#include #include #include "jim-subcmd.h" #include "jimautoconf.h" /** * Implements the common 'commands' subcommand */ static int subcmd_null(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { /* Nothing to do, since the result has already been created */ return JIM_OK; } /** * Do-nothing command to support -commands and -usage */ static const jim_subcmd_type dummy_subcmd = { "dummy", NULL, subcmd_null, 0, 0, JIM_MODFLAG_HIDDEN }; static void add_commands(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * ct, const char *sep) { const char *s = ""; for (; ct->cmd; ct++) { if (!(ct->flags & JIM_MODFLAG_HIDDEN)) { Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), s, ct->cmd, NULL); s = sep; } } } static void bad_subcmd(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * command_table, const char *type, Jim_Obj *cmd, Jim_Obj *subcmd) { Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewEmptyStringObj(interp)); Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), Jim_String(cmd), ", ", type, " command \"", Jim_String(subcmd), "\": should be ", NULL); add_commands(interp, command_table, ", "); } static void show_cmd_usage(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * command_table, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewEmptyStringObj(interp)); Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), "Usage: \"", Jim_String(argv[0]), " command ... \", where command is one of: ", NULL); add_commands(interp, command_table, ", "); } static void add_cmd_usage(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * ct, Jim_Obj *cmd) { if (cmd) { Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), Jim_String(cmd), " ", NULL); } Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), ct->cmd, NULL); if (ct->args && *ct->args) { Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), " ", ct->args, NULL); } } static void set_wrong_args(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * command_table, Jim_Obj *subcmd) { Jim_SetResultString(interp, "wrong # args: must be \"", -1); add_cmd_usage(interp, command_table, subcmd); Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), "\"", NULL); } const jim_subcmd_type *Jim_ParseSubCmd(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * command_table, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { const jim_subcmd_type *ct; const jim_subcmd_type *partial = 0; int cmdlen; Jim_Obj *cmd; const char *cmdstr; const char *cmdname; int help = 0; cmdname = Jim_String(argv[0]); if (argc < 2) { Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewEmptyStringObj(interp)); Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), "wrong # args: should be \"", cmdname, " command ...\"\n", NULL); Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), "Use \"", cmdname, " -help ?command?\" for help", NULL); return 0; } cmd = argv[1]; /* Check for the help command */ if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, cmd, "-help")) { if (argc == 2) { /* Usage for the command, not the subcommand */ show_cmd_usage(interp, command_table, argc, argv); return &dummy_subcmd; } help = 1; /* Skip the 'help' command */ cmd = argv[2]; } /* Check for special builtin '-commands' command first */ if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, cmd, "-commands")) { /* Build the result here */ Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewEmptyStringObj(interp)); add_commands(interp, command_table, " "); return &dummy_subcmd; } cmdstr = Jim_GetString(cmd, &cmdlen); for (ct = command_table; ct->cmd; ct++) { if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, cmd, ct->cmd)) { /* Found an exact match */ break; } if (strncmp(cmdstr, ct->cmd, cmdlen) == 0) { if (partial) { /* Ambiguous */ if (help) { /* Just show the top level help here */ show_cmd_usage(interp, command_table, argc, argv); return &dummy_subcmd; } bad_subcmd(interp, command_table, "ambiguous", argv[0], argv[1 + help]); return 0; } partial = ct; } continue; } /* If we had an unambiguous partial match */ if (partial && !ct->cmd) { ct = partial; } if (!ct->cmd) { /* No matching command */ if (help) { /* Just show the top level help here */ show_cmd_usage(interp, command_table, argc, argv); return &dummy_subcmd; } bad_subcmd(interp, command_table, "unknown", argv[0], argv[1 + help]); return 0; } if (help) { Jim_SetResultString(interp, "Usage: ", -1); /* subcmd */ add_cmd_usage(interp, ct, argv[0]); return &dummy_subcmd; } /* Check the number of args */ if (argc - 2 < ct->minargs || (ct->maxargs >= 0 && argc - 2 > ct->maxargs)) { Jim_SetResultString(interp, "wrong # args: must be \"", -1); /* subcmd */ add_cmd_usage(interp, ct, argv[0]); Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp), "\"", NULL); return 0; } /* Good command */ return ct; } int Jim_CallSubCmd(Jim_Interp *interp, const jim_subcmd_type * ct, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { int ret = JIM_ERR; if (ct) { if (ct->flags & JIM_MODFLAG_FULLARGV) { ret = ct->function(interp, argc, argv); } else { ret = ct->function(interp, argc - 2, argv + 2); } if (ret < 0) { set_wrong_args(interp, ct, argv[0]); ret = JIM_ERR; } } return ret; } int Jim_SubCmdProc(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv) { const jim_subcmd_type *ct = Jim_ParseSubCmd(interp, (const jim_subcmd_type *)Jim_CmdPrivData(interp), argc, argv); return Jim_CallSubCmd(interp, ct, argc, argv); }