/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: chips/p10/procedures/utils/stopreg/p10_stop_util.C $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* EKB Project */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT 2019 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /// /// @file p10_stop_util.C /// @brief implements some utilty functions for STOP API. /// // *HWP HW Owner : Greg Still // *HWP FW Owner : Prem Shanker Jha // *HWP Team : PM // *HWP Level : 2 // *HWP Consumed by : HB:HYP #ifdef PPC_HYP #include #endif #include "p10_stop_api.H" #include "p10_stop_util.H" #include "p10_stop_data_struct.H" #include "p10_hcd_memmap_base.H" #include "p10_hcode_image_defines.H" #include "stddef.h" #ifdef __cplusplus using namespace hcodeImageBuild; namespace stopImageSection { #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Returns proc chip's fuse mode status. * @param i_pImage points to start of chip's HOMER image. * @param o_fusedMode points to fuse mode information. * @return STOP_SAVE_SUCCESS if functions succeeds, error code otherwise. */ STATIC StopReturnCode_t isFusedMode( void* const i_pImage, bool* o_fusedMode ) { StopReturnCode_t l_rc = STOP_SAVE_SUCCESS; uint64_t l_cpmrCheckWord = 0; uint32_t* l_pMagic = NULL; CpmrHeader_t* l_pCpmr = NULL; *o_fusedMode = false; do { if( !i_pImage ) { MY_ERR( "invalid pointer to HOMER image"); l_rc = STOP_SAVE_ARG_INVALID_IMG; break; } l_pMagic = (uint32_t*)( (uint8_t*)i_pImage + CPMR_HOMER_OFFSET + 8 ); l_cpmrCheckWord = SWIZZLE_4_BYTE( *l_pMagic ); if( CPMR_REGION_CHECK_WORD != l_cpmrCheckWord ) { MY_ERR("corrupt or invalid HOMER image location 0x%016lx", l_cpmrCheckWord ); l_rc = STOP_SAVE_ARG_INVALID_IMG; break; } l_pCpmr = (CpmrHeader_t*)( (uint8_t*)i_pImage + CPMR_HOMER_OFFSET ); if( (uint8_t) FUSED_CORE_MODE == l_pCpmr->iv_fusedMode ) { *o_fusedMode = true; break; } if( (uint8_t) NONFUSED_CORE_MODE == l_pCpmr->iv_fusedMode ) { break; } MY_ERR("Unexpected value 0x%08x for fused mode. Bad or corrupt " "HOMER location", l_pCpmr->iv_fusedMode ); l_rc = STOP_SAVE_INVALID_FUSED_CORE_STATUS ; } while(0); return l_rc; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- StopReturnCode_t getCoreAndThread_p10( void* const i_pImage, const uint64_t i_pir, uint32_t* o_pCoreId, uint32_t* o_pThreadId ) { StopReturnCode_t l_rc = STOP_SAVE_SUCCESS; do { // for SPR restore using 'Virtual Thread' and 'Physical Core' number // In Fused Mode: // bit b28 and b31 of PIR give physical core and b29 and b30 gives // virtual thread id. // In Non Fused Mode // bit 28 and b29 of PIR give both logical and physical core number // whereas b30 and b31 gives logical and virtual thread id. bool fusedMode = false; uint8_t coreThreadInfo = (uint8_t)i_pir; *o_pCoreId = 0; *o_pThreadId = 0; l_rc = isFusedMode( i_pImage, &fusedMode ); if( l_rc ) { MY_ERR(" Checking Fused mode. Read failed 0x%08x", l_rc ); break; } if( fusedMode ) { if( coreThreadInfo & FUSED_CORE_BIT1 ) { *o_pThreadId = 2; } if( coreThreadInfo & FUSED_CORE_BIT2 ) { *o_pThreadId += 1; } if( coreThreadInfo & FUSED_CORE_BIT0 ) { *o_pCoreId = 2; } if( coreThreadInfo & FUSED_CORE_BIT3 ) { *o_pCoreId += 1; } } else { if( coreThreadInfo & FUSED_CORE_BIT0 ) { *o_pCoreId = 2; } if ( coreThreadInfo & FUSED_CORE_BIT1 ) { *o_pCoreId += 1; } if( coreThreadInfo & FUSED_CORE_BIT2 ) { *o_pThreadId = 2; } if( coreThreadInfo & FUSED_CORE_BIT3 ) { *o_pThreadId += 1; } } MY_INF("Core Type %s", fusedMode ? "Fused" : "Un-Fused" ); //quad field is not affected by fuse mode *o_pCoreId += 4 * (( coreThreadInfo & 0x70 ) >> 4 ); } while(0); return l_rc; } #ifdef __cplusplus }//namespace stopImageSection ends #endif