/** @file Defines for EFI shell environment 2 ported to EDK II build environment. Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _SHELLENV2_H_ #define _SHELLENV2_H_ #include #include #include #define DEFAULT_INIT_ROW 1 #define DEFAULT_AUTO_LF FALSE /** this function is a prototype for a function that dumps information on a protocol to a given location. the location is dependant on the implementation. This is used when programatically adding shell commands. @param Handle the handle the protocol is on @param Interface the interface to the protocol **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_DUMP_PROTOCOL_INFO) ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, IN VOID *Interface ); /** this function is a prototype foe each command internal to the EFI shell implementation. the specific command depends on the implementation. This is used when programatically adding shell commands. @param ImageHandle The handle to the binary shell @param SystemTable pointer to the system table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS the command ran to completion @return other an error ocurred. any error is possible depending on the implementation of the shell command. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_INTERNAL_COMMAND) ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ); /** This function is a prototype for one that gets a help string for a given command. This is used when programatically adding shell commands. Upon successful return the memory allocated is up to the caller to free. @param Str pointer to pointer to string to display for help. @retval EFI_SUCCESS the help string is in the parameter Str. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLCMD_GET_LINE_HELP) ( IN OUT CHAR16 **Str ); /** * Structure returned from functions that open multiple files **/ typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; ///< SHELL_FILE_ARG_SIGNATURE EFI_LIST_ENTRY Link; ///< linked list helper EFI_STATUS Status; ///< File's status EFI_FILE_HANDLE Parent; ///< what is the Parent file of this file UINT64 OpenMode; ///< how was the file opened CHAR16 *ParentName; ///< string representation of parent EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *ParentDevicePath; ///< DevicePath for Parent CHAR16 *FullName; ///< path and file name for this file CHAR16 *FileName; ///< file name for this file EFI_FILE_HANDLE Handle; ///< handle to this file EFI_FILE_INFO *Info; ///< pointer to file info for this file } SHELL_FILE_ARG; /// signature for SHELL_FILE_ARG #define SHELL_FILE_ARG_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('g', 'r', 'a', 'f') /** * GUID for the shell environment2 and shell environment **/ #define SHELL_ENVIRONMENT_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { \ 0x47c7b221, 0xc42a, 0x11d2, 0x8e, 0x57, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b \ } /** * GUID for the shell environment2 extension (main GUID same as shell environment) **/ #define EFI_SE_EXT_SIGNATURE_GUID \ { \ 0xd2c18636, 0x40e5, 0x4eb5, {0xa3, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x69, 0x5f, 0xd4, 0x2c, 0x87} \ } #define EFI_SHELL_MAJOR_VER 0x00000001 ///< Major version of the EFI_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT2 #define EFI_SHELL_MINOR_VER 0x00000000 ///< Minor version of the EFI_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT2 /** execute a command line this function will run the CommandLine. This includes loading any required images, parsing any requires scripts, and it DebugOutput is TRUE printing errors encountered directly to the screen. @param ParentImageHandle Handle of image executing this operation @param CommandLine string command line to execute @param DebugOutput TRUE indicates that errors should be printed directly. FALSE supresses error messages. @retval EFI_SUCCESS the command line executed and completed. @retval EFI_ABORTED the operation did not complete due to abort. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A parameter did not have a valid value. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A required memory allocation failed. @sa HandleProtocol **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_EXECUTE) ( IN EFI_HANDLE *ParentImageHandle, IN CHAR16 *CommandLine, IN BOOLEAN DebugOutput ); /** this function returns a shell environment variable value. @param Name pointer to the string with the shell environment variables name @retval NULL the shell environment variable's value could not be found @retval !NULL the value of the shell environment variable Name **/ typedef CHAR16 * (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_GET_ENV) ( IN CHAR16 *Name ); /** this function returns a shell environment map value. @param Name pointer to the string with the shell environment map name @retval NULL the shell environment map's value could not be found @retval !NULL the value of the shell environment map Name **/ typedef CHAR16 * (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_GET_MAP) ( IN CHAR16 *Name ); /** This function will add an internal command to the shell interface. This will allocate all required memory, put the new command on the command list in the correct location. @param Handler the handler function to call when the command gets called @param CmdStr The command name @param GetLineHelp function to call of get help for this command @retval EFI_SUCCESS the command is now part of the command list @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES a memory allocation failed. @sa SHELLENV_INTERNAL_COMMAND @sa SHELLCMD_GET_LINE_HELP **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_ADD_CMD) ( IN SHELLENV_INTERNAL_COMMAND Handler, IN CHAR16 *Cmd, IN SHELLCMD_GET_LINE_HELP GetLineHelp ); /** Internal interface to add protocol handlers. This function is for internal shell use only. This is how protocol handlers are added. This will get the current protocol info and add the new info or update existing info and then resave the info. @param SaveId save this change as an EFI variable @param Protocol the protocol's GUID @param DumpToken The function pointer to dump token function or NULL @param DumpInfo The function pointer to dump infomation function or NULL @param IdString The english name of the protocol **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_ADD_PROT) ( IN EFI_GUID *Protocol, IN SHELLENV_DUMP_PROTOCOL_INFO DumpToken OPTIONAL, IN SHELLENV_DUMP_PROTOCOL_INFO DumpInfo OPTIONAL, IN CHAR16 *IdString ); /** this function finds a protocol handle by a GUID. This function will check for already known protocols by GUID and if one is found it will return the name of that protocol. if no name is found and GenId is TRUE it will generate ths string. @param Protocol the GUID of the protocol to look for. @param GenId whether to generate a name string if its not found. @return !NULL the Name of the protocol. @retval NULL the Name was not found and GenId was not TRUE. **/ typedef CHAR16* (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_GET_PROT) ( IN EFI_GUID *Protocol, IN BOOLEAN GenId ); /** this function returns the current directory on a given device If DeviceName is specified, then return the current shell directory on that device. If DeviceName is NULL, then return the current directory on the current device. The caller us responsible to free the returned string when no londer required. @param DeviceName the name of the device to get the current directory on or NULL for current device @return The current directory on the current or specified device. **/ typedef CHAR16* (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_CUR_DIR) ( IN CHAR16 *DeviceName OPTIONAL ); /** this function will open a group of files that match the Arg path, including support for wildcard characters ('?' and '*') in the Arg path. if there are any wildcard characters in the path this function will find any and all files that match the wildcards. the return is a double linked list based on the EFI_LIST_ENTRY linked list structure. use this in conjunction with the SHELL_FILE_ARG_SIGNATURE to get the SHELL_FILE_ARG structures that are returned. The memory allocated by the callee for this list is freed by making a call to SHELLENV_FREE_FILE_LIST. @param Arg pointer Path to files to open @param ListHead pointer to allocated and initialized list head upon which to append all the opened file structures. @retval EFI_SUCCESS 1 or more files was opened and a struct of each file's information was appended to ListHead. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES a memory allocation failed. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND no matching files could be found. @sa SHELLENV_FREE_FILE_LIST **/typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_FILE_META_ARG) ( IN CHAR16 *Arg, IN OUT EFI_LIST_ENTRY *ListHead ); /** this frees all of the nodes under the ListHead, but not ListHead itself. @param ListHead Pointer to list to free all nodes of. @retval EFI_SUCCESS always returned. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_FREE_FILE_LIST) ( IN OUT EFI_LIST_ENTRY *ListHead ); /** this function creates a new instance of the ShellInterface protocol for use on the ImageHandle. This function is for internal shell usage. this will allocate and then populate EFI_SHELL_INTERFACE protocol. it is the caller's responsibility to free the memory. @param ImageHandle the handle which will use the new ShellInterface protocol. @return the newly allocated shell interface protocol. **/ typedef EFI_SHELL_INTERFACE* (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_NEW_SHELL) ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle ); /** this function determins whether a script file is currently being processed. a script file (.nsh file) can contain a series of commands and this is useful to know for some shell commands whether they are being run manually or as part of a script. @retval TRUE A script file is being processed @return FALSE A script file is not being processed **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_BATCH_IS_ACTIVE) ( IN VOID ); /** This is an internal shell function to free any and all allocated resources. This should be called just closing the shell. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_FREE_RESOURCES) ( VOID ); /** This function enables the page break mode. This mode causes the output to pause after each complete screen to enable a user to more easily read it. if AutoWrap is TRUE then rows with too many characters will be chopped and divided into 2 rows. if FALSE then rows with too many characters may not be fully visible to the user on the screen. @param StartRow the row number to start this on. @param AutoWrap whether to auto wrap rows that are **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_ENABLE_PAGE_BREAK) ( IN INT32 StartRow, IN BOOLEAN AutoWrap ); /** This function disables the page break mode. disabling this causes the output to print out exactly as coded with no breaks for readability. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_DISABLE_PAGE_BREAK) ( IN VOID ); /** Get the status of the page break output mode. @retval FALSE page break output mode is not enabled @retval TRUE page break output mode is enabled **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_GET_PAGE_BREAK) ( IN VOID ); /** this function sets the keys to filter for for the console in. the valid values to set are: #define EFI_OUTPUT_SCROLL 0x00000001 #define EFI_OUTPUT_PAUSE 0x00000002 #define EFI_EXECUTION_BREAK 0x00000004 @param KeyFilter The new key filter to use. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_SET_KEY_FILTER) ( IN UINT32 KeyFilter ); /** this function gets the keys to filter for for the console in. the valid values to get are: #define EFI_OUTPUT_SCROLL 0x00000001 #define EFI_OUTPUT_PAUSE 0x00000002 #define EFI_EXECUTION_BREAK 0x00000004 @retval the current filter mask. **/ typedef UINT32 (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_GET_KEY_FILTER) ( IN VOID ); /** this function determins if the shell application should break. This is used to inform a shell application that a break condition has been initiated. long loops should check this to prevent delays to the break. @retval TRUE a break has been signaled. the application should exit with EFI_ABORTED as soon as possible. @retval FALSE continue as normal. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_GET_EXECUTION_BREAK) ( IN VOID ); /** This is an internal-shell function used to increment the shell nesting level. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_INCREMENT_SHELL_NESTING_LEVEL) ( IN VOID ); /** This is an internal-shell function used to decrement the shell nesting level. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_DECREMENT_SHELL_NESTING_LEVEL) ( IN VOID ); /** this function determins if the caller is running under the root shell. @retval TRUE The caller is running under the root shell @retval FALSE The caller is not running under the root shell **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_IS_ROOT_SHELL) ( IN VOID ); /** Close the console proxy to restore the original console. This is an internal shell function to handle shell cascading. it restores the original set of console protocols. @param ConInHandle The handle of ConIn. @param ConIn pointer to the location to return the pointer to the original console input. @param ConOutHandle The handle of ConOut @param ConOut pointer to the location to return the pointer to the original console output. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_CLOSE_CONSOLE_PROXY) ( IN EFI_HANDLE ConInHandle, IN OUT EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL **ConIn, IN EFI_HANDLE ConOutHandle, IN OUT EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL **ConOut ); // // declarations of handle enumerator // /** For ease of use the shell maps handle #'s to short numbers. This is only done on request for various internal commands and the references are immediately freed when the internal command completes. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *INIT_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR) ( VOID ); /** this is an internal shell function to enumerate the handle database. this function gets the next handle in the handle database. if no handles are found EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned. if the previous Handle was the last handle it is set to NULL before returning. this must be called after INIT_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR and before CLOSE_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR. @param Handle pointer to pointer to Handle. will be set on a sucessful return. @retval EFI_SUCCESS the next handle in the handle database is *Handle @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND there is not another handle. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *NEXT_HANDLE) ( IN OUT EFI_HANDLE **Handle ); /** this is an internal shell function to enumerate the handle database. this function skips the next SkipNum handles in the handle database. If there are not enough handles left to skip that many EFI_ACCESS_DENIED is returned and no skip is performed. this must be called after INIT_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR and before CLOSE_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR. @param SkipNum how many handles to skip @retval EFI_SUCCESS the next handle in the handle database is *Handle @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED there are not SkipNum handles left in the database **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SKIP_HANDLE) ( IN UINTN SkipNum ); /** this is an internal shell function to enumerate the handle database. this function resets the the handle database so that NEXT_HANDLE and SKIP_HANDLE will start from EnumIndex on the next call. this must be called after INIT_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR and before CLOSE_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR. @param EnumIndex where to start. @retval the number of handles either read out or skipped before this reset. **/ typedef UINTN (EFIAPI *RESET_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR) ( IN UINTN EnumIndex ); /** this is an internal shell function to enumerate the handle database. this must be called after INIT_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR. this function releases all memory and resources associated with the handle database. after this no other handle enumerator functions except INIT_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR will function properly. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *CLOSE_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR) ( VOID ); /** this is an internal shell function to enumerate the handle database. this function returns the number of handles in the handle database. this must be called after INIT_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR and before CLOSE_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR. @retval the number of handles in the handle database. **/ typedef UINTN (EFIAPI *GET_NUM) ( VOID ); /** Handle Enumerator structure **/ typedef struct { INIT_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR Init; ///< pointer to INIT_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR function NEXT_HANDLE Next; ///< pointer to NEXT_HANDLE function SKIP_HANDLE Skip; ///< pointer to SKIP_HANDLE function RESET_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR Reset; ///< pointer to RESET_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR function CLOSE_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR Close; ///< pointer to CLOSE_HANDLE_ENUMERATOR function GET_NUM GetNum; ///< pointer to GET_NUM function } HANDLE_ENUMERATOR; /** signature for the PROTOCOL_INFO structure **/ #define PROTOCOL_INFO_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('s', 'p', 'i', 'n') /** PROTOCOL_INFO structure for protocol enumerator functions. **/ typedef struct { UINTN Signature; ///< PROTOCOL_INFO_SIGNATURE EFI_LIST_ENTRY Link; ///< standard lined list helper member // // parsing info for the protocol // EFI_GUID ProtocolId; ///< GUID for the protocol CHAR16 *IdString; ///< Name of the protocol SHELLENV_DUMP_PROTOCOL_INFO DumpToken; ///< pointer to DumpToken function for the protocol SHELLENV_DUMP_PROTOCOL_INFO DumpInfo; ///< pointer to DumpInfo function for the protocol // // database info on which handles are supporting this protocol // UINTN NoHandles; ///< how many handles produce this protocol EFI_HANDLE *Handles; ///< array of handles } PROTOCOL_INFO; // // declarations of protocol info enumerator // /** this is an internal shell function to initialize the protocol enumerator. this must be called before NEXT_PROTOCOL_INFO, SKIP_PROTOCOL_INFO, RESET_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR, and CLOSE_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR are called. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *INIT_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR) ( VOID ); /** this function is an internal shell function for enumeration of protocols. This functiol will return the next protocol in the list. If this is called immediately after initialization it will return the first. If this is called immediately after reset it will return the protocol first again. This cannot be called after CLOSE_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR, but it must be called after INIT_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR. @param ProtocolInfo pointer to pointer to protocol information structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS the next protocol's information was sucessfully returned. If there were no more protocols NULL was returned. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *NEXT_PROTOCOL_INFO) ( IN OUT PROTOCOL_INFO **ProtocolInfo ); /** this function is an internal shell function for enumeration of protocols. This cannot be called after CLOSE_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR, but it must be called after INIT_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR. this function does nothing and always returns EFI_SUCCESS. @retval EFI_SUCCESS always returned (see note). **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SKIP_PROTOCOL_INFO) ( IN UINTN SkipNum ); /** this function is an internal shell function for enumeration of protocols. This cannot be called after CLOSE_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR, but it must be called after INIT_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR. this function resets the list of protocols such that the next one in the list is the begining of the list. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *RESET_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR) ( VOID ); /** this function is an internal shell function for enumeration of protocols. This must be called after INIT_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR. After this call no protocol enumerator calls except INIT_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR may be made. this function frees any memory or resources associated with the protocol enumerator. **/ typedef VOID (EFIAPI *CLOSE_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR) ( VOID ); /** * protocol enumerator structure of function pointers. **/ typedef struct { INIT_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR Init; ///< pointer to INIT_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR function NEXT_PROTOCOL_INFO Next; ///< pointer to NEXT_PROTOCOL_INFO function SKIP_PROTOCOL_INFO Skip; ///< pointer to SKIP_PROTOCOL_INFO function RESET_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR Reset; ///< pointer to RESET_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR function CLOSE_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR Close; ///< pointer to CLOSE_PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR function } PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR; /** this function is used to retrieve a user-friendly display name for a handle. If UseComponentName is TRUE then the component name protocol for this device or it's parent device (if required) will be used to obtain the name of the device. If UseDevicePath is TRUE it will get the human readable device path and return that. If both are TRUE it will try to use component name first and device path if that fails. It will use either ComponentName or ComponentName2 protocol, depending on what is present. This function will furthur verify whether the handle in question produced either EFI_DRIVER_CONFIGRATION_PROTOCOL or EFI_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION2_PROTOCOL and also whether the handle in question produced either EFI_DRIVER_DIAGNOSTICS_PROTOCOL or EFI_DRIVER_DIAGNOSTICS2_PROTOCOL. Upon sucessful return the memory for *BestDeviceName is up to the caller to free. @param DeviceHandle the device handle whose name is desired @param UseComponentName whether to use the ComponentName protocol at all @param UseDevicePath whether to use the DevicePath protocol at all @param Language pointer to language string to use @param BestDeviceName pointer to pointer to string allocated with the name @param ConfigurationStatus pointer to status for opening a Configuration protocol @param DiagnosticsStatus pointer to status for opening a Diagnostics protocol @param Display Whether to Print this out to default Print location @param Indent how many characters to indent the printing @retval EFI_SUCCESS this function always returns EFI_SUCCESS **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *GET_DEVICE_NAME) ( EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle, BOOLEAN UseComponentName, BOOLEAN UseDevicePath, CHAR8 *Language, CHAR16 **BestDeviceName, EFI_STATUS *ConfigurationStatus, EFI_STATUS *DiagnosticsStatus, BOOLEAN Display, UINTN Indent ); #define EFI_SHELL_COMPATIBLE_MODE_VER L"1.1.1" ///< string for lowest version this shell supports #define EFI_SHELL_ENHANCED_MODE_VER L"1.1.2" ///< string for highest version this shell supports /** this function gets the shell mode as stored in the shell environment "efishellmode". it will not fail. @param Mode returns a string representing one of the 2 supported modes of the shell. @retval EFI_SUCCESS this function always returns success **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *GET_SHELL_MODE) ( OUT CHAR16 **Mode ); /** Convert a file system style name to an file path This function will convert a shell path name to a Device Path Protocol path. This function will allocate any required memory for this operation and it is the responsibility of the caller to free that memory when no longer required. if anything prevents the complete conversion free any allocated memory and return NULL. @retval !NULL a pointer to the callee allocated Device Path @retval NULL the operation could not be completed. **/ typedef EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL* (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_NAME_TO_PATH) ( IN CHAR16 *Path ); /** converts a device path into a file system map name. if DevPath is NULL then ASSERT This function looks through the shell environment map for a map whose device path matches the DevPath parameter. If one is found the Name is returned via Name parameter. If sucessful the caller must free the memory allocated for Name. this function will use the internal lock to prevent changes to the map during the lookup operation. @param DevPath The device path to search for a name for @param ConsistMapping what state to verify map flag VAR_ID_CONSIST @param Name on sucessful return the name of that device path @retval EFI_SUCCESS the DevPath was found and the name returned in Name. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A required memory allocation failed. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED the DevPath was not found in the map **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_GET_FS_NAME) ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * DevPath, IN BOOLEAN ConsistMapping, OUT CHAR16 **Name ); /** this function will open a group of files that match the Arg path, but will not support the wildcard characters ('?' and '*') in the Arg path. if there are any wildcard characters in the path this function will return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER. the return is a double linked list based on the EFI_LIST_ENTRY linked list structure. use this in conjunction with the SHELL_FILE_ARG_SIGNATURE to get the SHELL_FILE_ARG structures that are returned. The memory allocated by the callee for this list is freed by making a call to SHELLENV_FREE_FILE_LIST. @param Arg pointer Path to files to open @param ListHead pointer to allocated and initialized list head upon which to append all the opened file structures. @retval EFI_SUCCESS 1 or more files was opened and a struct of each file's information was appended to ListHead. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES a memory allocation failed. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND no matching files could be found. @sa SHELLENV_FREE_FILE_LIST **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_FILE_META_ARG_NO_WILDCARD) ( IN CHAR16 *Arg, IN OUT EFI_LIST_ENTRY *ListHead ); /** this function removes duplicate file listings from lists. this is a function for use with SHELLENV_FILE_META_ARG_NO_WILDCARD and SHELLENV_FILE_META_ARG. this function will verify that there are no duplicate files in the list of returned files. any file listed twice will have one of its instances removed. @param ListHead pointer to linked list head that was returned from SHELLENV_FILE_META_ARG_NO_WILDCARD or SHELLENV_FILE_META_ARG. @retval EFI_SUCCESS this function always returns success. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_DEL_DUP_FILE) ( IN EFI_LIST_ENTRY * ListHead ); /** Converts a File System map name to a device path. if DevPath is NULL then ASSERT() This function looks through the shell environment map for a map whose Name matches the Name parameter. If one is found the device path pointer is updated to point to that file systems device path. the caller should not free the memory from that device path. this function will use the internal lock to prevent changes to the map during the lookup operation. @param Name pointer to NULL terminated UNICODE string of the file system name @param DevPath pointer to pointer to DevicePath. only valid on OUT if sucessful @retval EFI_SUCCESS the conversion was successful and the device path was returned. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND the file system could not be found in the map. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SHELLENV_GET_FS_DEVICE_PATH) ( IN CHAR16 *Name, OUT EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL **DevPath ); /// EFI_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT2 protocol structure /// contains pointers to functions typedef struct { SHELLENV_EXECUTE Execute; SHELLENV_GET_ENV GetEnv; SHELLENV_GET_MAP GetMap; SHELLENV_ADD_CMD AddCmd; SHELLENV_ADD_PROT AddProt; SHELLENV_GET_PROT GetProt; SHELLENV_CUR_DIR CurDir; SHELLENV_FILE_META_ARG FileMetaArg; SHELLENV_FREE_FILE_LIST FreeFileList; // // The following services are only used by the shell itself // SHELLENV_NEW_SHELL NewShell; SHELLENV_BATCH_IS_ACTIVE BatchIsActive; SHELLENV_FREE_RESOURCES FreeResources; // // GUID to differentiate ShellEnvironment2 from ShellEnvironment // EFI_GUID SESGuid; // // Major Version grows if shell environment interface has been changes // UINT32 MajorVersion; UINT32 MinorVersion; SHELLENV_ENABLE_PAGE_BREAK EnablePageBreak; SHELLENV_DISABLE_PAGE_BREAK DisablePageBreak; SHELLENV_GET_PAGE_BREAK GetPageBreak; SHELLENV_SET_KEY_FILTER SetKeyFilter; SHELLENV_GET_KEY_FILTER GetKeyFilter; SHELLENV_GET_EXECUTION_BREAK GetExecutionBreak; SHELLENV_INCREMENT_SHELL_NESTING_LEVEL IncrementShellNestingLevel; SHELLENV_DECREMENT_SHELL_NESTING_LEVEL DecrementShellNestingLevel; SHELLENV_IS_ROOT_SHELL IsRootShell; SHELLENV_CLOSE_CONSOLE_PROXY CloseConsoleProxy; HANDLE_ENUMERATOR HandleEnumerator; PROTOCOL_INFO_ENUMERATOR ProtocolInfoEnumerator; GET_DEVICE_NAME GetDeviceName; GET_SHELL_MODE GetShellMode; SHELLENV_NAME_TO_PATH NameToPath; SHELLENV_GET_FS_NAME GetFsName; SHELLENV_FILE_META_ARG_NO_WILDCARD FileMetaArgNoWildCard; SHELLENV_DEL_DUP_FILE DelDupFileArg; SHELLENV_GET_FS_DEVICE_PATH GetFsDevicePath; } EFI_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT2; extern EFI_GUID gEfiShellEnvironment2Guid; extern EFI_GUID gEfiShellEnvironment2ExtGuid; #endif // _SHELLENV_H_