/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/hwpf/hwp/build_winkle_images/p8_slw_build/p8_pore_table_gen_api_fixed.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013,2014 */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ // $Id: p8_pore_table_gen_api_fixed.C,v 1.15 2014/05/30 20:31:24 cmolsen Exp $ // /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* *! (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2012 */ /* *! All Rights Reserved -- Property of IBM */ /* *! *** IBM Confidential *** */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* *! TITLE : p8_pore_table_gen_api_fixed.C */ /* *! DESCRIPTION : PORE SLW table generaion APIs */ /* *! OWNER NAME : Michael Olsen Email: cmolsen@us.ibm.com */ // /* *! USAGE : To build for PHYP command-line - */ /* buildecmdprcd -C "p8_pore_table_gen_api_fixed.C" -c "p8_pore_table_static_data.c,sbe_xip_image.c,pore_inline_assembler.c" -u "SLW_COMMAND_LINE_RAM" p8_pore_table_gen_api_fixed_main.C */ // /* *! COMMENTS : - The DYNAMIC_RAM_TABLE_PPD was dropped in v1.12 of this */ /* code. See v1.12 for explanation and code implementation. */ // /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define __P8_PORE_TABLE_GEN_API_C #include #include #include /* // io_image - pointer to SLW image // i_modeBuild - 0: HB/IPL mode, 1: PHYP/Rebuild mode, 2: SRAM mode. // i_regName - unswizzled enum SPR value (NOT a name) // i_regData - data to write // i_coreIndex - core ID = [0:15] // i_threadIndex - thread to operate on = [0:7]. */ uint32_t p8_pore_gen_cpureg_fixed( void *io_image, uint8_t i_modeBuild, uint32_t i_regName, uint64_t i_regData, uint32_t i_coreId, uint32_t i_threadId) { uint32_t rc=0, rcLoc=0, iCount=0; int i=0, iReg=-1; uint64_t xipSlwRamSection; void *hostSlwRamSection; void *hostSlwSectionFixed; uint64_t xipRamTableThis; void *hostRamVector; void *hostRamTableThis=NULL; void *hostRamEntryThis=NULL, *hostRamEntryNext=NULL; uint8_t bNewTable=0, bFound=0; uint8_t bEntryEnd=1, headerType=0; SbeXipSection xipSection; SbeXipItem xipTocItem; RamTableEntry ramEntryThis, *ramEntryNext; uint32_t sprSwiz=0; uint8_t bReplaceEntry=0; uint32_t headerNext=0; uint32_t instrNext=0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Ramming parameters. // // ...check mode build if (i_modeBuild>P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_MAX_VALUE) { MY_ERR("modeBuild=%i invalid. Valid range is [0;%i].", i_modeBuild,P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_MAX_VALUE); rcLoc = 1; } // ...check register value bFound = 0; for (i=0;i=SLW_MAX_CORES) { MY_ERR("Core ID = %i is not within valid range of [0;%i]\n",i_coreId,SLW_MAX_CORES-1); rcLoc = 1; } // ...check thread ID // - ensure it's zero if SPR is not thread scoped, i.e. if SPR is core scoped. // - error out if threadId exceed max num of threads. if (i_regName!=P8_SPR_HSPRG0 && i_regName!=P8_SPR_LPCR && i_regName!=P8_MSR_MSR) { i_threadId = 0; } if (i_threadId>=SLW_CORE_THREADS) { MY_ERR("Thread ID = %i is not within valid range of [0;%i]\n",i_threadId,SLW_CORE_THREADS-1); rcLoc = 1; } if (rcLoc) return IMGBUILD_ERR_RAM_INVALID_PARM; rcLoc = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check slw section location and size. (Mainly needed for fixed image.) // if (i_modeBuild==P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_IPL || i_modeBuild==P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_REBUILD) { // Fixed image. hostSlwSectionFixed = (void*)( (uintptr_t)io_image + FIXED_SLW_IMAGE_SIZE - FIXED_FFDC_SECTION_SIZE - FIXED_SLW_SECTION_SIZE ); // Even though we shouldn't call this api during a rebuild, it should be // safe to do so in this particular case since none of the info requested // is supposed to be moved during a rebuild. rc = sbe_xip_get_section( io_image, SBE_XIP_SECTION_SLW, &xipSection); if (rc) { MY_ERR("Probably invalid section name for SBE_XIP_SECTION_SLW.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_GET_SECTION; } hostSlwRamSection = (void*)((uintptr_t)io_image + xipSection.iv_offset); if (hostSlwSectionFixed!=hostSlwRamSection) { MY_ERR("hostSlwSectionFixed != hostSlwRamSection(from image api).\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_RAM_HDRS_NOT_SYNCED; } else { MY_INF("hostSlwSectionFixed == hostSlwRamSection(from image api).\n"); } } else { // SRAM non-fixed image. rc = sbe_xip_get_section( io_image, SBE_XIP_SECTION_SLW, &xipSection); if (rc) { MY_ERR("Probably invalid section name for SBE_XIP_SECTION_SLW.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_GET_SECTION; } hostSlwRamSection = (void*)((uintptr_t)io_image + xipSection.iv_offset); sbe_xip_host2pore( io_image, hostSlwRamSection, &xipSlwRamSection); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cross check SPR register and table defines // if (SLW_SPR_REGS_SIZE!=(SLW_MAX_CPUREGS_CORE+SLW_MAX_CPUREGS_THREADS)) { MY_ERR("Defines in *.H header file not in sync.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_RAM_HDRS_NOT_SYNCED; } if (xipSection.iv_size!=FIXED_SLW_SECTION_SIZE) { MY_ERR("Fixed SLW table size in *.H header file differs from SLW section size in image.\n"); MY_ERR("Check code or image version.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_RAM_HDRS_NOT_SYNCED; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summarize parameters and checking results. // MY_INF("Input parameter checks - OK\n"); MY_INF("\tMode build= %i\n",i_modeBuild); MY_INF("\tRegister = (%s,%i)\n",SLW_SPR_REGS[iReg].name,SLW_SPR_REGS[iReg].value); MY_INF("\tCore ID = %i\n",i_coreId); MY_INF("\tThread ID = %i\n",i_threadId); MY_INF("Image validation and size checks - OK\n"); MY_INF("\tSLW section size= %i\n",xipSection.iv_size); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Locate RAM vector and locate RAM table associated with "This" core ID. // if (i_modeBuild==P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_IPL || i_modeBuild==P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_REBUILD) { // Fixed image. hostRamTableThis = (void*)( (uintptr_t)io_image + FIXED_SLW_IMAGE_SIZE - FIXED_FFDC_SECTION_SIZE - FIXED_SLW_SECTION_SIZE + SLW_RAM_TABLE_SPACE_PER_CORE*i_coreId ); if (*(uintptr_t*)hostRamTableThis) { // Table content NOT empty. bNewTable = 0; // So, NOT new table. } else { // Table content empty. bNewTable = 1; // So, new table. } } else { // SRAM non-fixed image. rc = sbe_xip_find( io_image, SLW_HOST_REG_VECTOR_TOC_NAME, &xipTocItem); if (rc) { MY_ERR("Probably invalid key word for SLW_HOST_REG_VECTOR_TOC_NAME.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; } sbe_xip_pore2host( io_image, xipTocItem.iv_address, &hostRamVector); xipRamTableThis = myRev64(*((uint64_t*)hostRamVector + i_coreId)); if (xipRamTableThis) { sbe_xip_pore2host( io_image, xipRamTableThis, &hostRamTableThis); bNewTable = 0; } else { hostRamTableThis = (void*)( (uintptr_t)hostSlwRamSection + SLW_RAM_TABLE_SPACE_PER_CORE*i_coreId ); bNewTable = 1; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create most of the RAM entry, so it can be used to find a potential existing entry to // replace. Postpone decision about bEntryEnd and assume its zero for now (not end). // if (i_regName==P8_MSR_MSR) { // ...make the MSR header headerType = 0x1; // MTMSRD header. ramEntryThis.header = ( ((uint32_t)headerType) << RAM_HEADER_TYPE_START_C & RAM_HEADER_TYPE_MASK_C ) | ( i_threadId << RAM_HEADER_THREAD_START_C & RAM_HEADER_THREAD_MASK_C ); // ...make the MSR instr ramEntryThis.instr = RAM_MTMSRD_INSTR_TEMPL_C; } else { // ...make the SPR header headerType = 0x0; // MTSPR header. ramEntryThis.header = ( ((uint32_t)headerType) << RAM_HEADER_TYPE_START_C & RAM_HEADER_TYPE_MASK_C ) | ( i_regName << RAM_HEADER_SPRN_START_C & RAM_HEADER_SPRN_MASK_C ) | ( i_threadId << RAM_HEADER_THREAD_START_C & RAM_HEADER_THREAD_MASK_C ); // ...make the SPR instr sprSwiz = i_regName>>5 | (i_regName & 0x0000001f)<<5; if (sprSwiz!=SLW_SPR_REGS[iReg].swizzled) { MY_ERR("Inconsistent swizzle rules implemented. Check code. Dumping data.\n"); MY_ERR("\tsprSwiz (on-the-fly-calc)=%i\n",sprSwiz); MY_ERR("\tSLW_SPR_REGS[%i].swizzled=%i\n",iReg,SLW_SPR_REGS[iReg].swizzled); return IMGBUILD_ERR_RAM_CODE; } ramEntryThis.instr = RAM_MTSPR_INSTR_TEMPL_C | ( ( sprSwiz< First entry // - Existing Ram entry => Replace said entry // - Existing table, new Ram entry => Last entry // bReplaceEntry = 0; if (bNewTable) { // Append to beginning of agreed upon static Ram table position for this coreId. bEntryEnd = 1; ramEntryThis.header = ( ((uint32_t)bEntryEnd) << RAM_HEADER_END_START_C & RAM_HEADER_END_MASK_C ) | ramEntryThis.header; hostRamEntryThis = hostRamTableThis; if (i_modeBuild==P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_SRAM) { // Update RAM vector (since it is currently NULL) *((uint64_t*)hostRamVector + i_coreId) = myRev64( xipSlwRamSection + SLW_RAM_TABLE_SPACE_PER_CORE*i_coreId ); } } else { // Append at end of existing Ram table for this coreId // or // Replace an existing Ram entry hostRamEntryNext = hostRamTableThis; ramEntryNext = (RamTableEntry*)hostRamEntryNext; headerNext = myRev32(ramEntryNext->header); instrNext = myRev32(ramEntryNext->instr); iCount = 1; // Examine all entries, except last entry. while ((headerNext & RAM_HEADER_END_MASK_C)==0 && bReplaceEntry==0) { if (iCount>=SLW_MAX_CPUREGS_OPS) { MY_ERR("Bad table! Header end bit not found and RAM table full (=%i entries).\n",SLW_MAX_CPUREGS_OPS); return IMGBUILD_ERR_RAM_TABLE_END_NOT_FOUND; } if (ramEntryThis.header==headerNext && ramEntryThis.instr==instrNext) { // Its a replacement. Stop searching. Go do the replacement. bReplaceEntry = 1; hostRamEntryThis = hostRamEntryNext; } else { hostRamEntryNext = (void*)((uint8_t*)hostRamEntryNext + XIPSIZE_RAM_ENTRY); ramEntryNext = (RamTableEntry*)hostRamEntryNext; headerNext = myRev32(ramEntryNext->header); instrNext = myRev32(ramEntryNext->instr); iCount++; } } if (bReplaceEntry==0) { // Examine the last entry. if (headerNext & RAM_HEADER_END_MASK_C) { // Now we know for sure that our new Ram entry will also be the last, either as a // replace or append. So put the end bit into the new entry. bEntryEnd = 1; ramEntryThis.header = ( ((uint32_t)bEntryEnd) << RAM_HEADER_END_START_C & RAM_HEADER_END_MASK_C ) | ramEntryThis.header; // Determine if to replace or append. if (ramEntryThis.header==headerNext && ramEntryThis.instr==instrNext) { // Its a replacement. And it would be legal to replace the very last Ram in a completely full table. if (iCount<=SLW_MAX_CPUREGS_OPS) { bReplaceEntry = 1; hostRamEntryThis = hostRamEntryNext; } else { MY_ERR("RAM table is full. Max %i entries allowed.\n",SLW_MAX_CPUREGS_OPS); return IMGBUILD_ERR_RAM_TABLE_FULL; } } else { // Its an append. Make sure there's room for one more Ram entry. if (iCountheader = ramEntryNext->header & myRev32(~RAM_HEADER_END_MASK_C); hostRamEntryThis = (void*)((uint8_t*)hostRamEntryNext + XIPSIZE_RAM_ENTRY); } else { MY_ERR("RAM table is full. Max %i entries allowed.\n",SLW_MAX_CPUREGS_OPS); return IMGBUILD_ERR_RAM_TABLE_FULL; } } } else { MY_ERR("We should never get here. Check code. Dumping data:\n"); MY_ERR("myRev32(ramEntryNext->header) = 0x%08x\n",myRev32(ramEntryNext->header)); MY_ERR("RAM_HEADER_END_MASK_C = 0x%08x\n",RAM_HEADER_END_MASK_C); return IMGBUILD_ERR_RAM_CODE; } } } // Summarize new table entry data MY_INF("New table entry data (host format):\n"); MY_INF("\theader = 0x%08x\n",ramEntryThis.header); MY_INF("\tinstr = 0x%08x\n",ramEntryThis.instr); MY_INF("\tdata = 0x%016llx\n",ramEntryThis.data); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert the new RAM entry into the table in BE format. // ramEntryNext = (RamTableEntry*)hostRamEntryThis; // ...some redundant checking if (bNewTable) { // For any new table, the insertion location should be clean. We check for this here. if (myRev32(ramEntryNext->header)!=0) { MY_ERR("WARNING : Table entry location should be empty for a new table. Check code and image. Dumping data:\n"); MY_ERR("\theader = 0x%08x\n",myRev32(ramEntryNext->header)); MY_ERR("\tinstr = 0x%08x\n",myRev32(ramEntryNext->instr)); MY_ERR("\tdata = 0x%016llx\n",myRev64(ramEntryNext->data)); rc = IMGBUILD_WARN_RAM_TABLE_CONTAMINATION; } } // ..insert the new Ram entry. ramEntryNext->header = myRev32(ramEntryThis.header); ramEntryNext->instr = myRev32(ramEntryThis.instr); ramEntryNext->data = myRev64(ramEntryThis.data); return rc; } /* // io_image - Pointer to SLW image. // i_modeBuild - 0: HB/IPL mode, 1: PHYP/Rebuild mode, 2: SRAM mode. // i_scomAddr - Scom address. // i_coreId - The core ID [0:15]. // i_scomData - Data to write to scom register. // i_operation - What to do with the scom addr and data. // i_section - 0: General Scoms, 1: L2 cache, 2: L3 cache. */ uint32_t p8_pore_gen_scom_fixed(void *io_image, uint8_t i_modeBuild, uint32_t i_scomAddr, uint32_t i_coreId, // [0:15] uint64_t i_scomData, uint32_t i_operation, // [0:7] uint32_t i_section) // [0,1,2] { uint32_t rc=0, rcLoc=0, iEntry=0; uint32_t chipletId=0; uint32_t operation=0; uint32_t entriesCount=0, entriesMatch=0, entriesNOP=0; void *hostSlwSection; void *hostSlwSectionFixed; uint64_t xipScomTableThis; void *hostScomVector, *hostScomTableThis; void *hostScomEntryNext; // running entry pointer void *hostScomEntryMatch=NULL; // pointer to entry that matches scomAddr void *hostScomEntryRET=NULL; // pointer to first return instr after table void *hostScomEntryNOP=NULL; // pointer to first nop IIS uint8_t bufIIS[XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY], bufNOP[4], bufRET[4]; SbeXipSection xipSection; SbeXipItem xipTocItem; PoreInlineContext ctx; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Scom parameters. // // ...check if valid Scom register (is there anything we can do here to check?) // Skipping check. We blindly trust caller. // // ...check mode build if (i_modeBuild>P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_MAX_VALUE) { MY_ERR("modeBuild=%i invalid. Valid range is [0;%i].", i_modeBuild,P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_MAX_VALUE); rcLoc = 1; } // ...check Scom operation if (i_operation>P8_PORE_SCOM_LAST_OP) { MY_ERR("Scom operation = %i is not within valid range of [%d;%d]\n", i_operation, P8_PORE_SCOM_FIRST_OP, P8_PORE_SCOM_LAST_OP); rcLoc = 1; } // ...check that core ID corresponds to valid chiplet ID chipletId = i_coreId + P8_CID_EX_LOW; if (chipletIdP8_CID_EX_HIGH) { MY_ERR("Chiplet ID = 0x%02x is not within valid range of [0x%02x;0x%02x]\n", chipletId, P8_CID_EX_LOW, P8_CID_EX_HIGH); rcLoc = 1; } if (rcLoc) return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_INVALID_PARM; rcLoc = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check slw section location and size. (Mainly needed for fixed image.) // if (i_modeBuild==P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_IPL || i_modeBuild==P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_REBUILD) { // Fixed image. hostSlwSectionFixed = (void*)( (uintptr_t)io_image + FIXED_SLW_IMAGE_SIZE - FIXED_FFDC_SECTION_SIZE - FIXED_SLW_SECTION_SIZE ); // Even though we shouldn't call this api during a rebuild, it should be // safe to do so in this particular case since none of the info requested // is supposed to be moved during a rebuild. rc = sbe_xip_get_section( io_image, SBE_XIP_SECTION_SLW, &xipSection); if (rc) { MY_ERR("Probably invalid section name for SBE_XIP_SECTION_SLW.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_GET_SECTION; } hostSlwSection = (void*)((uintptr_t)io_image + xipSection.iv_offset); if (hostSlwSectionFixed!=hostSlwSection) { MY_ERR("hostSlwSectionFixed != hostSlwSection(from image api).\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_HDRS_NOT_SYNCD; } else { MY_INF("hostSlwSectionFixed == hostSlwSection(from image api).\n"); } } else { // SRAM non-fixed image. rc = sbe_xip_get_section( io_image, SBE_XIP_SECTION_SLW, &xipSection); if (rc) { MY_ERR("Probably invalid section name for SBE_XIP_SECTION_SLW.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_GET_SECTION; } hostSlwSection = (void*)((uintptr_t)io_image + xipSection.iv_offset); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check .slw section size and cross-check w/header define. // if (xipSection.iv_size!=FIXED_SLW_SECTION_SIZE) { MY_ERR("SLW table size in *.H header file (=%ld) differs from SLW section size in image (=%i).\n",FIXED_SLW_SECTION_SIZE,xipSection.iv_size); MY_ERR("Check code or image version.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_HDRS_NOT_SYNCD; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summarize parameters and checking results. // MY_INF("Input parameter checks - OK\n"); MY_INF("\tRegister = 0x%08x\n",i_scomAddr); MY_INF("\tOperation = %i\n",i_operation); MY_INF("\tSection = %i\n",i_section); MY_INF("\tCore ID = %i\n",i_coreId); MY_INF("Image validation and size checks - OK\n"); MY_INF("\tSLW section size= %i\n",xipSection.iv_size); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Locate Scom vector according to i_section and then locate Scom table // associated with "This" core ID. // if (i_modeBuild==P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_IPL || i_modeBuild==P8_SLW_MODEBUILD_REBUILD) { // Fixed image. switch (i_section) { case P8_SCOM_SECTION_NC: hostScomTableThis = (void*)( (uintptr_t)hostSlwSection + SLW_RAM_TABLE_SIZE + SLW_SCOM_TABLE_SPACE_PER_CORE_NC*i_coreId ); break; case P8_SCOM_SECTION_L2: hostScomTableThis = (void*)( (uintptr_t)hostSlwSection + SLW_RAM_TABLE_SIZE + SLW_SCOM_TABLE_SIZE_NC + SLW_SCOM_TABLE_SPACE_PER_CORE_L2*i_coreId ); break; case P8_SCOM_SECTION_L3: hostScomTableThis = (void*)( (uintptr_t)hostSlwSection + SLW_RAM_TABLE_SIZE + SLW_SCOM_TABLE_SIZE_NC + SLW_SCOM_TABLE_SIZE_L2 + SLW_SCOM_TABLE_SPACE_PER_CORE_L3*i_coreId ); break; default: MY_ERR("Invalid value for i_section (=%i).\n",i_section); MY_ERR("Valid values for i_section = [%i,%i,%i].\n", P8_SCOM_SECTION_NC,P8_SCOM_SECTION_L2,P8_SCOM_SECTION_L3); return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_INVALID_SUBSECTION; break; } } else { // SRAM non-fixed image. switch (i_section) { case P8_SCOM_SECTION_NC: rc = sbe_xip_find( io_image, SLW_HOST_SCOM_NC_VECTOR_TOC_NAME, &xipTocItem); if (rc) { MY_ERR("Probably invalid key word for SLW_HOST_SCOM_NC_VECTOR_TOC_NAME.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; } break; case P8_SCOM_SECTION_L2: rc = sbe_xip_find( io_image, SLW_HOST_SCOM_L2_VECTOR_TOC_NAME, &xipTocItem); if (rc) { MY_ERR("Probably invalid key word for SLW_HOST_SCOM_L2_VECTOR_TOC_NAME.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; } break; case P8_SCOM_SECTION_L3: rc = sbe_xip_find( io_image, SLW_HOST_SCOM_L3_VECTOR_TOC_NAME, &xipTocItem); if (rc) { MY_ERR("Probably invalid key word for SLW_HOST_SCOM_L3_VECTOR_TOC_NAME.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; } break; default: MY_ERR("Invalid value for i_section (=%i).\n",i_section); MY_ERR("Valid values for i_section = [%i,%i,%i].\n", P8_SCOM_SECTION_NC,P8_SCOM_SECTION_L2,P8_SCOM_SECTION_L3); return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_INVALID_SUBSECTION; } MY_INF("xipTocItem.iv_address = 0x%016llx\n",xipTocItem.iv_address); sbe_xip_pore2host( io_image, xipTocItem.iv_address, &hostScomVector); MY_INF("hostScomVector = 0x%016llx\n",(uint64_t)hostScomVector); xipScomTableThis = myRev64(*((uint64_t*)hostScomVector + i_coreId)); MY_INF("xipScomTableThis = 0x%016llx\n",xipScomTableThis); if (xipScomTableThis) { sbe_xip_pore2host( io_image, xipScomTableThis, &hostScomTableThis); } else { // Should never be here. MY_ERR("Code or image bug. Scom vector table entries should never be null.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_CHECK_CODE; } } // // Determine where to place/do Scom action and if entry already exists. // Insertion rules: // - If entry doesn't exist, insert at first NOP. (Note that if you don't do // this, then the table might potentially overflow since the max table size // doesn't include NOP entries.) // - If no NOP found, insert at first RET. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1. Create search strings for addr, nop and ret. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Note, the following IIS will also be used in case of // - i_operation==append // - i_operation==replace pore_inline_context_create( &ctx, (void*)bufIIS, XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY, 0, 0); pore_LS( &ctx, P1, chipletId); pore_STI( &ctx, i_scomAddr, P1, i_scomData); if (ctx.error > 0) { MY_ERR("pore_LS or _STI generated rc = %d", ctx.error); return IMGBUILD_ERR_PORE_INLINE_ASM; } pore_inline_context_create( &ctx, (void*)bufRET, 4, 0, 0); pore_RET( &ctx); if (ctx.error > 0) { MY_ERR("pore_RET generated rc = %d", ctx.error); return IMGBUILD_ERR_PORE_INLINE_ASM; } pore_inline_context_create( &ctx, (void*)bufNOP, 4, 0, 0); pore_NOP( &ctx); if (ctx.error > 0) { MY_ERR("pore_NOP generated rc = %d", ctx.error); return IMGBUILD_ERR_PORE_INLINE_ASM; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2. Search for addr and nop in relevant coreId table until first RET. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Note: // - We go through ALL entries until first RET instr. We MUST find a RET instr, // though we don't check for overrun until later. (Could be improved.) // - Count number of entries, incl the NOOPs, until we find an RET. // - The STI(+SCOM_addr) opcode is in the 2nd word of the Scom entry. // - For an append operation, if a NOP is found (before a RET obviously), the // SCOM is replacing that NNNN sequence. hostScomEntryNext = hostScomTableThis; MY_INF("hostScomEntryNext (addr): 0x%016llx\n ",(uint64_t)hostScomEntryNext); while (memcmp(hostScomEntryNext, bufRET, sizeof(uint32_t))) { entriesCount++; MY_INF("Number of SCOM entries: %i\n ",entriesCount); if (*((uint32_t*)bufIIS+1)==*((uint32_t*)hostScomEntryNext+1) && entriesMatch==0) {// +1 skips 1st word in Scom entry (which loads the PC in an LS operation.) hostScomEntryMatch = hostScomEntryNext; entriesMatch++; } if (memcmp(hostScomEntryNext, bufNOP, sizeof(uint32_t))==0 && entriesNOP==0) { hostScomEntryNOP = hostScomEntryNext; entriesNOP++; } hostScomEntryNext = (void*)((uintptr_t)hostScomEntryNext + XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY); } hostScomEntryRET = hostScomEntryNext; // The last EntryNext is always the first RET. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3. Qualify (translate) operation and IIS. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (i_operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_APPEND) { operation = i_operation; } else if (i_operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_REPLACE) { if (hostScomEntryMatch) // ... do a replace operation = i_operation; else // ... do an append operation = P8_PORE_SCOM_APPEND; } else if (i_operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_NOOP) { // ...overwrite earlier bufIIS from the search step pore_inline_context_create( &ctx, (void*)bufIIS, XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY, 0, 0); pore_NOP( &ctx); pore_NOP( &ctx); pore_NOP( &ctx); pore_NOP( &ctx); if (ctx.error > 0) { MY_ERR("*** _NOP generated rc = %d", ctx.error); return IMGBUILD_ERR_PORE_INLINE_ASM; } operation = i_operation; } else if ( i_operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_AND || i_operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_OR ) { operation = i_operation; } else if ( i_operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_AND_APPEND ) { if (hostScomEntryMatch) // ... do the AND on existing Scom operation = P8_PORE_SCOM_AND; else // ... do an append (this better be to an _AND register type) operation = P8_PORE_SCOM_APPEND; } else if ( i_operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_OR_APPEND ) { if (hostScomEntryMatch) // ... do the OR on existing Scom operation = P8_PORE_SCOM_OR; else // ... do an append (this better be to an _OR register type) operation = P8_PORE_SCOM_APPEND; } else if (i_operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_RESET) { // ... create RNNN instruction sequence. pore_inline_context_create( &ctx, (void*)bufIIS, XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY, 0, 0); pore_RET( &ctx); pore_NOP( &ctx); pore_NOP( &ctx); pore_NOP( &ctx); if (ctx.error > 0) { MY_ERR("***_RET or _NOP generated rc = %d", ctx.error); return IMGBUILD_ERR_PORE_INLINE_ASM; } operation = i_operation; } else { MY_ERR("Scom operation = %i is not within valid range of [%d;%d]\n", i_operation, P8_PORE_SCOM_FIRST_OP, P8_PORE_SCOM_LAST_OP); return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_INVALID_PARM; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 4. Check for overrun. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Note: // - An entry count exceeding the max allocated entry count will result in a code error // because the allocation is based on an agreed upon max number of entries and // therefore either the code header file needs to change or the caller is not abiding // by the rules. // - An entry count equalling the max allocated entry count is allowed for all commands // except the APPEND command, incl the translated REPLACE->APPEND, which will result // in the previously mentioned code error being returned. // - The table can be full but still include NOOPs. If so, we can still APPEND since // we append at first occurrence of a NOOP or at the end of the table (at the RET). switch (i_section) { case P8_SCOM_SECTION_NC: if ( ( (operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_APPEND && entriesCount==SLW_MAX_SCOMS_NC) && hostScomEntryNOP==NULL ) || entriesCount>SLW_MAX_SCOMS_NC ) { MY_ERR("SCOM table NC is full. Max %i entries allowed.\n",SLW_MAX_SCOMS_NC); return IMGBUILD_ERR_CHECK_CODE; } break; case P8_SCOM_SECTION_L2: if ( ( (operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_APPEND && entriesCount==SLW_MAX_SCOMS_L2) && hostScomEntryNOP==NULL ) || entriesCount>SLW_MAX_SCOMS_L2 ) { MY_ERR("SCOM table L2 is full. Max %i entries allowed.\n",SLW_MAX_SCOMS_L2); return IMGBUILD_ERR_CHECK_CODE; } break; case P8_SCOM_SECTION_L3: if ( ( (operation==P8_PORE_SCOM_APPEND && entriesCount==SLW_MAX_SCOMS_L3) && hostScomEntryNOP==NULL ) || entriesCount>SLW_MAX_SCOMS_L3 ) { MY_ERR("SCOM table L3 is full. Max %i entries allowed.\n",SLW_MAX_SCOMS_L3); return IMGBUILD_ERR_CHECK_CODE; } break; default: MY_ERR("Invalid value for i_section (=%i).\n",i_section); MY_ERR("Valid values for i_section = [%i,%i,%i].\n", P8_SCOM_SECTION_NC,P8_SCOM_SECTION_L2,P8_SCOM_SECTION_L3); return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_INVALID_SUBSECTION; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 5. Insert the SCOM. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Assuming pre-allocated Scom table (after pre-allocated Ram table): // - Table is pre-filled with RNNN ISS. // - Each core Id has dedicated space, uniformly distributed by SLW_MAX_SCOMS_NC* // XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY. // - Remember to check for more than SLW_MAX_SCOMS_NC entries! switch (operation) { case P8_PORE_SCOM_APPEND: // Append a Scom at first occurring NNNN or RNNN, if (hostScomEntryNOP) { // ... replace the NNNN MY_INF("Append at NOP\n"); memcpy(hostScomEntryNOP,(void*)bufIIS,XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY); } else if (hostScomEntryRET) { // ... replace the RNNN MY_INF("Append at RET\n"); memcpy(hostScomEntryRET,(void*)bufIIS,XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY); } else { // We should never be here. MY_ERR("In case=_SCOM_APPEND: EntryRET=NULL is impossible. Check code.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_CHECK_CODE; } break; case P8_PORE_SCOM_REPLACE: // Replace existing Scom with new data if (hostScomEntryMatch) { // ... do a vanilla replace MY_INF("Replace existing Scom\n"); memcpy(hostScomEntryMatch,(void*)bufIIS,XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY); } else { // We should never be here. MY_ERR("In case=_SCOM_REPLACE: EntryMatch=NULL is impossible. Check code.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_CHECK_CODE; } break; case P8_PORE_SCOM_NOOP: if (hostScomEntryMatch) { // ... do a vanilla replace MY_INF("Replace existing Scom w/NOPs\n"); memcpy(hostScomEntryMatch,(void*)bufIIS,XIPSIZE_SCOM_ENTRY); } else { MY_ERR("No Scom entry found to replace NOOPs with.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } break; case P8_PORE_SCOM_OR: // Overlay Scom data onto existing data by bitwise OR if (hostScomEntryMatch) { // ... do an OR on the data (which is the 2nd DWord in the entry) MY_INF("Overlay existing Scom - OR case\n"); *((uint64_t*)hostScomEntryMatch+1) = *((uint64_t*)hostScomEntryMatch+1) | myRev64(i_scomData); } else { MY_ERR("No Scom entry found to do OR operation with.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } break; case P8_PORE_SCOM_AND: // Overlay Scom data onto existing data by bitwise AND if (hostScomEntryMatch) { // ... do an AND on the data (which is the 2nd DWord in the entry) MY_INF("Overlay existing Scom - AND case\n"); *((uint64_t*)hostScomEntryMatch+1) = *((uint64_t*)hostScomEntryMatch+1) & myRev64(i_scomData); } else { MY_ERR("No Scom entry found to do AND operation with.\n"); return IMGBUILD_ERR_SCOM_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } break; case P8_PORE_SCOM_RESET: // Reset (delete) table. Refill w/RNNN ISS. MY_INF("Reset table\n"); hostScomEntryNext = hostScomTableThis; for ( iEntry=0; iEntry