/* Copyright 2017 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ccan/endian/endian.h" #include "ccan/short_types/short_types.h" #include "container-utils.h" #include "container.h" #define CONTAINER_HDR 0 #define PREFIX_HDR 1 #define SOFTWARE_HDR 2 char *progname; bool verbose, debug; int wrap = 100; void usage(int status); void getPublicKeyRaw(ecc_key_t *pubkeyraw, char *inFile) { EVP_PKEY* pkey; unsigned char pubkeyData[1 + 2 * EC_COORDBYTES]; FILE *fp = fopen(inFile, "r"); if (!fp) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot open key file: %s: %s", inFile, strerror(errno)); if ((pkey = PEM_read_PrivateKey(fp, NULL, NULL, NULL))) { debug_msg("File \"%s\" is a PEM private key", inFile); fclose(fp); } else { fclose(fp); fp = fopen(inFile, "r"); if ((pkey = PEM_read_PUBKEY(fp, NULL, NULL, NULL))) { debug_msg("File \"%s\" is a PEM public key", inFile); } fclose(fp); } if (pkey) { EC_KEY *key; const EC_GROUP *ecgrp; const EC_POINT *ecpoint; BIGNUM *pubkeyBN; key = EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(pkey); if (!key) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY"); ecgrp = EC_KEY_get0_group(key); if (!ecgrp) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot EC_KEY_get0_group"); ecpoint = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(key); if (!ecpoint) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot EC_KEY_get0_public_key"); pubkeyBN = EC_POINT_point2bn(ecgrp, ecpoint, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED, NULL, NULL); BN_bn2bin(pubkeyBN, pubkeyData); BN_free(pubkeyBN); EC_KEY_free(key); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); } else { /* The file is not a public or private key in PEM format. So we check if * it is a p521 pubkey in RAW format, in which case it will be 133 bytes * with a leading byte of 0x04, indicating an uncompressed key. */ int fdin, r; struct stat s; void *infile = NULL; fdin = open(inFile, O_RDONLY); if (fdin <= 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot open key file: %s: %s", inFile, strerror(errno)); r = fstat(fdin, &s); if (r != 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot stat key file: %s", inFile); if (s.st_size == 1 + 2 * EC_COORDBYTES) infile = mmap(NULL, s.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fdin, 0); close(fdin); if (!infile || (*(unsigned char*) infile != 0x04)) { die(EX_DATAERR, "File \"%s\" is not in expected format (private or public key in PEM, or public key RAW)", inFile); } else debug_msg("File \"%s\" is a RAW public key", inFile); memcpy(pubkeyData, infile, sizeof(ecc_key_t) + 1); } // Remove the leading byte memcpy(*pubkeyraw, &pubkeyData[1], sizeof(ecc_key_t)); return; } void getSigRaw(ecc_signature_t *sigraw, char *inFile) { int fdin; struct stat s; void *infile; int r; int rlen, roff, slen, soff; const BIGNUM *sr, *ss; unsigned char outbuf[2 * EC_COORDBYTES]; ECDSA_SIG* signature; fdin = open(inFile, O_RDONLY); if (fdin <= 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot open sig file: %s: %s", inFile, strerror(errno)); r = fstat(fdin, &s); if (r != 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot stat sig file: %s", inFile); infile = mmap(NULL, s.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fdin, 0); if (!infile) die(EX_OSERR, "%s", "Cannot mmap file"); close(fdin); if (s.st_size == 2 * EC_COORDBYTES) { /* The file is a p521 signature in RAW format. */ debug_msg("File \"%s\" is a RAW signature", inFile); memcpy(sigraw, infile, sizeof(ecc_signature_t)); } else { /* Assume the file is a p521 signature in DER format. * Convert the DER to a signature object, then extract the RAW. */ debug_msg("File \"%s\" is a DER signature", inFile); signature = d2i_ECDSA_SIG(NULL, (const unsigned char **) &infile, 7 + 2 * EC_COORDBYTES); memset(&outbuf, 0, sizeof(outbuf)); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L ECDSA_SIG_get0(signature, &sr, &ss); #else sr = signature->r; ss = signature->s; #endif rlen = BN_num_bytes(sr); roff = 66 - rlen; BN_bn2bin(sr, &outbuf[roff]); slen = BN_num_bytes(ss); soff = 66 + (66 - slen); BN_bn2bin(ss, &outbuf[soff]); memcpy(sigraw, outbuf, sizeof(ecc_signature_t)); ECDSA_SIG_free(signature); } return; } void writeHdr(void *hdr, const char *outFile, int hdr_type) { int fdout; int r, hdr_sz; unsigned char md[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH]; switch (hdr_type) { case CONTAINER_HDR: hdr_sz = SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE; break; case PREFIX_HDR: hdr_sz = sizeof(ROM_prefix_header_raw); SHA512(hdr, hdr_sz, md); verbose_print((char *) "PR header hash = ", md, sizeof(md)); break; case SOFTWARE_HDR: hdr_sz = sizeof(ROM_sw_header_raw); SHA512(hdr, hdr_sz, md); verbose_print((char *) "SW header hash = ", md, sizeof(md)); break; default: die(EX_SOFTWARE, "Unknown header type (%d)", hdr_type); } fdout = open(outFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (fdout <= 0) die(EX_CANTCREAT, "Cannot create output file: %s", outFile); r = write(fdout, (const void *) hdr, hdr_sz); close(fdout); if (r < hdr_sz) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "Error writing header file (r = %d)", r); debug_msg("Wrote %d bytes to %s", r, outFile); return; } __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void usage (int status) { if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); } else { printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", progname); printf( "\n" "Options:\n" " -h, --help display this message and exit\n" " -v, --verbose show verbose output\n" " -d, --debug show additional debug output\n" " -w, --wrap column to wrap long output in verbose mode\n" " -a, --hw_key_a file containing HW key A key in PEM or RAW format\n" " -b, --hw_key_b file containing HW key B key in PEM or RAW format\n" " -c, --hw_key_c file containing HW key C key in PEM or RAW format\n" " -p, --sw_key_p file containing SW key P key in PEM or RAW format\n" " -q, --sw_key_q file containing SW key Q key in PEM or RAW format\n" " -r, --sw_key_r file containing SW key R key in PEM or RAW format\n" " -A, --hw_sig_a file containing HW key A signature in DER format\n" " -B, --hw_sig_b file containing HW key B signature in DER format\n" " -C, --hw_sig_c file containing HW key C signature in DER format\n" " -P, --sw_sig_p file containing SW key P signature in DER format\n" " -Q, --sw_sig_q file containing SW key Q signature in DER format\n" " -R, --sw_sig_r file containing SW key R signature in DER format\n" " -l, --payload file containing the payload to be signed\n" " -I, --imagefile file to write containerized image (output)\n" " -o, --hw-cs-offset code start offset for prefix header in hex\n" " -O, --sw-cs-offset code start offset for software header in hex\n" " -f, --hw-flags prefix header flags in hex\n" " -F, --sw-flags software header flags in hex\n" " -L, --label character field up to 8 bytes, written to SW header\n" " --dumpPrefixHdr file to dump Prefix header blob (to be signed)\n" " --dumpSwHdr file to dump Software header blob (to be signed)\n" " --dumpContrHdr file to dump full Container header (w/o payload)\n" "Note:\n" "- Keys A,B,C,P,Q,R must be valid p521 ECC keys. Keys may be provided as public\n" " or private key in PEM format, or public key in uncompressed raw format.\n" "\n"); }; exit(status); } static struct option const opts[] = { { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { "debug", no_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "wrap", required_argument, 0, 'w' }, { "hw_key_a", required_argument, 0, 'a' }, { "hw_key_b", required_argument, 0, 'b' }, { "hw_key_c", required_argument, 0, 'c' }, { "sw_key_p", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "sw_key_q", required_argument, 0, 'q' }, { "sw_key_r", required_argument, 0, 'r' }, { "hw_sig_a", required_argument, 0, 'A' }, { "hw_sig_b", required_argument, 0, 'B' }, { "hw_sig_c", required_argument, 0, 'C' }, { "sw_sig_p", required_argument, 0, 'P' }, { "sw_sig_q", required_argument, 0, 'Q' }, { "sw_sig_r", required_argument, 0, 'R' }, { "payload", required_argument, 0, 'l' }, { "imagefile", required_argument, 0, 'I' }, { "hw-cs-offset", required_argument, 0, 'o' }, { "sw-cs-offset", required_argument, 0, 'O' }, { "hw-flags", required_argument, 0, 'f' }, { "sw-flags", required_argument, 0, 'F' }, { "label", required_argument, 0, 'L' }, { "dumpPrefixHdr", required_argument, 0, 128 }, { "dumpSwHdr", required_argument, 0, 129 }, { "dumpContrHdr", required_argument, 0, 130 }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static struct { char *hw_keyfn_a; char *hw_keyfn_b; char *hw_keyfn_c; char *sw_keyfn_p; char *sw_keyfn_q; char *sw_keyfn_r; char *hw_sigfn_a; char *hw_sigfn_b; char *hw_sigfn_c; char *sw_sigfn_p; char *sw_sigfn_q; char *sw_sigfn_r; char *imagefn; char *payloadfn; char *hw_cs_offset; char *sw_cs_offset; char *hw_flags; char *sw_flags; char *label; char *prhdrfn; char *swhdrfn; char *cthdrfn; } params; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int fdin, fdout; int indexptr; unsigned int size, offset; void *container = malloc(SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE); char *buf = malloc(SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE); struct stat payload_st; off_t l; void *infile; int r; uint32_t data; uint64_t data64; ROM_container_raw *c = (ROM_container_raw*) container; ROM_prefix_header_raw *ph; ROM_prefix_data_raw *pd; ROM_sw_header_raw *swh; ROM_sw_sig_raw *ssig; unsigned char md[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH]; void *p; ecc_key_t pubkeyraw; ecc_signature_t sigraw; progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (progname != NULL) ++progname; else progname = argv[0]; memset(container, 0, SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE); while (1) { int opt; opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvdw:a:b:c:p:q:r:A:B:C:P:Q:R:L:I:o:O:f:F:l:", opts, &indexptr); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 'h': case '?': usage(EX_OK); break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'd': debug = true; break; case 'w': wrap = atoi(optarg); wrap = (wrap < 2) ? INT_MAX : wrap; break; case 'a': params.hw_keyfn_a = optarg; break; case 'b': params.hw_keyfn_b = optarg; break; case 'c': params.hw_keyfn_c = optarg; break; case 'p': params.sw_keyfn_p = optarg; break; case 'q': params.sw_keyfn_q = optarg; break; case 'r': params.sw_keyfn_r = optarg; break; case 'A': params.hw_sigfn_a = optarg; break; case 'B': params.hw_sigfn_b = optarg; break; case 'C': params.hw_sigfn_c = optarg; break; case 'P': params.sw_sigfn_p = optarg; break; case 'Q': params.sw_sigfn_q = optarg; break; case 'R': params.sw_sigfn_r = optarg; break; case 'l': params.payloadfn = optarg; break; case 'I': params.imagefn = optarg; break; case 'o': params.hw_cs_offset = optarg; break; case 'O': params.sw_cs_offset = optarg; break; case 'f': params.hw_flags = optarg; break; case 'F': params.sw_flags = optarg; break; case 'L': params.label = optarg; break; case 128: params.prhdrfn = optarg; break; case 129: params.swhdrfn = optarg; break; case 130: params.cthdrfn = optarg; break; default: usage(EX_USAGE); } } fdin = open(params.payloadfn, O_RDONLY); if (fdin <= 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot open payload file: %s", params.payloadfn); r = fstat(fdin, &payload_st); if (r != 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot stat payload file: %s", params.payloadfn); infile = mmap(NULL, payload_st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fdin, 0); if (!infile) die(EX_OSERR, "%s", "Cannot mmap file"); fdout = open(params.imagefn, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (fdout <= 0) die(EX_CANTCREAT, "Cannot create output file: %s", params.imagefn); // Container creation starts here. c->magic_number = cpu_to_be32(ROM_MAGIC_NUMBER); c->version = cpu_to_be16(1); c->container_size = cpu_to_be64(SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE + payload_st.st_size); c->target_hrmor = 0; c->stack_pointer = 0; memset(c->hw_pkey_a, 0, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); memset(c->hw_pkey_b, 0, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); memset(c->hw_pkey_c, 0, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); if (params.hw_keyfn_a) { getPublicKeyRaw(&pubkeyraw, params.hw_keyfn_a); verbose_print((char *) "pubkey A = ", pubkeyraw, sizeof(pubkeyraw)); memcpy(c->hw_pkey_a, pubkeyraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); } if (params.hw_keyfn_b) { getPublicKeyRaw(&pubkeyraw, params.hw_keyfn_b); verbose_print((char *) "pubkey B = ", pubkeyraw, sizeof(pubkeyraw)); memcpy(c->hw_pkey_b, pubkeyraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); } if (params.hw_keyfn_c) { getPublicKeyRaw(&pubkeyraw, params.hw_keyfn_c); verbose_print((char *) "pubkey C = ", pubkeyraw, sizeof(pubkeyraw)); memcpy(c->hw_pkey_c, pubkeyraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); } p = SHA512(c->hw_pkey_a, sizeof(ecc_key_t) * 3, md); if (!p) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot get SHA512"); verbose_print((char *) "HW keys hash = ", md, sizeof(md)); ph = container + sizeof(ROM_container_raw); ph->ver_alg.version = cpu_to_be16(1); ph->ver_alg.hash_alg = 1; ph->ver_alg.sig_alg = 1; // Set code-start-offset. if (params.hw_cs_offset) { if (!isValidHex(params.hw_cs_offset, 4)) die(EX_DATAERR, "%s", "Invalid input for hw-cs-offset, expecting a 4 byte hexadecimal value"); sscanf(params.hw_cs_offset, "%lx", &data64); ph->code_start_offset = cpu_to_be64(data64); verbose_msg("hw-cs-offset = %#010lx", data64); } else { ph->code_start_offset = 0; } ph->reserved = 0; // Set flags. if (params.hw_flags) { if (!isValidHex(params.hw_flags, 4)) die(EX_DATAERR, "%s", "Invalid input for hw-flags, expecting a 4 byte hexadecimal value"); sscanf(params.hw_flags, "%x", &data); ph->flags = cpu_to_be32(data); verbose_msg("hw-flags = %#010x", data); } else { ph->flags = cpu_to_be32(0x80000000); } memset(ph->payload_hash, 0, sizeof(sha2_hash_t)); ph->ecid_count = 0; pd = (ROM_prefix_data_raw*) ph->ecid; memset(pd->hw_sig_a, 0, sizeof(ecc_signature_t)); memset(pd->hw_sig_b, 0, sizeof(ecc_signature_t)); memset(pd->hw_sig_c, 0, sizeof(ecc_signature_t)); // Write the HW signatures. if (params.hw_sigfn_a) { getSigRaw(&sigraw, params.hw_sigfn_a); verbose_print((char *) "signature A = ", sigraw, sizeof(sigraw)); memcpy(pd->hw_sig_a, sigraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); } if (params.hw_sigfn_b) { getSigRaw(&sigraw, params.hw_sigfn_b); verbose_print((char *) "signature B = ", sigraw, sizeof(sigraw)); memcpy(pd->hw_sig_b, sigraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); } if (params.hw_sigfn_c) { getSigRaw(&sigraw, params.hw_sigfn_c); verbose_print((char *) "signature C = ", sigraw, sizeof(sigraw)); memcpy(pd->hw_sig_c, sigraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); } memset(pd->sw_pkey_p, 0, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); memset(pd->sw_pkey_q, 0, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); memset(pd->sw_pkey_r, 0, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); // Write the FW keys. if (params.sw_keyfn_p) { getPublicKeyRaw(&pubkeyraw, params.sw_keyfn_p); verbose_print((char *) "pubkey P = ", pubkeyraw, sizeof(pubkeyraw)); memcpy(pd->sw_pkey_p, pubkeyraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); ph->sw_key_count++; } if (params.sw_keyfn_q) { getPublicKeyRaw(&pubkeyraw, params.sw_keyfn_q); verbose_print((char *) "pubkey Q = ", pubkeyraw, sizeof(pubkeyraw)); memcpy(pd->sw_pkey_q, pubkeyraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); ph->sw_key_count++; } if (params.sw_keyfn_r) { getPublicKeyRaw(&pubkeyraw, params.sw_keyfn_r); verbose_print((char *) "pubkey R = ", pubkeyraw, sizeof(pubkeyraw)); memcpy(pd->sw_pkey_r, pubkeyraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); ph->sw_key_count++; } debug_msg("sw_key_count = %u", ph->sw_key_count); ph->payload_size = cpu_to_be64(ph->sw_key_count * sizeof(ecc_key_t)); // Calculate the SW keys hash. p = SHA512(pd->sw_pkey_p, sizeof(ecc_key_t) * ph->sw_key_count, md); if (!p) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot get SHA512"); memcpy(ph->payload_hash, md, sizeof(sha2_hash_t)); verbose_print((char *) "SW keys hash = ", md, sizeof(md)); // Dump the Prefix header. if (params.prhdrfn) writeHdr((void *) ph, params.prhdrfn, PREFIX_HDR); swh = (ROM_sw_header_raw*) (((uint8_t*) pd) + sizeof(ecc_signature_t) * 3 + be64_to_cpu(ph->payload_size)); swh->ver_alg.version = cpu_to_be16(1); swh->ver_alg.hash_alg = 1; swh->ver_alg.sig_alg = 1; // Set code-start-offset. if (params.sw_cs_offset) { if (!isValidHex(params.sw_cs_offset, 4)) die(EX_DATAERR, "%s", "Invalid input for sw-cs-offset, expecting a 4 byte hexadecimal value"); sscanf(params.sw_cs_offset, "%lx", &data64); swh->code_start_offset = cpu_to_be64(data64); verbose_msg("sw-cs-offset = %#010lx", data64); } else { swh->code_start_offset = 0; } swh->reserved = 0; // Add component ID (label). if (params.label) { if (!isValidAscii(params.label, 0)) die(EX_DATAERR, "%s", "Invalid input for label, expecting a 8 char ASCII value"); strncpy((char *) &swh->reserved, params.label, 8); verbose_msg("component ID (was reserved) = %.8s", (char * ) &swh->reserved); } // Set flags. if (params.sw_flags) { if (!isValidHex(params.sw_flags, 4)) die(EX_DATAERR, "%s", "Invalid input for sw-flags, expecting a 4 byte hexadecimal value"); sscanf(params.sw_flags, "%x", &data); swh->flags = cpu_to_be32(data); verbose_msg("sw-flags = %#010x", data); } else { swh->flags = cpu_to_be32(0x00000000); } swh->reserved_0 = 0; swh->payload_size = cpu_to_be64(payload_st.st_size); // Calculate the payload hash. p = SHA512(infile, payload_st.st_size, md); if (!p) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot get SHA512"); memcpy(swh->payload_hash, md, sizeof(sha2_hash_t)); verbose_print((char *) "Payload hash = ", md, sizeof(md)); // Dump the Software header. if (params.swhdrfn) writeHdr((void *) swh, params.swhdrfn, SOFTWARE_HDR); ssig = (ROM_sw_sig_raw*) (((uint8_t*) swh) + sizeof(ROM_sw_header_raw)); memset(ssig->sw_sig_p, 0, sizeof(ecc_signature_t)); memset(ssig->sw_sig_q, 0, sizeof(ecc_signature_t)); memset(ssig->sw_sig_r, 0, sizeof(ecc_signature_t)); // Write the HW signatures. if (params.sw_sigfn_p) { getSigRaw(&sigraw, params.sw_sigfn_p); verbose_print((char *) "signature P = ", sigraw, sizeof(sigraw)); memcpy(ssig->sw_sig_p, sigraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); } if (params.sw_sigfn_q) { getSigRaw(&sigraw, params.sw_sigfn_q); verbose_print((char *) "signature Q = ", sigraw, sizeof(sigraw)); memcpy(ssig->sw_sig_q, sigraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); } if (params.sw_sigfn_r) { getSigRaw(&sigraw, params.sw_sigfn_r); verbose_print((char *) "signature R = ", sigraw, sizeof(sigraw)); memcpy(ssig->sw_sig_r, sigraw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); } // Dump the full container header. if (params.cthdrfn) writeHdr((void *) c, params.cthdrfn, CONTAINER_HDR); // Print container stats. size = (uint8_t*) ph - (uint8_t *) c; offset = (uint8_t*) c - (uint8_t *) c; verbose_msg("HW header size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)", size, size, offset, offset); size = (uint8_t*) pd - (uint8_t *) ph; offset = (uint8_t*) ph - (uint8_t *) c; verbose_msg("Prefix header size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)", size, size, offset, offset); size = (uint8_t*) swh - (uint8_t *) pd; offset = (uint8_t*) pd - (uint8_t *) c; verbose_msg("Prefix data size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)", size, size, offset, offset); size = (uint8_t*) ssig - (uint8_t *) swh; offset = (uint8_t*) swh - (uint8_t *) c; verbose_msg("SW header size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)", size, size, offset, offset); size = sizeof(ecc_key_t) * ph->sw_key_count; offset = (uint8_t*) ssig - (uint8_t *) c; verbose_msg("SW signature size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)", size, size, offset, offset); verbose_msg("TOTAL HEADER SIZE = %4d (%#0x)", SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE, SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE); verbose_msg("PAYLOAD SIZE = %4lu (%#0lx)", be64_to_cpu(swh->payload_size), be64_to_cpu(swh->payload_size)); verbose_msg("TOTAL CONTAINER SIZE = %4lu (%#0lx)", be64_to_cpu(c->container_size), be64_to_cpu(c->container_size)); // Write container. r = write(fdout, container, SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE); if (r != 4096) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "Cannot write container (r = %d)", r); r = read(fdin, buf, payload_st.st_size % 4096); r = write(fdout, buf, payload_st.st_size % 4096); l = payload_st.st_size - payload_st.st_size % 4096; while (l) { r = read(fdin, buf, 4096); r = write(fdout, buf, 4096); l -= 4096; }; close(fdin); close(fdout); free(container); free(buf); return 0; }