/** @file Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ package org.tianocore.migration; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public final class SourceFileReplacer { private static ModuleInfo mi; private static boolean showdetails = false; private static class r8tor9 { r8tor9(String r8, String r9) { r8thing = r8; r9thing = r9; } public String r8thing; public String r9thing; } // these sets are used only for printing log of the changes in current file private static final Set filefunc = new HashSet(); private static final Set filemacro = new HashSet(); private static final Set fileguid = new HashSet(); private static final Set fileppi = new HashSet(); private static final Set fileprotocol = new HashSet(); private static final Set filer8only = new HashSet(); public static final void flush(ModuleInfo moduleinfo) throws Exception { mi = moduleinfo; String outname = null; String inname = null; /* if (MigrationTool.ui.yesOrNo("Changes will be made to the Source Code. View details?")) { showdetails = true; } */ showdetails = true; // set this as default now, may be changed in the future Iterator di = mi.localmodulesources.iterator(); while (di.hasNext()) { inname = di.next(); if (inname.contains(".c") || inname.contains(".C")) { if (inname.contains(".C")) { outname = inname.replaceFirst(".C", ".c"); } else { outname = inname; } MigrationTool.ui.println("\nModifying file: " + inname); Common.string2file(sourcefilereplace(mi.modulepath + File.separator + "temp" + File.separator + inname), MigrationTool.ModuleInfoMap.get(mi) + File.separator + "Migration_" + mi.modulename + File.separator + outname); } else if (inname.contains(".h") || inname.contains(".H") || inname.contains(".dxs") || inname.contains(".uni")) { if (inname.contains(".H")) { outname = inname.replaceFirst(".H", ".h"); } else { outname = inname; } MigrationTool.ui.println("\nCopying file: " + inname); Common.string2file(Common.file2string(mi.modulepath + File.separator + "temp" + File.separator + inname), MigrationTool.ModuleInfoMap.get(mi) + File.separator + "Migration_" + mi.modulename + File.separator + outname); } } if (!mi.hashr8only.isEmpty()) { addr8only(); } } private static final void addr8only() throws Exception { String paragraph = null; String line = Common.file2string(MigrationTool.db.DatabasePath + File.separator + "R8Lib.c"); //Common.ensureDir(mi.modulepath + File.separator + "Migration_" + mi.modulename + File.separator + "R8Lib.c"); PrintWriter outfile1 = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(MigrationTool.ModuleInfoMap.get(mi) + File.separator + "Migration_" + mi.modulename + File.separator + "R8Lib.c"))); PrintWriter outfile2 = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(MigrationTool.ModuleInfoMap.get(mi) + File.separator + "Migration_" + mi.modulename + File.separator + "R8Lib.h"))); Pattern ptnr8only = Pattern.compile("////#?(\\w*)?.*?R8_(\\w*).*?////~", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher mtrr8only = ptnr8only.matcher(line); Matcher mtrr8onlyhead; while (mtrr8only.find()) { if (mi.hashr8only.contains(mtrr8only.group(2))) { paragraph = mtrr8only.group(); outfile1.append(paragraph + "\n\n"); if (mtrr8only.group(1).length() != 0) { mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add(mtrr8only.group(1)); } //generate R8lib.h while ((mtrr8onlyhead = Func.ptnbrace.matcher(paragraph)).find()) { paragraph = mtrr8onlyhead.replaceAll(";"); } outfile2.append(paragraph + "\n\n"); } } outfile1.flush(); outfile1.close(); outfile2.flush(); outfile2.close(); mi.localmodulesources.add("R8Lib.h"); mi.localmodulesources.add("R8Lib.c"); } // Caution : if there is @ in file , it will be replaced with \n , so is you use Doxygen ... God Bless you! private static final String sourcefilereplace(String filename) throws Exception { BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); StringBuffer wholefile = new StringBuffer(); String line; String r8thing; String r9thing; r8tor9 temp; boolean addr8 = false; Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("g?(BS|RT)(\\s*->\\s*)([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)", Pattern.MULTILINE); // ! only two level () bracket allowed ! //Pattern ptnpei = Pattern.compile("\\(\\*\\*?PeiServices\\)[.-][>]?\\s*(\\w*[#$]*)(\\s*\\(([^\\(\\)]*(\\([^\\(\\)]*\\))?[^\\(\\)]*)*\\))", Pattern.MULTILINE); while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { wholefile.append(line + "\n"); } line = wholefile.toString(); // replace BS -> gBS , RT -> gRT Matcher mat = pat.matcher(line); if (mat.find()) { // add a library here MigrationTool.ui.println("Converting all BS->gBS, RT->gRT"); line = mat.replaceAll("g$1$2$3"); //unknown correctiveness } mat.reset(); while (mat.find()) { if (mat.group(1).matches("BS")) { mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("UefiBootServicesTableLib"); } if (mat.group(1).matches("RT")) { mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib"); } } /* // remove EFI_DRIVER_ENTRY_POINT Pattern patentrypoint = Pattern.compile("EFI_DRIVER_ENTRY_POINT[^\\}]*\\}"); Matcher matentrypoint = patentrypoint.matcher(line); if (matentrypoint.find()) { MigrationTool.ui.println("Deleting Entry_Point"); line = matentrypoint.replaceAll(""); } */ // start replacing names Iterator it; // Converting non-locla function it = mi.hashnonlocalfunc.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { r8thing = it.next(); if (r8thing.matches("EfiInitializeDriverLib")) { //s mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("UefiBootServicesTableLib"); //p mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib"); //e } else if (r8thing.matches("DxeInitializeDriverLib")) { //c mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("UefiBootServicesTableLib"); //i mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib"); //a mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("DxeServicesTableLib"); //l } else { // mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add(MigrationTool.db.getR9Lib(r8thing)); // add a library here } if ((r9thing = MigrationTool.db.getR9Func(r8thing)) != null) { if (!r8thing.equals(r9thing)) { if (line.contains(r8thing)) { line = line.replaceAll(r8thing, r9thing); filefunc.add(new r8tor9(r8thing, r9thing)); Iterator rt = filefunc.iterator(); while (rt.hasNext()) { temp = rt.next(); if (MigrationTool.db.r8only.contains(temp.r8thing)) { filer8only.add(r8thing); mi.hashr8only.add(r8thing); addr8 = true; } } } } } } //is any of the guids changed? if (addr8 == true) { line = line.replaceFirst("\\*/\n", "\\*/\n#include \"R8Lib.h\"\n"); } // Converting macro it = mi.hashnonlocalmacro.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { //macros are all assumed MdePkg currently r8thing = it.next(); //mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add(MigrationTool.db.getR9Lib(r8thing)); if ((r9thing = MigrationTool.db.getR9Macro(r8thing)) != null) { if (line.contains(r8thing)) { line = line.replaceAll(r8thing, r9thing); filemacro.add(new r8tor9(r8thing, r9thing)); } } } // Converting guid replaceGuid(line, mi.guid, "guid", fileguid); replaceGuid(line, mi.ppi, "ppi", fileppi); replaceGuid(line, mi.protocol, "protocol", fileprotocol); // Converting Pei // First , find all (**PeiServices)-> or (*PeiServices). with arg "PeiServices" , change name and add #% Pattern ptnpei = Pattern.compile("\\(\\*\\*?PeiServices\\)[.-][>]?\\s*(\\w*)(\\s*\\(\\s*PeiServices\\s*,\\s*)", Pattern.MULTILINE); if (mi.moduletype.contains("PEIM")) { Matcher mtrpei = ptnpei.matcher(line); while (mtrpei.find()) { // ! add a library here ! line = mtrpei.replaceAll("PeiServices$1#%$2"); mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("PeiServicesLib"); } mtrpei.reset(); if (line.contains("PeiServicesCopyMem")) { line = line.replaceAll("PeiServicesCopyMem#%", "CopyMem"); mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("BaseMemoryLib"); } if (line.contains("PeiServicesSetMem")) { line = line.replaceAll("PeiServicesSetMem#%", "SetMem"); mi.hashrequiredr9libs.add("BaseMemoryLib"); } // Second , find all #% to drop the arg "PeiServices" Pattern ptnpeiarg = Pattern.compile("#%+(\\s*\\(+\\s*)PeiServices\\s*,\\s*", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher mtrpeiarg = ptnpeiarg.matcher(line); while (mtrpeiarg.find()) { line = mtrpeiarg.replaceAll("$1"); } } Matcher mtrmac; mtrmac = Pattern.compile("EFI_IDIV_ROUND\\((.*), (.*)\\)").matcher(line); if (mtrmac.find()) { line = mtrmac.replaceAll("\\($1 \\/ $2 \\+ \\(\\(\\(2 \\* \\($1 \\% $2\\)\\) \\< $2\\) \\? 0 \\: 1\\)\\)"); } mtrmac = Pattern.compile("EFI_MIN\\((.*), (.*)\\)").matcher(line); if (mtrmac.find()) { line = mtrmac.replaceAll("\\(\\($1 \\< $2\\) \\? $1 \\: $2\\)"); } mtrmac = Pattern.compile("EFI_MAX\\((.*), (.*)\\)").matcher(line); if (mtrmac.find()) { line = mtrmac.replaceAll("\\(\\($1 \\> $2\\) \\? $1 \\: $2\\)"); } mtrmac = Pattern.compile("EFI_UINTN_ALIGNED\\((.*)\\)").matcher(line); if (mtrmac.find()) { line = mtrmac.replaceAll("\\(\\(\\(UINTN\\) $1\\) \\& \\(sizeof \\(UINTN\\) \\- 1\\)\\)"); } if (line.contains("EFI_UINTN_ALIGN_MASK")) { line = line.replaceAll("EFI_UINTN_ALIGN_MASK", "(sizeof (UINTN) - 1)"); } show(filefunc, "function"); show(filemacro, "macro"); show(fileguid, "guid"); show(fileppi, "ppi"); show(fileprotocol, "protocol"); if (!filer8only.isEmpty()) { MigrationTool.ui.println("Converting r8only : " + filer8only); } filefunc.clear(); filemacro.clear(); fileguid.clear(); fileppi.clear(); fileprotocol.clear(); filer8only.clear(); return line; } private static final void show(Set hash, String sh) { Iterator it = hash.iterator(); r8tor9 temp; if (showdetails) { if (!hash.isEmpty()) { MigrationTool.ui.print("Converting " + sh + " : "); while (it.hasNext()) { temp = it.next(); MigrationTool.ui.print("[" + temp.r8thing + "->" + temp.r9thing + "] "); } MigrationTool.ui.println(""); } } } private static final void replaceGuid(String line, Set hash, String kind, Set filehash) { Iterator it; String r8thing; String r9thing; it = hash.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { r8thing = it.next(); if ((r9thing = MigrationTool.db.getR9Guidname(r8thing)) != null) { if (!r8thing.equals(r9thing)) { if (line.contains(r8thing)) { line = line.replaceAll(r8thing, r9thing); filehash.add(new r8tor9(r8thing, r9thing)); } } } } } }