Building and Installation ========================= How to Build ------------ To build and install OpenSSL GOST Engine, you will need * OpenSSL 3.0 development version * an ANSI C compiler * CMake (3.0 or newer, 3.18 recommended) Here is a quick build guide: $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. $ cmake --build . --config Release Instead of `Release` you can use `Debug`, `RelWithDebInfo` or `MinSizeRel` configuration. See [cmake docs]( for details. You will find built binaries in `../bin` directory. If you want to build against a specific OpenSSL instance (you will need it if you have more than one OpenSSL instance for example), you can use the `cmake` variable `OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR` to specify absolute path of the desirable OpenSSL instance: $ cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/PATH/TO/OPENSSL/ .. Building against OpenSSL 3.0 requires openssl detection module (FindOpenSSL.cmake) from CMake 3.18 or higher. More earlier versions may have problems with it. If you use Visual Studio, you can also set `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` variable to set install path, like this: > cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\OpenSSL\vc-win64a\ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\OpenSSL\vc-win64a\ .. Also instead of `cmake --build` tool you can just open `gost-engine.sln` in Visual Studio, select configuration and call `Build Solution` manually. Instructions how to build OpenSSL 1.1.0 with Microsoft Visual Studio you can find [there]( How to Install -------------- To install GOST Engine you can call: # cmake --build . --target install --config Release or old plain and Unix only: # make install The engine library `` should be installed into OpenSSL engine directory. To ensure that it is installed propery call: $ openssl version -e ENGINESDIR: "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/engines-1.1" Then check that `` there # ls /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/engines-1.1 Finally, to start using GOST Engine through OpenSSL, you should edit `openssl.cnf` configuration file as specified below. How to Configure ---------------- The very minimal example of the configuration file is provided in this distribution and named `example.conf`. Configuration file should include following statement in the global section, i.e. before first bracketed section header (see config(5) for details) openssl_conf = openssl_def where `openssl_def` is name of the section in configuration file which describes global defaults. This section should contain following statement: [openssl_def] engines = engine_section which points to the section which describes list of the engines to be loaded. This section should contain: [engine_section] gost = gost_section And section which describes configuration of the engine should contain [gost_section] engine_id = gost dynamic_path = /usr/lib/ssl/engines/ default_algorithms = ALL Various cryptoproviders (e.g. BouncyCastle) has some problems with private key parsing from PrivateKeyInfo, so if you want to use old private key representation format, which supported by BC, you will have to add: GOST_PK_FORMAT = LEGACY_PK_WRAP to `[gost_section]`. Where `engine_id` parameter specifies name of engine (should be `gost`). `dynamic_path is` a location of the loadable shared library implementing the engine. If the engine is compiled statically or is located in the OpenSSL engines directory, this line can be omitted. `default_algorithms` parameter specifies that all algorithms, provided by engine, should be used. The `CRYPT_PARAMS` parameter is engine-specific. It allows the user to choose between different parameter sets of symmetric cipher algorithm. [RFC 4357][1] specifies several parameters for the GOST 28147-89 algorithm, but OpenSSL doesn't provide user interface to choose one when encrypting. So use engine configuration parameter instead. It SHOULD NOT be used nowadays because all the parameters except the default one are deprecated now. Value of this parameter can be either short name, defined in OpenSSL `obj_dat.h` header file or numeric representation of OID, defined in [RFC 4357][1]. [1]: "RFC 4357"