import logging import os import pprint from constants import causes, csrs, csrs32 from shared_utils import InstrDict, arg_lut pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s:: %(message)s") def make_c(instr_dict: InstrDict): mask_match_str = "" declare_insn_str = "" for i in instr_dict: mask_match_str += ( f'#define MATCH_{i.upper().replace(".","_")} {instr_dict[i]["match"]}\n' ) mask_match_str += ( f'#define MASK_{i.upper().replace(".","_")} {instr_dict[i]["mask"]}\n' ) declare_insn_str += f'DECLARE_INSN({i.replace(".","_")}, MATCH_{i.upper().replace(".","_")}, MASK_{i.upper().replace(".","_")})\n' csr_names_str = "" declare_csr_str = "" for num, name in csrs + csrs32: csr_names_str += f"#define CSR_{name.upper()} {hex(num)}\n" declare_csr_str += f"DECLARE_CSR({name}, CSR_{name.upper()})\n" causes_str = "" declare_cause_str = "" for num, name in causes: causes_str += f"#define CAUSE_{name.upper().replace(' ', '_')} {hex(num)}\n" declare_cause_str += ( f"DECLARE_CAUSE(\"{name}\", CAUSE_{name.upper().replace(' ','_')})\n" ) arg_str = "" for name, rng in arg_lut.items(): sanitized_name = name.replace(" ", "_").replace("=", "_eq_") begin = rng[1] end = rng[0] mask = ((1 << (end - begin + 1)) - 1) << begin arg_str += f"#define INSN_FIELD_{sanitized_name.upper()} {hex(mask)}\n" with open(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/encoding.h", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: enc_header = commit = os.popen('git log -1 --format="format:%h"').read() # Generate the output as a string output_str = f"""/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /* Copyright (c) 2023 RISC-V International */ /* * This file is auto-generated by running 'make' in * ({commit}) */ {enc_header} /* Automatically generated by parse_opcodes. */ #ifndef RISCV_ENCODING_H #define RISCV_ENCODING_H {mask_match_str} {csr_names_str} {causes_str} {arg_str}#endif #ifdef DECLARE_INSN {declare_insn_str}#endif #ifdef DECLARE_CSR {declare_csr_str}#endif #ifdef DECLARE_CAUSE {declare_cause_str}#endif """ # Write the modified output to the file with open("encoding.out.h", "w", encoding="utf-8") as enc_file: enc_file.write(output_str)