// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "batch.h" #include "debug_defines.h" #include "riscv.h" #include "field_helpers.h" #define DTM_DMI_MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH ((1<target = target; out->allocated_scans = scans; out->last_scan = RISCV_SCAN_TYPE_INVALID; out->was_run = false; out->last_scan_delay = 0; out->data_out = NULL; out->data_in = NULL; out->fields = NULL; out->delay_classes = NULL; out->bscan_ctxt = NULL; out->read_keys = NULL; /* FIXME: There is potential for memory usage reduction. We could allocate * smaller buffers than DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE (that is, buffers that correspond to * the real DR scan length on the given target) */ out->data_out = malloc(sizeof(*out->data_out) * scans * DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE); if (!out->data_out) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate data_out in RISC-V batch."); goto alloc_error; }; out->data_in = malloc(sizeof(*out->data_in) * scans * DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE); if (!out->data_in) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate data_in in RISC-V batch."); goto alloc_error; } out->fields = malloc(sizeof(*out->fields) * scans); if (!out->fields) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate fields in RISC-V batch."); goto alloc_error; } out->delay_classes = malloc(sizeof(*out->delay_classes) * scans); if (!out->delay_classes) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate delay_classes in RISC-V batch."); goto alloc_error; } if (bscan_tunnel_ir_width != 0) { out->bscan_ctxt = malloc(sizeof(*out->bscan_ctxt) * scans); if (!out->bscan_ctxt) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate bscan_ctxt in RISC-V batch."); goto alloc_error; } } out->read_keys = malloc(sizeof(*out->read_keys) * scans); if (!out->read_keys) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate read_keys in RISC-V batch."); goto alloc_error; } return out; alloc_error: riscv_batch_free(out); return NULL; } void riscv_batch_free(struct riscv_batch *batch) { free(batch->data_in); free(batch->data_out); free(batch->fields); free(batch->delay_classes); free(batch->bscan_ctxt); free(batch->read_keys); free(batch); } bool riscv_batch_full(struct riscv_batch *batch) { return riscv_batch_available_scans(batch) == 0; } static bool riscv_batch_was_scan_busy(const struct riscv_batch *batch, size_t scan_idx) { assert(batch->was_run); assert(scan_idx < batch->used_scans); const struct scan_field *field = batch->fields + scan_idx; assert(field->in_value); const uint64_t in = buf_get_u64(field->in_value, 0, field->num_bits); return get_field(in, DTM_DMI_OP) == DTM_DMI_OP_BUSY; } static void add_idle_before_batch(const struct riscv_batch *batch, size_t start_idx, const struct riscv_scan_delays *delays) { if (!batch->was_run) return; /* Get the delay type of the scan that resulted in the busy response. * Since DMI interactions always end with a NOP, if "start_idx" is zero * the base delay value is used. */ const enum riscv_scan_delay_class delay_class = start_idx > 0 ? batch->delay_classes[start_idx - 1] : RISCV_DELAY_BASE; const unsigned int new_delay = riscv_scan_get_delay(delays, delay_class); if (new_delay <= batch->last_scan_delay) return; const unsigned int idle_change = new_delay - batch->last_scan_delay; LOG_TARGET_DEBUG(batch->target, "Adding %u idle cycles before the batch.", idle_change); assert(idle_change <= INT_MAX); jtag_add_runtest(idle_change, TAP_IDLE); } static int get_delay(const struct riscv_batch *batch, size_t scan_idx, const struct riscv_scan_delays *delays) { assert(batch); assert(scan_idx < batch->used_scans); const enum riscv_scan_delay_class delay_class = batch->delay_classes[scan_idx]; const unsigned int delay = riscv_scan_get_delay(delays, delay_class); assert(delay <= INT_MAX); return delay; } int riscv_batch_run_from(struct riscv_batch *batch, size_t start_idx, const struct riscv_scan_delays *delays, bool resets_delays, size_t reset_delays_after) { assert(batch->used_scans); assert(batch->last_scan == RISCV_SCAN_TYPE_NOP); assert(!batch->was_run || riscv_batch_was_scan_busy(batch, start_idx)); assert(start_idx == 0 || !riscv_batch_was_scan_busy(batch, start_idx - 1)); if (batch->was_run) add_idle_before_batch(batch, start_idx, delays); LOG_TARGET_DEBUG(batch->target, "Running batch of scans [%zu, %zu)", start_idx, batch->used_scans); for (size_t i = start_idx; i < batch->used_scans; ++i) { if (bscan_tunnel_ir_width != 0) riscv_add_bscan_tunneled_scan(batch->target, batch->fields + i, batch->bscan_ctxt + i); else jtag_add_dr_scan(batch->target->tap, 1, batch->fields + i, TAP_IDLE); const bool delays_were_reset = resets_delays && (i >= reset_delays_after); const int delay = get_delay(batch, i, delays); if (!delays_were_reset) jtag_add_runtest(delay, TAP_IDLE); } keep_alive(); if (jtag_execute_queue() != ERROR_OK) { LOG_TARGET_ERROR(batch->target, "Unable to execute JTAG queue"); return ERROR_FAIL; } keep_alive(); if (bscan_tunnel_ir_width != 0) { /* need to right-shift "in" by one bit, because of clock skew between BSCAN TAP and DM TAP */ for (size_t i = start_idx; i < batch->used_scans; ++i) { if ((batch->fields + i)->in_value) buffer_shr((batch->fields + i)->in_value, DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE, 1); } } for (size_t i = start_idx; i < batch->used_scans; ++i) { const int delay = get_delay(batch, i, delays); riscv_log_dmi_scan(batch->target, delay, batch->fields + i); } batch->was_run = true; batch->last_scan_delay = get_delay(batch, batch->used_scans - 1, delays); return ERROR_OK; } void riscv_batch_add_dmi_write(struct riscv_batch *batch, uint64_t address, uint32_t data, bool read_back, enum riscv_scan_delay_class delay_class) { assert(batch->used_scans < batch->allocated_scans); struct scan_field *field = batch->fields + batch->used_scans; field->num_bits = riscv_get_dmi_scan_length(batch->target); field->out_value = (void *)(batch->data_out + batch->used_scans * DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE); riscv_fill_dmi_write(batch->target, (char *)field->out_value, address, data); if (read_back) { field->in_value = (void *)(batch->data_in + batch->used_scans * DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE); riscv_fill_dm_nop(batch->target, (char *)field->in_value); } else { field->in_value = NULL; } batch->delay_classes[batch->used_scans] = delay_class; batch->last_scan = RISCV_SCAN_TYPE_WRITE; batch->used_scans++; } size_t riscv_batch_add_dmi_read(struct riscv_batch *batch, uint64_t address, enum riscv_scan_delay_class delay_class) { assert(batch->used_scans < batch->allocated_scans); struct scan_field *field = batch->fields + batch->used_scans; field->num_bits = riscv_get_dmi_scan_length(batch->target); field->out_value = (void *)(batch->data_out + batch->used_scans * DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE); field->in_value = (void *)(batch->data_in + batch->used_scans * DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE); riscv_fill_dmi_read(batch->target, (char *)field->out_value, address); riscv_fill_dm_nop(batch->target, (char *)field->in_value); batch->delay_classes[batch->used_scans] = delay_class; batch->last_scan = RISCV_SCAN_TYPE_READ; batch->used_scans++; batch->read_keys[batch->read_keys_used] = batch->used_scans; return batch->read_keys_used++; } unsigned int riscv_batch_get_dmi_read_op(const struct riscv_batch *batch, size_t key) { assert(key < batch->read_keys_used); size_t index = batch->read_keys[key]; assert(index < batch->used_scans); uint8_t *base = batch->data_in + DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE * index; /* extract "op" field from the DMI read result */ return (unsigned int)buf_get_u32(base, DTM_DMI_OP_OFFSET, DTM_DMI_OP_LENGTH); } uint32_t riscv_batch_get_dmi_read_data(const struct riscv_batch *batch, size_t key) { assert(key < batch->read_keys_used); size_t index = batch->read_keys[key]; assert(index < batch->used_scans); uint8_t *base = batch->data_in + DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE * index; /* extract "data" field from the DMI read result */ return buf_get_u32(base, DTM_DMI_DATA_OFFSET, DTM_DMI_DATA_LENGTH); } void riscv_batch_add_nop(struct riscv_batch *batch) { assert(batch->used_scans < batch->allocated_scans); struct scan_field *field = batch->fields + batch->used_scans; field->num_bits = riscv_get_dmi_scan_length(batch->target); field->out_value = (void *)(batch->data_out + batch->used_scans * DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE); field->in_value = (void *)(batch->data_in + batch->used_scans * DMI_SCAN_BUF_SIZE); riscv_fill_dm_nop(batch->target, (char *)field->out_value); riscv_fill_dm_nop(batch->target, (char *)field->in_value); /* DMI NOP never triggers any debug module operation, * so the shortest (base) delay can be used. */ batch->delay_classes[batch->used_scans] = RISCV_DELAY_BASE; batch->last_scan = RISCV_SCAN_TYPE_NOP; batch->used_scans++; } size_t riscv_batch_available_scans(struct riscv_batch *batch) { assert(batch->allocated_scans >= (batch->used_scans + BATCH_RESERVED_SCANS)); return batch->allocated_scans - batch->used_scans - BATCH_RESERVED_SCANS; } bool riscv_batch_was_batch_busy(const struct riscv_batch *batch) { assert(batch->was_run); assert(batch->used_scans); assert(batch->last_scan == RISCV_SCAN_TYPE_NOP); return riscv_batch_was_scan_busy(batch, batch->used_scans - 1); } size_t riscv_batch_finished_scans(const struct riscv_batch *batch) { if (!riscv_batch_was_batch_busy(batch)) { /* Whole batch succeeded. */ return batch->used_scans; } assert(batch->used_scans); size_t first_busy = 0; while (!riscv_batch_was_scan_busy(batch, first_busy)) ++first_busy; return first_busy; }