/** @file GenSectionTask class. GenSectionTask is to call GenSection.exe to generate Section. Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ package org.tianocore.framework.tasks; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; import org.apache.tools.ant.Task; import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute; import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.LogStreamHandler; import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Commandline; import org.tianocore.common.logger.EdkLog; public class GenSectionTask extends Task implements EfiDefine, Section, FfsTypes { // // Tool name // private final static String toolName = "GenSection"; // // inputfile name // private FileArg inputFile = new FileArg(); // // outputfile name // private FileArg outputFile = new FileArg(); // // section type // private ToolArg sectionType = new ToolArg(); // // version number // private ToolArg versionNum = new ToolArg(); // // interface string // private ToolArg interfaceString = new ToolArg(); // // Section file list // private List
sectFileList = new ArrayList
(); // // flag indicated the element // private boolean haveTool = false; /** execute GenSectionTaks execute is to assemble tool command line & execute tool command line. @throws BuildException **/ public void execute() throws BuildException { String command; Project project = this.getOwningTarget().getProject(); // // absolute path of efi tools // String path = project.getProperty("env.FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_PATH"); if (path == null) { command = toolName; } else { command = path + File.separator + toolName; } // // argument of tools // String argument = "" + inputFile + outputFile + sectionType + versionNum + interfaceString; // // return value of gensection execution // int revl = -1; try { Commandline cmdline = new Commandline(); cmdline.setExecutable(command); cmdline.createArgument().setLine(argument); LogStreamHandler streamHandler = new LogStreamHandler(this, Project.MSG_INFO, Project.MSG_WARN); Execute runner = new Execute(streamHandler, null); runner.setAntRun(project); runner.setCommandline(cmdline.getCommandline()); EdkLog.log(this, inputFile.toFileList() + versionNum.getValue() + interfaceString.getValue() + " => " + outputFile.toFileList()); EdkLog.log(this, EdkLog.EDK_VERBOSE, Commandline.toString(cmdline.getCommandline())); revl = runner.execute(); if (EFI_SUCCESS == revl) { EdkLog.log(this, EdkLog.EDK_VERBOSE, toolName + " succeeded!"); } else { // // command execution fail // EdkLog.log(this, EdkLog.EDK_INFO, "ERROR = " + Integer.toHexString(revl)); throw new BuildException(toolName + " failed!"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuildException(e.getMessage()); } } /** getInputFile This function is to get class member "inputFile". @return name of input file **/ public String getInputFile() { return this.inputFile.getValue(); } /** setInputFile This function is to set class member "inputFile". @param inputFile name of input file **/ public void setInputFile(String inputFile) { this.inputFile.setArg(" -i ", inputFile); } /** getOutputFile This function is to get class member "outputFile". @return name of output file **/ public String getOutputFile() { return this.outputFile.getValue(); } /** setOutputfile This function is to set class member "outputFile". @param outputFile name of output file **/ public void setOutputfile(String outputFile) { this.outputFile.setArg(" -o ", outputFile); } /** getSectionType This function is to get class member "sectionType". @return sectoin type **/ public String getSectionType() { return this.sectionType.getValue(); } /** setSectionType This function is to set class member "sectionType". @param sectionType section type **/ public void setSectionType(String sectionType) { this.sectionType.setArg(" -s ", sectionType); } /** getVersionNum This function is to get class member "versionNum". @return version number **/ public String getVersionNum() { return this.versionNum.getValue(); } /** setVersionNume This function is to set class member "versionNum". @param versionNum version number **/ public void setVersionNum(String versionNum) { this.versionNum.setArg(" -v ", versionNum); } /** getInterfaceString This function is to get class member "interfaceString". @return interface string **/ public String getInterfaceString() { return this.interfaceString.getValue(); } /** setInterfaceString This funcion is to set class member "interfaceString". @param interfaceString interface string **/ public void setInterfaceString(String interfaceString) { this.interfaceString.setArg(" -a ", "\"" + interfaceString + "\""); } /** addSectFile This function is to add sectFile to list. @param sectFile instance of sectFile. **/ public void addSectFile(SectFile sectFile){ this.sectFileList.add(sectFile); } /** setTool This function is to set the class member "Tool"; @param tool **/ public void addTool(Tool tool) { this.sectFileList.add(tool); this.haveTool = true; } /** addGenSection This function is to add GenSectin element to list @param task Instance of genSection **/ public void addGenSection(GenSectionTask task){ this.sectFileList.add(task); } public void toBuffer(DataOutputStream buffer){ // // Search SectionList find earch section and call it's // ToBuffer function. // if (this.sectionType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase( "EFI_SECTION_COMPRESSION") && !this.haveTool) { Section sect; // // Get section file in compress node. // try { ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream Do = new DataOutputStream(bo); // // Get each section which under the compress {}; // And add it is contains to File; // Iterator SectionIter = this.sectFileList.iterator(); while (SectionIter.hasNext()) { sect = (Section) SectionIter.next(); // // Call each section class's toBuffer function. // try { sect.toBuffer(Do); } catch (BuildException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); throw new BuildException( "Compress.toBuffer failed at section"); } finally { if (Do != null){ Do.close(); } } } // // Call compress // byte[] fileBuffer = bo.toByteArray(); synchronized (CompressSection.semaphore) { Compress myCompress = new Compress(fileBuffer, fileBuffer.length); // // Add Compress header // CompressHeader Ch = new CompressHeader(); Ch.SectionHeader.Size[0] = (byte) ((myCompress.outputBuffer.length + Ch .GetSize()) & 0xff); Ch.SectionHeader.Size[1] = (byte) (((myCompress.outputBuffer.length + Ch .GetSize()) & 0xff00) >> 8); Ch.SectionHeader.Size[2] = (byte) (((myCompress.outputBuffer.length + Ch .GetSize()) & 0xff0000) >> 16); Ch.SectionHeader.type = (byte) EFI_SECTION_COMPRESSION; // // Note: The compressName was not efsfective now. Using the // EFI_STANDARD_COMPRSSION for compressType . // That is follow old Genffsfile tools. Some code will be // added for // the different compressName; // Ch.UncompressLen = fileBuffer.length; Ch.CompressType = EFI_STANDARD_COMPRESSION; // // Change header struct to byte buffer // byte[] headerBuffer = new byte[Ch.GetSize()]; Ch.StructToBuffer(headerBuffer); // // First add CompressHeader to Buffer, then add Compress // data. // buffer.write(headerBuffer); buffer.write(myCompress.outputBuffer); // // Buffer 4 Byte aligment // int size = Ch.GetSize() + myCompress.outputBuffer.length; while ((size & 0x03) != 0) { size++; buffer.writeByte(0); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuildException("compress.toBuffer failed!\n"); } } else { Section sect; Iterator sectionIter = this.sectFileList.iterator(); while (sectionIter.hasNext()) { sect = (Section) sectionIter.next(); try { // // The last section don't need 4 byte ffsAligment. // sect.toBuffer(buffer); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuildException(e.getMessage()); } } } } }