diff options
3 files changed, 329 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/jim.c b/jim.c
index e1a67ca..2532d72 100644
--- a/jim.c
+++ b/jim.c
@@ -11125,6 +11125,7 @@ static Jim_Obj *JimInterpolateTokens(Jim_Interp *interp, const ScriptToken * tok
Jim_Obj *objPtr;
char *s;
int taint = 0;
+ const char *error_action = NULL;
if (tokens <= JIM_EVAL_SINTV_LEN)
intv = sintv;
@@ -11144,14 +11145,16 @@ static Jim_Obj *JimInterpolateTokens(Jim_Interp *interp, const ScriptToken * tok
tokens = i;
- /* XXX: Should probably set an error about break outside loop */
+ error_action = "break";
/* fall through to error */
if (flags & JIM_SUBST_FLAG) {
intv[i] = NULL;
- /* XXX: Ditto continue outside loop */
+ if (!error_action) {
+ error_action = "continue";
+ }
/* fall through to error */
while (i--) {
@@ -11160,6 +11163,9 @@ static Jim_Obj *JimInterpolateTokens(Jim_Interp *interp, const ScriptToken * tok
if (intv != sintv) {
+ if (error_action) {
+ Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "invoked \"%s\" outside of a loop", error_action);
+ }
return NULL;
taint |= intv[i]->taint;
@@ -11214,6 +11220,117 @@ static Jim_Obj *JimInterpolateTokens(Jim_Interp *interp, const ScriptToken * tok
return objPtr;
+#define JIM_LSUBST_LINE 0x0001
+/* Parse a string as an 'lsubst' argument and sets the interp result.
+ * Return JIM_OK if ok, or JIM_ERR on error.
+ *
+ * Modelled on Jim_EvalObj()
+ *
+ * If flags contains JIM_LSUBST_LINE, each "statement" is returned as list of {command arg...}
+ */
+static int JimListSubstObj(Jim_Interp *interp, struct Jim_Obj *objPtr, unsigned flags)
+ int i;
+ ScriptObj *script;
+ ScriptToken *token;
+ Jim_Obj *resultListObj;
+ int retcode = JIM_OK;
+ Jim_IncrRefCount(objPtr); /* Make sure it's shared. */
+ script = JimGetScript(interp, objPtr);
+ if (JimParseCheckMissing(interp, script->missing) == JIM_ERR) {
+ JimSetErrorStack(interp, script);
+ Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, objPtr);
+ return JIM_ERR;
+ }
+ token = script->token;
+ script->inUse++;
+ /* Build the result list here */
+ resultListObj = Jim_NewListObj(interp, NULL, 0);
+ /* Add every command, arg to the result list */
+ for (i = 0; i < script->len && retcode == JIM_OK; ) {
+ int argc;
+ int j;
+ Jim_Obj *lineListObj = resultListObj;
+ /* First token of the line is always JIM_TT_LINE */
+ argc = token[i].objPtr->internalRep.scriptLineValue.argc;
+ script->linenr = token[i].objPtr->internalRep.scriptLineValue.line;
+ /* Skip the JIM_TT_LINE token */
+ i++;
+ if (flags & JIM_LSUBST_LINE) {
+ lineListObj = Jim_NewListObj(interp, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ /* Extract the words from this line */
+ for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
+ long wordtokens = 1;
+ int expand = 0;
+ Jim_Obj *wordObjPtr = NULL;
+ if (token[i].type == JIM_TT_WORD) {
+ wordtokens = JimWideValue(token[i++].objPtr);
+ if (wordtokens < 0) {
+ expand = 1;
+ wordtokens = -wordtokens;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Note we don't worry about a fast path here */
+ wordObjPtr = JimInterpolateTokens(interp, token + i, wordtokens, JIM_NONE);
+ if (!wordObjPtr) {
+ if (retcode == JIM_OK) {
+ retcode = JIM_ERR;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ Jim_IncrRefCount(wordObjPtr);
+ i += wordtokens;
+ if (!expand) {
+ Jim_ListAppendElement(interp, lineListObj, wordObjPtr);
+ }
+ else {
+ int k;
+ /* Need to add each word of wordObjPtr list to the result list */
+ for (k = 0; k < Jim_ListLength(interp, wordObjPtr); k++) {
+ Jim_ListAppendElement(interp, lineListObj, Jim_ListGetIndex(interp, wordObjPtr, k));
+ }
+ }
+ Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, wordObjPtr);
+ }
+ if (flags & JIM_LSUBST_LINE) {
+ Jim_ListAppendElement(interp, resultListObj, lineListObj);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Note that we don't have to decrement inUse, because the
+ * following code transfers our use of the reference again to
+ * the script object. */
+ Jim_FreeIntRep(interp, objPtr);
+ objPtr->typePtr = &scriptObjType;
+ Jim_SetIntRepPtr(objPtr, script);
+ Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, objPtr);
+ if (retcode == JIM_OK) {
+ Jim_SetResult(interp, resultListObj);
+ }
+ else {
+ Jim_FreeNewObj(interp, resultListObj);
+ }
+ return retcode;
/* listPtr *must* be a list.
* The contents of the list is evaluated with the first element as the command and
@@ -15636,6 +15753,18 @@ static int Jim_SubstCoreCommand(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *ar
return JIM_OK;
+/* [lsubst] */
+static int Jim_LsubstCoreCommand(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[1], "-line")) {
+ return JimListSubstObj(interp, argv[2], JIM_LSUBST_LINE);
+ }
+ return JIM_USAGE;
+ }
+ return JimListSubstObj(interp, argv[1], 0);
#ifdef jim_ext_namespace
static int JimIsGlobalNamespace(Jim_Obj *objPtr)
@@ -16525,6 +16654,7 @@ static const struct jim_core_cmd_def_t {
{"lsearch", Jim_LsearchCoreCommand, 2, -1, "?-exact|-glob|-regexp|-command 'command'? ?-bool|-inline? ?-not? ?-nocase? ?-all? ?-stride len? ?-index val? list value" },
{"lset", Jim_LsetCoreCommand, 2, -1, "listVar ?index ...? value" },
{"lsort", Jim_LsortCoreCommand, 1, -1, "?options? list" },
+ {"lsubst", Jim_LsubstCoreCommand, 1, 2, "?-line? string" },
{"proc", Jim_ProcCoreCommand, 3, 4, "name arglist ?statics? body" },
{"puts", Jim_PutsCoreCommand, 1, 2, "?-nonewline? string" },
{"rand", Jim_RandCoreCommand, 0, 2, "?min? ?max?" },
diff --git a/jim_tcl.txt b/jim_tcl.txt
index 3ae8ae1..81ced03 100644
--- a/jim_tcl.txt
+++ b/jim_tcl.txt
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Changes since 0.83
#. Add support for `package forget`
#. Add `aio translation` support (and fconfigure -translation)
#. `exec` TIP 424 - support safer +exec | + syntax (also +open "|| pipeline..."+) (see https://core.tcl-lang.org/tips/doc/trunk/tip/424.md)
+#. New `lsubst` command to create lists using subst-style substitution
Changes between 0.82 and 0.83
@@ -3148,6 +3149,63 @@ than variables, a list of unassigned elements is returned.
++*lsubst ?-line?* 'string'+
+This command is similar to `list` in that it creates a list, but uses
+the same rules as scripts when constructing the elements of the list.
+It is somewhat similar to `subst` except it produces a list instead of a string.
+This means that variables are substituted, commands are evaluated, backslashes are
+interpreted, the expansion operator is applied and comments are skipped.
+Consider the following example.
+ set x 1
+ set y {2 3}
+ set z 3
+ lsubst {
+ # This is a list with interpolation
+ $x; # The x variable
+ {*}$y; # The y variable expanded
+ [string cat a b c]; # A command
+ {*}[list 4 5]; # A list expanded into multiple elements
+ "$z$z"; # A string with interpolation
+ }
+The result of `lsubst` is the following list with 7 elements.
+ 1 2 3 abc 4 5 33
+This is particularly useful when constructing a list (or dict)
+as a data structure as it easily allows for comments and variable and command
+Sometimes it is useful to return each "command" as a separate list rather than
+simply running all the words together. This can be accomplished with `lsubst -line`.
+Consider the following example.
+ lsubst -line {
+ # two "lines" because of the semicolon
+ one a; two b
+ # one line with three elements
+ {*}{a b c}
+ }
+The result of `lsubst -line` is the following list with 3 elements, one for each "command".
+{one a} {two b} {a b c}
+*local* 'cmd ?arg\...?'+
diff --git a/tests/lsubst.test b/tests/lsubst.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c2c082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lsubst.test
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl
+needs cmd lsubst
+test lsubst-1.1 {no args} -body {
+ lsubst
+} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "lsubst ?-line? string"}
+test lsubst-1.2 {too many args} -body {
+ lsubst a b c
+} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "lsubst ?-line? string"}
+test lsubst-1.3 {basic, no subst} -body {
+ lsubst {a b c}
+} -result {a b c}
+test lsubst-1.4 {basics, vars} -body {
+ set a 1
+ set b "2 3"
+ set c "4 5 6"
+ set d ".1"
+ lsubst {$a $b $c$d}
+} -result {1 {2 3} {4 5 6.1}}
+test lsubst-1.5 {comments} -body {
+ # It is helpful to be able to include comments in a list definition
+ # just like in a script
+ lsubst {
+ # comment line
+ 1
+ 2 3
+ # comment line with continuation \
+ this is also a comments
+ 4 ;# comment at end of line
+ 5
+ }
+} -result {1 2 3 4 5}
+test lsubst-1.6 {commands} -body {
+ set a 0
+ lsubst {
+ [incr a]
+ [incr a]
+ [list d e]
+ [string cat f g][string cat h i]
+ }
+} -result {1 2 {d e} fghi}
+test lsubst-1.7 {expand} -body {
+ set a {1 2}
+ set space " "
+ set b {3 4 5}
+ lsubst {
+ {*}$a
+ {*}$a$space$b$space[list 6 7]
+ }
+} -result {1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7}
+test lsubst-1.8 {empty case} -body {
+ lsubst {
+ # Nothing
+ }
+} -result {}
+test lsubst-1.9 {backslash escapes} -body {
+ lsubst {
+ # char escapes
+ \r\n\t
+ # unicode escapes
+ \u00b5
+ # hex escapes
+ \x41\x42
+ }
+} -result [list \r\n\t \u00b5 AB]
+test lsubst-1.10 {simple -line} -body {
+ set a {1 2}
+ set b {3 4 5}
+ lsubst -line {
+ # This line won't produce a list, but the next will produce a list with two elements
+ {*}$a
+ # And this one will have three elements
+ one two $b
+ }
+} -result {{1 2} {one two {3 4 5}}}
+test lsubst-2.1 {error, missing [} -body {
+ lsubst {
+ # Missing bracket
+ [string cat
+ }
+} -returnCodes error -result {unmatched "["}
+test lsubst-2.2 {error, invalid command} -body {
+ lsubst {
+ a
+ [dummy]
+ b
+ }
+} -returnCodes error -result {invalid command name "dummy"}
+test lsubst-2.3 {error, unset variable} -body {
+ lsubst {
+ a
+ $doesnotexist
+ b
+ }
+} -returnCodes error -result {can't read "doesnotexist": no such variable}
+test lsubst-2.4 {break} -body {
+ lsubst {
+ a
+ [break]
+ b
+ }
+} -returnCodes error -result {invoked "break" outside of a loop}
+test lsubst-2.5 {continue} -body {
+ lsubst {
+ a
+ [continue]
+ b
+ }
+} -returnCodes error -result {invoked "continue" outside of a loop}
+test lsubst-3.1 {preservation of line numbers} -body {
+ set x abc
+ set src1 [info source $x]
+ set list [lsubst {
+ a
+ $x
+ b
+ }]
+ if {[info source [lindex $list 1]] ne [info source $x]} {
+ error "source does not match
+ }
+} -result {}