waterman, Yunsup Lee, Rimas Avižienis,
+and Krste Asanović.
+RISC-V processors have been used in several classes at UC Berkeley.
+Rocket was used in the Fall 2011 offering of CS250 as a basis for class
+projects, with Brian Zimmer as TA. For the undergraduate CS152 class in
+Spring 2012, Christopher Celio used Chisel to write a suite of
+educational RV32 processors, named `Sodor` after the island on which
+`Thomas the Tank Engine` and friends live. The suite includes a
+microcoded core, an unpipelined core, and 2, 3, and 5-stage pipelined
+cores, and is publicly available under a BSD license. The suite was
+subsequently updated and used again in CS152 in Spring 2013, with Yunsup
+Lee as TA, and in Spring 2014, with Eric Love as TA. Christopher Celio
+also developed an out-of-order RV64 design known as BOOM (Berkeley
+Out-of-Order Machine), with accompanying pipeline visualizations, that
+was used in the CS152 classes. The CS152 classes also used
+cache-coherent versions of the Rocket core developed by Andrew Waterman
+and Henry Cook.
+Over the summer of 2013, the RoCC (Rocket Custom Coprocessor) interface
+was defined to simplify adding custom accelerators to the Rocket core.
+Rocket and the RoCC interface were used extensively in the Fall 2013
+CS250 VLSI class taught by Jonathan Bachrach, with several student
+accelerator projects built to the RoCC interface. The Hwacha vector unit
+has been rewritten as a RoCC coprocessor.
+Two Berkeley undergraduates, Quan Nguyen and Albert Ou, have
+successfully ported Linux to run on RISC-V in Spring 2013.
+Colin Schmidt successfully completed an LLVM backend for RISC-V 2.0 in
+January 2014.
+Darius Rad at Bluespec contributed soft-float ABI support to the GCC
+port in March 2014.
+John Hauser contributed the definition of the floating-point
+classification instructions.
+We are aware of several other RISC-V core implementations, including one
+in Verilog by Tommy Thorn, and one in Bluespec by Rishiyur Nikhil.
+=== Acknowledgments
+Thanks to Christopher F. Batten, Preston Briggs, Christopher Celio,
+David Chisnall, Stefan Freudenberger, John Hauser, Ben Keller, Rishiyur
+Nikhil, Michael Taylor, Tommy Thorn, and Robert Watson for comments on
+the draft ISA version 2.0 specification.
+=== History from Revision 2.1
+Uptake of the RISC-V ISA has been very rapid since the introduction of
+the frozen version 2.0 in May 2014, with too much activity to record in
+a short history section such as this. Perhaps the most important single
+event was the formation of the non-profit RISC-V Foundation in August
+2015. The Foundation will now take over stewardship of the official
+RISC-V ISA standard, and the official website `riscv.org` is the best
+place to obtain news and updates on the RISC-V standard.
+=== Acknowledgments
+Thanks to Scott Beamer, Allen J. Baum, Christopher Celio, David
+Chisnall, Paul Clayton, Palmer Dabbelt, Jan Gray, Michael Hamburg, and
+John Hauser for comments on the version 2.0 specification.
+=== History from Revision 2.2
+=== Acknowledgments
+Thanks to Jacob Bachmeyer, Alex Bradbury, David Horner, Stefan O’Rear,
+and Joseph Myers for comments on the version 2.1 specification.
+=== History for Revision 2.3
+Uptake of RISC-V continues at breakneck pace.
+John Hauser and Andrew Waterman contributed a hypervisor ISA extension
+based upon a proposal from Paolo Bonzini.
+Daniel Lustig, Arvind, Krste Asanović, Shaked Flur, Paul Loewenstein,
+Yatin Manerkar, Luc Maranget, Margaret Martonosi, Vijayanand Nagarajan,
+Rishiyur Nikhil, Jonas Oberhauser, Christopher Pulte, Jose Renau, Peter
+Sewell, Susmit Sarkar, Caroline Trippel, Muralidaran Vijayaraghavan,
+Andrew Waterman, Derek Williams, Andrew Wright, and Sizhuo Zhang
+contributed the memory consistency model.
+=== Funding
+Development of the RISC-V architecture and implementations has been
+partially funded by the following sponsors.
+* *Par Lab:* Research supported by Microsoft (Award # 024263) and Intel
+(Award # 024894) funding and by matching funding by U.C. Discovery (Award
+# DIG07-10227). Additional support came from Par Lab affiliates Nokia,
+NVIDIA, Oracle, and Samsung.
+* *Project Isis:* DoE Award DE-SC0003624.
+* *ASPIRE Lab*: DARPA PERFECT program, Award HR0011-12-2-0016. DARPA
+POEM program Award HR0011-11-C-0100. The Center for Future Architectures
+Research (C-FAR), a STARnet center funded by the Semiconductor Research
+Corporation. Additional support from ASPIRE industrial sponsor, Intel,
+and ASPIRE affiliates, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Huawei,
+Nokia, NVIDIA, Oracle, and Samsung.
+The content of this paper does not necessarily reflect the position or
+the policy of the US government and no official endorsement should be