/* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed under MIT license. See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ /* Parameters for the Brotli encoder with chosen quality levels. */ #ifndef BROTLI_ENC_PARAMS_H_ #define BROTLI_ENC_PARAMS_H_ #include #include "./encoder_dict.h" typedef struct BrotliHasherParams { int type; int bucket_bits; int block_bits; int hash_len; int num_last_distances_to_check; } BrotliHasherParams; typedef struct BrotliDistanceParams { uint32_t num_direct_distance_codes; uint32_t distance_postfix_bits; uint32_t alphabet_size; size_t max_distance; } BrotliDistanceParams; /* Encoding parameters */ typedef struct BrotliEncoderParams { BrotliEncoderMode mode; int quality; int lgwin; int lgblock; size_t size_hint; BROTLI_BOOL disable_literal_context_modeling; BROTLI_BOOL large_window; BrotliHasherParams hasher; BrotliDistanceParams dist; BrotliEncoderDictionary dictionary; } BrotliEncoderParams; #endif /* BROTLI_ENC_PARAMS_H_ */