diff options
authorDavid Horstmann <david.horstmann@arm.com>2023-03-14 15:00:46 +0000
committerDavid Horstmann <david.horstmann@arm.com>2023-03-17 13:59:10 +0000
commit241b0408c3c59da3fd9fac7d0c8baafc30a85699 (patch)
parent62ef621c2439549f2a1bf5054c04eb65faae9569 (diff)
Add initial API doc configuration
Signed-off-by: David Horstmann <david.horstmann@arm.com>
6 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4bb2cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
+# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
+# from the environment for the first two.
+SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
+BUILDDIR = _build
+# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
+.PHONY: help Makefile
+# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
+# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
+%: Makefile
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41c50c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
+# For the full list of built-in configuration values, see the documentation:
+# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html
+# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
+# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#project-information
+import glob
+project = 'Mbed TLS Versioned'
+copyright = '2023, Mbed TLS Contributors'
+author = 'Mbed TLS Contributors'
+# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
+# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#general-configuration
+extensions = ['breathe', 'sphinx.ext.graphviz']
+templates_path = ['_templates']
+exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
+breathe_projects = {
+ 'mbedtls-versioned': '../apidoc/xml'
+breathe_default_project = 'mbedtls-versioned'
+primary_domain = 'c'
+highlight_language = 'c'
+# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
+# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#options-for-html-output
+html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
+html_static_path = ['_static']
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33a9722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+.. Mbed TLS Versioned documentation master file, created by
+ sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 23 18:13:44 2023.
+ You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+ contain the root `toctree` directive.
+Mbed TLS API documentation
+.. doxygenpage:: index
+ :project: mbedtls-versioned
+.. toctree::
+ :caption: Contents
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ Home <self>
+ api/grouplist.rst
+ api/filelist.rst
+ api/structlist.rst
+ api/unionlist.rst
diff --git a/docs/make.bat b/docs/make.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32bb245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/make.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+pushd %~dp0
+REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
+if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
+ set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
+set BUILDDIR=_build
+if errorlevel 9009 (
+ echo.
+ echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
+ echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point
+ echo.to the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
+ echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
+ echo.
+ echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
+ echo.https://www.sphinx-doc.org/
+ exit /b 1
+if "%1" == "" goto help
+goto end
diff --git a/docs/requirements.in b/docs/requirements.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0afd61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/requirements.in
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/docs/requirements.txt b/docs/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d57fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.8
+# by the following command:
+# pip-compile requirements.in
+ # via sphinx
+ # via sphinx
+ # via exhale
+ # via
+ # -r requirements.in
+ # exhale
+ # via requests
+ # via requests
+ # via
+ # breathe
+ # exhale
+ # sphinx
+ # sphinx-rtd-theme
+ # via -r requirements.in
+ # via requests
+ # via sphinx
+ # via sphinx
+ # via sphinx
+ # via exhale
+ # via jinja2
+ # via sphinx
+ # via sphinx
+ # via babel
+ # via sphinx
+ # via exhale
+ # via sphinx
+ # via beautifulsoup4
+ # via
+ # breathe
+ # exhale
+ # sphinx-rtd-theme
+ # via -r requirements.in
+ # via sphinx
+ # via sphinx
+ # via sphinx
+ # via sphinx-rtd-theme
+ # via sphinx
+ # via sphinx
+ # via sphinx
+ # via requests
+ # via importlib-metadata
+# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
+# setuptools