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+<h1>Virtual Accelerator Switchboard (VAS)<a class="headerlink" href="#virtual-accelerator-switchboard-vas" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>This document provides information about using VAS from user space.
+Applications send NX requests using COPY/PASTE instructions. NX raises
+an interrupt when it sees fault on the request buffer. Kernel handles
+the interrupt and process the fault.</p>
+<p>Skiboot allocates the IRQ and exports it with interrupts property. To
+provide backward compatibility for older kernels, enable VAS user space
+support with NVRAM command.</p>
+<div><p>nvram -p ibm,skiboot –update-config vas-user-space=enable</p>
+<p>This nvram config update is temporary and can be removed in future if
+not needed.</p>
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