#ifndef FW_UPDATE_H #define FW_UPDATE_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "base.h" #include "pldm_types.h" #include "stdbool.h" #include #include struct variable_field; #define PLDM_FWUP_COMPONENT_BITMAP_MULTIPLE 8 #define PLDM_FWUP_INVALID_COMPONENT_COMPARISON_TIMESTAMP 0xFFFFFFFF #define PLDM_QUERY_DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS_REQ_BYTES 0 /** @brief Minimum length of device descriptor, 2 bytes for descriptor type, * 2 bytes for descriptor length and atleast 1 byte of descriptor data */ #define PLDM_FWUP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LEN 5 #define PLDM_GET_FIRMWARE_PARAMETERS_REQ_BYTES 0 #define PLDM_FWUP_BASELINE_TRANSFER_SIZE 32 #define PLDM_FWUP_MIN_OUTSTANDING_REQ 1 #define PLDM_GET_STATUS_REQ_BYTES 0 /* Maximum progress percentage value*/ #define PLDM_FWUP_MAX_PROGRESS_PERCENT 0x65 #define PLDM_CANCEL_UPDATE_COMPONENT_REQ_BYTES 0 #define PLDM_CANCEL_UPDATE_REQ_BYTES 0 /** @brief PLDM Firmware update commands */ enum pldm_firmware_update_commands { PLDM_QUERY_DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS = 0x01, PLDM_GET_FIRMWARE_PARAMETERS = 0x02, PLDM_REQUEST_UPDATE = 0x10, PLDM_PASS_COMPONENT_TABLE = 0x13, PLDM_UPDATE_COMPONENT = 0x14, PLDM_REQUEST_FIRMWARE_DATA = 0x15, PLDM_TRANSFER_COMPLETE = 0x16, PLDM_VERIFY_COMPLETE = 0x17, PLDM_APPLY_COMPLETE = 0x18, PLDM_ACTIVATE_FIRMWARE = 0x1A, PLDM_GET_STATUS = 0x1B, PLDM_CANCEL_UPDATE_COMPONENT = 0x1C, PLDM_CANCEL_UPDATE = 0x1D }; /** @brief PLDM Firmware update completion codes */ enum pldm_firmware_update_completion_codes { PLDM_FWUP_NOT_IN_UPDATE_MODE = 0x80, PLDM_FWUP_ALREADY_IN_UPDATE_MODE = 0x81, PLDM_FWUP_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE = 0x82, PLDM_FWUP_INVALID_TRANSFER_LENGTH = 0x83, PLDM_FWUP_INVALID_STATE_FOR_COMMAND = 0x84, PLDM_FWUP_INCOMPLETE_UPDATE = 0x85, PLDM_FWUP_BUSY_IN_BACKGROUND = 0x86, PLDM_FWUP_CANCEL_PENDING = 0x87, PLDM_FWUP_COMMAND_NOT_EXPECTED = 0x88, PLDM_FWUP_RETRY_REQUEST_FW_DATA = 0x89, PLDM_FWUP_UNABLE_TO_INITIATE_UPDATE = 0x8A, PLDM_FWUP_ACTIVATION_NOT_REQUIRED = 0x8B, PLDM_FWUP_SELF_CONTAINED_ACTIVATION_NOT_PERMITTED = 0x8C, PLDM_FWUP_NO_DEVICE_METADATA = 0x8D, PLDM_FWUP_RETRY_REQUEST_UPDATE = 0x8E, PLDM_FWUP_NO_PACKAGE_DATA = 0x8F, PLDM_FWUP_INVALID_TRANSFER_HANDLE = 0x90, PLDM_FWUP_INVALID_TRANSFER_OPERATION_FLAG = 0x91, PLDM_FWUP_ACTIVATE_PENDING_IMAGE_NOT_PERMITTED = 0x92, PLDM_FWUP_PACKAGE_DATA_ERROR = 0x93 }; /** @brief String type values defined in the PLDM firmware update specification */ enum pldm_firmware_update_string_type { PLDM_STR_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, PLDM_STR_TYPE_ASCII = 1, PLDM_STR_TYPE_UTF_8 = 2, PLDM_STR_TYPE_UTF_16 = 3, PLDM_STR_TYPE_UTF_16LE = 4, PLDM_STR_TYPE_UTF_16BE = 5 }; /** @brief Descriptor types defined in PLDM firmware update specification */ enum pldm_firmware_update_descriptor_types { PLDM_FWUP_PCI_VENDOR_ID = 0x0000, PLDM_FWUP_IANA_ENTERPRISE_ID = 0x0001, PLDM_FWUP_UUID = 0x0002, PLDM_FWUP_PNP_VENDOR_ID = 0x0003, PLDM_FWUP_ACPI_VENDOR_ID = 0x0004, PLDM_FWUP_IEEE_ASSIGNED_COMPANY_ID = 0x0005, PLDM_FWUP_SCSI_VENDOR_ID = 0x0006, PLDM_FWUP_PCI_DEVICE_ID = 0x0100, PLDM_FWUP_PCI_SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID = 0x0101, PLDM_FWUP_PCI_SUBSYSTEM_ID = 0x0102, PLDM_FWUP_PCI_REVISION_ID = 0x0103, PLDM_FWUP_PNP_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER = 0x0104, PLDM_FWUP_ACPI_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER = 0x0105, PLDM_FWUP_ASCII_MODEL_NUMBER_LONG_STRING = 0x0106, PLDM_FWUP_ASCII_MODEL_NUMBER_SHORT_STRING = 0x0107, PLDM_FWUP_SCSI_PRODUCT_ID = 0x0108, PLDM_FWUP_UBM_CONTROLLER_DEVICE_CODE = 0x0109, PLDM_FWUP_VENDOR_DEFINED = 0xFFFF }; /** @brief Descriptor types length defined in PLDM firmware update specification */ enum pldm_firmware_update_descriptor_types_length { PLDM_FWUP_PCI_VENDOR_ID_LENGTH = 2, PLDM_FWUP_IANA_ENTERPRISE_ID_LENGTH = 4, PLDM_FWUP_UUID_LENGTH = 16, PLDM_FWUP_PNP_VENDOR_ID_LENGTH = 3, PLDM_FWUP_ACPI_VENDOR_ID_LENGTH = 4, PLDM_FWUP_IEEE_ASSIGNED_COMPANY_ID_LENGTH = 3, PLDM_FWUP_SCSI_VENDOR_ID_LENGTH = 8, PLDM_FWUP_PCI_DEVICE_ID_LENGTH = 2, PLDM_FWUP_PCI_SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID_LENGTH = 2, PLDM_FWUP_PCI_SUBSYSTEM_ID_LENGTH = 2, PLDM_FWUP_PCI_REVISION_ID_LENGTH = 1, PLDM_FWUP_PNP_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH = 4, PLDM_FWUP_ACPI_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH = 4, PLDM_FWUP_ASCII_MODEL_NUMBER_LONG_STRING_LENGTH = 40, PLDM_FWUP_ASCII_MODEL_NUMBER_SHORT_STRING_LENGTH = 10, PLDM_FWUP_SCSI_PRODUCT_ID_LENGTH = 16, PLDM_FWUP_UBM_CONTROLLER_DEVICE_CODE_LENGTH = 4 }; /** @brief ComponentClassification values defined in firmware update * specification */ enum pldm_component_classification_values { PLDM_COMP_UNKNOWN = 0x0000, PLDM_COMP_OTHER = 0x0001, PLDM_COMP_DRIVER = 0x0002, PLDM_COMP_CONFIGURATION_SOFTWARE = 0x0003, PLDM_COMP_APPLICATION_SOFTWARE = 0x0004, PLDM_COMP_INSTRUMENTATION = 0x0005, PLDM_COMP_FIRMWARE_OR_BIOS = 0x0006, PLDM_COMP_DIAGNOSTIC_SOFTWARE = 0x0007, PLDM_COMP_OPERATING_SYSTEM = 0x0008, PLDM_COMP_MIDDLEWARE = 0x0009, PLDM_COMP_FIRMWARE = 0x000A, PLDM_COMP_BIOS_OR_FCODE = 0x000B, PLDM_COMP_SUPPORT_OR_SERVICEPACK = 0x000C, PLDM_COMP_SOFTWARE_BUNDLE = 0x000D, PLDM_COMP_DOWNSTREAM_DEVICE = 0xFFFF }; /** @brief ComponentActivationMethods is the bit position in the bitfield that * provides the capability of the FD for firmware activation. Multiple * activation methods can be supported. */ enum pldm_comp_activation_methods { PLDM_ACTIVATION_AUTOMATIC = 0, PLDM_ACTIVATION_SELF_CONTAINED = 1, PLDM_ACTIVATION_MEDIUM_SPECIFIC_RESET = 2, PLDM_ACTIVATION_SYSTEM_REBOOT = 3, PLDM_ACTIVATION_DC_POWER_CYCLE = 4, PLDM_ACTIVATION_AC_POWER_CYCLE = 5, PLDM_SUPPORTS_ACTIVATE_PENDING_IMAGE = 6, PLDM_SUPPORTS_ACTIVATE_PENDING_IMAGE_SET = 7 }; /** @brief ComponentResponse values in the response of PassComponentTable */ enum pldm_component_responses { PLDM_CR_COMP_CAN_BE_UPDATED = 0, PLDM_CR_COMP_MAY_BE_UPDATEABLE = 1 }; /** @brief ComponentResponseCode values in the response of PassComponentTable */ enum pldm_component_response_codes { PLDM_CRC_COMP_CAN_BE_UPDATED = 0x00, PLDM_CRC_COMP_COMPARISON_STAMP_IDENTICAL = 0x01, PLDM_CRC_COMP_COMPARISON_STAMP_LOWER = 0x02, PLDM_CRC_INVALID_COMP_COMPARISON_STAMP = 0x03, PLDM_CRC_COMP_CONFLICT = 0x04, PLDM_CRC_COMP_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET = 0x05, PLDM_CRC_COMP_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x06, PLDM_CRC_COMP_SECURITY_RESTRICTIONS = 0x07, PLDM_CRC_INCOMPLETE_COMP_IMAGE_SET = 0x08, PLDM_CRC_ACTIVE_IMAGE_NOT_UPDATEABLE_SUBSEQUENTLY = 0x09, PLDM_CRC_COMP_VER_STR_IDENTICAL = 0x0A, PLDM_CRC_COMP_VER_STR_LOWER = 0x0B, PLDM_CRC_VENDOR_COMP_RESP_CODE_RANGE_MIN = 0xD0, PLDM_CRC_VENDOR_COMP_RESP_CODE_RANGE_MAX = 0xEF }; /** @brief ComponentCompatibilityResponse values in the response of * UpdateComponent */ enum pldm_component_compatibility_responses { PLDM_CCR_COMP_CAN_BE_UPDATED = 0, PLDM_CCR_COMP_CANNOT_BE_UPDATED = 1 }; /** @brief ComponentCompatibilityResponse Code values in the response of * UpdateComponent */ enum pldm_component_compatibility_response_codes { PLDM_CCRC_NO_RESPONSE_CODE = 0x00, PLDM_CCRC_COMP_COMPARISON_STAMP_IDENTICAL = 0x01, PLDM_CCRC_COMP_COMPARISON_STAMP_LOWER = 0x02, PLDM_CCRC_INVALID_COMP_COMPARISON_STAMP = 0x03, PLDM_CCRC_COMP_CONFLICT = 0x04, PLDM_CCRC_COMP_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET = 0x05, PLDM_CCRC_COMP_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x06, PLDM_CCRC_COMP_SECURITY_RESTRICTIONS = 0x07, PLDM_CCRC_INCOMPLETE_COMP_IMAGE_SET = 0x08, PLDM_CCRC_COMP_INFO_NO_MATCH = 0x09, PLDM_CCRC_COMP_VER_STR_IDENTICAL = 0x0A, PLDM_CCRC_COMP_VER_STR_LOWER = 0x0B, PLDM_CCRC_VENDOR_COMP_RESP_CODE_RANGE_MIN = 0xD0, PLDM_CCRC_VENDOR_COMP_RESP_CODE_RANGE_MAX = 0xEF }; /** @brief Common error codes in TransferComplete, VerifyComplete and * ApplyComplete request */ enum pldm_firmware_update_common_error_codes { PLDM_FWUP_TIME_OUT = 0x09, PLDM_FWUP_GENERIC_ERROR = 0x0A }; /** @brief TransferResult values in the request of TransferComplete */ enum pldm_firmware_update_transfer_result_values { PLDM_FWUP_TRANSFER_SUCCESS = 0x00, PLDM_FWUP_TRANSFER_ERROR_IMAGE_CORRUPT = 0x02, PLDM_FWUP_TRANSFER_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH = 0x02, PLDM_FWUP_FD_ABORTED_TRANSFER = 0x03, PLDM_FWUP_FD_ABORTED_TRANSFER_LOW_POWER_STATE = 0x0B, PLDM_FWUP_FD_ABORTED_TRANSFER_RESET_NEEDED = 0x0C, PLDM_FWUP_FD_ABORTED_TRANSFER_STORAGE_ISSUE = 0x0D, PLDM_FWUP_VENDOR_TRANSFER_RESULT_RANGE_MIN = 0x70, PLDM_FWUP_VENDOR_TRANSFER_RESULT_RANGE_MAX = 0x8F }; /**@brief VerifyResult values in the request of VerifyComplete */ enum pldm_firmware_update_verify_result_values { PLDM_FWUP_VERIFY_SUCCESS = 0x00, PLDM_FWUP_VERIFY_ERROR_VERIFICATION_FAILURE = 0x01, PLDM_FWUP_VERIFY_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH = 0x02, PLDM_FWUP_VERIFY_FAILED_FD_SECURITY_CHECKS = 0x03, PLDM_FWUP_VERIFY_ERROR_IMAGE_INCOMPLETE = 0x04, PLDM_FWUP_VENDOR_VERIFY_RESULT_RANGE_MIN = 0x90, PLDM_FWUP_VENDOR_VERIFY_RESULT_RANGE_MAX = 0xAF }; /**@brief ApplyResult values in the request of ApplyComplete */ enum pldm_firmware_update_apply_result_values { PLDM_FWUP_APPLY_SUCCESS = 0x00, PLDM_FWUP_APPLY_SUCCESS_WITH_ACTIVATION_METHOD = 0x01, PLDM_FWUP_APPLY_FAILURE_MEMORY_ISSUE = 0x02, PLDM_FWUP_VENDOR_APPLY_RESULT_RANGE_MIN = 0xB0, PLDM_FWUP_VENDOR_APPLY_RESULT_RANGE_MAX = 0xCF }; /** @brief SelfContainedActivationRequest in the request of ActivateFirmware */ enum pldm_self_contained_activation_req { PLDM_NOT_ACTIVATE_SELF_CONTAINED_COMPONENTS = false, PLDM_ACTIVATE_SELF_CONTAINED_COMPONENTS = true }; /** @brief Current state/previous state of the FD or FDP returned in GetStatus * response */ enum pldm_firmware_device_states { PLDM_FD_STATE_IDLE = 0, PLDM_FD_STATE_LEARN_COMPONENTS = 1, PLDM_FD_STATE_READY_XFER = 2, PLDM_FD_STATE_DOWNLOAD = 3, PLDM_FD_STATE_VERIFY = 4, PLDM_FD_STATE_APPLY = 5, PLDM_FD_STATE_ACTIVATE = 6 }; /** @brief Firmware device aux state in GetStatus response */ enum pldm_get_status_aux_states { PLDM_FD_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS = 0, PLDM_FD_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL = 1, PLDM_FD_OPERATION_FAILED = 2, PLDM_FD_IDLE_LEARN_COMPONENTS_READ_XFER = 3 }; /** @brief Firmware device aux state status in GetStatus response */ enum pldm_get_status_aux_state_status_values { PLDM_FD_AUX_STATE_IN_PROGRESS_OR_SUCCESS = 0x00, PLDM_FD_TIMEOUT = 0x09, PLDM_FD_GENERIC_ERROR = 0x0A, PLDM_FD_VENDOR_DEFINED_STATUS_CODE_START = 0x70, PLDM_FD_VENDOR_DEFINED_STATUS_CODE_END = 0xEF }; /** @brief Firmware device reason code in GetStatus response */ enum pldm_get_status_reason_code_values { PLDM_FD_INITIALIZATION = 0, PLDM_FD_ACTIVATE_FW = 1, PLDM_FD_CANCEL_UPDATE = 2, PLDM_FD_TIMEOUT_LEARN_COMPONENT = 3, PLDM_FD_TIMEOUT_READY_XFER = 4, PLDM_FD_TIMEOUT_DOWNLOAD = 5, PLDM_FD_TIMEOUT_VERIFY = 6, PLDM_FD_TIMEOUT_APPLY = 7, PLDM_FD_STATUS_VENDOR_DEFINED_MIN = 200, PLDM_FD_STATUS_VENDOR_DEFINED_MAX = 255 }; /** @brief Components functional indicator in CancelUpdate response */ enum pldm_firmware_update_non_functioning_component_indication { PLDM_FWUP_COMPONENTS_FUNCTIONING = 0, PLDM_FWUP_COMPONENTS_NOT_FUNCTIONING = 1 }; /** @struct pldm_package_header_information * * Structure representing fixed part of package header information */ struct pldm_package_header_information { uint8_t uuid[PLDM_FWUP_UUID_LENGTH]; uint8_t package_header_format_version; uint16_t package_header_size; uint8_t package_release_date_time[PLDM_TIMESTAMP104_SIZE]; uint16_t component_bitmap_bit_length; uint8_t package_version_string_type; uint8_t package_version_string_length; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_firmware_device_id_record * * Structure representing firmware device ID record */ struct pldm_firmware_device_id_record { uint16_t record_length; uint8_t descriptor_count; bitfield32_t device_update_option_flags; uint8_t comp_image_set_version_string_type; uint8_t comp_image_set_version_string_length; uint16_t fw_device_pkg_data_length; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_descriptor_tlv * * Structure representing descriptor type, length and value */ struct pldm_descriptor_tlv { uint16_t descriptor_type; uint16_t descriptor_length; uint8_t descriptor_data[1]; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_vendor_defined_descriptor_title_data * * Structure representing vendor defined descriptor title sections */ struct pldm_vendor_defined_descriptor_title_data { uint8_t vendor_defined_descriptor_title_str_type; uint8_t vendor_defined_descriptor_title_str_len; uint8_t vendor_defined_descriptor_title_str[1]; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_component_image_information * * Structure representing fixed part of individual component information in * PLDM firmware update package */ struct pldm_component_image_information { uint16_t comp_classification; uint16_t comp_identifier; uint32_t comp_comparison_stamp; bitfield16_t comp_options; bitfield16_t requested_comp_activation_method; uint32_t comp_location_offset; uint32_t comp_size; uint8_t comp_version_string_type; uint8_t comp_version_string_length; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_query_device_identifiers_resp * * Structure representing query device identifiers response. */ struct pldm_query_device_identifiers_resp { uint8_t completion_code; uint32_t device_identifiers_len; uint8_t descriptor_count; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_get_firmware_parameters_resp * * Structure representing the fixed part of GetFirmwareParameters response */ struct pldm_get_firmware_parameters_resp { uint8_t completion_code; bitfield32_t capabilities_during_update; uint16_t comp_count; uint8_t active_comp_image_set_ver_str_type; uint8_t active_comp_image_set_ver_str_len; uint8_t pending_comp_image_set_ver_str_type; uint8_t pending_comp_image_set_ver_str_len; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_component_parameter_entry * * Structure representing component parameter table entry. */ struct pldm_component_parameter_entry { uint16_t comp_classification; uint16_t comp_identifier; uint8_t comp_classification_index; uint32_t active_comp_comparison_stamp; uint8_t active_comp_ver_str_type; uint8_t active_comp_ver_str_len; uint8_t active_comp_release_date[8]; uint32_t pending_comp_comparison_stamp; uint8_t pending_comp_ver_str_type; uint8_t pending_comp_ver_str_len; uint8_t pending_comp_release_date[8]; bitfield16_t comp_activation_methods; bitfield32_t capabilities_during_update; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_request_update_req * * Structure representing fixed part of Request Update request */ struct pldm_request_update_req { uint32_t max_transfer_size; uint16_t num_of_comp; uint8_t max_outstanding_transfer_req; uint16_t pkg_data_len; uint8_t comp_image_set_ver_str_type; uint8_t comp_image_set_ver_str_len; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_request_update_resp * * Structure representing Request Update response */ struct pldm_request_update_resp { uint8_t completion_code; uint16_t fd_meta_data_len; uint8_t fd_will_send_pkg_data; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_pass_component_table_req * * Structure representing PassComponentTable request */ struct pldm_pass_component_table_req { uint8_t transfer_flag; uint16_t comp_classification; uint16_t comp_identifier; uint8_t comp_classification_index; uint32_t comp_comparison_stamp; uint8_t comp_ver_str_type; uint8_t comp_ver_str_len; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_pass_component_table_resp * * Structure representing PassComponentTable response */ struct pldm_pass_component_table_resp { uint8_t completion_code; uint8_t comp_resp; uint8_t comp_resp_code; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_update_component_req * * Structure representing UpdateComponent request */ struct pldm_update_component_req { uint16_t comp_classification; uint16_t comp_identifier; uint8_t comp_classification_index; uint32_t comp_comparison_stamp; uint32_t comp_image_size; bitfield32_t update_option_flags; uint8_t comp_ver_str_type; uint8_t comp_ver_str_len; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_update_component_resp * * Structure representing UpdateComponent response */ struct pldm_update_component_resp { uint8_t completion_code; uint8_t comp_compatibility_resp; uint8_t comp_compatibility_resp_code; bitfield32_t update_option_flags_enabled; uint16_t time_before_req_fw_data; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_request_firmware_data_req * * Structure representing RequestFirmwareData request. */ struct pldm_request_firmware_data_req { uint32_t offset; uint32_t length; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_apply_complete_req * * Structure representing ApplyComplete request. */ struct pldm_apply_complete_req { uint8_t apply_result; bitfield16_t comp_activation_methods_modification; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_activate_firmware_req * * Structure representing ActivateFirmware request */ struct pldm_activate_firmware_req { bool8_t self_contained_activation_req; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct activate_firmware_resp * * Structure representing Activate Firmware response */ struct pldm_activate_firmware_resp { uint8_t completion_code; uint16_t estimated_time_activation; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_get_status_resp * * Structure representing GetStatus response. */ struct pldm_get_status_resp { uint8_t completion_code; uint8_t current_state; uint8_t previous_state; uint8_t aux_state; uint8_t aux_state_status; uint8_t progress_percent; uint8_t reason_code; bitfield32_t update_option_flags_enabled; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @struct pldm_cancel_update_resp * * Structure representing CancelUpdate response. */ struct pldm_cancel_update_resp { uint8_t completion_code; bool8_t non_functioning_component_indication; uint64_t non_functioning_component_bitmap; } __attribute__((packed)); /** @brief Decode the PLDM package header information * * @param[in] data - pointer to package header information * @param[in] length - available length in the firmware update package * @param[out] package_header_info - pointer to fixed part of PLDM package * header information * @param[out] package_version_str - pointer to package version string * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_pldm_package_header_info( const uint8_t *data, size_t length, struct pldm_package_header_information *package_header_info, struct variable_field *package_version_str); /** @brief Decode individual firmware device ID record * * @param[in] data - pointer to firmware device ID record * @param[in] length - available length in the firmware update package * @param[in] component_bitmap_bit_length - ComponentBitmapBitLengthfield * parsed from the package header info * @param[out] fw_device_id_record - pointer to fixed part of firmware device * id record * @param[out] applicable_components - pointer to ApplicableComponents * @param[out] comp_image_set_version_str - pointer to * ComponentImageSetVersionString * @param[out] record_descriptors - pointer to RecordDescriptors * @param[out] fw_device_pkg_data - pointer to FirmwareDevicePackageData * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_firmware_device_id_record( const uint8_t *data, size_t length, uint16_t component_bitmap_bit_length, struct pldm_firmware_device_id_record *fw_device_id_record, struct variable_field *applicable_components, struct variable_field *comp_image_set_version_str, struct variable_field *record_descriptors, struct variable_field *fw_device_pkg_data); /** @brief Decode the record descriptor entries in the firmware update package * and the Descriptors in the QueryDeviceIDentifiers command * * @param[in] data - pointer to descriptor entry * @param[in] length - remaining length of the descriptor data * @param[out] descriptor_type - pointer to descriptor type * @param[out] descriptor_data - pointer to descriptor data * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_descriptor_type_length_value(const uint8_t *data, size_t length, uint16_t *descriptor_type, struct variable_field *descriptor_data); /** @brief Decode the vendor defined descriptor value * * @param[in] data - pointer to vendor defined descriptor value * @param[in] length - length of the vendor defined descriptor value * @param[out] descriptor_title_str_type - pointer to vendor defined descriptor * title string type * @param[out] descriptor_title_str - pointer to vendor defined descriptor * title string * @param[out] descriptor_data - pointer to vendor defined descriptor data * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_vendor_defined_descriptor_value( const uint8_t *data, size_t length, uint8_t *descriptor_title_str_type, struct variable_field *descriptor_title_str, struct variable_field *descriptor_data); /** @brief Decode individual component image information * * @param[in] data - pointer to component image information * @param[in] length - available length in the firmware update package * @param[out] pldm_comp_image_info - pointer to fixed part of component image * information * @param[out] comp_version_str - pointer to component version string * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_pldm_comp_image_info( const uint8_t *data, size_t length, struct pldm_component_image_information *pldm_comp_image_info, struct variable_field *comp_version_str); /** @brief Create a PLDM request message for QueryDeviceIdentifiers * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] payload_length - Length of the request message payload * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_query_device_identifiers_req(uint8_t instance_id, size_t payload_length, struct pldm_msg *msg); /** @brief Decode QueryDeviceIdentifiers response message * * @param[in] msg - Response message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * @param[out] completion_code - Pointer to response msg's PLDM completion code * @param[out] device_identifiers_len - Pointer to device identifiers length * @param[out] descriptor_count - Pointer to descriptor count * @param[out] descriptor_data - Pointer to descriptor data * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_query_device_identifiers_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, uint32_t *device_identifiers_len, uint8_t *descriptor_count, uint8_t **descriptor_data); /** @brief Create a PLDM request message for GetFirmwareParameters * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] payload_length - Length of the request message payload * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_get_firmware_parameters_req(uint8_t instance_id, size_t payload_length, struct pldm_msg *msg); /** @brief Decode GetFirmwareParameters response * * @param[in] msg - Response message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * @param[out] resp_data - Pointer to get firmware parameters response * @param[out] active_comp_image_set_ver_str - Pointer to active component * image set version string * @param[out] pending_comp_image_set_ver_str - Pointer to pending component * image set version string * @param[out] comp_parameter_table - Pointer to component parameter table * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_get_firmware_parameters_resp( const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, struct pldm_get_firmware_parameters_resp *resp_data, struct variable_field *active_comp_image_set_ver_str, struct variable_field *pending_comp_image_set_ver_str, struct variable_field *comp_parameter_table); /** @brief Decode component entries in the component parameter table which is * part of the response of GetFirmwareParameters command * * @param[in] data - Component entry * @param[in] length - Length of component entry * @param[out] component_data - Pointer to component parameter table * @param[out] active_comp_ver_str - Pointer to active component version string * @param[out] pending_comp_ver_str - Pointer to pending component version * string * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_get_firmware_parameters_resp_comp_entry( const uint8_t *data, size_t length, struct pldm_component_parameter_entry *component_data, struct variable_field *active_comp_ver_str, struct variable_field *pending_comp_ver_str); /** @brief Create PLDM request message for RequestUpdate * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] max_transfer_size - Maximum size of the variable payload allowed * to be requested via RequestFirmwareData * command * @param[in] num_of_comp - Total number of components that will be passed to * the FD during the update * @param[in] max_outstanding_transfer_req - Total number of outstanding * RequestFirmwareData * commands that can be sent by the FD * @param[in] pkg_data_len - Value of the FirmwareDevicePackageDataLength field * present in firmware package header * @param[in] comp_image_set_ver_str_type - StringType of * ComponentImageSetVersionString * @param[in] comp_image_set_ver_str_len - The length of the * ComponentImageSetVersionString * @param[in] comp_img_set_ver_str - Component Image Set version information * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_request_update_req(uint8_t instance_id, uint32_t max_transfer_size, uint16_t num_of_comp, uint8_t max_outstanding_transfer_req, uint16_t pkg_data_len, uint8_t comp_image_set_ver_str_type, uint8_t comp_image_set_ver_str_len, const struct variable_field *comp_img_set_ver_str, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode a RequestUpdate response message * * @param[in] msg - Response message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * @param[out] completion_code - Pointer to hold the completion code * @param[out] fd_meta_data_len - Pointer to hold the length of FD metadata * @param[out] fd_will_send_pkg_data - Pointer to hold information whether FD * will send GetPackageData command * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_request_update_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, uint16_t *fd_meta_data_len, uint8_t *fd_will_send_pkg_data); /** @brief Create PLDM request message for PassComponentTable * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] transfer_flag - TransferFlag * @param[in] comp_classification - ComponentClassification * @param[in] comp_identifier - ComponentIdentifier * @param[in] comp_classification_index - ComponentClassificationIndex * @param[in] comp_comparison_stamp - ComponentComparisonStamp * @param[in] comp_ver_str_type - ComponentVersionStringType * @param[in] comp_ver_str_len - ComponentVersionStringLength * @param[in] comp_ver_str - ComponentVersionString * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * information * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_pass_component_table_req( uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t transfer_flag, uint16_t comp_classification, uint16_t comp_identifier, uint8_t comp_classification_index, uint32_t comp_comparison_stamp, uint8_t comp_ver_str_type, uint8_t comp_ver_str_len, const struct variable_field *comp_ver_str, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode PassComponentTable response message * * @param[in] msg - Response message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * @param[out] completion_code - Pointer to hold completion code * @param[out] comp_resp - Pointer to hold component response * @param[out] comp_resp_code - Pointer to hold component response code * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_pass_component_table_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, uint8_t *comp_resp, uint8_t *comp_resp_code); /** @brief Create PLDM request message for UpdateComponent * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] comp_classification - ComponentClassification * @param[in] comp_identifier - ComponentIdentifier * @param[in] comp_classification_index - ComponentClassificationIndex * @param[in] comp_comparison_stamp - ComponentComparisonStamp * @param[in] comp_image_size - ComponentImageSize * @param[in] update_option_flags - UpdateOptionFlags * @param[in] comp_ver_str_type - ComponentVersionStringType * @param[in] comp_ver_str_len - ComponentVersionStringLength * @param[in] comp_ver_str - ComponentVersionString * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * information * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_update_component_req( uint8_t instance_id, uint16_t comp_classification, uint16_t comp_identifier, uint8_t comp_classification_index, uint32_t comp_comparison_stamp, uint32_t comp_image_size, bitfield32_t update_option_flags, uint8_t comp_ver_str_type, uint8_t comp_ver_str_len, const struct variable_field *comp_ver_str, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode UpdateComponent response message * * @param[in] msg - Response message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * @param[out] completion_code - Pointer to hold completion code * @param[out] comp_compatibility_resp - Pointer to hold component * compatibility response * @param[out] comp_compatibility_resp_code - Pointer to hold component * compatibility response code * @param[out] update_option_flags_enabled - Pointer to hold * UpdateOptionsFlagEnabled * @param[out] time_before_req_fw_data - Pointer to hold the estimated time * before sending RequestFirmwareData * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_update_component_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, uint8_t *comp_compatibility_resp, uint8_t *comp_compatibility_resp_code, bitfield32_t *update_option_flags_enabled, uint16_t *time_before_req_fw_data); /** @brief Decode RequestFirmwareData request message * * @param[in] msg - Request message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * @param[out] offset - Pointer to hold offset * @param[out] length - Pointer to hold the size of the component image * segment requested by the FD/FDP * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_request_firmware_data_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint32_t *offset, uint32_t *length); /** @brief Create PLDM response message for RequestFirmwareData * * The ComponentImagePortion is not encoded in the PLDM response message * by encode_request_firmware_data_resp to avoid an additional copy. Populating * ComponentImagePortion in the PLDM response message is handled by the user * of this API. The payload_length validation considers only the * CompletionCode. * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] completion_code - CompletionCode * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_request_firmware_data_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode TransferComplete request message * * @param[in] msg - Request message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * @param[out] transfer_result - Pointer to hold TransferResult * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_transfer_complete_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *transfer_result); /** @brief Create PLDM response message for TransferComplete * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] completion_code - CompletionCode * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_transfer_complete_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode VerifyComplete request message * * @param[in] msg - Request message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * @param[in] verify_result - Pointer to hold VerifyResult * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_verify_complete_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *verify_result); /** @brief Create PLDM response message for VerifyComplete * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] completion_code - CompletionCode * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_verify_complete_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode ApplyComplete request message * * @param[in] msg - Request message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * @param[in] apply_result - Pointer to hold ApplyResult * @param[in] comp_activation_methods_modification - Pointer to hold the * ComponentActivationMethodsModification * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_apply_complete_req( const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *apply_result, bitfield16_t *comp_activation_methods_modification); /** @brief Create PLDM response message for ApplyComplete * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] completion_code - CompletionCode * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_apply_complete_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Create PLDM request message for ActivateFirmware * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in] self_contained_activation_req SelfContainedActivationRequest * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_activate_firmware_req(uint8_t instance_id, bool8_t self_contained_activation_req, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode ActivateFirmware response message * * @param[in] msg - Response message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * @param[out] completion_code - Pointer to hold CompletionCode * @param[out] estimated_time_activation - Pointer to hold * EstimatedTimeForSelfContainedActivation * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_activate_firmware_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, uint16_t *estimated_time_activation); /** @brief Create PLDM request message for GetStatus * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_get_status_req(uint8_t instance_id, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode GetStatus response message * * @param[in] msg - Response message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * @param[out] completion_code - Pointer to completion code * @param[out] current_state - Pointer to current state machine state * @param[out] previous_state - Pointer to previous different state machine * state * @param[out] aux_state - Pointer to current operation state of FD/FDP * @param[out] aux_state_status - Pointer to aux state status * @param[out] progress_percent - Pointer to progress percentage * @param[out] reason_code - Pointer to reason for entering current state * @param[out] update_option_flags_enabled - Pointer to update option flags * enabled * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_get_status_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, uint8_t *current_state, uint8_t *previous_state, uint8_t *aux_state, uint8_t *aux_state_status, uint8_t *progress_percent, uint8_t *reason_code, bitfield32_t *update_option_flags_enabled); /** @brief Create PLDM request message for CancelUpdateComponent * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_cancel_update_component_req(uint8_t instance_id, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode CancelUpdateComponent response message * * @param[in] msg - Response message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * @param[out] completion_code - Pointer to the completion code * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_cancel_update_component_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code); /** @brief Create PLDM request message for CancelUpdate * * @param[in] instance_id - Message's instance id * @param[in,out] msg - Message will be written to this * @param[in] payload_length - Length of request message payload * * @return pldm_completion_codes * * @note Caller is responsible for memory alloc and dealloc of param * 'msg.payload' */ int encode_cancel_update_req(uint8_t instance_id, struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length); /** @brief Decode CancelUpdate response message * * @param[in] msg - Response message * @param[in] payload_length - Length of response message payload * @param[out] completion_code - Pointer to completion code * @param[out] non_functioning_component_indication - Pointer to non functioning * component indication * @param[out] non_functioning_component_bitmap - Pointer to non functioning * component bitmap * * @return pldm_completion_codes */ int decode_cancel_update_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, bool8_t *non_functioning_component_indication, bitfield64_t *non_functioning_component_bitmap); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // End of FW_UPDATE_H