BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mastertest_negotiate: add migration testing (#781)John Levon10 months
master-migv2clarify bitmap formatWilliam Henderson10 months
v0.1libvfio-user-0.1.zip  libvfio-user-0.1.tar.gz  libvfio-user-0.1.tar.bz2  Thanos Makatos5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2023-09-18test_negotiate: add migration testing (#781)HEADmasterJohn Levon1-8/+6
2023-09-18fix: minor memory bugs #784 William Henderson2-10/+4
2023-09-18Add some notes on live migration version and SPDK usage. (#783)John Levon2-0/+14
2023-09-15adapt to VFIO live migration v2 (#782)William Henderson25-2357/+2497
2023-09-15Pass server->client command over a separate socket pair (#762)Mattias Nissler9-23/+373
2023-09-15Describe the twin-socket feature in the spec (#775)Mattias Nissler1-8/+83
2023-08-31update SDPK version spdk.md (#769)Thanos Makatos1-5/+5
2023-08-31Introduce client object in python tests (#772)Mattias Nissler21-351/+365
2023-08-31Prepare python test helpers for receiving commands (#774)Mattias Nissler1-21/+56
2023-08-31Construct server capabilities using json-c (#771)Mattias Nissler1-25/+106