OPAL_SENSOR_READ ================ The OPAL sensor call reads a sensor data using a unique handler to identity the targeted sensor. The `sensor_handler` is provided via the device tree and is opaque to the OS (although we currently do use an encoding scheme). This call can be asynchronous, when a message needs to be sent to a service processor for example. In this case, the call will return OPAL_ASYNC_COMPLETION and the token parameter will be used to wait for the completion of the request. The OPAL API doesn't enforce alimit on the number of sensor calls that can be in flight. Parameters ---------- :: uint32_t sensor_handler int token uint32_t *sensor_data Return values ------------- OPAL_SUCCESS Success! OPAL_PARAMETER invalid sensor handler OPAL_UNSUPPORTED platform does not support reading sensors. Some sensors may have to be read asynchronously (e.g. because OPAL must communicate with a service processor). One example is sensors provided by the FSP on IBM FSP systems. OPAL_ASYNC_COMPLETION a request was sent and an async completion will be triggered with the @token argument OPAL_PARTIAL the request completed but the data returned is invalid OPAL_BUSY_EVENT a previous request is still pending OPAL_NO_MEM allocation failed OPAL_INTERNAL_ERROR communication failure with the FSP OPAL_HARDWARE FSP is not available