// See LICENSE for license details. // This little program finds occurrences of strings like // DASM(ffabc013) // in its input, then replaces them with the disassembly // enclosed hexadecimal number, interpreted as a RISC-V // instruction. #include "disasm.h" #include "extension.h" #include "platform.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main(int UNUSED argc, char** argv) { string s; const char* isa = DEFAULT_ISA; bool strict = false; std::function extension; option_parser_t parser; #ifdef HAVE_DLOPEN parser.option(0, "extension", 1, [&](const char* s){extension = find_extension(s);}); #endif parser.option(0, "isa", 1, [&](const char* s){isa = s;}); parser.option(0, "strict", 0, [&](const char UNUSED *s){strict = true;}); parser.parse(argv); isa_parser_t isa_parser(isa, DEFAULT_PRIV); disassembler_t* disassembler = new disassembler_t(&isa_parser, strict); if (extension) { for (auto disasm_insn : extension()->get_disasms()) { disassembler->add_insn(disasm_insn); } } while (getline(cin, s)) { for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = s.find("DASM(", pos)) != string::npos; ) { size_t start = pos; pos += strlen("DASM("); if (s[pos] == '0' && (s[pos+1] == 'x' || s[pos+1] == 'X')) pos += 2; if (!isxdigit(s[pos])) continue; char* endp; insn_bits_t bits = strtoull(&s[pos], &endp, 16); if (*endp != ')') continue; string dis = disassembler->disassemble(bits); s = s.substr(0, start) + dis + s.substr(endp - &s[0] + 1); pos = start + dis.length(); } cout << s << '\n'; } return 0; }