# virtual machine platform hsti driver This driver supports three tests. ## VIRT_HSTI_BYTE0_SMM_SMRAM_LOCK Verify the SMM memory is properly locked down. Supported platforms: * Qemu Q35 (SMM_REQUIRE=TRUE builds). ## VIRT_HSTI_BYTE0_SMM_SECURE_VARS_FLASH Verify the variable store is not writable for normal (not SMM) code. Supported platforms: * Qemu Q35 (SMM_REQUIRE=TRUE builds). ## VIRT_HSTI_BYTE0_READONLY_CODE_FLASH Verify the firmware code is not writable for the guest. Supported platforms: * Qemu Q35 * Qemu PC # qemu flash configuration With qemu being configured properly flash behavior should be this: configuration | OVMF_CODE.fd | OVMF_VARS.fd -------------------------------|----------------|--------------- SMM_REQUIRE=TRUE, SMM mode | read-only | writable SMM_REQUIRE=TRUE, normal mode | read-only (1) | read-only (2) SMM_REQUIRE=FALSE | read-only (3) | writable VIRT_HSTI_BYTE0_READONLY_CODE_FLASH will verify (1) + (3). VIRT_HSTI_BYTE0_SMM_SECURE_VARS_FLASH will verify (2). ## qemu command line for SMM_REQUIRE=TRUE builds ``` qemu-system-x86-64 -M q35,smm=on,pflash0=code,pflash1=vars \ -blockdev node-name=code,driver=file,filename=OVMF_CODE.fd,read-only=on \ -blockdev node-name=vars,driver=file,filename=OVMF_VARS.fd \ -global driver=cfi.pflash01,property=secure,value=on \ [ ... more options here ... ] ```